< Ishacyaah 2 >

1 Kanu waa eraygii uu Ishacyaah ina Aamoos ku arkay wax ku saabsan dalka Yahuudah iyo Yeruusaalem.
The word which he saw Isaiah [the] son of Amoz on Judah and Jerusalem.
2 Ugu dambaysta buurta guriga Rabbigu waxay ka taagnaan doontaa buuraha korkooda, oo kurahana way ka wada sara mari doontaa, oo quruumaha oo dhammuna iyaday ku qulquli doonaan.
And it will be - at [the] end of the days established it will be [the] mountain of [the] house of Yahweh [the] chief of the mountains and lifted up more than [the] hills and they will stream to it all the nations.
3 Oo dad badan baa halkaas tegi doona oo waxay odhan doonaan, Ina keena, buurta Rabbiga aynu u kacnee, oo guriga Ilaaha reer Yacquub aynu tagnee, oo isna wuxuu ina bari doonaa jidadkiisa, oo innana waxaynu mari doonnaa waddooyinkiisa, waayo, sharcigu wuxuu ka soo bixi doonaa Siyoon, erayga Rabbiguna Yeruusaalem.
And they will come peoples many and they will say come - so we may go up to [the] mountain of Yahweh to [the] house of [the] God of Jacob so he may teach us of ways his so we may walk in paths his for from Zion it will go forth instruction and [the] word of Yahweh from Jerusalem.
4 Oo isaguna quruumuhuu u kala garsoori doonaa, oo dad badan ayuu canaanan doonaa, oo iyana waxay seefahooda ka tuman doonaan marashiyo, warmahoodana manjooyin, oo quruunina quruun kale seef uma qaadan doonto, oo innaba mar dambe dagaal ma ay baran doonaan.
And he will judge between the nations and he will decide for peoples many and they will beat swords their plowshares and spears their pruning knives not it will lift up nation against nation sword and not they will learn again warfare.
5 Reer Yacquubow, kaalaya, oo aynu iftiinka Rabbiga ku dhex soconnee.
O house of Jacob come so let us walk in [the] light of Yahweh.
6 Waad ka tagtay dadkaagii reer Yacquub, maxaa yeelay, waxay ka buuxsameen waxyaalihii bariga, oo waa faaliyayaal sida reer Falastiin, oo waxay la heshiiyaan dad shisheeyayaal ah.
For you have abandoned people your [the] house of Jacob for they are full from [the] east and soothsayers like the Philistines and with [the] children of foreigners they clap hands.
7 Oo weliba dalkooda waxaa ka buuxa lacag iyo dahab, oo khasnadahooduna dhammaad ma leh, oo weliba dalkooda waxaa ka buuxa fardo, oo gaadhifardoodyadooduna innaba dhammaad ma leh.
And it has been filled land its silver and gold and there not [is] an end to treasures its and it has been filled land its horses and there not [is] an end to chariots its.
8 Oo weliba dalkooda waxaa ka buuxa sanamyo, oo waxay caabudaan shuqulkii gacmahooda, iyo wixii ay farahoodu sameeyeen.
And it has been filled land its idols to [the] work of hands his they bow down to [that] which they have made fingers his.
9 Oo ninka hoose waa u foororsadaa, oo ninka weynuna waa isu hoosaysiiyaa, haddaba dembigooda ha ka cafiyin.
And he has been humbled everyone and he has become low everyone and may not you forgive them.
10 Cabsida Rabbiga, iyo sharafta haybaddiisa dhagaxa ka gal, oo ciidda kaga dhuumo.
Go in the rock and hide yourself in the dust from before [the] dread of Yahweh and from [the] splendor of majesty his.
11 Binu-aadmiga indhihiisa kibray waa la hoosaysiin doonaa, oo dadka madaxweynaantiisana hoos baa loo soo dejin doonaa, oo Rabbiga keliya ayaa maalintaas la sarraysiin doonaa.
Eyes of haughtiness of a person it will become low and it will be humbled [the] pride of people and he will be exalted Yahweh to only him in the day that.
12 Waayo, Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu maalin u haystaa ku kasta oo kibra oo madax weynaada, iyo ku kasta oo kor isu qaada, waana la hoosaysiin doonaa,
For a day [belongs] to Yahweh of hosts on every proud [thing] and lofty [thing] and on every [thing] lifted up and [it will be] low.
13 iyo weliba geedaha kedar la yidhaahdo ee Lubnaan ee dhaadheer ee sare u baxa oo dhan, iyo geedaha eelaah la yidhaahdo ee Baashaan oo dhan,
And on all [the] cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and which are lifted up and on all [the] oaks of Bashan.
14 iyo buuraha dhaadheer oo dhan, iyo kuraha sare u jooga oo dhan,
And on all the mountains that are lofty and on all the hills that are lifted up.
15 iyo munaarad kasta oo dheer, iyo derbi kasta oo deyr leh,
And on every tower high and on every wall fortified.
16 iyo doonniyaha Tarshiish oo dhan, iyo taswiiro la jecel yahay oo dhan.
And on all [the] ships of Tarshish and on all [the] ships of desire.
17 Oo kibirka binu-aadmiga hoos baa loo soo dejin doonaa, oo dadka madaxweynaantiisana waa la hoosaysiin doonaa, oo Rabbiga keliya ayaa maalintaas la sarraysiin doonaa.
And it will be humbled [the] haughtiness of humankind and it will become low [the] pride of people and he will be exalted Yahweh to only him in the day that.
18 Oo sanamyaduna dhammaantood way wada baabbi'i doonaan.
And the idols completely it will pass away.
19 Markii Rabbigu u soo sara joogsado inuu dhulka si xun u gariiriyo ayay dadku cabsida Rabbiga iyo sharafta haybaddiisa ka geli doonaan qorrofyada dhagaxyada, iyo godadka dhulka.
And people will go in caves of [the] rocks and in holes of [the] ground from before [the] dread of Yahweh and from [the] splendor of majesty his when arises he to terrify the earth.
20 Oo maalintaas dadku sanamyadooda lacagta ah iyo sanamyadooda dahabka ah oo ay u samaysteen inay caabudaan waxay u tuuri doonaan jiirarka iyo fiidmeeraha,
In the day that it will throw away humankind [the] idols of silver its and [the] idols of gold its which they made for himself to bow down to [the] digging of moles and to the bats.
21 si ay cabsida Rabbiga iyo sharafta haybaddiisa uga galaan qorrofyada dhagaxyada iyo qararka meelahooda dildillaacsan markii Rabbigu uu soo sara joogsado inuu dhulka si xun u gariiriyo.
To go in [the] crevices of the rocks and in [the] clefts of the cliffs from before [the] dread of Yahweh and from [the] splendor of majesty his when arises he to terrify the earth.
22 Ka joogsada binu-aadmiga ay neeftiisu ku jirto dulalka sankiisa, waayo, bal maxaa isaga lagu tiriyaa?
Cease yourselves from humankind whom breath [is] in nostril[s] his for how? to be accounted [is] he.

< Ishacyaah 2 >