< Muujintii 12 >

1 Markaasaa waxaa samada ka muuqatay calaamo weyn, taas oo ahayd naag qorraxda huwan, oo dayaxuna wuxuu ka hooseeyey cagaheeda, madaxana waxaa u saarnaa taaj laba iyo toban xiddigood ah,
Then something very unusual appeared in the sky. It was a woman, whose [appearance and] clothing were [MET] as bright as the sun. The moon was under her feet. On her head was a crown [that was made] of twelve stars.
2 oo uur bay lahayd; wayna qaylinaysay iyadoo foolanaysa oo xanuunsanaysa oo doonaysa inay umusho.
She was pregnant. Then, as she was about to give birth, she cried out because she was suffering pain.
3 Oo haddana samada waxaa ka muuqatay calaamo kale; oo bal eeg waxaa la arkay masduulaa weyn oo cas, oo wuxuu lahaa toddoba madax iyo toban gees, oo madaxyadiisii waxaa u saarnaa toddoba taaj.
Something else very unusual appeared in the sky. It was a huge red dragon. It had seven heads and ten horns. On each of its heads was a royal crown.
4 Oo dabadiisiina waxay soo jiidday xiddigihii samada saddex meelood oo meel, oo waxay ku soo tuurtay dhulka; markaasaa masduulaagii wuxuu is-hor taagay naagtii ku dhowayd inay umusho, si uu ilmaha uga liqo markay umusho.
The dragon’s tail dragged a third of the stars from the sky and threw them to the earth. The dragon set himself in front of the woman who was about to give birth, in order that he might eat her child as soon as it was born.
5 Oo waxay umushay ilmo lab; kaas oo loo xugmay inuu quruumaha oo dhan ul bir ah ku xukumo; oo ilmaheediina waxaa kor loogu qaaday xagga Ilaah iyo carshigiisa.
The woman gave birth to a son, who [is destined] to rule all the nations with [complete authority as if he was using] [MET] an iron rod [MET]. [God] snatched away her child and took him to [rule from] his throne.
6 Oo naagtiina waxay u carartay xagga cidlada, halkaasoo Ilaah iyada uga diyaariyey meel lagu quudiyo kun iyo laba boqol iyo lixdan maalmood.
The woman fled to a desert. She has a place there that God has prepared for her, in order that [the angels] may take care of her for 1,260 days.
7 Markaasaa samada waxaa ka dhacay dagaal, oo Mikaa'iil iyo malaa'igihiisii waxay u soo baxeen inay la diriraan masduulaagii; oo masduulaagii iyo malaa'igihiisiina way la dirireen;
[In the vision I saw that] there was a battle in heaven. Michael and the angels that he [commanded] fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back [against Michael and his angels].
8 kamana ay adkaan, meeshoodiina mar dambe samada lagama helin.
But the dragon did not win the battle, so [God] did not allow the dragon and his angels to stay in heaven any longer.
9 Oo masduulaagii weynaa oo ahaa maskii duqa ahaa hoos baa loo soo tuuray, kaasoo la yidhaahdo Ibliis iyo Shayddaan, kii dunida oo dhan khiyaaneeyey. Waxaa isaga lagu soo tuuray dhulka, oo malaa'igihiisiina hoos baa loola soo tuuray isaga.
The huge dragon was thrown {[Michael and his angels] threw the huge dragon} out [of heaven]. The dragon is the ancient serpent, [the one] who is called the Devil and Satan. He is the one who deceives [people all over] the earth. He was thrown down to the earth, along with all his angels.
10 Oo haddana waxaan samada ka maqlay cod weyn oo leh, Haatan waxaa yimid badbaadadii, iyo xooggii, iyo boqortooyadii Ilaaheenna, iyo amarkii Masiixiisa; maxaa yeelay, kii walaalaheen dacweyn jiray hoos baa loo tuuray, kaasoo iyaga ku dacweyn jiray Ilaaheenna hortiisa habeen iyo maalinba.
Then I heard [someone] in heaven shout loudly, saying, Now our God has saved his people by his power, and he rules everyone! Now the Messiah, the one who is the supreme ruler whom God appointed, has authority to rule all people, because our God has thrown out of heaven the one who accuses our fellow believers! The dragon is the one who accuses them day and night before our God, saying that they have sinned and that God ought to punish them.
11 Oo waxay isagii kaga adkaadeen dhiiggii Wanka iyo eraygii markhaatifuriddooda; oo iyagu naftoodii kalama ay lexejeclaabin xataa dhimasho.
Our fellow believers overcame the dragon because they never stopped trusting (OR, never stopped telling people about) Jesus, and because they trusted in what Jesus, the one who is like a lamb, accomplished when his blood flowed when he died. Even though those believers wanted to live, they were willing to let people kill them for speaking the truth about him.
12 Haddaba samooyinka iyo kuwa dhex degganow, reyreeya. Waxaase hoogay badda iyo dhulka, maxaa yeelay, waxaa idiin soo degay Ibliiskii, oo aad u cadhaysan, oo weliba garanaya in wakhtigu ku yar yahay.
So, all you angels living [MTY] in heaven, rejoice! But terrible things will happen to you ungodly people who [MTY] live on the earth and on the ocean, because the devil has come down to you! He is very angry because he knows that he has only a short time during which he can harm people.
13 Oo masduulaagiina markuu arkay in hoos loogu tuuray xagga dhulka ayuu wuxuu silciyey naagtii ilmaha lab dhashay.
When the dragon realized that he had been thrown {that [the angels] had thrown him} down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to a son.
14 Oo waxaa naagtii la siiyey laba baal oo gorgor weyn si ay uga duusho maskii ilaa meesheedii cidlada ku tiil, halkaasoo iyada lagu quudiyo wakhti, iyo wakhtiyo, iyo wakhti badhkiis.
But the woman was given two wings like the wings of a very large eagle, in order that she might fly to a desolate place. That is a place [that God] has prepared for her. There she was taken care of {[God’s angels] took care of her} for three and a half years. The serpent, [that is, the dragon], was not able to reach her there.
15 Oo maskiina wuxuu afkiisa ka tufay oo naagtii ka daba tuuray biyo ah sidii webi, si uu durdurku u qaado.
The serpent spewed water like a river from his mouth in the direction of the woman, in order that the water might sweep her away.
16 Markaasaa dhulku naagtii caawiyey, oo afka kala qaaday, oo wuxuu liqay webigii masduulaagu afkiisa ka soo tuuray.
But the ground helped the woman [by] opening up and swallowing the river that the dragon spewed out from his mouth!
17 Oo masduulaagii aad buu ugu sii cadhooday naagtii, oo wuxuu u soo kacay inuu la diriro farcankeedii kale oo hadhay oo amarrada Ilaah xajiyo oo Ciise u markhaati furo.
Then the dragon was very angry with the woman, so he went away to fight against [the people who are like] the rest of her descendants. They are the people who obey God’s commandments and who tell other people about Jesus (OR, hold fast to what Jesus taught them).

< Muujintii 12 >