< Ester 5 >

1 Y ACONTECIÓ que al tercer día se vistió Esther su vestido real, y púsose en el patio de adentro de la casa del rey, enfrente del aposento del rey: y estaba el rey sentado en su solio regio en el aposento real, enfrente de la puerta del aposento.
Three days later, Esther [prepared a big banquet/feast. Then she] put on the robes that showed that she was queen, and she went to the inner courtyard of the palace, across from the room where the king was. He was sitting on the throne, facing the entrance [of the room].
2 Y fué que, como vió á la reina Esther que estaba en el patio, ella obtuvo gracia en sus ojos; y el rey extendió á Esther el cetro de oro que tenía en la mano. Entonces se llegó Esther, y tocó la punta del cetro.
When the king saw Esther standing there in the courtyard, he extended the gold scepter/staff toward her [to signal that he would be glad to talk to her]. So Esther came close and touched the tip of the scepter/staff.
3 Y dijo el rey: ¿Qué tienes, reina Esther? ¿y cuál es tu petición? Hasta la mitad del reino, se te dará.
Then the king asked her, “Esther, what do you want? Tell me, and I will give you what you want, even if you ask me to give you half of my kingdom!”
4 Y Esther dijo: Si al rey place, venga hoy el rey con Amán al banquete que le he hecho.
Esther replied, “[Your majesty, ] if it pleases you, you and Haman come to the banquet that I have prepared for you!”
5 Y respondió el rey: Daos priesa, [llamad] á Amán, para hacer lo que Esther ha dicho. Vino pues el rey con Amán al banquete que Esther dispuso.
The king said [to his servants], “Go and tell Haman to come quickly to a banquet that Esther has prepared for the two of us!” So the king and Haman went to the banquet that Esther had prepared for them.
6 Y dijo el rey á Esther en el banquete del vino: ¿Cuál es tu petición, y te será otorgada? ¿Cuál es tu demanda? Aunque sea la mitad del reino, te será concedida.
While they were drinking wine, the king said to Esther, “Tell me what you [really] want. I will give it to you, even if [you ask for] half of my kingdom.”
7 Entonces respondió Esther, y dijo: Mi petición y mi demanda es:
Esther replied, “[I will tell you] what I want [most of all. Your majesty], if you are pleased with me, and if you are willing to give me what I am requesting, please come [again] tomorrow to another banquet that I will prepare for the two of you. Then I will tell you [what I really want”].
8 Si he hallado gracia en los ojos del rey, y si place al rey otorgar mi petición y hacer mi demanda, que venga el rey con Amán al banquete que les dispondré; y mañana haré conforme á lo que el rey ha mandado.
9 Y salió Amán aquel día contento y alegre de corazón; pero como vió á Mardochêo á la puerta del rey, que no se levantaba ni se movía de su lugar, llenóse contra Mardochêo de ira.
Haman was feeling very happy as he left the banquet. But then he saw Mordecai sitting at the gate of the palace. Mordecai did not stand up and tremble fearfully in front of Haman, so Haman became extremely angry.
10 Mas refrenóse Amán, y vino á su casa, y envió, é hizo venir sus amigos, y á Zeres su mujer.
However, he did not show that he was angry; he [just] went home. Then he gathered together his wife Zeresh and his friends,
11 Y refirióles Amán la gloria de sus riquezas, y la multitud de sus hijos, y todas las cosas con que el rey le había engrandecido y con que le había ensalzado sobre los príncipes y siervos del rey.
and he boasted to them about being very rich, and about having many children. He also boasted that the king had greatly honored him, and that the king had (promoted him/given him the second-most important job in the empire), so that [all] the other officials had to respect him.
12 Y añadió Amán: También la reina Esther á ninguno hizo venir con el rey al banquete que ella dispuso, sino á mí: y aun para mañana soy convidado de ella con el rey.
Then Haman added, “And that is not all! Queen Esther invited just two of us, the king and me, to a banquet she prepared for us today. And she is inviting [only] the two of us to another banquet that she will prepare tomorrow!”
13 Mas todo esto nada me sirve cada vez que veo al judío Mardochêo sentado á la puerta del rey.
Then Haman said, “But those things (mean nothing to me/do not make me happy) while I keep seeing that Jew, Mordecai, [just] sitting there at the gate of the palace [and ignoring me]!”
14 Y díjole Zeres su mujer, y todos sus amigos: Hagan una horca alta de cincuenta codos, y mañana di al rey que cuelguen á Mardochêo en ella; y entra con el rey al banquete alegre. Y plugo la cosa en los ojos de Amán, é hizo preparar la horca.
So Haman’s wife Zeresh and all his friends [who were there] suggested, “[Why don’t you quickly] set up (a gallows/posts on which to hang someone). Make it 75 feet tall. Then tomorrow morning ask the king to hang Mordecai on it. After that, you can go to the banquet with the king and be cheerful.” That idea pleased Haman [very much], so he gave [men] orders to set up the gallows/posts.

< Ester 5 >