< Levítico 4 >

1 Y HABLÓ Jehová á Moisés, diciendo:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
2 Habla á los hijos de Israel, diciendo: Cuando alguna persona pecare por yerro en alguno de los mandamientos de Jehová sobre cosas que no se han de hacer, y obrare contra alguno de ellos;
“Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, When a person sins through ignorance against any of the commands of YHWH [regarding things] which are not to be done, and has done [something] against one of these—
3 Si sacerdote ungido pecare según el pecado del pueblo, ofrecerá á Jehová, por su pecado que habrá cometido, un becerro sin tacha para expiación.
if the priest who is anointed sins according to the guilt of the people, then he has brought near for his sin which he has sinned a bullock, a son of the herd, a perfect one, to YHWH, for a sin-offering,
4 Y traerá el becerro á la puerta del tabernáculo del testimonio delante de Jehová, y pondrá su mano sobre la cabeza del becerro, y lo degollará delante de Jehová.
and he has brought in the bullock to the opening of the Tent of Meeting before YHWH, and has laid his hand on the head of the bullock, and has slaughtered the bullock before YHWH.
5 Y el sacerdote ungido tomará de la sangre del becerro, y la traerá al tabernáculo del testimonio;
And the priest who is anointed has taken of the blood of the bullock, and has brought it into the Tent of Meeting,
6 Y mojará el sacerdote su dedo en la sangre, y rociará de aquella sangre siete veces delante de Jehová, hacia el velo del santuario.
and the priest has dipped his finger in the blood, and sprinkled of the blood seven times before YHWH, at the front of the veil of the holy place;
7 Y pondrá el sacerdote de la sangre sobre los cuernos del altar del perfume aromático, que está en el tabernáculo del testimonio delante de Jehová: y echará toda la sangre del becerro al pie del altar del holocausto, que está á la puerta del tabernáculo del testimonio.
and the priest has put of the blood on the horns of the altar of spice-incense before YHWH, which [is] in the Tent of Meeting, and he pours out all the blood of the bullock at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering, which [is] at the opening of the Tent of Meeting.
8 Y tomará del becerro para la expiación todo su sebo, el sebo que cubre los intestinos, y todo el sebo que está sobre las entrañas,
And he lifts up from it all the fat of the bullock of the sin-offering, the fat which is covering over the innards, and all the fat which [is] on the innards,
9 Y los dos riñones, y el sebo que está sobre ellos, y el que está sobre los ijares, y con los riñones quitará el redaño de sobre el hígado,
and the two kidneys, and the fat which [is] on them, which [is] on the flanks, and the redundance on the liver above the kidneys—he turns it aside,
10 De la manera que se quita del buey del sacrificio de las paces: y el sacerdote lo hará arder sobre el altar del holocausto.
as it is lifted up from the ox of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings; and the priest has made them an incense on the altar of the burnt-offering.
11 Y el cuero del becerro, y toda su carne, con su cabeza, y sus piernas, y sus intestinos, y su estiércol,
And the skin of the bullock, and all its flesh, with its head, and with its legs, and its innards, and its dung—
12 En fin, todo el becerro sacará fuera del campo, á un lugar limpio, donde se echan las cenizas, y lo quemará al fuego sobre la leña: en donde se echan las cenizas será quemado.
he has even brought out the whole bullock to the outside of the camp, to a clean place, to the place of the pouring out of the ashes, and he has burned it on the wood with fire; it is burned beside the place of the pouring out of the ashes.
13 Y si toda la congregación de Israel hubiere errado, y el negocio estuviere oculto á los ojos del pueblo, y hubieren hecho algo contra alguno de los mandamientos de Jehová en cosas que no se han de hacer, y fueren culpables;
And if all the congregation of Israel errs ignorantly, and the thing has been hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done [something against] one of all the commands of YHWH [regarding things] which are not to be done, and have been guilty;
14 Luego que fuere entendido el pecado sobre que delinquieron, la congregación ofrecerá un becerro por expiación, y lo traerán delante del tabernáculo del testimonio.
when the sin which they have sinned concerning it has been known, then the assembly has brought a bullock near, a son of the herd, for a sin-offering, and they have brought it in before the Tent of Meeting;
15 Y los ancianos de la congregación pondrán sus manos sobre la cabeza del becerro delante de Jehová; y en presencia de Jehová degollarán aquel becerro.
and the elderly of the congregation have laid their hands on the head of the bullock, before YHWH, and [one] has slaughtered the bullock before YHWH.
16 Y el sacerdote ungido meterá de la sangre del becerro en el tabernáculo del testimonio:
And the priest who is anointed has brought in of the blood of the bullock to the Tent of Meeting,
17 Y mojará el sacerdote su dedo en la misma sangre, y rociará siete veces delante de Jehová hacia el velo.
and the priest has dipped his finger in the blood, and has sprinkled seven times before YHWH at the front of the veil,
18 Y de aquella sangre pondrá sobre los cuernos del altar que está delante de Jehová en el tabernáculo del testimonio, y derramará toda la sangre al pie del altar del holocausto, que está á la puerta del tabernáculo del testimonio.
and he puts [some] of the blood on the horns of the altar which [is] before YHWH, which [is] in the Tent of Meeting; and he pours out all the blood at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering, which [is] at the opening of the Tent of Meeting;
19 Y le quitará todo el sebo, y harálo arder sobre el altar.
and he lifts up all its fat from it, and has made incense on the altar.
20 Y hará de aquel becerro como hizo con el becerro de la expiación; lo mismo hará de él: así hará el sacerdote expiación por ellos, y obtendrán perdón.
And he has done to the bullock as he has done to the bullock of the sin-offering, so he does to it; and the priest has made atonement for them, and it has been forgiven them;
21 Y sacará el becerro fuera del campamento, y lo quemará como quemó el primer becerro; expiación de la congregación.
and he has brought out the bullock to the outside of the camp, and has burned it as he has burned the first bullock; it [is] a sin-offering of the assembly.
22 Y cuando pecare el príncipe, é hiciere por yerro algo contra alguno de todos los mandamientos de Jehová su Dios, sobre cosas que no se han de hacer, y pecare;
When a prince sins, and has done [something against] one of all the commands of his God YHWH [regarding things] which are not to be done, through ignorance, and has been guilty,
23 Luego que le fuere conocido su pecado en que ha delinquido, presentará por su ofrenda un macho cabrío sin defecto;
or his sin wherein he has sinned has been made known to him, then he has brought in his offering, a kid of the goats, a male, a perfect one,
24 Y pondrá su mano sobre la cabeza del macho cabrío, y lo degollará en el lugar donde se degüella el holocausto delante de Jehová; es expiación.
and he has laid his hand on the head of the goat, and has slaughtered it in the place where he slaughters the burnt-offering before YHWH; it [is] a sin-offering.
25 Y tomará el sacerdote con su dedo de la sangre de la expiación, y pondrá sobre los cuernos del altar del holocausto, y derramará la sangre al pie del altar del holocausto:
And the priest has taken of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and has put [it] on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and he pours out its blood at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering,
26 Y quemará todo su sebo sobre el altar, como el sebo del sacrificio de las paces: así hará el sacerdote por él la expiación de su pecado, y tendrá perdón.
and he makes incense on the altar with all its fat, as the fat of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings; and the priest has made atonement for him because of his sin, and it has been forgiven him.
27 Y si alguna persona del común del pueblo pecare por yerro, haciendo algo contra alguno de los mandamientos de Jehová en cosas que no se han de hacer, y delinquiere;
And if any person of the people of the land sins through ignorance, by his doing [something against] one of the commands of YHWH [regarding things] which are not to be done, and has been guilty,
28 Luego que le fuere conocido su pecado que cometió, traerá por su ofrenda una hembra de las cabras, una cabra sin defecto, por su pecado que habrá cometido:
or his sin which he has sinned has been made known to him, then he has brought in his offering, a kid of the goats, a perfect one, a female, for his sin which he has sinned,
29 Y pondrá su mano sobre la cabeza de la expiación, y la degollará en el lugar del holocausto.
and he has laid his hand on the head of the sin-offering, and has slaughtered the sin-offering in the place of the burnt-offering.
30 Luego tomará el sacerdote en su dedo de su sangre, y pondrá sobre los cuernos del altar del holocausto, y derramará toda su sangre al pie del altar:
And the priest has taken of its blood with his finger, and has put [it] on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and he pours out all its blood at the foundation of the altar,
31 Y le quitará todo su sebo, de la manera que fué quitado el sebo del sacrificio de las paces; y el sacerdote lo hará arder sobre el altar en olor de suavidad á Jehová: así hará el sacerdote expiación por él, y será perdonado.
and he turns aside all its fat, as the fat has been turned aside from off the sacrifice of the peace-offerings, and the priest has made incense on the altar for refreshing fragrance to YHWH; and the priest has made atonement for him, and it has been forgiven him.
32 Y si trajere cordero para su ofrenda por el pecado, hembra sin defecto traerá:
And if he brings in a sheep [for] his offering, a female for a sin-offering, he brings in a perfect one,
33 Y pondrá su mano sobre la cabeza de la expiación, y la degollará por expiación en el lugar donde se degüella el holocausto.
and he has laid his hand on the head of the sin-offering, and has slaughtered it for a sin-offering in the place where he slaughters the burnt-offering.
34 Después tomará el sacerdote con su dedo de la sangre de la expiación, y pondrá sobre los cuernos del altar del holocausto; y derramará toda la sangre al pie del altar:
And the priest has taken of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and has put [it] on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and he pours out all its blood at the foundation of the altar,
35 Y le quitará todo su sebo, como fué quitado el sebo del sacrificio de las paces, y harálo el sacerdote arder en el altar sobre la ofrenda encendida á Jehová: y le hará el sacerdote expiación de su pecado que habrá cometido, y será perdonado.
and he turns aside all its fat, as the fat of the sheep is turned aside from the sacrifice of the peace-offerings, and the priest has made them an incense on the altar, according to the fire-offerings of YHWH, and the priest has made atonement for him, for his sin which he has sinned, and it has been forgiven him.”

< Levítico 4 >