< San Lucas 6 >

1 Y aconteció que pasando él por entre los panes el segundo sábado después del primero, sus discípulos arrancaban espigas, y comían, estregándo las entre las manos.
One (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), while Jesus was walking through some grain fields with his disciples, the disciples picked some of the heads of grain. They rubbed them in their hands [to separate the grains from the husks], and ate the grain. [The law of Moses permitted people to do that if they were hungry].
2 Y algunos de los Fariseos les dijeron: ¿Por qué hacéis lo que no es lícito hacer en los sábados?
Some Pharisees [who were watching] said to Jesus, “(You should not be doing on our rest day [work] that [our] laws forbid!/Why are you doing on our rest day [work] that our laws forbid?)” [RHQ]
3 Y respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Ni aun esto habéis leído, lo que hizo David cuando tuvo hambre, él, y los que con él estaban?
[Jesus wanted to show them that the record in Scriptures indicated that God permitted people to disobey certain religious laws when they needed food]. [So] he replied, “[It is written in the Scriptures] what [our revered ancestor, King] David did when he and the men with him were hungry. You have read about that, ([but you do not think about what it implies/so why do you not think about what it implies]?) [RHQ]
4 ¿Cómo entró en la casa de Dios, y tomó los panes de la proposición, y comió, y dio también a los que estaban con él; los cuales no era lícito comer, sino a solos los sacerdotes?
David entered God’s big worship tent [and asked for some food]. [The high priest gave him] the bread that the priests had presented to God. It was permitted [in] one of [Moses’ laws] that only the priests could eat that bread. But [even though David was not a priest], he ate some, and gave some to the men who were with him. [And God did not consider that what David did was wrong]!”
5 Y les decía: El Hijo del hombre es Señor aun del sábado.
Jesus also said to them, “[I am] the one who came from heaven, so [I] have the authority [to determine what is right for my disciples to do on] the day of rest!”
6 Y aconteció también en otro sábado, que él entró en la sinagoga y enseñó; y estaba allí un hombre que tenía la mano derecha seca.
Another (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) Jesus entered a (synagogue/Jewish meeting place) and taught the people. There was a man there whose right hand was shriveled.
7 Y le acechaban los escribas y los Fariseos, si sanaría en sábado, por hallar de qué le acusasen.
The men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the Pharisees [who were there] watched Jesus, to see if he would heal the man (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day). They did this so that, [if he healed the man], they would accuse him [of disobeying their laws by working on the day of rest].
8 Mas él sabía los pensamientos de ellos; y dijo al hombre que tenía la mano seca: Levántate, y pónte en medio. Y él levantándose, se puso en pie.
But Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Come and stand here [in front of everyone]!” So the man got up and stood there.
9 Entonces Jesús les dice: Preguntaros he una cosa: ¿Es lícito en sábados hacer bien, o hacer mal? ¿salvar la vida, o matar?
Then Jesus said to the others, “I ask you this: Do the laws that [God gave Moses] permit [people] to do what is good (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), or [do they permit people] to harm [others]? [Do they permit us] to save [a person’s] life [on our day of rest] or to let [him] die [HYP] [by refusing to help him]?”
10 Y mirándolos a todos en derredor, dice al hombre: Extiende tu mano; y él lo hizo así, y su mano fue restituida sana como la otra.
[They refused to answer him. So] after he looked around at them all, he said to the man, “Stretch out your [shriveled] hand!” The man did that, and his hand became all right again!
11 Y ellos fueron llenos de rabia, y hablaban los unos a los otros qué harían a Jesús.
But the men who taught the Jewish laws and the Pharisees were very angry, and they discussed with one another what they could do to [get rid of] Jesus.
12 Y aconteció en aquellos días, que fue a orar en un monte, y pasó la noche orando a Dios.
About that time [Jesus] went up into the hills to pray. He prayed to God all night.
13 Y como fue de día, llamó a sus discípulos; y escogió doce de ellos, los cuales también llamó Apóstoles:
The next day he summoned all his disciples to come near him. From them he chose twelve men, whom he called apostles.
14 A Simón, al cual también llamó Pedro, y a Andrés su hermano, Santiago y Juan, Felipe y Bartolomé,
They were Simon, to whom he gave the [new] name, Peter; Andrew, Peter’s [younger] brother; James and [his younger brother], John; Philip; Bartholomew;
15 Mateo y Tomás, y Santiago, hijo de Alfeo, y Simón, el que se llama Zelador,
Matthew, whose other name was Levi; Thomas; [another] James, the [son] of Alpheus; Simon, who belonged to the party [that encouraged people to] rebel [against the Roman government];
16 Júdas hermano de Santiago, y Júdas Iscariote, que también fue el traidor.
Judas, the [son] of [another] James; and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), the one who later (betrayed Jesus./enabled the Jewish leaders to seize Jesus.)
17 Y descendió con ellos, y se paró en un lugar llano; y la compañía de sus discípulos, y una grande multitud de pueblo de toda Judea, y de Jerusalem, y de la costa de Tiro y de Sidón, que habían venido a oírle, y para ser sanados de sus enfermedades;
[Jesus] came down from the hills with his disciples and stood on a level area. There was a very big crowd of his disciples there. There was also a large group of people who had come from Jerusalem and from many [other] places [in] Judea [district], and from the coastal areas near Tyre and Sidon [cities].
18 Y otros que habían sido atormentados de espíritus inmundos; y eran sanos.
They came to hear Jesus talk to them and to be healed {and for him to heal them} from their diseases. He also healed those whom evil spirits had troubled.
19 Y toda la multitud procuraba de tocarle; porque salía de él virtud, y sanaba a todos.
Everyone [in the crowd] tried to touch him, because he was healing everyone by [his/God’s] power.
20 Y alzando él los ojos sobre sus discípulos, decía: Bienaventurados los pobres; porque vuestro es el reino de Dios.
He looked [MTY] at his disciples and said, “[God] is pleased with you [who know] that you lack what [he wants you to have; ] he will allow you to be the people whose lives he rules over.
21 Bienaventurados los que ahora tenéis hambre; porque seréis hartos. Bienaventurados los que ahora lloráis; porque reiréis.
[God] is pleased with you who sincerely desire to receive what [MTY] [he wants you to have]; he will give you what you need, until you are satisfied. [God] is pleased with you that grieve now [because of sin]. Later you will be joyful.
22 Bienaventurados sois cuando los hombres os aborrecieren, y cuando os apartaren de sí, y os denostaren, y desecharen vuestro nombre como malo, por causa del Hijo del hombre.
[God] is pleased with you when [other] people hate you, when they will not let you join them, when they insult you, when they say that you are evil because [you believe in] me, the one who came from heaven.
23 Gozáos en aquel día, y alegráos; porque, he aquí, vuestro galardón es grande en los cielos; porque así hacían sus padres a los profetas.
When that happens, rejoice! Jump up and down because you are so happy! [God will give] you a great reward in heaven! [When they do these things to you, it will prove that you are God’s servants]. (OR, [People have always treated God’s servants like that].) Do not forget that these people’s ancestors did the same things to the prophets [who served God faithfully]!
24 Mas ¡ay de vosotros ricos! porque tenéis vuestro consuelo.
But there will be terrible punishment for you that are rich; the happiness you have received [from your riches] is the only happiness that you will get.
25 ¡Ay de vosotros, los que estáis hartos! porque tendréis hambre. ¡Ay de vosotros, los que ahora reís! porque lamentaréis y lloraréis.
There will be terrible punishment for you who [think that you] have all that you need now; you will [realize] that these things will not make you feel satisfied. There will be terrible punishment for you who are joyful now; you will [later] be very sad.
26 ¡Ay de vosotros, cuando todos los hombres dijeren bien de vosotros! porque así hacían sus padres a los falsos profetas.
When most [HYP] people speak well about you, trouble is ahead for you; [it will not prove that you are God’s servants, because] your ancestors used to speak well about those who falsely [claimed that they were] prophets.”
27 Mas a vosotros los que oís, digo: Amád a vuestros enemigos: hacéd bien a los que os aborrecen.
“But I say this to each of you [disciples] who are listening [to what I say]: Love your enemies [as well as your friends]. Do good things for those who hate you!
28 Bendecíd a los que os maldicen; y orád por los que os calumnian.
[Ask God to] bless those who curse you! Pray for those who mistreat you!
29 Y al que te hiriere en una mejilla, dále también la otra; y del que te quitare la capa, no le impidas llevar el sayo también.
If someone [insults one of you by] striking you on one of your cheeks, turn your face [so that he can strike] the other cheek [also]. If [a bandit] wants to take away your [(sg)] coat, let him also have your shirt.
30 Y a cualquiera que te pidiere, da, y al que tomare lo que es tuyo, no se lo vuelvas a pedir.
Give something to everyone who asks you [(sg) for something]. If someone takes away things that belong to you [(sg)], do not ask him to return them.
31 Y como queréis que os hagan los hombres, hacédles también vosotros así.
In whatever way you [(pl)] want others to act toward you, that is the way that you should act toward them.
32 Porque si amáis a los que os aman, ¿qué gracias tendréis? porque también los pecadores aman a los que los aman.
If you love [only] those who love you, do not [expect God] to praise you for [doing that] [RHQ], [because] even sinners love those who love them.
33 Y si hiciereis bien a los que os hacen bien, ¿qué gracias tendréis? porque también los pecadores hacen lo mismo.
If you do good things [only] for those who do good things for you, do not [expect God] to reward you [for doing that] [RHQ], [because] even sinners do that.
34 Y si prestareis a aquellos de quienes esperáis recibir, ¿qué gracias tendréis? porque también los pecadores prestan a los pecadores, para recibir otro tanto.
If you lend [things or money only] to those who you expect will give something back to you, do not [expect that God] will reward you [RHQ] [for doing that]. Even sinners lend to other sinners, because they expect them to pay everything back.
35 Amád pues a vuestros enemigos; y hacéd bien, y emprestád, no esperando de ello nada; y será vuestro galardón grande, y seréis hijos del Altísimo; porque él es benigno aun para con los ingratos y los malos.
Instead, love your enemies! Do good things for them! Lend to them, and do not expect them to pay anything back! [If you do that, God will give] you a big reward. And you will be [acting like] his children [should]. Remember that God is kind to people who are not grateful and to people who are wicked, [and he expects you to be like that too].
36 Sed pues misericordiosos, como también vuestro Padre es misericordioso.
Act mercifully toward others, just like your Father [in heaven acts] mercifully [toward you].”
37 No juzguéis, y no seréis juzgados: no condenéis, y no seréis condenados: perdonád, y seréis perdonados:
“Do not say how sinfully others have acted, and then [God] will not say how sinfully you have acted. Do not condemn others, and then [he] will not condemn you [DOU]. Forgive others [for the evil things that they have done to you], and then [God] will forgive you.
38 Dad, y se os dará: medida buena, apretada, remecida, y rebosando darán en vuestro regazo; porque con la misma medida que midiereis, os será vuelto a medir.
Give [good things to others], and then [God] will give [good] things to you. It will be [as though] [MET] [God is putting things in a basket] for you. He will give you a full amount, pressed down in the basket, which he will shake [so that he can put more in], and it will spill over the sides! [Remember that] the way you act [toward others] will be the way that [God] will act toward you!”
39 Y les decía una parábola: ¿Puede el ciego guiar al ciego? ¿no caerán ambos en el hoyo?
He also told [his disciples] this parable [to show them that they should be like him, and not be like the Jewish religious leaders]: “(You certainly would not [expect] a blind man to lead another blind man./Would you [expect] a blind man to lead [another] blind man?) [RHQ] If he tried to do [that], (they would both probably fall into a hole!/wouldn’t they both probably fall into a hole?) [RHQ] [I am your teacher, and you disciples should be like me].
40 El discípulo no es sobre su maestro; mas cualquiera que fuere como su maestro, será perfecto.
A disciple should not [expect to be] better known than his teacher. But if a student is fully trained {if someone fully trains a student}, the student can become like his teacher [MET]. [So you should be content to be like me].
41 ¿Y por qué miras la arista que está en el ojo de tu hermano, y la viga que está en tu propio ojo no consideras?
(Why do you notice [someone else’s small faults]?/None of you should be concerned about [someone else’s small faults] [MET, RHQ].) [That would be like] noticing a speck in that person’s eye. But you should be concerned about [your own big faults. They are like] planks in your own eye, [which you do not notice].
42 ¿O cómo puedes decir a tu hermano: Hermano, deja, echaré fuera la arista que está en tu ojo, no mirando tú la viga que está en tu ojo? Hipócrita, echa fuera primero de tu ojo la viga; y entonces mirarás de echar fuera la arista que está en el ojo de tu hermano.
(You [(sg)] should not say, ‘Friend, let me take out that speck in your eye!’ when you do not notice the log in your own eye!/Why do you say, ‘Friend, let me take out that speck in your eye!’ when you do not notice the log in your own eye?) [RHQ] [If you do that], you are a hypocrite! You should first [stop committing your own sins. That will be like] removing the plank from your own eye. Then, as a result, you will have the spiritual insight you need to help others get rid of the [faults that are like] specks in their eyes.”
43 Porque no es buen árbol el que hace malos frutos; ni árbol malo el que hace buen fruto.
“[People are like trees] [MET]. Healthy trees do not bear bad fruit (OR, bear only good fruit), and unhealthy trees do not bear good fruit.
44 Porque cada árbol por su fruto es conocido: que no cogen higos de las espinas, ni vendimian uvas de las zarzas.
[Just like you] can tell if a tree is good or bad by looking at its fruit, [you can tell which people are good and which are bad by looking at the way they] conduct their lives. [For example, because thornbushes cannot produce figs], no one can pick figs from thornbushes. And [since bramble bushes cannot produce grapes], no one can [pick] grapes from bramble bushes.
45 El buen hombre del buen tesoro de su corazón saca lo bueno; y el mal hombre del mal tesoro de su corazón saca lo malo; porque de la abundancia del corazón habla la boca.
[Similarly], good people will conduct their lives in a good way because they think a lot of good [things], and evil people will live in an evil way because they think a lot of evil [things]. The basic principle is that people speak [and act] according to all that they think.”
46 ¿Por qué me llamáis, Señor, Señor, y no hacéis lo que digo?
“[Because people should obey what their masters tell them], (it is disgraceful that you say that I am your master but you do not do what I tell you!/why do you say that I am your master but you do not do what I tell you?) [RHQ]
47 Todo aquel que viene a mí, y oye mis palabras, y las hace, yo os enseñaré a quien es semejante.
Some people come to me, and hear my messages and obey them. I will tell you what they are like.
48 Semejante es a un hombre que edificó una casa, que cavó y ahondó, y puso el fundamento sobre roca; y habiendo avenida, el río dio con ímpetu en aquella casa, mas no la pudo menear; porque estaba fundada sobre roca.
They are like a man who dug deep [into the ground to prepare to build his house]. He made sure that the foundation was on solid ground. Then when there was a flood, the water tried to wash away the house. But the river could not shake the house, because it was built {he built it} on a solid [foundation].
49 Mas el que oye, y no hace, semejante es a un hombre que edificó su casa sobre tierra sin fundamento, en la cual el río dio con ímpetu, y luego cayó; y fue grande la ruina de aquella casa.
But some people hear my messages but do not obey them. They are like a man who built a house on top of the ground without [digging] a foundation. When the river flooded, the house collapsed immediately and was completely ruined. [So it is important for you to obey what I teach you].”

< San Lucas 6 >