< Salmos 129 >

1 Cántico gradual. Mucho me han combatido desde mi mocedad, exclame ahora Israel;
A Song of Ascents. Many a time, have they harassed me from my youth, well may Israel say:
2 mucho me combatieron desde mi mocedad, mas no concluyeron conmigo.
Many a time, have they harassed me from youth, yet have they not prevailed against me.
3 Sobre mis espaldas araron los aradores; abrieron largos surcos;
Upon my back, have ploughmen ploughed, They have lengthened their furrow!
4 mas Yahvé, el Justo, ha cortado las coyundas de los impíos.
Yahweh, is righteous, He hath cut asunder the cords of the lawless.
5 Retrocedan confundidos cuantos odian a Sión.
Let all who hate Zion, be ashamed and shrink back:
6 Sean como la hierba de los tejados, que se seca antes de crecer.
Let them become like the grass of housetops, which, before it is pulled up, hath withered;
7 No llena de ella su mano el segador, ni su regazo el que hace gavillas.
Wherewith no reaper, hath filled his hand, nor binder, his bosom:
8 No dicen los transeúntes: “La bendición de Yahvé sea sobre vosotros.” “Os bendecimos en el Nombre de Yahvé.”
Neither have the passers-by ever said, The blessing of Yahweh, be unto you, —We have blessed you in the Name of Yahweh.

< Salmos 129 >