< Salmos 111 >

1 Alabaré a Jehová con todo el corazón, en la compañía y congregación de los rectos.
I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; in the council of the just: and in the congregation.
2 Grandes son las obras de Jehová: buscadas de todos los que las quieren.
Great are the works of the Lord: sought out according to all his wills.
3 Honra y hermosura es su obra; y su justicia permanece para siempre.
His work is praise and magnificence: and his justice continueth for ever and ever.
4 Hizo memorables sus maravillas: clemente y misericordioso es Jehová.
He hath made a remembrance of his wonderful works, being a merciful and gracious Lord:
5 Dio mantenimiento a los que le temen: para siempre se acordará de su concierto.
He hath given food to them that fear him. He will be mindful for ever of his covenant:
6 La fortaleza de sus obras anunció a su pueblo: dándoles la heredad de los Gentiles.
He will shew forth to his people the power of his works.
7 Las obras de sus manos son verdad y juicio: fieles son todos sus mandamientos;
That he may give them the inheritance of the Gentiles: the works of his hands are truth and judgment.
8 Afirmados por siglo de siglo: hechos en verdad y en rectitud.
All his commandments are faithful: confirmed for ever and ever, made in truth and equity.
9 Redención ha enviado a su pueblo; ordenó para siempre su concierto: santo y terrible es su nombre.
He hath sent redemption to his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever. Holy and terrible is his name:
10 El principio de la sabiduría es el temor de Jehová; entendimiento bueno es a todos los que guardan sus mandamientos: su loor permanece para siempre.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding to all that do it: his praise continueth for ever and ever.

< Salmos 111 >