< Salmos 31 >

1 En ti, Jehová, he esperado; no sea yo avergonzado para siempre: líbrame en tu justicia.
For the end, a Psalm of David, [an utterance] of extreme fear. O Lord, I have hoped in you; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in your righteousness and rescue me.
2 Inclina a mí tu oído, escápame presto, séme por roca de fortaleza: por casa fuerte para salvarme.
Incline your ear to me; make haste to rescue me: be you to me for a protecting God, and for a house of refuge to save me.
3 Porque tú eres mi roca, y mi castillo: y por tu nombre me guiarás, y me encaminarás.
For you are my strength and my refuge; and you shall guide me for your name's sake, and maintain me.
4 Sacarme has de la red, que han escondido para mí; porque tú eres mi fortaleza.
You shall bring me out of the snare which they have hidden for me; for you, O Lord, are my defender.
5 En tu mano encomendaré mi espíritu: redimísteme o! Jehová Dios de verdad.
Into your hands I will commit my spirit: you have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.
6 Aborrecí los que esperan en las vanidades de vanidad: y yo en Jehová he esperado.
You has hated them that idly persist in vanities: but I have hoped in the Lord.
7 Gozarme he, y alegrarme he en tu misericordia; porque has visto mi aflicción: has conocido mi alma en las angustias.
I will exult and be glad in your mercy: for you have looked upon mine affliction; you have saved my soul from distresses.
8 Y no me encerraste en la mano del enemigo: antes hiciste estar mis pies en anchura.
And you have not shut me up into the hands of the enemy: you have set my feet in a wide place.
9 Ten misericordia de mí, o! Jehová, que estoy en angustia: hánse carcomido con enojo mis ojos, mi alma, y mi vientre.
Pity me, O Lord, for I am afflicted: my eye is troubled with indignation, my soul and by belly.
10 Porque se ha acabado con dolor mi vida, y mis años con suspiro; háse enflaquecido mi fuerza a causa de mi iniquidad; y mis huesos se han podrido.
For my life is spent with grief, and my years with groanings: my strength has been weakened through poverty, and my bones are troubled.
11 De todos mis enemigos he sido oprobio, y de mis vecinos en gran manera, y horror a mis conocidos: los que me veían fuera, huían de mí.
I became a reproach among all mine enemies, but exceedingly so to my neighbors, and a fear to mine acquaintance: they that saw me without fled from me.
12 He sido olvidado de corazón como muerto: he sido como un vaso perdido.
I have been forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am become as a broken vessel.
13 Porque he oído afrenta de muchos: miedo en derredor, cuando consultaban juntos contra mí, para prender mi alma pensaban.
For I heard the slander of many that lived round about: when they were gathered together against me, they took counsel to take my life.
14 Mas yo sobre ti confié, o! Jehová; dije: Mi Dios eres tú.
But I hoped in you, O Lord: I said, You are my God.
15 En tu mano están mis tiempos: líbrame de la mano de mis enemigos, y de mis perseguidores.
My lots are in your hands: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies,
16 Haz resplandecer tu rostro sobre tu siervo: sálvame por tu misericordia.
and from them that persecute me. Make your face to shine upon your servant: save me in your mercy.
17 Jehová, no sea yo confuso, porque te he invocado: sean confusos los impíos, sean cortados para el infierno. (Sheol h7585)
O Lord, let me not be ashamed, for I have called upon you: let the ungodly be ashamed, and brought down to Hades. (Sheol h7585)
18 Enmudezcan los labios mentirosos, que hablan contra el justo cosas duras con soberbia y menosprecio.
Let the deceitful lips become dumb, which speak iniquity against the righteous with pride and scorn.
19 ¡Cuán grande es tu bien, que has guardado para los que te temen: que has obrado, para los que esperan en ti delante de los hijos de los hombres!
How abundant is the multitude of your goodness, O Lord, which you have laid up for them that fear you! you have wrought [it] out for them that hope on you, in the presence of the sons of men.
20 Esconderlos has en el escondedero de tu rostro de las arrogancias de cada cual: esconderlos has en el tabernáculo de cuestión de lenguas.
You will hide them in the secret of your presence from the vexation of man: you will screen them in a tabernacle from the contradiction of tongues.
21 Bendito Jehová; porque ha hecho maravillosa su misericordia para conmigo en ciudad fuerte.
Blessed be the Lord: for he has magnified his mercy in a fortified city.
22 Y yo decía en mi priesa: Cortado soy de delante de tus ojos: mas ciertamente tú oías la voz de mis ruegos, cuando clamaba a ti.
But I said in my extreme fear, I am cast out from the sight of your eyes: therefore you did listen, O Lord, to the voice of my supplication when I cried to you.
23 Amád a Jehová todos sus misericordiosos: a los fieles guarda Jehová, y paga abundantemente al que hace con soberbia.
Love the Lord, all you his saints: for the Lord seeks for truth, and renders [a reward] to them that deal very proudly.
24 Esforzáos, y esfuércese vuestro corazón, todos los que esperáis en Jehová.
Be of good courage, and let your heart be strengthened, all you that hope in the Lord.

< Salmos 31 >