< Matayos 12 >

1 Wakhtigaas Ciise wuxuu sabtidii dhex maray beeraha, xertiisuna waa gaajaysnayd, oo waxay bilaabeen inay sabuulladii jartaan oo cunaan.
During that period of time, on a (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), Jesus [and we] disciples were walking through some grain fields. And because we were hungry, we began to pick some of the heads of grain and eat them. [The laws of Moses permitted people to do that if they were hungry].
2 Laakiin Farrisiintii goortay arkeen, waxay isaga ku yidhaahdeen, Eeg, xertaadu waxay samaynayaan wixii aan xalaal ahayn in sabtida la sameeyo.
Some Pharisees saw us [do what they considered to be work]. So they said to Jesus, [accusing him], “Look! Your disciples are doing [work] that is not permitted [in our] laws [PRS] [for us] to do on our day of rest!”
3 Laakiin wuxuu ku yidhi, Miyaydnaan akhriyin wixii Daa'uud sameeyey goortuu gaajooday, isaga iyo kuwii la jiray,
[Jesus wanted to show them that the record in the Scriptures indicated that God permitted people to disobey certain religious laws when they needed food]. [So] he said to them, “[It is written] {[Someone wrote]} [in the Scriptures] [RHQ] what [our revered ancestor King] David did when he and the men with him were hungry. You have read about that, ([but you do not think about what it implies!/so why do you not think about what it implies]?) [RHQ]
4 siduu gurigii Ilaah u galay oo uu u cunay kibistii tusniinta, tan aan xalaal u ahayn inuu cuno ama in kuwii la jiray cunaan, wadaaddada keliya maahee?
David entered the big tent [where they worshipped] God [and asked for some food. The high priest gave him] the bread that had been {they had} presented [to God]. According to the laws [of Moses], only priests were permitted to eat that bread, but David and the men who were with him ate it. And [God did not consider that what they did was wrong]
5 Ama miyaydnaan sharciga ka akhriyin in wadaaddadii macbudka ku jira sabtida, ay sabtida ka dhigaan wax aan quduus ahayn oo ay ka eed la' yihiin?
Also, think about the laws that [Moses wrote] [RHQ]. He said that [even though] the priests, [by working] in the Temple on our Jewish day of rest, are not obeying the Jewish day of rest [laws], they are not guilty. You have surely read that, [but you do not understand what it means].
6 Waxaan idinku leeyahay, Mid macbudka ka sarreeya ayaa halkan jooga.
Note this: [God allows men to work in] the Temple [on our rest day because that work must be done. But in addition, I] tell you that [I have] more [authority than the authority of] the Temple. So, it is more important for you to obey my teachings than to obey your traditions about our rest day.
7 Haddaad aqoon lahaydeen hadalkan micnihiisa, Waxaan doonayaa naxariis ee ma aha allabari, kuwa aan eed lahayn ma aad xukunteen.
[You should think about] these words [of God in the Scriptures]: ‘I want you to [act] mercifully toward people, and not [just] offer sacrifices.’ If you understood what that means, you would not condemn [my disciples], who have done no wrong.
8 Waayo, Wiilka Aadanahu waa sayidkii sabtida.
[And I want you to know that] I, the one who came from heaven, have [the] authority [to determine what is right for my disciples to do on] the days of rest.”
9 Markaasuu halkaas ka tegey oo wuxuu galay sunagoggooda.
After Jesus left there [that day], he went into a building where we Jews worship God.
10 Oo waxaa joogay nin gacan engegan. Goortaasay weyddiiyeen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Ma xalaal baa in sabtida wax la bogsiiyo? si ay ugu ashtakeeyaan.
[He saw] a man with a shriveled hand there. [The Pharisees thought that Jesus would be disobeying the tradition about not working on the day of rest if he healed the man, so one of] them asked him, “Does [God] permit [us] to heal [people] on our day of rest?” [They asked that question] so that they might accuse him [if he healed someone] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day).
11 Markaasuu wuxuu ku yidhi, Ninkiinnee baa lax leh oo hadday sabtida god ku dhacdo, aan soo qabanaynin oo aan soo bixinaynin?
He replied to them, “Would anyone among you who has [only] one sheep that falls into a hole (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) [just leave it there] [RHQ]? [Certainly not]! You would take hold of it and lift it out right away, [and that would be acceptable work on our day of rest, too]
12 Haddaba nin intee buu ka qiima badan yahay lax! Sidaa darteed waa xalaal in sabtida wanaag la sameeyo.
[Because] sheep are valuable, [their owners may work on our day of rest in order to rescue them. So, because] people are more valuable than sheep, it is certainly right for us to do something good [by healing another person any day, including] our day of rest!”
13 Markaasuu ninkii ku yidhi, Gacantaada soo taag. Wuuna soo taagay, oo way bogsatay sida tan kale.
Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your [withered] hand!” The man stretched it out, and it became normal like the other hand!
14 Laakiin Farrisiintu waa baxeen, oo waxay ka wada hadleen si ay u dilaan.
Then the Pharisees left [the meeting house. They were worried that the people would reject their traditions and would accept Jesus’ teaching instead. So] they met together to plan how they could kill him.
15 Ciise goortuu ogaaday ayuu halkaas ka tegey, oo waxaa raacay dad badan, dhammaantoodna wuu wada bogsiiyey.
Because Jesus knew [that the Pharisees were plotting to kill him], he [took us disciples and] went away from there. Crowds, [including many sick people], followed him, [wanting him to heal them], and he healed them all.
16 Wuxuuna ku amray inaanay cidna u sheegin,
But he told them firmly that they should not tell [other people yet] who he was.
17 si ay u noqoto wixii lagaga dhex hadlay nebi Isayos isagoo leh,
[By acting humbly like that] he fulfilled what was written by Isaiah the prophet {what Isaiah the prophet wrote} [long ago about the Messiah]. [Isaiah wrote] that God said:
18 Eeg midiidinkaygii aan doortay, Kan aan jeclahay oo ay naftaydu ku faraxsan tahay. Ruuxayga ayaan dul saari doonaa, Wuxuuna quruumaha u sheegi doonaa xukunka.
Take note of my servant whom I have chosen, the one whom I love and with whom I am pleased. I will put my Spirit in him, and he will proclaim that [God] will judge the non-Jews justly.
19 Ma uu ilaaqtami doono, mana qaylin doono, Ninnana codkiisa jidadka kama maqli doono.
He will not quarrel [with people], neither will he shout. He will not [teach with] a loud voice in the [main] streets.
20 Cawsduur nabar leh ma jebin doono, Dubaalad qiiqaysana ma demin doono, Ilaa uu xukunka u soo bixiyo libta.
Until he has justly judged [the people who trust in him and] has declared them not guilty, he will not destroy [anyone who is weak like] a smashed stalk [MET], nor will he silence [anyone who is as helpless as] a smoldering [linen] wick [MET, DOU].
21 Oo quruumuhu waxay ku rajayn doonaan magiciisa.
As a result, the non-Jews will confidently expect [that he will do great things for them].
22 Markaasaa waxaa loo keenay jinnoole indha la' oo carrab la', wuuna bogsiiyey, sidaa darteed ninkii carrabka la'aa waa hadlay oo wax arkay.
One day when Jesus was at home, [some men] brought to [Jesus] a man [who, because of being] controlled by a demon {a demon controlled him}, was blind and unable to speak. [Jesus] healed him [by expelling the demon]. As a result, the man [began to] talk and [was able to] see.
23 Kolkaasaa dadkii badnaa oo dhammu yaabeen oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Kanu miyaanu ahayn ina Daa'uud?
All the crowd [who saw it] marveled. They began asking [each other], “Could this man be the [Messiah, the] descendant of [King] David, [whom we have been expecting]?”
24 Laakiin Farrisiintu goortay maqleen, waxay yidhaahdeen, Kanu jinniyada wax kale kuma saaro Be'elsebul oo ah madaxda jinniyada maahee.
Because the Pharisees [and the men who taught the Jewish laws] heard [that the people thought that Jesus might be the Messiah because he had expelled the demon], they said, “[It is not God, but] Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons, who enables [this man] to expel demons [from people!]”
25 Laakiin isagoo garanaya fikirradooda ayuu ku yidhi, Boqortooyo walba oo kala qaybsantaa, cid la' bay noqotaa, oo magaalo walba iyo guri walba oo kala qaysamaa, ma taagnaan doonaan.
But Jesus knew what [the Pharisees] were thinking [and saying]. So, [in order to show them that what they said did not make sense], he said to them, “If [the people in] [MTY] one nation fight against each other, [they] will destroy their nation {their nation will be destroyed}. If [people who live in] the same city or house fight each other, they will certainly not remain [as one group or family].
26 Haddii Shayddaan Shayddaan saaro, waa kala qaybsamaa. Haddaba boqortooyadiisu sidee bay u taagnaan doontaa?
[Similarly], if Satan were expelling his own [demons] [MTY], [it would be as though] he was fighting against himself. (His kingdom would not continue!/How could his kingdom continue?) [RHQ] His rule over them would [certainly] not last!
27 Oo anigu haddii aan jinniyada ku saaro Be'elsebul, wiilashiinnu yay ku saaraan? Sidaa darteed iyagu waxay ahaanayaan xaakinnadiinna.
Furthermore, if [it is true that] Satan enables me to expel demons, is it also true that your disciples [who] expel demons [do so] by [Satan’s] power [RHQ]? [No] So they will show you that you [are not thinking logically].
28 Laakiin haddaan jinniyada ku saaro Ruuxa Ilaah, waxaa idiin timid boqortooyada Ilaah.
But because it is God’s Spirit who [enables] me to expel demons, [that proves that the power of] God to rule [people’s lives] has come to you.
29 Ama qof sidee buu kan xoog leh gurigiisa u geli karaa oo alaabtiisa u dhici karaa, haddaanu kolkii hore kan xoogga leh xidhin? Markaasuu gurigiisa dhici doonaa.
[I will illustrate why I am able to expel demons]. (A person cannot go into the house of a strong man) [RHQ] [But if he ties up the strong man], then he will be able to steal [the things in that man’s] house.
30 Kan aan ila jirin waa iga gees, oo kan aan ila ururin waa firdhiyaa.
[No one can be neutral]. Those who do not acknowledge [that the Holy Spirit enables] me [to expel demons] are opposing me, and those who do not gather [people to become] my [disciples] are causing [those people] to [DOU] go away [from me].
31 Sidaa darteed waxaan idinku leeyahay, Dembi walba iyo cay walba waa loo cafiyi doonaa dadka, laakiin cayda Ruuxa Quduuska ah ka gees ah looma cafiyi doono.
You [are saying that it is not the Holy Spirit who is enabling me to expel demons]. So I will say this to you: [If] those who offend and slander other people in any way are [then sorry and ask God to forgive them, God] will forgive them. But people who discredit what the Holy Spirit does will not be forgiven {[God] will not forgive [people] who discredit what the Holy Spirit does}.
32 Ku alla kii ku hadla hadal Wiilka Aadanaha ka gees ah waa loo cafiyi doonaa, laakiin ku alla kii ku hadla hadal Ruuxa Quduuska ah ka gees ah looma cafiyi doono wakhtigan iyo wakhtiga iman doona. (aiōn g165)
[God is willing to] forgive people who criticize [me], the One who came from heaven. But I [warn you that] those who say evil things about what the Holy Spirit [does] will not be forgiven {[God] will not forgive people who speak evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does]}. They will not be forgiven {[He] will not forgive them} now, and they will never be forgiven {[he] will never forgive them}.” (aiōn g165)
33 Ama geedka wanaajiya iyo midhihiisaba, ama geedka xumeeya iyo midhihiisaba, waayo, geedka waxaa lagu gartaa midhihiisa.
“Think about this: You can know whether [a person is good and what that person says is good, in the same way that you] can know whether a tree [MET] and the fruit it produces [MET] are good. [You can also know whether a person and what that person says is evil in the same way that you can know] whether a tree [MET] and its fruit [MET] are blighted. You can know whether a tree is good by [seeing] its fruit, and similarly [people can know the evil character of you Pharisees by listening to your accusations against me].
34 Dhal jilbisay, sidee baad wax wanaagsan ugu hadli karaysaan idinkoo shar leh? Waayo, afku wuxuu ku hadlaa waxa qalbiga ku badan.
[What] you [teach harms people spiritually like poisonous] snakes [harm them physically] [MET]! You are not able to speak good things because you are evil [RHQ]. Evil people [SYN] [like you] speak what comes from all that is in their (inner beings/hearts).
35 Ninka wanaagsani wuxuu maalka wanaagsan ka soo saaraa wax wanaagsan, kan sharka lihina wuxuu maalka sharka leh ka soo saaraa wax shar ah.
Good people [speak good things. That is like] taking good things out of buildings where they are stored. But evil people [speak evil things. That is like] taking evil things out of buildings where they are stored.
36 Waxaan idinku leeyahay, Eray kasta oo aan waxtar lahayn oo dadku ku hadlo, maalinta xisaabta xisaab bay ka bixin doonaan.
I tell you that on the day when God judges [MTY], he will make people recall every useless word they have spoken, [and he will judge them accordingly].
37 Waayo, hadalladaada ayaa lagugu caddayn doonaa inaad xaq tahay, oo hadalladaada ayaa lagugu xukumi doonaa.
Based on the words that you have spoken, [God] will [either] declare that you are righteous based on the words that you have spoken, or [else] he will condemn you.”
38 Markaas qaar culimmada iyo Farrisiinta ah ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Macallimow, waxaannu doonaynaa inaannu calaamo kaa aragno.
Then some of the Pharisees and men who taught the [Jewish] laws responded [to what Jesus was teaching] by saying to him, “Teacher, we want to see you [perform] a miracle [that would prove to us that God sent you].”
39 Markaasuu wuxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Qarni shareed oo sina leh ayaa calaamo doonaya, calaamona lama siin doono calaamada nebi Yoonis maahee.
Then Jesus said to them, “[You] people [have already seen me perform miracles], but you are evil, and you do not faithfully worship God [MET]! You want [me to perform] a miracle [that would prove to you that God sent me], but [God will enable] you to see only one miracle. It will be [like] what happened to Jonah the prophet [MET].
40 Waayo, sida Yoonis saddex maalmood iyo saddex habeen caloosha nibiriga ugu jiray, sidaasuu Wiilka Aadanahuna saddex maalmood iyo saddex habeen caloosha dhulka uga jiri doonaa.
Jonah was in the stomach of a huge fish for three days and nights [before God caused him to live again]. Similarly, for three days and nights I, the one who came from heaven, will be in a place [where dead people are, and then God will cause me to live again].
41 Nimanka Nineweh waxay xisaabta isla taagi doonaan dadka qarnigan, wayna xukumi doonaan, waayo, waxay ku toobadkeeneen wacdigii Yoonis, oo bal eeg, mid Yoonis ka weyn ayaa halkan jooga.
When [God] judges [all people], the people who lived in Nineveh will stand [in front of him] with [you] people who [have seen me perform miracles]. The [people of Nineveh turned from their sinful ways as a result of hearing what] Jonah preached. [Jonah was important, but I], who am more important than Jonah, [have come and preached to you, but you have not turned from your sinful ways. So] when [God] judges [all people, he] will condemn you.
42 Boqoradda koonfureed waxay xisaabta la kici doontaa dadka qarnigan, wayna xukumi doontaa, waayo, waxay ka timid meesha dhulka ugu shishaysa inay xigmadda Sulaymaan maqasho, oo bal eeg, mid Sulaymaan ka weyn ayaa halkan jooga.
The queen from [Sheba, South of Israel, who lived long ago, came from a distant region in order to listen to King Solomon teach] many wise things. But now [I], [a man] who [is much] greater [and wiser] than Solomon, am here, [but you have not listened to what I have told you]. So at the time when [God] judges [all people], the queen from [Sheba will stand in front of him, along] with you people, and will condemn you.”
43 Jinniga wasakhda leh goortuu ninka ka baxo, wuxuu maraa meelo aan biyo lahayn isagoo nasasho doonaya, mana helo.
“[Sometimes] when an evil spirit leaves a person, it wanders around in desolate areas, seeking [someone in whom it can] rest. If it does not find anyone,
44 Markaasuu yidhaahdaa, Waxaan ku noqonayaa gurigaygii aan ka baxay, oo goortuu yimaado wuxuu helaa isagoo madhan oo xaaqan oo hagaagsan.
it says [to itself], ‘I will return to the person [MET] in whom I used to live.’ So it goes back [and finds that the Spirit of God is not in control of that] person’s [life. The person’s life is like] a house that has been swept clean and everything put in order [MET], [but it is] empty.
45 Markaasuu tagaa oo wuxuu wataa toddoba jinni oo kale oo ka xunxun isaga, wayna galaan oo halkaas joogaan. Ninkaas wakhtigiisa dambe ayaa ka darnaada wakhtiga hore. Sidaasay u noqon doontaa qarnigan sharka leh.
Then [this evil spirit] goes and gets seven other spirits that are [even] more evil, and they [all] enter [that person] and [begin] living there. [So, although] that person’s condition [was bad] before, it becomes much worse. That is what [you] wicked people who [have heard me teach] will experience.”
46 Intuu weli dadkii badnaa la hadlayay, ayaa hooyadiis iyo walaalihiis dibadda taagnaayeen oo doonayeen inay la hadlaan isaga.
While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his [younger] brothers [arrived]. They stood outside [the house], wanting to speak with him.
47 Mid baa ku yidhi, Bal eeg, hooyadaa iyo walaalahaa ayaa dibadda taagan oo doonaya inay kula hadlaan.
Someone said to him, “Your mother and your [younger] brothers are standing outside [the house], wanting to talk to you.”
48 Laakiin wuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi kii u sheegay, Yaa hooyaday ah oo yaa walaalahay ah?
Then Jesus said to the person who told him [that], “([I will tell you something about] my mother and brothers [MET].[/Do you know] who I [consider to be like] my mother and my brothers?)” [MET, RHQ]
49 Gacantiisa ayuu xertiisa ku taagay oo yidhi, Waa kuwan hooyaday iyo walaalahay!
He then pointed toward [us] disciples and said, “These are ones [whom I love as much as I love] my mother and my brothers [MET].
50 Waayo, ku alla kii yeela doonista Aabbahayga jannada ku jira, kaasaa walaalkay iyo walaashay iyo hooyaday ah.
Those who do what [God] my Father [who is] in heaven wants, are [as dear to me] [MET] [as] my brother, my sister, or my mother.”

< Matayos 12 >