< Muujintii 21 >

1 Oo waxaan arkay samo cusub iyo dhul cusub; waayo, samadii hore iyo dhulkii hore way dhammaadeen; oo baddiina mar dambe ma ay jirin.
Then [in the vision] I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and the oceans no longer existed.
2 Oo haddana waxaan arkay magaalada quduuska ah, taasoo ah Yeruusaalem cusub oo samada ka soo degaysa xagga Ilaah, iyadoo loo diyaariyey sidii aroosad ninkeedii loo sharraxay.
I saw [God’s] holy city, which is the new [city of] Jerusalem. It was coming down out of heaven from God. [The city] had been prepared [and decorated] {[God] had prepared [and decorated the city]} as [SIM] a bride is decorated {decorates herself} [beautifully in order to marry] her husband.
3 Markaasaan maqlay cod weyn oo carshiga ka yeedhaya oo leh, Bal eeg, rugta Ilaah waxay la jirtaa dadka, oo isna wuxuu la degganaan doonaa iyaga, oo iyana waxay ahaan doonaan dadkiisa, oo Ilaah qudhiisuna wuxuu la jiri doonaa iyaga, oo wuxuu ahaan doonaa Ilaahood;
I heard a loud voice that spoke from the throne [of God]. It said, “Listen to this! Now God will live with people. He will live [right in the midst of] them [DOU]! They will be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God.
4 oo isna indhahooda ilmo kastuu ka tirtiri doonaa, oo dhimashona mar dambe ma jiri doonto, oo mar dambena ma jiri doonaan murug iyo oohin iyo xanuun toona, waayo, waxyaalihii hore way dhammaadeen.
[As a result], he will [cause them to no longer be sad. It will be as though he will] [MTY] wipe every tear from their eyes. [None of them] will ever again die or mourn or cry [DOU] or suffer pain, because the former things [that make us sad] will have disappeared.”
5 Markaasaa kii carshiga ku fadhiyey wuxuu yidhi, Bal eeg, wax kastaba cusayb baan ka dhigayaa. Oo wuxuu igu yidhi, Qor, waayo, erayadanu waa aamin iyo run.
Then [God], who sits on the throne, said, “Listen to this! I am [now] making everything new!” He said [to me]: “Write these things [that I have told you], because you can trust [that I will certainly cause them to happen].”
6 Oo wuxuu igu yidhi, Iyagu way ahaadeen. Anigu waxaan ahay Alfa iyo Oomeega, iyo bilowgii iyo dhammaadka. Oo kii harraadsan waxaan hadiyad ahaan uga waraabin doonaa isha biyaha nolosha.
He said to me, “I have finished [doing all the things I needed to do]. I am the one who began all things [MET] and the one who will cause all things to end [MET]. To everyone who is [spiritually] thirsty [MET], I will (freely give/give as a free gift) water from the spring [that causes people] to live [forever].
7 Oo kii guulaystaa wuxuu dhaxli doonaa waxyaalahan, oo anna waxaan isaga u ahaan doonaa Ilaah, isna wuxuu ii ahaan doonaa wiil.
I will give this to every person who is victorious over [the evil powers] (OR, [over Satan]). I will be their God, and they will be my children.
8 Laakiinse kuwa fulayaasha ah, iyo kuwa aan rumaysan, iyo kuwa karaahiyada ah, iyo gacankudhiiglayaasha, iyo kuwa sinaysta, iyo saaxiriinta, iyo kuwa sanamyada caabuda, iyo beenlowyada oo dhan waxaa qaybtoodu ku jiri doontaa badda ay dabka iyo baaruuddu ka ololayaan, oo taasuna waa dhimashada labaad. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
But those who are cowardly, those who do not believe [in me], those [who do] detestable things, those who are murderers, those who sin sexually, those who commit sorcery, those who worship idols, and every liar, will [all suffer] in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. [Anyone who suffers in that lake] will be dying the second time.” (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
9 Markaasaa waxaa yimid mid ka mid ah toddobadii malaa'igood oo haystay toddobadii fijaan oo ay ka buuxeen toddobadii belaayo ee ugu dambeeyey; oo iyana way ila hadashay, oo waxay igu tidhi, Bal kaalay halkan oo waxaan ku tusayaa aroosadda oo ah Wanka afadiisa.
One of the seven angels who had one of the seven bowls that had been full of [the wine/liquid causing] [MTY] the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come [with me] and I will show you [the people who have permanently united with Christ, the one who is like a] lamb! They will be [like] [MET] a bride [for him].”
10 Oo iyana waxay igu qaadday Ruuxa, oo waxay i geeysay buur weyn oo dheer, oo waxay i tustay magaalada Yeruusaalem oo quduuska ah oo samada ka soo degaysa xagga Ilaah,
Then, while [God’s] Spirit [controlled me], the angel took/carried me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed me [God’s] holy city, [the New] Jerusalem. It was coming down out of heaven from God.
11 oo magaaladii waxay lahayd ammaanta Ilaah; oo nuurkeedu wuxuu u ekaa dhagax aad u qaali ah, oo sidii dhagaxa yasbidka oo u dhalaalaya sidii madarad oo kale;
It was shining with his glory. The city was shining like a very precious jasper stone [shines, and] it was clear like crystal.
12 oo waxay lahayd derbi weyn oo dheer; oo waxay kaloo lahayd laba iyo toban irdood, oo irdahana waxaa ka taagnaa laba iyo toban malaa'igood; oo waxaa ku qornaa magacyo, kuwaas oo ah magacyadii laba iyo tobanka qabiil oo reer binu Israa'iil;
[Around the city] was a very high wall. The wall had twelve gates. An angel was at each gate. The names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written {[God] had written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel} over the gates. [Each gate had the name of one tribe].
13 oo xagga bari waxay ku lahayd saddex irdood, woqooyina waxay ku lahayd saddex irdood, koonfurna waxay ku lahayd saddex irdood, galbeedna waxay ku lahayd saddex irdood.
Three gates were on the east [side], three gates were on the north [side], three gates were on the south [side], and three gates were on the west [side].
14 Oo derbigii magaaladuna wuxuu lahaa laba iyo toban aasaas, oo dushooda waxaa ku qornaa laba iyo tobankii rasuul ee Wanka laba iyo tobankoodii magac.
The wall of the city had twelve foundation [stones]. On each foundation [stone was] the name of one of the twelve apostles of [Jesus, the one who is like a] lamb.
15 Oo malaa'igtii ila hadashay waxay haysatay cawsduur qiyaaseed oo dahab ah inay ku qiyaasto magaalada iyo irdaheeda iyo derbigeeda.
The angel who was speaking to me carried a golden measuring rod, in order to measure the city, its gates, and its wall.
16 Oo magaaladuna waxay u dhisnayd afar gees, oo dhererkeeduna wuxuu le'ekaa ballaadhkeeda; oo markaasay waxay magaaladii ku qiyaastay cawsduurkii, oo waxay noqotay laba iyo toban kun oo istaadiyon; oo dhererkeeda iyo ballaadhkeeda iyo sarajooggeeduba waa isla ekaayeen.
The city was square [in shape]; it was as long as it was wide. After the angel measured the city with his rod, [he reported that it was] (1,500 miles/2,400 kilometers) long, and that its height was the same as [its length and width].
17 Oo waxay qiyaastay derbigeedii, oo wuxuu noqday boqol iyo afar iyo afartan dhudhun, sidii ay ahayd qiyaastii ninku, kaasoo ah malaa'ig.
He measured its wall [and reported that it was] ([216 ft./70 meters]) [thick] (OR, [high]). The angel used the measure that people [normally use].
18 Oo derbigeediina waxaa laga dhisay yasbid, oo magaaladuna waxay ahayd dahab saafi ah oo u eg muraayad saafi ah.
The [city] wall was made of [something like the green stone that we call] jasper. The city [itself] was [made of something like] pure gold [that looked] like clear glass.
19 Oo derbigii magaalada aasaaskiisiina waxaa lagu sharraxay dhagaxyo qaali ah oo cayn kasta ah. Aasaaskii kowaad wuxuu ahaa yasbid, kii labaadna wuxuu ahaa safayr, kii saddexaadna wuxuu ahaa khalkedoon, kii afraadna wuxuu ahaa sumurud,
The foundations of the wall of the city were beautifully made with [wonderful stones that are like] precious stones [on earth]. The first foundation [stone was a crystalline stone like] jasper, the second [foundation stone was a blue stone like] sapphire, the third [foundation stone was a green stone like] agate, the fourth [foundation stone was a green stone like] emerald,
20 kii shanaadna wuxuu ahaa sardonug, kii lixaadna wuxuu ahaa sardiyos, kii toddobaadna wuxuu ahaa khirusolitos, kii siddeedaadna wuxuu ahaa berullos, kii sagaalaadna wuxuu ahaa tobasiyos, kii tobnaadna wuxuu ahaa khirusobrasos, kii koob iyo tobnaadna wuxuu ahaa yakintos, kii laba iyo tobnaadna wuxuu ahaa ametustos.
the fifth [foundation stone was a brown and white layered stone like] sardonyx, the sixth [foundation stone was a red stone like] carnelian, the seventh [foundation stone was a yellow stone like] chrysolite, the eighth [foundation stone was a green stone like] beryl, the ninth [foundation stone was a yellow stone like] topaz, the tenth [foundation stone was a green stone like] chrysoprase, the eleventh [foundation stone was a blue stone like] hyacinth, and the twelfth [foundation stone was a purple stone like] amethyst.
21 Oo laba iyo tobankii irdoodna waxay ahaayeen laba iyo toban luul, oo kii kastoo irdihii ka mid ahaaba wuxuu ahaa luul, oo magaaladii jidkeediina wuxuu ahaa dahab saafi ah oo u eg muraayad wax laga dhex arko.
The twelve gates [of the city] were [something like huge] pearls. Each gate was like [it was] a single pearl. The [ground of] the main plaza of the city (OR, The streets of the city) [appeared to be] pure gold [that looked] like clear glass.
22 Oo dhexdeedana macbud kuma arag; waayo, Rabbiga ah Ilaaha Qaadirkaa iyo Wanka ayaa waxay yihiin macbudkeeda.
There was no temple in the city. The Lord God Almighty [himself], and the [one who is like a] lamb, are [there, so there was no need for] [MET] a temple.
23 Oo magaaladuna uma baahna qorrax iyo dayax toona inay dusheeda ka iftiimaan; waayo, ammaanta Ilaah ayaa iftiin u ahayd, oo laambadeeduna waa Wanka.
The city will not need the sun or the moon to light the city, because the glory of God will illuminate the city, and [Jesus, the one who is like a] lamb, will also be its light.
24 Oo quruumuhuna waxay ku dhex socon doonaan iftiinkeeda, oo boqorrada dhulkuna ammaantooda iyaday soo gelin doonaan.
The people of [MTY] the nations will live with the light of the city [shining upon them]. And the kings of the earth will bring their wealth into the city [to honor God and the one who is like a lamb].
25 Oo irdaheedana sinaba looma xidhi doono maalinta (waayo, halkaas habeen ma jiri doono);
The gates of the city will not be shut {No one will shut the gates of the city} [at the end of each day as they usually are shut], because there will be no night there.
26 oo waxay iyada soo gelin doonaan ammaanta iyo cisada quruumaha;
The [people of the] world will also bring their wealth into the city to honor [God and the one who is like a lamb].
27 oo gudaheedana sinaba uma ay geli doonaan wax nijaas ah amase kii sameeya karaahiyo iyo been; laakiinse waxaa keliyahoo geli doona kuwa ku qoran kitaabka nolosha ee Wanka.
No one who is morally impure, no one who does things [that God considers] detestable, and no one who tells lies, will ever enter that city. Only those people whose names are written in the book of the [one who is like a] lamb {whose [names] the [one who is like a] lamb has written in his book}, [the names] of people who have [eternal] life, will be there.

< Muujintii 21 >