< Luka 19 >

1 Yesu walengila mu Yeliko, nekupitilila.
He entered and was passing through Jericho.
2 Mu Yeliko mopelomo mwalikuba muntu wali kukwiweti Zakeyo. Walikuba shikusonkesha misonko mukulene, kayi walikuba mubile.
There was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector, and he was rich.
3 Walikuyandishisha kubona Yesu ncabele nomba walikuba mufupi, walalilwa kumubona pakwinga bantu balafulisha.
He was trying to see who Yeshua was, and couldn’t because of the crowd, because he was short.
4 Neco walafwambila kuntangu ne kutanta mu citondo ca mukuyu kwambeti amubone, pakwinga Yesu empalikupitila popelapo.
He ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was going to pass that way.
5 Yesu mpwalashika pamusenapo walalanga kwilu nekumwambileti, “Zakeyo, fwambana seluka pakwinga ndelela kuya kwikala kung'anda yakobe lelo.”
When Yeshua came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”
6 Lino Zakeyo walaseluka cakufwambana nekutambula Yesu mwakukondwa.
He hurried, came down, and received him joyfully.
7 Lino bantu bonse balabonako, balatatika kudandaula ne kwambeti, “Kamubonani muntu uyu lenga kwikala kung'anda ya muntu mwipishi.”
When they saw it, they all murmured, saying, “He has gone in to lodge with a man who is a sinner.”
8 Nomba Zakeyo walanyamuka nekwambila Mwami eti, “Mwami, kamubonani, ninkape buboni bwakame kupa bapenshi. Na ndalamanta kantu kumuntu munshila yabula kwelela, ndimubweshele mankanda ana.”
Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, half of my goods I give to the poor. If I have wrongfully exacted anything of anyone, I restore four times as much.”
9 Yesu walamwambileti, “Lelo kupuluka kulesa mung'anda ino, pakwinga muntu uyu neye nimwanendi Abulahamu.
Yeshua said to him, “Today, salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham.
10 Neco Mwana Muntu walesa kuyandaula nekupulusha bataika.”
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.”
11 Bantu kabacinyumfwa mbyalikwamba Yesu, walapitilisha kayi kubambila mukoshano pakwinga balashika pepi ku Yelusalemu. Nomba bantu bali kabayeyeti Bwami bwa Lesa buli pepi kwisa.
As they heard these things, he went on and told a parable, because he was near Jerusalem, and they supposed that God’s Kingdom would be revealed immediately.
12 Lino walambeti, “Kwalikuba muntu, walikuba walemekwa uyo walaya kucishi ca kutali kuya kupewa bwami nekubwelela kayi.
He said therefore, “A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.
13 Katanaya walakuwa basebenshi bakendi nekupa mali a golide likumi ku musebenshi umo ne umo” Nekubambileti, “kamwinsanga makwebo mpaka nkabwele.”
He called ten servants of his and gave them ten mina coins, and told them, ‘Conduct business until I come.’
14 Lino bantu mbwalikwikala nabo mucishi umo nkabali kumuyanda, neco balatuma ntumwi kuya kucishico akwambeti, “Afwe nkatulayandanga muntu uyo kuba mwami wetu.”
But his citizens hated him, and sent an envoy after him, saying, ‘We don’t want this man to reign over us.’
15 “Necikabeco muntu uyo walaya kupewa bwami busa, lino mpwalabwela kwabo, walakuwa basebenshi bakendi abo mbwalapa mali kwambeti, bamwambile bwili mbwacanapo umo ne umo.”
“When he had come back again, having received the kingdom, he commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by conducting business.
16 Lino musebenshi mutanshi walesa walambeti, “Nkambo pamali ngomwalampa ndacaninipo bwili bwa mali ali likumi.”
The first came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten more minas.’
17 Lino mwami wakendi walamwambileti, “Ulenshi cena, Omusebenshi waina! Pakwinga walashomeka mubintu bing'ana nube weshikwendelesha minshi ili likumi.”
“He said to him, ‘Well done, you good servant! Because you were found faithful with very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’
18 Neye musebenshi wabubili walesa walambeti, “Mwami pamali asanu ngomwalampa ndacaninipo bwili bwa mali ali asanu.”
“The second came, saying, ‘Your mina, Lord, has made five minas.’
19 Mwami walamwambileti, “Obe nube weshikwendelesha minshi isanu.”
“So he said to him, ‘And you are to be over five cities.’
20 Lino musebenshi naumbi walesa walambeti, “Mwami, mali enu ndalasunga pakakwisa.
Another came, saying, ‘Lord, behold, your mina, which I kept laid away in a handkerchief,
21 Ndalatina pakwinga mobakalu, mukute kutambula byabula byenu nekutebula mbyomwabula kubyala.”
for I feared you, because you are an exacting man. You take up that which you didn’t lay down, and reap that which you didn’t sow.’
22 Mwami wakendi walakumbuleti, “Obe musebenshi waipa! Lino ninkutoteke kwelana ne maswi ngolamba. Ucishi kwambeti ndemukalu, nkute kumanta byabula byakame nekutebula mpondabula kubyala.
“He said to him, ‘Out of your own mouth I will judge you, you wicked servant! You knew that I am an exacting man, taking up that which I didn’t lay down and reaping that which I didn’t sow.
23 Nomba uliya kubikila cani ku banki mali akame, kwambeti pakubwelela ncane bwili?”
Then why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank, and at my coming, I might have earned interest on it?’
24 “Lino walambila balikubapo eti, ‘Mulamuneni mali ayo mupe ukute mali likumi.’
He said to those who stood by, ‘Take the mina away from him and give it to him who has the ten minas.’
25 Balo balambeti, ‘Mwami, uyo ukute kendi mali ali likumi.’
“They said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’
26 Nsombi mwami walakumbuleti, ndamwambilinga ukute kantu nakabikilwepo nabimbi, nsombi uyo ukute kang'ana nibakamunyongomone nako konse kankute.
‘For I tell you that to everyone who has, will more be given; but from him who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him.
27 Lino balwani bakame abo bali kuyandeti ame ntaba mwami wabo, kamubaleta kuno mubashine kambonako!”
But bring those enemies of mine who didn’t want me to reign over them here, and kill them before me.’”
28 Yesu mpwalapwisha kwambeco, walabatangunina kuya ku Yelusalemu.
Having said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.
29 Mpwalashika pepi ne minshi ya Betifagi ne Betaniya pepi ne mulundu wa maolifi walatuma beshikwiya bakendi babili,
When he came near to Bethsphage and Bethany, at the mountain that is called Olivet, he sent two of his disciples,
30 Nekubambileti, “Kamuyani mumunshi usa ngomulabononga. Mwashika, nimucane mwana wambongolo kali wasungwa uyo utana utantwapo kendi ne bantu, muye mumusungulule, mumulete kuno.
saying, “Go your way into the village on the other side, in which, as you enter, you will find a colt tied, which no man has ever sat upon. Untie it and bring it.
31 Na umbi muntu amwipusheti, ‘Mulamusungulilinga cani’ Mumwambileti, ‘Mwami ukute nendi incito.’”
If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say to him: ‘The Lord needs it.’”
32 Nicakubinga beshikwiya babili basa balaya kucana mbuli ncalabamba Yesu.
Those who were sent went away and found things just as he had told them.
33 Mpobali kusungulula mbongolo, bene balepusheti, “Nomba mulamusungulwilinga cani?”
As they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?”
34 Nabo balakumbuleti, “Mwami ukute nendi incito.”
They said, “The Lord needs it.”
35 Lino balatwala mbongolo kuli Yesu, nekutatika kuyansa byakufwala byabo pelu nekumutantikapo Yesu.
Then they brought it to Yeshua. They threw their cloaks on the colt and sat Yeshua on them.
36 Lino Yesu mpwalikuya kali watanta mbongolo, bantu balayansa byakufwala byabo munshila kulesha bulemu kulyendiye.
As he went, they spread their cloaks on the road.
37 Mpwalashika pepi neku Yelusalemu mwinshi mwa mulundu wa maolifi, likoto linene lya beshikwiya bali kabamukonkela balatatika kukondwa. Kayi balumbaisha Lesa ne maswi a pelu pacebo ca incito ya ngofu njobalabona.
As he was now getting near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works which they had seen,
38 Balambeti, “Walelekwa Mwami uyo lesanga mulina lya Lesa. Lumuno kwilu ne bulemu bube kuli Lesa.”
saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest!”
39 Lino Bafalisi nabambi balikuba mulikoto balambila Yesu eti, “Bashikwiyisha, kamwambilani beshikwiya benu bamwene.”
Some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, “Rabbi, rebuke your disciples!”
40 Yesu walakumbuleti, “Ndamwambilinga na aba bamwene, mabwe nawo nawolobeshe.”
He answered them, “I tell you that if these were silent, the stones would cry out.”
41 Lino Yesu mpwalashika pepi nekubona Yelusalemu, walalila.
When he came near, he saw the city and wept over it,
42 Walambeti, “Na obe newalenshiba lelo, bintu byeshikuleta lumuno! Nsombi nkobishi pakwinga menso akobe nkela kubibona.
saying, “If you, even you, had known today the things which belong to your peace! But now, they are hidden from your eyes.
43 Necikabeco nicikashike cindi balwani bakobe mpoti bakakushinguluke nekukushinkila konse konse.
For the days will come on you when your enemies will throw up a barricade against you, surround you, hem you in on every side,
44 Nibakakumwayaule nekushina bantu bakobe bonse. Nteshi bakashiye libwe pelu palinendi, pakwinga uliyawa kwishiba cindi Lesa ncalesa akukupulusha.”
and will dash you and your children within you to the ground. They will not leave in you one stone on another, because you didn’t know the time of your visitation.”
45 Yesu walengila mu Ng'anda ya Lesa nekutatika kutandanyamo abo bali kabolisha mukati mulubuwa lwa Ng'anda ya Lesa,
He entered into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it,
46 walabambileti, “Calembwa Mumabala a Lesa kwambeti, ‘Ng'anda yakame nikakwiweti Ng'anda yakupaililamo.’ Nsombi amwe mulaisandulu kuba ng'anda mwakuyubila bakapondo!”
saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house is a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of robbers’!”
47 Lino Yesu walikeyisha lyonse mu Ng'anda ya Lesa. Nomba bamakulene beshimilumbo, beshikwiyisha Milawo ne batangunishi ba Bayuda balikuyanda kumushina,
He was teaching daily in the temple, but the chief priests, the scribes, and the leading men among the people sought to destroy him.
48 Lino balabula cakwinsa pakwinga bantu bonse balikuba nendi cindi conse kwambeti banyumfwe maswi akendi.
They couldn’t find what they might do, for all the people hung on to every word that he said.

< Luka 19 >