< Xaakinnada 18 >

1 Waagaas reer binu Israa'iil boqor ma ay lahayn; oo qabiilkii reer Daan waxay wakhtigaas doonayeen dal dhaxal u ah oo ay degaan; waayo, ilaa maalintaas dhaxal kama ay helin qabiilooyinka reer binu Israa'iil.
In those days there was no king in Israel, and the tribe of Dan sought them an inheritance to dwell in: for unto that day they had not received their lot among the other tribes.
2 Markaasay reer Daan qabiilkoodii oo dhan ka direen shan nin oo xoog leh, oo waxay ka direen Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool, inay dalka soo basaasaan oo ay soo baadhaan; oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Taga oo dalka soo baadha. Markaasay yimaadeen gurigii Miikaah oo ku yiil dalkii buuraha lahaa oo reer Efrayim, oo meeshaasay u hoydeen.
So the children of Dan sent five most valiant men of their stock and family from Saraa and Esthaol, to spy out the land, and to view it diligently: and they said to them: Go, and view the land. They went on their way, and when they came to mount Ephraim, they went into the house of Michas, and rested there:
3 Oo markay gurigii Miikaah ag joogeen ayay garteen codkii ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa oo reer Laawi. Markaasay halkaas ku leexdeen, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War yaa halkan ku keenay? Oo maxaad ka samaysaa meeshan? Maxaadse ku haysataa halkan?
And knowing the voice of the young man the Levite, and lodging with him, they said to him: Who brought thee hither? what dost thou here? why wouldst thou come hither?
4 Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi iyagii, Sidan iyo sidaas ayaa Miikaah ii sameeyey, wuuna i kiraystay, oo anna waxaan noqday wadaadkiisii.
He answered them: Michas hath done such and such things for me, and hath hired me to be his priest.
5 Oo iyana waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Waannu ku baryaynaaye, bal Ilaah talo noo weyddii, inaannu ogaanno bal inaannu jidkayaga aan ku soconno ku soo liibaanayno iyo in kale.
Then they desired him to consult the Lord, that they might know whether their journey should be prosperous, and the thing should have effect.
6 Markaasuu wadaadkii ku yidhi, Nabad ku taga; waayo, jidka aad ku socotaan wuxuu hor yaallaa Rabbiga.
He answered them: Go in peace, the Lord looketh on your way, and the journey that you go.
7 Markaasay shantii nin tageen, oo yimaadeen Layish oo waxay arkeen dadkii halkaa joogay oo ammaan ku deggan siday reer Siidoon u xasilloonaayeen oo ammaan u ahaayeen oo kale; waayo, dalka laguma arag wax amar haysta, oo ka xishoodsiinaya, oo reer Siidoonna way ka fogaayeen, oo ninnaba lama ay macaamiloon jirin.
So the five men going on came to Lais: and they saw how the people dwelt therein without any fear, according to the custom of the Sidonians, secure and easy, having no man at all to oppose them, being very rich, and living separated, at a distance from Sidon and from all men.
8 Markaasay nimankii walaalahood ugu yimaadeen Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool. Kolkaasaa walaalahood waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War bal warrama.
And they returned to their brethren in Saraa and Esthaol, who asked them what they had done? to whom they answered:
9 Oo iyana waxay ku yidhaahdeen, War kaca oo ina keena aynu ku duullee, waayo, waannu soo aragnay dalkii, oo aad buu u wanaagsan yahay. Miyaad iska aamusnaanaysaan? War ha ka caajisina inaad tagtaan oo aad dalka gashaan oo dhaxashaan.
Arise, and let us go up to them: for we have seen the land which is exceeding rich and fruitful: neglect not, lose no time: let us go and possess it, there will be no difficulty.
10 Markaad tagtaan waxaad u tegi doontaan dad ammaan ah, oo dalkuna waa ballaadhan yahay; waayo, Ilaah gacantuu idiin geliyey, oo waa meel aan waxba looga baahnayn waxa dhulka laga helo oo dhan.
We shall come to a people that is secure, into a spacious country, and the Lord will deliver the place to us, in which there is no want of any thing that groweth on the earth.
11 Markaas reer Daan waxaa halkaas kaga bixitimay oo Sorcaah iyo Eshtaa'ool ka tegey lix boqol oo nin oo hubkii dagaalka xidhan.
There went therefore of the kindred of Dan, to wit, from Saraa and Esthaol, six hundred men, furnished with arms for war,
12 Markaasay baxeen oo degeen Qiryad Yecaariim oo ku taal Yahuudah; sidaas daraaddeed meeshaas waxay u bixiyeen Maxaneh Daan, oo ilaa maanta waa la yidhaahdaa; oo waxay ka dambaysaa Qiryad Yecaariim.
And going up they lodged in Cariathiarim of Juda: which place from that time is called the camp of Dan, and is behind Cariathiarim.
13 Oo halkaasna way ka tageen oo waxay u kaceen dalkii buuraha lahaa oo reer Efrayim, markaasay yimaadeen gurigii Miikaah.
From thence they passed into mount Ephraim. And when they were come to the house of Michas,
14 Kolkaasaa shantii nin oo waddanka Layish soo basaastay waxay ku jawaabeen oo walaalahood ku yidhaahdeen, War ma og tihiin inay guryahan ku jiraan eefod iyo teraafiim, iyo sanam xardhan iyo sanam la shubay? Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed ka fiirsada waxaad samayn lahaydeen.
The five men, that before had been sent to view the land of Lais, said to the rest of their brethren: You know that in these houses there is an ephod, and theraphim, and a graven, and a molten god: see what you are pleased to do.
15 Oo intay halkaas ku soo leexdeen ayay yimaadeen gurigii ninkii dhallinyarada ahaa oo reer Laawi, kaasoo ahaa gurigii Miikaah, wayna nabdaadiyeen.
And when they had turned a little aside, they went into the house of the young man the Levite, who was in the house of Michas: and they saluted him with words of peace.
16 Markaasay lixdii boqol oo nin ee hubka dagaalka xidhnayd ee ahaa reer Daan ag istaageen iridda laga soo galo.
And the six hundred men stood before the door, appointed with their arms.
17 Markaasay shantii nin oo dalka soo basaastay yimaadeen oo gudaha galeen, oo waxay soo qaateen sanamkii xardhanaa, iyo eefodkii, iyo teraafiimkii, iyo sanamkii la shubay; oo wadaadkiina wuxuu iridda laga soo galo isla taagay lixdii boqol oo nin ee xidhnayd hubka dagaalka.
But they that were gone into the house of the young man, went about to take away the graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten god, and the priest stood before the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not far off.
18 Oo kuwaasu markay galeen gurigii Miikaah, oo ay soo qaateen sanamkii xardhanaa, iyo eefodkii, iyo teraafiimkii, iyo sanamkii la shubay, ayuu wadaadkii ku yidhi, War maxaad samaynaysaan?
So they that were gone in took away the graven thing, the ephod, and the idols, and the molten god. And the priest said to them: What are you doing?
19 Oo iyana waxay isagii ku yidhaahdeen, Iska aamus, oo gacanta afka saar, ee haddaba na soo raac, oo noo noqo aabbe iyo wadaad; bal kee baa kuu roon, inaad nin keliya reerkiis wadaad u ahaatid, iyo inaad wadaad u ahaatid qabiil iyo jilib reer binu Israa'iil ka mid ah?
And they said to him: Hold thy peace and put thy finger on thy mouth and come with us, that we may have thee for a father, and a priest. Whether is better for thee, to be a priest in the house of one man, or in a tribe and family in Israel?
20 Markaasuu wadaadkii qalbiga ka farxay, oo qaaday eefodkii iyo teraafiimkii, iyo sanamkii xardhanaa, oo wuxuu dhex galay dadka.
When he had heard this, he agreed to their words, and took the ephod, and the idols, and the graven god, and departed with them.
21 Markaasay noqdeen oo tageen, oo waxay iska horraysiiyeen dhallaankii, iyo xoolihii iyo alaabtii.
And when they were going forward, and had put before them the children and the cattle and all that was valuable,
22 Oo markay ka fogaadeen gurigii Miikaah ayaa raggii joogay guryihii u dhowaa gurigii Miikaah soo wada ururay, oo waxay gaadheen reer Daan.
And were now at a distance from the house of Michas, the men that dwelt in the houses of Michas gathering together followed them,
23 Oo waxay u dhawaaqeen reer Daan. Iyana intay ku soo jeesteen ayay Miikaah ku yidhaahdeen, War maxaa kaa qaylisiinaya oo aad guutada caynkan ah u soo kaxaysatay?
And began to shout out after them. They looked back, and said to Michas: What aileth thee? Why dost thou cry?
24 Isna wuxuu yidhi, Waxaad iga qaadateen ilaahyadaydii aan sameeyey, iyo wadaadkaygii, oo waad tagteen, haddaba maxaan kaloo haystaa? Haddaba sidee baad ii leedihiin, War maxaa kaa qaylisiinaya?
And he answered: You have taken away my gods which I have made me and the priest, and all that I have, and do you say: What aileth thee?
25 Markaasay reer Daan ku yidhaahdeen, War hoy, codkaaga yaan dhexdayada laga maqlin, waaba intaasoo ay ragga cadhaysanu ku dilaan, oo aad weydaa naftaada iyo nafta reerkaagaba.
And the children of Dan said to him: See thou say no more to us, lest men enraged come upon thee, and thou perish with all thy house.
26 Markaasay reer Daan iska tageen. Oo Miikaahna markuu arkay inay aad uga xoog badan yihiin ayuu iska noqday oo gurigiisii tegey.
And so they went on the journey they had begun. But Michas seeing that they were stronger than he, returned to his house.
27 Oo iyana waxay la tageen wixii Miikaah sameeyey, iyo wadaadkiisii, markaasay yimaadeen Layish, iyo dad xasilloon oo ammaan u fadhiya, oo waxay ku laayeen seef; oo magaaladiina dab bay ku gubeen.
And the six hundred men took the priest, and the things we spoke of before, and came to Lais to a people that was quiet and secure, and smote them with the edge of the sword: and the city was burnt with fire,
28 Oo badbaadiyena ma ay lahayn, maxaa yeelay, Siidoon way ka fogayd, oo ninnaba lama ay macaamiloon jirin; oo waxay ku tiil dooxada u dhow Beytrexob. Oo iyana intay magaaladii dhiseen ayay degeen.
There being no man at all who brought them any succour, because they dwelt far from Sidon, and had no society or business with any man. And the city was in the land of Rohob: and they rebuilt it and dwelt therein.
29 Oo magaaladii magaceediina waxay u bixiyeen Daan, oo waxay ku sammiyeen magicii awowgood Daan, kii u dhashay Israa'iil; habase yeeshee magaalada magaceedu wuxuu markii hore ahaa Layish.
Calling the name of the city Dan after the name of their father, who was the son of Israel, which before was called Lais.
30 Markaasay reer Daan qotonsadeen sanamkii xardhanaa; oo Yoonaataan oo ahaa ina Gershoom oo ina Muuse ahaa iyo wiilashiisiiba waxay wadaaddo u ahaayeen qabiilkii reer Daan ilaa wakhtigii dalka la qabsaday.
And they set up to themselves the graven idol, and Jonathan the son of Gersam the son of Moses, he and his sons were priests in the tribe of Dan, until the day of their captivity.
31 Oo waxay qotonsadeen sanamkii xardhanaa oo Miikaah sameeyey, oo intii guriga Ilaah Shiiloh ku yiil oo dhan ayuu oolli jiray.
And the idol of Michas remained with them all the time that the house of God was in Silo. In those days there was no king in Israel.

< Xaakinnada 18 >