< 2 Korintos 1 >

1 Bawlos oo rasuulkii Ciise Masiix ku ah doonista Ilaah, iyo walaalkeen Timoteyos waxaannu warqaddan u qoraynaa kiniisadda Ilaah oo Korintos ku taal iyo kulli quduusiinta Akhaya oo dhan jooga.
[I], Paul, who [write this letter to you], became an apostle of Christ Jesus because God chose me for that. [Timothy, our] fellow believer, [is with me. I am sending this letter] to you who are God’s people in the congregations in Corinth [city. I want] the believers who live in [other places] in Achaia [province to also read this letter].
2 Nimco ha idinla jirto iyo nabad ka timaada Ilaaha Aabbeheenna ah iyo Rabbi Ciise Masiix.
[We(exc) desire] that you will [experience] God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ [acting] kindly toward you and causing you to have [inner] peace.
3 Waxaa barako leh Ilaaha ah Aabbaha Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix, oo ah Aabbaha naxariista leh iyo Ilaaha gargaarka oo dhan,
[We should] praise God, who is the father of our [(inc)] Lord Jesus Christ. He always pities us and helps us [because he is like] [MET] a father to us [and we are like his children]. He always encourages us [(inc)].
4 kan naga gargaara dhibtayada oo dhan inaannu kuwa dhib kasta ku jira ugu gargaari karno gargaarka Ilaah nagu gargaaray.
He has encouraged us [(exc)] whenever we suffered hardships. As a result, we [(exc)] are able to encourage others whenever they suffer hardships, just as/just like God has encouraged us [(exc)].
5 Waayo, sida xanuunsigii Masiixu uu noogu badan yahay, sidaas oo kalena gargaarkayagu xagga Masiix wuu noogu badan yahay.
It is true that just like Christ suffered, we [who serve him] also continually suffer [because we belong to him]. But also, because we [belong to] Christ, God greatly strengthens us (just as/just like) [God strengthened him].
6 Haddii lana dhibo waa gargaarkiinna iyo badbaadintiinna aawadood; haddii lana gargaarona waa gargaarkiinna aawadiis kaasoo yeesha dulqaadashada aannu ku dulqaadanno isku xanuunsiga aannu annaguna ku xanuunsanno.
So, whenever we [(exc)] experience sufferings, we [learn how to encourage] you [when you experience sufferings. As a result, you will become more and more the kind of people God] wants you to be. Whenever [God] strengthens us [(exc) when we are suffering, he] does that in order that you [may see how he makes us strong when we are suffering. Then, as God] encourages [you in that way], you will learn to continue patiently [trusting him] when you suffer as we do.
7 Oo rajadayada aannu idiin qabnaa waa hubaal, annagoo garanayna inaad tihiin kuwo xanuunsiga qayb ku leh, sidaas oo kalena waxaad tihiin kuwo gargaarka qayb ku leh.
As a result, we [(exc)] strongly expect that because you suffer just as/just like we do, [God] will encourage you (just as/just like) [he] encourages us.
8 Walaalayaalow, dooni mayno inaad ka garaad la'aataan waxa ku saabsan dhibtayada ee xagga Aasiya nagaga dhacday, in hoos aad lanoogu celiyey si xooggayaga dhaafsiisan, sidaas aawadeed ayaannu xataa nolosha uga quusannay.
[Our] fellow believers, we [(exc)] want you to know [LIT] about the trouble that we suffered in Asia [province]. That trouble was so very great that it was much more than we were able to endure. As a result, we [(exc)] thought that we would certainly die.
9 Laakiin annaga qudhayadu waxaannu naftayada ku haysannay xukunka dhimashada, inaannan naftayada isku hallayn, laakiin inaannu Ilaah isku hallayno kan sara kiciya kuwii dhintay.
Indeed, we felt [like a person feels when he has heard a judge say], “I condemn you to die/be executed [MET].” But [God allowed us to think that we were going to die] so that we would not (rely on/trust in) our own [strength. He wanted us] instead [to rely] only on his [strength, because he] is the one who [has power even to make] those who have died live [again].
10 Isagaa naga samatabbixiyey dhimasho saas u weyn, wuuna na samatabbixin doonaa, kan aannu rajaynayno inuu weliba na samatabbixin doono;
And [even though] we [(exc)] were [in terrible danger and were] about to die, God rescued us. And he will continue to rescue us [whenever we are in trouble]. We confidently expect that he will continue to rescue us [time after time].
11 idinkoo nagu wada kaalmaynaya baryadaad noo baridaan, in barakada lana siiyey kuwa badan daraaddood, dad badan ay ku mahadnaqaan aawadayo.
[And we are also relying on] you to help us by praying for us [(exc)]. [If many people pray for us], many people will also thank [God] when [he] kindly answers those many prayers [and delivers us from danger].
12 Waxaannu ku faanaynaa, qalbigayaguna marag furayaa, inaannu dunida ugu soconnay quduusnimo iyo daacadnimo xagga Ilaah, ee uguma aan socon xigmadda jidhka laakiinse nimcada Ilaah, oo khusuusan xaggiinna.
I am happy [to say] that I have behaved toward all people [MTY] in an honest and sincere way. My conscience assures me [that this is true]. Especially, I have behaved toward you [honestly and sincerely because that is what] God wants us to do. As I have done that, [my thoughts] have not been the thoughts that unbelieving people [MTY] [think are] wise. Instead, [I have behaved toward people only as God wants me to, depending on] God to help me in ways that I do not deserve.
13 Wax kale idiin soo qori mayno waxaad akhridaan oo aad garanaysaan mooyaane, oo waanan rajaynayaa inaad sii garan doontaan ilaa dhammaadka.
[I say that] because [in all my letters to you] I have always written [LIT] clearly in a way that you can easily and completely understand [when you] read them.
14 Sidaad si ahaan noogu garateen inaannu faankiinna nahay, sidaas oo kale idinkuna kayagaad tihiin maalinta Rabbigeenna Ciise.
[Previously some of] you, but not all of you, have completely understood [that I am always honest and sincere with you]. But I confidently expect that [soon] you will all be fully convinced [about that]. Then when the Lord Jesus [MTY] [returns, you will all be able to say that] you are pleased with me, just like I will [be able to say that] I am pleased with you.
15 Hubaalkaas daraaddiis ayaan doonayay inaan horta idiin imaado inaad barako labaad haysataan;
It was because I felt sure [that all of you were pleased with me] that I was planning to visit you on my way from [here] to Macedonia [province]. I also planned to visit you again on my way back from there, so that I could [spend time with you] twice, and be able to help you more, and I was hoping that you would [give me things that I needed] [EUP] for my journey to Judea [province].
16 iyo inaan idin sii maro ilaa Makedoniya, oo haddana aan Makedoniya ka imaado oo aan idinku soo noqdo, idinkuna inaad xagga Yahuudiya ii ambabbixisaan.
17 Haddaba markaan waxaas doonayay miyaan rogrogay? Ama waxaan goosto miyaan u goostaa sida uu ninka jidhka raacaa u goosto, inay xaggayga noqoto, Haah, haah, iyo Maya, maya?
So then, even though I [changed my mind later and did not do what] I [first] planned to do, [it was not because I did not have an important reason for changing my plans]. Surely you do not [really think] that I decide what I am going to do like people who do not know God do! [RHQ] I am [not like that]. I am not [a person who] says [to people], “Yes, [certainly I will do that],” and then [for no good reason changes his mind and says], “No, [I will not do it].”
18 Laakiin sida uu Ilaah aamin u yahay, hadalkayagu xaggiinna ma aha, Haah, iyo Maya.
Just as surely as God always does what he says [he will do, it is true that I have never said], “Yes, [I will do this]” when I [really meant] “No.”
19 Waayo, Wiilka Ilaah oo ah Ciise Masiix, ee aannu aniga iyo Silwanos iyo Timoteyos dhexdiinna kaga wacdinnay, ma ahayn Haah iyo Maya, laakiin xaggiisa waa Haah.
[I follow the example of] God’s Son, Jesus Christ. When I, along with Silas and Timothy, taught you [about Christ], we told you that he was not [someone who said that he] would do [something] and [then] did not [do it]. Jesus Christ never [said to anyone], “Yes, [I will do what you desire],” and [then did] not [do it].
20 Waayo, in kastoo ay badan yihiin ballamadii Ilaah, waxaa isaga xaggiisa ku jira, Haahda, oo weliba xaggiisa waxaa ku jira, Aamiinta, in xaggeenna Ilaah laga ammaano.
[We(inc) know that is true], because everything that God promised to do [for his people], he has done completely by [sending] Christ [to save us]. That is why we say, “Yes, it is true! [God has done everything that he promised to do]!” And we praise him for that!
21 Laakiin kan ina wada xoogeeya xagga Masiixa oo ina subkay waa Ilaah,
Now it is only God himself who causes us [(exc)], as well as you, to keep on [believing] strongly in Christ. God is the one who chose us [(inc) to belong to him and to have a close relationship] with Christ.
22 kan haddana ina shaabadeeyey oo carbuunta Ruuxa inagu siiyey qalbigeenna.
He also sent his Holy Spirit into our [(inc)] lives to mark us as belonging to himself [MET]. Also, since he has sent his Spirit to live in us [(inc)], [he wants us to know by this that] he guarantees [MET] [to give us every other] ([blessing/good thing]) [that he has promised].
23 Laakiin Ilaah baan markhaati ugu yeedhayaa xagga naftayda, waxaan Korintos u iman waayay inaan idiin tudho.
So now [I will tell you why I changed my mind and did not visit you as I intended to do]: God himself knows [that what I am telling you is true]. The reason that I did not return to Corinth was so that I might not have to [speak to you severely about the wrong that you had done].
24 Ma aha inaannu sayid u ahaanno rumaysadkiinna, laakiin waxaannu nahay kuwa idinla wada shaqeeya farxaddiinna aawadeed, waayo, rumaysad ayaad ku taagan tihiin.
It is not that Silas, Timothy and I want to boss you [and tell you that you must] believe only what we say. [Not at all]! On the contrary, we [(exc)] are working as partners [with you] in order to make you happy. [We do not try to force you to believe everything that we believe, because we are sure that you are continuing to] trust [the Lord Jesus Christ] and that you are remaining firmly committed to him.

< 2 Korintos 1 >