< Yacquub 1 >

1 Yacquub, oo ah addoonkii Ilaah iyo Rabbi Ciise Masiix, wuxuu salaan gaadhsiinayaa laba iyo tobanka qolo oo kala firidhsan.
[I], James, am a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. [I am writing this letter] to [all] the Jewish people [who trust in Christ] (OR, to all God’s people) who are scattered throughout the world. [I send my] greetings to [you all].
2 Walaalahayow, kolkaad jirrabaaddo kala cayncayn ah kala kulantaan, kulli farxad u tirsada,
My fellow believers, rejoice greatly, [even] when you experience various kinds of difficulties/troubles.
3 idinkoo og tijaabinta rumaysadkiinnu inay dulqaadasho keento.
[God sometimes allows you to experience difficulties in order to] test whether or not you will continue to trust [him. Whenever that happens, you need to] realize more and more that [if you continue to trust him], you will be able to bravely/patiently endure difficulties.
4 Oo dulqaadashadu ha dhammayso shuqulkeeda si aad kaamil u ahaataan oo aad u dhanaataan, oo aydnaan waxba ugu baahnaan.
Keep on enduring difficulties [bravely/patiently by trusting God more and more firmly] [PRS], in order that you may become all that he intends you to be [DOU] (OR, [spiritually] mature and complete), not lacking (any [good quality/anything you need to conduct your lives as God wants you to]).
5 Laakiin haddii midkiin xigmad u baahan yahay, ha ka baryo Ilaah, kan kulli si deeqsinimo ah u siiya isagoo aan canaanan, oo waa la siin doonaaye.
If anyone of you does not know how to act wisely [in order to endure difficulties/trials well], he should ask God [to show him what he should do, because] God wholeheartedly/gladly helps all people [who ask] and does not scold [anyone for asking. Those who ask], God will give them wisdom to know [what they should do].
6 Laakiin rumaysad ha ku baryo, isagoo aan shakiyayn, waayo, kii shakiyaa wuxuu la mid yahay hirka badda oo dabayshu kaxayso oo rogrogto.
But [when you] ask [God], you should firmly trust him. You should not doubt [that he wants to help you always], because people who keep doubting God are [unstable/changeable] [SIM] like a wave of the sea that is blown back and forth by the wind {that goes back and forth when the wind blows} [DOU, SIM].
7 Ninkaasu yuusan u malayn inuu Rabbiga wax ka heli doono.
Indeed, people [who doubt] should not think that the Lord [God] will do anything [that they request him to do],
8 Labaqalbiiluhu wuu ka rogrogmadaa socodkiisa oo dhan.
[because they are] people who cannot decide [whether they will commit themselves to God, and they are] unstable/undecided in everything that they do.
9 Walaalkii hooseeyaa ha ku faano sarraysiintiisa,
Believers who are poor should be happy [that God] considers them very valuable (OR, has exalted them [spiritually]) [MTY].
10 kii taajir ahuna ha ku faano hoosaysiintiisa, waayo, wuxuu u idlaan doonaa sida ubaxa cawska.
And [believers] who are rich should be happy [that] they have humbled themselves [in order to trust in Jesus Christ] (OR, but rich people [can only] take pride [in the fact that God] will humble them [when he judges everyone] [IRO]), because they [and their riches] [MTY] will pass away, just like wild flowers [wither] [SIM].
11 Qorraxdu waxay la soo baxdaa kulaylka, wayna engejisaa cawska, oo ubaxiisuna wuu daataa, quruxda midabkiisuna way ka luntaa; sidaas oo kale ayaa taajirku ugu lumi doonaa socodkiisa.
When the sun rises, the scorching hot wind dries plants, and their flowers fall and are no longer beautiful. Similarly, rich people will die [MET] while they are busy working, [leaving behind their riches].
12 Waxaa barakaysan ninka jirrabaadda u sii adkaysta, waayo, goortii loo bogo, wuxuu heli doonaa taajka nolosha kan Ilaah u ballanqaaday kuwa isaga jecel.
[God] is pleased with people who bravely/patiently endure difficulties. And when, [by bravely enduring difficulties], they have proved [that they truly trust him], he will give them [eternal] life. That is the reward [MET] that he has promised to give to those who love him.
13 Midna yuu odhanin kolkii la jirrabo, Xagga Ilaah baa layga jirrabay. Waayo, Ilaah laguma jirrabo shar, isaguna midna ma jirrabo.
If people are tempted to do something that is evil, they should not think that it is God who is tempting them, because [God is totally/completely good]. He never tempts anyone [to do what is evil], nor can he ever be tempted to [do anything] evil.
14 Mid kasta waxaa jirraba damaciisa sharka ah isagoo la jiidanayo oo la sasabayo.
But people strongly desire to do evil [PRS] things, [and as a result] they are tempted by those desires {those desires stimulate them} to do something evil [PRS, DOU].
15 Dabadeed damacu kolkuu uuraysto wuxuu dhalaa dembi, dembiguna kolkuu weynaado wuxuu keenaa dhimasho.
Then, [because] they have desired [MET] to do evil [PRS] things, they begin to [MET] do [PRS] them. And when they have become ones who [habitually] do what is evil [MET], [if they do not turn away from their sinful behavior], they will be separated from God forever.
16 Yaan laydin khiyaanayn, walaalahayga aan jeclahayow.
My fellow believers whom I love, stop deceiving yourselves, [thinking that God does evil things].
17 Hadiyad kasta oo wanaagsan iyo hibo kasta oo kaamil ah kor bay ka timaadaa iyadoo ka soo degaysa xagga Aabbaha nuurarka isagoo aan lahayn rogrogmad ama hoos laallaabasho.
[The truth is that God], our heavenly Father [MTY], does only good [DOU] things [for us, in order to help us become] all that he intends us to be. He is not like all the things [in the sky] that he created to give light, [because they] change; [that is, they do not shine the same all the time]. But God never changes. [He is always good].
18 Isagoo doonaya ayuu hadalka runta ah inagu dhalay si aynu u noqonno midhaha ugu horreeya oo uunkiisa.
[And because] he wanted [to help us], he gave us [spiritual] life as a result of our [trusting in his] true message. So now we have become the first ones of [all the people] [MET] that he created [to] ([be totally dedicated to/completely belong to]) [him].
19 Waad garanaysaan tan, walaalahayga aan jeclahayow. Laakiin nin walba ha u dhaqsado maqlinta, oo ha u gaabiyo hadalka, cadhadana ha u gaabiyo;
My fellow believers whom I love, you know (OR, I want you to now) that every one of you should be eager to pay attention to [God’s true message]. Don’t speak [without thinking], nor get angry easily,
20 waayo, dad cadhadiisu ma keento xaqnimada Ilaah.
because when any one [of you gets] angry, you will not be doing the righteous things that God [wants] you [to do].
21 Sidaas daraaddeed iska fogeeya wasakhnimada oo dhan iyo badnaanta xumaanta; oo qabownimo ku qaata hadalka laydinku tallaalay, kan naftiinna badbaadin kara.
So stop doing all kinds of evil [DOU] things, and humbly obey (OR, submit to) the message that [God] put in your (inner beings/hearts), [because] he is able to save you [SYN] [if you accept his message].
22 Noqda kuwa hadalka yeela, oo ha ahaanina kuwa maqla oo keliya oo nafsaddooda khiyaaneeya.
Do [what God commands in] his message. Do not only listen [to it, because people who only listen to it and do not obey it] are wrong when they think [that God will save them].
23 Waayo, haddii mid yahay kan hadalka maqla oo keliya, oo uusan ahayn kan yeela, wuxuu la mid yahay nin wejiga abuuristiisa muraayad ku fiirinaya.
Some people hear God’s message but do not do [what it says] [MET]. They are like someone who looks at his face in a mirror [SIM].
24 Waayo, wuu isfiiriyaa, oo iska tagaa, oo markiiba is-illoobaa siduu ahaa.
Although he looks at himself, he goes away [from the mirror] and immediately forgets what he looks like.
25 Laakiin kii fiiriya sharciga kaamilka iyo xorriyadda ah oo ku sii socda, isagoo aan ahayn kan maqla oo illooba laakiin kan shuqulka yeela, kaasu waa ku barakaysnaan doonaa yeeliddiisa.
But other people look closely at [God’s] message, which is perfect and which sets people free [to voluntarily do what God wants them to do]. And if they continue [to examine God’s message] and do not just hear it and then forget it, but do [what God tells them to do], God will bless them because of what they do.
26 Haddii mid isu maleeyo inuu cibaado badan yahay, oo uusan afkiisa xakamayn, laakiin uu qalbigiisa khiyaaneeyo, kaas cibaadadiisu waa wax aan waxtar lahayn.
Some people think that they worship God in the right way, but they habitually say evil things [MTY]. Those people are wrong in thinking [SYN] [that they worship God rightly]. The fact is [that they] worship God (in vain/uselessly).
27 Cibaado daahir ah oo aan nijaas lahayn Ilaaha Aabbaha ah hortiisa waxay tahay in la xannaaneeyo agoonta iyo carmallada markay dhib ku jiraan, iyo in layska dhawro wasakhda dunida.
[One of the things that God has told us to do] is to take care of orphans and widows who suffer hardship. [Those who do that and] who do not think or act immorally like those who do not obey God [MTY] truly [DOU] worship God, [who is our] Father, and God approves of them.

< Yacquub 1 >