< Ufunuo 4 >

1 Baada ya mambo hayo nilitazama, nami nikaona mbele yangu mlango uliokuwa wazi mbinguni. Nayo ile sauti niliyokuwa nimeisikia hapo mwanzo ikisema nami kama tarumbeta ikasema, “Njoo, huku, nami nitakuonyesha yale ambayo hayana budi kutokea baada ya haya.”
After all this I looked and saw a door in Heaven standing open, and the voice that I had previously heard, which resembled the blast of a trumpet, again spoke to me and said, "Come up here, and I will show you things which are to happen in the future."
2 Ghafula nilikuwa katika Roho, na hapo mbele yangu kilikuwepo kiti cha enzi mbinguni, kikiwa kimekaliwa na mtu.
Immediately I found myself in the Spirit, and saw a throne in Heaven, and some One sitting on the throne.
3 Aliyekuwa amekikalia alikuwa anaonekana kama yaspi na akiki. Kukizunguka kile kiti cha enzi palikuwa na upinde wa mvua ulioonekana kama zumaridi.
The appearance of Him who sat there was like jasper or sard; and encircling the throne was a rainbow, in appearance like an emerald.
4 Kukizunguka hicho kiti cha enzi palikuwa na viti vingine vya enzi ishirini na vinne, na juu ya hivyo viti walikuwa wameketi wazee ishirini na wanne. Walivaa mavazi meupe, na walikuwa na taji za dhahabu vichwani mwao.
Surrounding the throne there were also twenty-four other thrones, on which sat twenty-four Elders clothed in white robes, with victors' wreaths of gold upon their heads.
5 Kwenye kile kiti cha enzi palikuwa panatoka miali ya umeme wa radi, ngurumo na sauti za radi. Mbele ya kiti cha enzi, taa saba zilikuwa zinawaka. Hizi ndizo roho saba za Mungu.
Out from the throne there came flashes of lightning, and voices, and peals of thunder, while in front of the throne seven blazing lamps were burning, which are the seven Spirits of God.
6 Pia mbele ya kiti cha enzi palikuwa na kile kilichoonekana kama bahari ya kioo, iliyokuwa angavu kama bilauri. Katikati, kukizunguka kile kiti cha enzi, kulikuwa na viumbe wanne wenye uhai, wakiwa wamejawa na macho mbele na nyuma.
And in front of the throne there seemed to be a sea of glass, resembling crystal. And midway between the throne and the Elders, and surrounding the throne, were four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind.
7 Kiumbe wa kwanza mwenye uhai alikuwa kama simba, wa pili alikuwa kama ngʼombe dume, wa tatu alikuwa na uso kama wa mwanadamu, na wa nne alikuwa kama tai anayeruka.
The first living creature resembled a lion, the second an ox, the third had a face like that of a man, and the fourth resembled an eagle flying.
8 Kila mmoja wa hawa viumbe wanne wenye uhai alikuwa na mabawa sita, na kujawa na macho pande zote hadi chini ya mabawa. Usiku na mchana hawaachi kusema:
And each of the four living creatures had six wings, and in every direction, and within, are full of eyes; and day after day, and night after night, they never cease saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God, the Ruler of all, who wast and art and evermore shalt be."
9 Kila mara viumbe hao wanne wenye uhai wanapomtukuza, kumheshimu na kumshukuru yeye aketiye kwenye kile kiti cha enzi, tena aishiye milele na milele, (aiōn g165)
And whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who is seated on the throne, and lives until the Ages of the Ages, (aiōn g165)
10 wale wazee ishirini na wanne huanguka mbele zake aketiye kwenye kiti cha enzi na kumwabudu yeye aliye hai milele na milele. Huziweka taji zao mbele ya kiti cha enzi, wakisema: (aiōn g165)
the twenty-four Elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives until the Ages of the Ages, and they cast their wreaths down in front of the throne, (aiōn g165)
11 “Bwana wetu na Mungu wetu, wewe unastahili kupokea utukufu na heshima na uweza, kwa maana ndiwe uliyeviumba vitu vyote, na kwa mapenzi yako viliumbwa na vimekuwako.”
saying, "It is fitting, O our Lord and God, That we should ascribe unto Thee the glory and the honor and the power; For Thou didst create all things, And because it was Thy will they came into existence, and were created."

< Ufunuo 4 >