< Proverbios 7 >

1 Hijo mío, ten en cuenta mis palabras, guarda bien dentro de ti mis enseñanzas.
My son, keep my words. Lay up my commandments within you.
2 Presta atención a mis preceptos, y vivirás; guarda mis mandamientos como la niña de tus ojos.
Keep my commandments and live. Guard my teaching as the apple of your eye.
3 Átalos a tus dedos, escríbelos en la tabla de tu corazón.
Bind them on your fingers. Write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Di a la sabiduría: “¡Tú eres mi hermana!” y llama a la inteligencia pariente tuya,
Tell wisdom, "You are my sister." Call understanding your relative,
5 para que te preserve de la mujer extraña, de la ajena con sus lisonjeras palabras.
that they may keep you from the strange woman, from the foreigner who flatters with her words.
6 Estaba yo a la ventana de mi casa, mirando a través de las celosías,
For at the window of my house, I looked out through my lattice.
7 y observando a los necios, advertí entre los mancebos a un joven insensato,
I saw among the simple ones. I discerned among the youths a young man void of understanding,
8 que pasaba por la calle, junto a la esquina, yendo hacia la casa de ella;
passing through the street near her corner, he went the way to her house,
9 era al caer de la tarde, cuando ya oscurecía, en horas de la noche y en la oscuridad.
in the twilight, in the evening of the day, in the middle of the night and in the darkness.
10 y he aquí que una mujer le sale al paso, con atavíos de ramera y corazón falso,
Look, there a woman met him with the attire of a prostitute, and with crafty intent.
11 una de esas apasionadas y desenfrenadas, cuyos pies no pueden descansar en casa,
She is loud and defiant. Her feet do not stay in her house.
12 y que se ponen en acecho, ora en la calle, ora en la plaza, y en todas las esquinas.
Now she is in the streets, now in the squares, and lurking at every corner.
13 Le echa mano y le besa, y con semblante descarado le dice:
So she caught him, and kissed him. With an impudent face she said to him:
14 “Tenía que ofrecer un sacrificio pacífico, hoy he cumplido mis votos.
"Sacrifices of peace offerings are with me. This day I have paid my vows.
15 Por eso he salido a tu encuentro, para buscarte, y al fin te he hallado.
Therefore I came out to meet you, to diligently seek your face, and I have found you.
16 He cubierto con colchas mi lecho, con tapices de hilo recamado de Egipto.
I have spread my couch with carpets of tapestry, with striped cloths of the yarn of Egypt.
17 He perfumado mi dormitorio con mirra, con áloe y cinamomo.
I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Ven; embriaguémonos de amores hasta la alborada, entreguémonos a las delicias de la voluptuosidad.
Come, let's take our fill of loving until the morning. Let's solace ourselves with loving.
19 Pues el marido no está en casa, emprendió un viaje y está lejos,
For my husband isn't at home. He has gone on a long journey.
20 llevando consigo un talego de plata; no volverá a casa hasta el día del plenilunio.”
He has taken a bag of money with him. He will come home at the full moon."
21 Le rinde con la abundancia de sus palabras, le arrastra con los halagos de sus labios.
With persuasive words, she led him astray. With the flattering of her lips, she seduced him.
22 Al punto va en pos de ella, como el buey que es llevado al matadero, cual loco que corre para corregir al necio,
He followed her immediately, as an ox goes to the slaughter, as a stag leaping into a trap,
23 hasta que una saeta le atraviesa el hígado; como el pájaro que se precipita en la red, sin advertir que es una celada contra su vida.
till an arrow strikes through his liver, as a bird hurries to the snare, and doesn't know that it will cost his life.
24 Escuchadme, pues, hijos míos, atended las palabras de mi boca.
Now therefore, son, listen to me. Pay attention to the words of my mouth.
25 No se desvíe tu corazón hacia los caminos de ella, ni sigas errando por sus senderos.
Do not let your heart turn to her ways. Do not go astray in her paths,
26 Porque son muchos los que cayeron traspasados por ella, innumerables los fuertes que le deben la muerte.
for she has thrown down many wounded. Yes, all her slain are a mighty army.
27 Su casa es el camino del scheol, que lleva a la morada de la muerte. (Sheol h7585)
Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbios 7 >