< Oseas 8 >

1 ¡Pon la trompeta en tus labios! ¡Como águila viene contra la Casa de Yavé, porque violaron mi Pacto y se rebelaron contra mi Ley!
[Yahweh said to me], “Blow [MTY] your trumpet [to warn the people]! My people have rejected the agreement that I made with them, and they have rebelled against [obeying] my laws. Therefore, [their enemies] are swooping down on my people’s country like [SIM] an eagle.
2 A Mí clamarán: ¡ʼElohim mío, nosotros te conocemos!
My Israeli people cry out to me, ‘Our God, we know that you are our God!’
3 Pero Israel rechazó lo bueno, el enemigo lo perseguirá.
But because the Israeli people have rejected what is good, their enemies will pursue them.
4 Designaron reyes sin intervención mía. Constituyeron gobernantes sin mi aprobación. Con su plata y con su oro hicieron ídolos para su destrucción.
The Israel people appointed [their last three] kings, but they did not ask me if I agreed to [what they were doing]. They chose their own leaders without asking if I would approve of them. They used their own silver and gold to make for themselves idols, and doing that led them to be destroyed.
5 Él rechaza tu becerro, oh Samaria. Mi ira se encendió contra ellos. ¿Hasta cuándo son incapaces de lograr purificación?
You people of Samaria, throw away your [idol that resembles a] calf! I am extremely angry with you people! How long [RHQ] will you [do things that cause] you to be unacceptable to me?
6 Porque de Israel es aun esto. El artífice lo hizo, no es ʼElohim. ¡Será destrozado el becerro de Samaria!
[Someone in] Israel made that idol for you; [but I am] God and it is not. So that idol of a calf in Samaria must be smashed to pieces.
7 Sembraron viento y cosecharán tempestad. No tendrán cosecha, ni la espiga producirá harina. Y si la produce, extraños la comerán.
[The foolish thing that the people of Israel have done is like] [MET] trying to plant wind; but what they harvest will be like [MET] a whirlwind. So the grain that they planted will have no heads [on the stalks], and as a result [there will be no grain] from which to make flour. And if it did produce good grain, foreigners would [come and] steal it.
8 Israel será devorado. Será una vasija inútil entre las naciones.
[The people of] Israel will be defeated [MET] [by their enemies]; they will be [scattered] among other nations and become worthless.
9 Porque fueron a Asiria y Efraín como asno solitario. j Alquiló amantes.
Like [MET] donkeys that are looking for mates, they have requested [help] from Assyria; they paid money to [the leaders of Assyria] in order to [persuade those leaders to] protect them.
10 Pero aunque alquilen entre las naciones, ahora los reuniré y serán afligidos un poco por la carga del rey de los príncipes.
But although they have agreed to pay money each year to [the leaders of] those countries, I will soon gather them together [to punish them]. The great King [of Assyria] will cause them to suffer greatly.
11 Efraín multiplicó los altares para pecar. Para él son altares para pecar.
Although [the people of] Israel built many altars to present offerings [to their idols] to take away [their guilt for] sinning, those altars have become places where they commit [more] sins.
12 Le escribí las grandezas de mi Ley. Fueron recibidas como cosa extraña.
I wrote many laws for them, but they disregarded them, saying that [they did not have to obey them because] they were different from laws that they had known previously.
13 Aunque en los sacrificios de mis ofrendas sacrifican y coman carne, Yavé no las aceptará. Se acuerda de su iniquidad y castigará sus pecados. Volverán a Egipto.
They offer sacrifices to me, and they eat [some of] the meat of those sacrifices, [which is what I permitted them to do]. But I, Yahweh, am not pleased with those sacrifices. I remember the evil things that they have done, and I will punish them for the sins that they have committed: I will force them to [go to other countries] [and become slaves like they were] [MET] in Egypt.
14 Porque Israel olvidó a su Hacedor y edificó palacios. Judá multiplicó ciudades fortificadas. Pero Yo encenderé un fuego en sus ciudades que consumirá sus palacios.
[The people of] Israel have abandoned/forgotten me, the one who created their [nation]; they have built palaces, and [the people of] Judah have built walls around many towns. But I will send a fire that will destroy all their cities and their fortresses.”

< Oseas 8 >