< 1 Wafalme 15 >

1 Katika mwaka wa kumi na nane wa utawala wa Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati, Abiya akawa mfalme wa Yuda,
In the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam son of Nebat, Abijah began to reign over Judah.
2 naye akatawala huko Yerusalemu miaka mitatu. Mama yake aliitwa Maaka binti Abishalomu.
He ruled for three years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Maacah. She was the daughter of Abishalom.
3 Alitenda dhambi zote baba yake alizotenda kabla yake; moyo wake haukuwa mkamilifu kwa Bwana Mungu wake kama moyo wa Daudi baba yake ulivyokuwa.
He walked in all the sins that his father had committed before his time; his heart was not devoted to Yahweh his God as the heart of David, his ancestor, had been.
4 Pamoja na hayo, kwa ajili ya Daudi, Bwana Mungu wake akampa taa katika Yerusalemu kwa kumwinua mwana atawale badala yake na kwa kuifanya Yerusalemu kuwa imara.
Nevertheless, for David's sake, Yahweh his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by raising up his son after him in order to strengthen Jerusalem.
5 Kwa kuwa Daudi alifanya yaliyo mema machoni pa Bwana na hakushindwa kushika maagizo yote ya Bwana siku zote za uhai wake, isipokuwa katika habari ya Uria, Mhiti.
God did this because David had done what was right in his eyes; for all the days of his life, he had not turned away from anything that he commanded him, except only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.
6 Kulikuwa na vita kati ya Rehoboamu na Yeroboamu wakati wote wa maisha ya Abiya.
Now there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the days of Abijah's life.
7 Kwa habari ya matukio mengine ya utawala wa Abiya na yote aliyofanya, je, hayakuandikwa katika kitabu cha kumbukumbu za wafalme wa Yuda? Kulikuwa na vita kati ya Abiya na Yeroboamu.
As for the other matters of Abijah, all that he did, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Judah? There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam.
8 Naye Abiya akalala na baba zake akazikwa katika Mji wa Daudi. Asa mwanawe akawa mfalme baada yake.
Abijah slept with his ancestors, and they buried him in the city of David. Asa his son became king in his place.
9 Katika mwaka wa ishirini wa utawala wa Yeroboamu mfalme wa Israeli, Asa akawa mfalme wa Yuda,
In the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of Israel, Asa began to reign over Judah.
10 naye akatawala katika Yerusalemu miaka arobaini na mmoja. Bibi yake aliitwa Maaka binti Abishalomu.
He ruled forty-one years in Jerusalem. His grandmother's name was Maacah, the daughter of Abishalom.
11 Asa akatenda yaliyo mema machoni mwa Bwana, kama alivyokuwa ametenda Daudi baba yake.
Asa did what was right in the eyes of Yahweh, as David, his ancestor, had done.
12 Akawafukuza mahanithi wa mahali pa kuabudia miungu kutoka nchi na kuondoa sanamu zote ambazo baba zake walikuwa wametengeneza.
He expelled the cultic prostitutes from the land and removed all the idols that his ancestors had made.
13 Hata akamwondoa bibi yake Maaka kwenye wadhifa wake kama mama malkia, kwa sababu alikuwa ametengeneza nguzo ya Ashera ya kuchukiza. Asa akaikata hiyo nguzo na kuiteketeza kwa moto katika Bonde la Kidroni.
He also removed Maacah, his grandmother, from being queen, because she had made a disgusting figure out of an Asherah pole. Asa cut down the disgusting figure and burned it at the Kidron Valley.
14 Ijapokuwa hakuondoa mahali pa juu pa kuabudia miungu, moyo wa Asa ulikuwa umejiweka kwa Bwana kikamilifu maisha yake yote.
But the high places were not taken away. Nevertheless, Asa's heart was completely devoted to Yahweh all his days.
15 Akaleta ndani ya Hekalu la Bwana fedha na dhahabu na vile vyombo ambavyo yeye na baba yake walikuwa wameviweka wakfu.
He brought into the house of Yahweh the things that were set apart by his father, and his own things that had been set apart that were made of silver and gold, and vessels.
16 Kulikuwa na vita kati ya Asa na Baasha mfalme wa Israeli siku zote za utawala wao.
There was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel, all their days.
17 Mfalme Baasha wa Israeli akashambulia Yuda na kuweka ngome mji wa Rama ili kumzuia yeyote asitoke wala kuingia nchi ya Mfalme Asa wa Yuda.
Baasha king of Israel, acted aggressively against Judah and built up Ramah, so that he might not allow anyone to leave or enter into the land of Asa king of Judah.
18 Kisha Asa akachukua fedha yote na dhahabu iliyokuwa imeachwa katika hazina za Hekalu la Bwana na za jumba lake mwenyewe la kifalme. Akawakabidhi maafisa wake na kuwatuma kwa Ben-Hadadi mwana wa Tabrimoni, mwana wa Hezioni, mfalme wa Aramu, aliyekuwa akitawala Dameski.
Then Asa took all the silver and gold left in the storerooms in the house of Yahweh, and the storerooms of the king's palace. He put it into the hands of his servants and sent it to Ben Hadad son of Tabrimmon son of Hezion, the king of Aram, who lived in Damascus. He said,
19 “Akasema na pawepo mkataba kati yangu na wewe, kama ulivyokuwepo kati ya baba yangu na baba yako. Tazama, nimekuletea zawadi ya fedha na dhahabu. Sasa vunja mkataba wako na Baasha mfalme wa Israeli ili aniondokee mimi.”
“Let there be a covenant between me and you, as there was between my father and your father. Look, I have sent to you a gift of silver and gold. Break your covenant with Baasha king of Israel, so that he may leave me alone.”
20 Ben-Hadadi akakubaliana na Mfalme Asa na kutuma majemadari wa majeshi yake dhidi ya miji ya Israeli. Akaishinda miji ya Iyoni, Dani, Abel-Beth-Maaka na Kinerethi yote, pamoja na Naftali.
Ben Hadad listened to King Asa and sent the commanders of his armies, and they attacked the cities of Israel. They attacked Ijon, Dan, Abel of Beth Maacah, and all Kinnereth, together with all the land of Naphtali.
21 Wakati Baasha aliposikia hili, akaacha kuijenga Rama na akaenda kuishi Tirsa.
It came about that when Baasha heard this, he stopped building up Ramah and went back to Tirzah.
22 Kisha Mfalme Asa akatoa amri kwa Yuda yote, pasipo kumbagua hata mmoja, kubeba mawe na mbao kutoka Rama, ambazo Baasha alikuwa akitumia huko. Mfalme Asa akazitumia kujengea Geba iliyoko Benyamini na Mispa pia.
Then King Asa made a proclamation to all Judah. No one was exempted. They carried away the stones and timbers of Ramah with which Baasha had been building up the city. Then King Asa used that building material to build up Geba of Benjamin and Mizpah.
23 Kwa matukio yote ya utawala wa Asa, mafanikio yake yote, yote aliyofanya na miji aliyoijenga, je, hayakuandikwa katika kitabu cha kumbukumbu za wafalme wa Yuda? Katika uzee wake, hata hivyo, alipata ugonjwa wa miguu.
As for the other matters of Asa, all his might, all that he did, and the cities he built, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Judah? But during his old age he was diseased in his feet.
24 Kisha Asa akalala pamoja na baba zake na kuzikwa pamoja nao katika mji wa Daudi baba yake. Naye Yehoshafati mwanawe akawa mfalme baada yake.
Then Asa slept with his ancestors and was buried with them in the city of David his father. Jehoshaphat his son became king in his place.
25 Nadabu mwana wa Yeroboamu akawa mfalme wa Israeli katika mwaka wa pili wa utawala wa Mfalme Asa wa Yuda, naye akatawala Israeli kwa miaka miwili.
Nadab son of Jeroboam began to reign over Israel in the second year of Asa king of Judah; he reigned over Israel two years.
26 Akafanya maovu machoni pa Bwana, akienenda katika njia za baba yake na katika dhambi yake, ambayo alisababisha Israeli kuifanya.
He did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh and walked in the way of his father, and in his own sin, by which he led Israel to sin.
27 Baasha mwana wa Ahiya wa nyumba ya Isakari akafanya shauri baya dhidi yake, naye akamuua huko Gibethoni, mji wa Wafilisti, wakati Nadabu na Israeli yote walipokuwa wameuzingira.
Baasha son of Ahijah, of the family of Issachar, conspired against Nadab; Baasha killed him down at Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines, for Nadab and all Israel were laying siege to Gibbethon.
28 Baasha akamuua Nadabu katika mwaka wa tatu wa utawala wa Asa mfalme wa Yuda, naye Baasha akaingia mahali pake kuwa mfalme.
In the third year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha killed Nadab and became king in his place.
29 Mara tu alipoanza kutawala, aliua jamaa yote ya Yeroboamu. Hakumwachia Yeroboamu yeyote aliyekuwa hai, bali aliwaangamiza wote, kulingana na neno la Bwana lililotolewa kupitia kwa mtumishi wake Ahiya Mshiloni,
As soon as he was king, Baasha killed all the family of Jeroboam. He left none of Jeroboam's descendants breathing; in this way he destroyed his royal line, just as Yahweh had spoken by his servant Ahijah the Shilonite,
30 kwa sababu ya dhambi alizokuwa amezitenda Yeroboamu na kusababisha Israeli kuzitenda, tena kwa sababu alimkasirisha Bwana, Mungu wa Israeli.
for the sins of Jeroboam which he committed and by which he led Israel to sin, because he provoked Yahweh, the God of Israel, to anger.
31 Kwa matukio mengine ya utawala wa Nadabu na yote aliyofanya, je hayakuandikwa katika kitabu cha kumbukumbu za wafalme wa Israeli?
As for the other matters concerning Nadab, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the events of the kings of Israel?
32 Kulikuwa na vita kati ya Asa na Baasha mfalme wa Israeli wakati wote wa utawala wao.
There was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel all their days.
33 Katika mwaka wa tatu wa utawala wa Asa mfalme wa Yuda, Baasha mwana wa Ahiya akawa mfalme wa Israeli yote huko Tirsa, naye akatawala kwa miaka ishirini na minne.
In the third year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha son of Ahijah began to reign over all Israel in Tirzah and he reigned twenty-four years.
34 Akatenda maovu machoni pa Bwana, akienenda katika njia za Yeroboamu na dhambi yake, ambayo alikuwa amesababisha Israeli kuitenda.
He did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh and walked in the way of Jeroboam and in his sin by which he led Israel to sin.

< 1 Wafalme 15 >