< Luka 10 >

1 Baada ya hayo, Bwana akawachagua wengine sabini na wawili, akawatuma wawili wawili katika kila mji na kila sehemu aliyokusudia kwenda baadaye.
Now after these things, the Lord also appointed seventy-two others, and sent them two by two ahead of him into every city and place, where he was about to come.
2 Akawaambia, “Mavuno ni mengi, lakini watendakazi ni wachache. Kwa hiyo mwombeni Bwana wa mavuno, ili apeleke watendakazi katika shamba lake la mavuno.
Then he said to them, "The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he may send out laborers into his harvest.
3 Haya! nendeni. Ninawatuma kama wana-kondoo katikati ya mbwa mwitu.
Go your way. Look, I send you out as lambs among wolves.
4 Msichukue mkoba, wala mfuko, wala viatu, na msimsalimu mtu yeyote njiani.
Carry no money bag, nor pack, nor sandals; and greet no one on the way.
5 “Mkiingia katika nyumba yoyote, kwanza semeni, ‘Amani iwe kwenu.’
Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace be to this house.'
6 Kama kuna mtu wa amani humo, basi amani yenu itakuwa juu yake. La sivyo, itawarudia.
If a peaceful person is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.
7 Kaeni katika nyumba hiyo, mkila na kunywa kile watakachowapa, kwa sababu kila mtendakazi anastahili malipo yake. Msihamehame kutoka nyumba hadi nyumba.
Remain in that same house, eating and drinking the things they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go from house to house.
8 “Mkienda katika mji na watu wake wakawakaribisha, kuleni chochote kiwekwacho mbele yenu,
Into whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat the things that are set before you.
9 waponyeni wagonjwa waliomo na waambieni: ‘Ufalme wa Mungu umekaribia.’
Heal the sick who are in it, and tell them, 'The Kingdom of God has come near to you.'
10 Lakini mkiingia katika mji, nao hawakuwakaribisha, tokeni mwende katika barabara zake mkaseme:
But into whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say,
11 ‘Hata mavumbi ya mji wenu yaliyoshikamana na miguu yetu, tunayakungʼuta dhidi yenu. Lakini mjue kwamba Ufalme wa Mungu umekaribia.’
'Even the dust from your city that clings to our feet, we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the Kingdom of God is near.'
12 Ninawaambia, itakuwa rahisi zaidi kwa Sodoma kustahimili katika siku ile kuliko mji ule.
I tell you, it will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city.
13 “Ole wako Korazini! Ole wako Bethsaida! Kwa kuwa kama miujiza iliyofanyika kwenu ingefanyika Tiro na Sidoni, miji hiyo ingekuwa imetubu zamani, kwa kuvaa magunia na kujipaka majivu.
"Woe to you, Chorazin. Woe to you, Beit Tzaidah. For if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
14 Lakini itakuwa rahisi zaidi kwa Tiro na Sidoni kustahimili katika siku ya hukumu, kuliko ninyi.
But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgment than for you.
15 Nawe, Kapernaumu, je, utainuliwa hadi mbinguni? La hasha, utashushwa mpaka kuzimu.” (Hadēs g86)
And you, Kfar-Nahum, will you be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to Sheol. (Hadēs g86)
16 “Yeye awasikilizaye ninyi anisikiliza mimi; naye awakataaye ninyi amenikataa mimi. Lakini yeye anikataaye mimi amkataa yeye aliyenituma.”
Whoever listens to you listens to me, and whoever rejects you rejects me. Whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me."
17 Wale sabini na wawili wakarudi kwa furaha, na kusema, “Bwana, hata pepo wachafu wanatutii kwa jina lako.”
The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name."
18 Yesu akawaambia, “Nilimwona Shetani akianguka kutoka mbinguni kama umeme wa radi.
He said to them, "I saw Satan having fallen like lightning from heaven.
19 Tazama nimewapa mamlaka ya kukanyaga nyoka na nge na juu ya nguvu zote za adui; wala hakuna kitu chochote kitakachowadhuru.
Look, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will in any way hurt you.
20 Basi, msifurahi kwa kuwa pepo wachafu wanawatii, bali furahini kwa kuwa majina yenu yameandikwa mbinguni.”
Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
21 Wakati huo Yesu akashangilia katika Roho Mtakatifu, akasema, “Nakuhimidi Baba, Bwana wa mbingu na nchi, kwa kuwa umewaficha mambo haya wenye hekima na wenye elimu, nawe ukawafunulia watoto wadogo. Naam, Baba, kwa kuwa hivyo ndivyo ilivyokupendeza.
In that same hour he rejoiced in the Ruach ha-Kodesh, and said, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in your sight."
22 “Nimekabidhiwa vitu vyote na Baba yangu. Hakuna mtu amjuaye Mwana ni nani ila Baba, wala hakuna amjuaye Baba ni nani ila Mwana na yeyote ambaye Mwana anapenda kumfunulia.”
"All things have been delivered to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is, except the Father, and who the Father is, except the Son, and he to whomever the Son desires to reveal him."
23 Basi Yesu akawageukia wanafunzi wake akanena nao faraghani, akawaambia, “Heri macho yanayoona yale mambo mnayoyaona.
Turning to the talmidim, he said privately, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see,
24 Kwa maana nawaambia, manabii wengi na wafalme walitamani kuona yale mnayoyaona lakini hawakuyaona, na walitamani kusikia yale mnayoyasikia lakini hawakuyasikia.”
for I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and to hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them."
25 Wakati huo mtaalamu mmoja wa sheria alisimama ili kumjaribu Yesu, akamuuliza, “Mwalimu, nifanye nini ili niurithi uzima wa milele?” (aiōnios g166)
And look, a certain Law scholar stood up and tested him, saying, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life?" (aiōnios g166)
26 Yesu akamjibu, “Imeandikwaje katika Sheria? Kwani unasoma nini humo?”
He said to him, "What is written in the Law? How do you read it?"
27 Akajibu, “‘Mpende Bwana Mungu wako kwa moyo wako wote, kwa roho yako yote, kwa nguvu zako zote, na kwa akili zako zote’; tena, ‘Mpende jirani yako kama unavyojipenda mwenyewe.’”
He answered, "You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."
28 Yesu akamwambia, “Umejibu vyema. Fanya hivyo nawe utaishi.”
He said to him, "You have answered correctly. Do this, and you will live."
29 Lakini yule mtaalamu wa sheria, akitaka kujionyesha kuwa mwenye haki, akamuuliza Yesu, “Jirani yangu ni nani?”
But he, desiring to justify himself, asked Yeshua, "Who is my neighbor?"
30 Yesu akamjibu akasema, “Mtu mmoja alikuwa akiteremka kutoka Yerusalemu kwenda Yeriko, naye akaangukia mikononi mwa wanyangʼanyi. Wakampiga, wakaondoka, wakamwacha akiwa karibu kufa.
Yeshua answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
31 Kuhani mmoja alikuwa akipitia njia ile, alipomwona huyo mtu, akapita upande mwingine, akamwacha hapo barabarani.
By chance a certain cohen was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 Vivyo hivyo, Mlawi mmoja naye alipofika mahali pale, alimwona, akapita upande mwingine, akamwacha hapo barabarani
In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side.
33 Lakini Msamaria mmoja aliyekuwa akisafiri alipomwona, alimhurumia.
But a certain Samaritan, as he traveled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion,
34 Akaenda alipokuwa na akasafisha majeraha yake kwa divai na mafuta, kisha akayafunga. Ndipo akampandisha kwenye punda wake, akampeleka mpaka kwenye nyumba ya wageni na kumtunza.
came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
35 Kesho yake, yule Msamaria akachukua dinari mbiliakampa yule mwenye nyumba ya wageni na kusema, ‘Mtunze, nami nirudipo nitakulipa gharama yoyote ya ziada uliyotumia kwa ajili yake.’
On the next day, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the host, and said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.'
36 “Ni yupi basi miongoni mwa hawa watatu wewe unadhani ni jirani yake yule mtu aliyeangukia mikononi mwa wanyangʼanyi?”
Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?"
37 Yule mtaalamu wa sheria akajibu, “Ni yule aliyemhurumia.” Ndipo Yesu akamwambia, “Nenda, ukafanye vivyo hivyo.”
He said, "He who showed mercy on him." Then Yeshua said to him, "Go and do likewise."
38 Ikawa Yesu na wanafunzi wake walipokuwa wakienda Yerusalemu, akaingia kwenye kijiji kimoja ambapo mwanamke mmoja aliyeitwa Martha alimkaribisha nyumbani kwake.
It happened as they went on their way, he entered into a certain village, and a certain woman named Martha received him.
39 Martha alikuwa na mdogo wake aliyeitwa Maria, ambaye aliketi chini miguuni mwa Bwana akisikiliza yale aliyokuwa akisema.
She had a sister called Miriam, who also sat at the Lord's feet, and heard his word.
40 Lakini Martha alikuwa akihangaika na maandalizi yote yaliyokuwa yafanyike. Martha akaja kwa Yesu na kumuuliza, “Bwana, hujali kwamba ndugu yangu ameniachia kazi zote mwenyewe? Basi mwambie anisaidie.”
But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she came up to him, and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister left me to serve alone? Ask her therefore to help me."
41 Lakini Bwana akamjibu, “Martha, Martha, mbona unasumbuka na kuhangaika na mengi?
But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things,
42 Lakini kunahitajika kitu kimoja tu. Maria amechagua kile kilicho bora, wala hakuna mtu atakayemwondolea.”
but one thing is needed. Miriam has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her."

< Luka 10 >