< Psalmi 79 >

1 Psalm Asafu. O Bog, prišli so narodi v posestvo tvoje, oskrunili so hram svetosti tvoje, v groblje izpremenili so Jeruzalem.
A psalm of Asaph. God, foreign nations have come into your inheritance; they have defiled your holy temple; they have turned Jerusalem into a heap of ruins.
2 Dali so hlapcev tvojih truplo za hrano tičem nebeškim; meso njih, katerim si milosten, zemeljskim zverém.
They have given the dead bodies of your servants as food to the birds of the skies, the bodies of your faithful people to the beasts of the earth.
3 Prelivali so kri njihovo kakor vodo okrog Jeruzalema, in ni ga bilo, da bi pokopaval.
They have shed their blood like water around Jerusalem, and there was none to bury them.
4 V zasramovanje smo sosedom našim, v zasmehovanje in norčevanje njim, kateri so okolo nas.
We have become a reproach for our neighbors, mocking and derision to those who are around us.
5 Doklej, Gospod? bodeš-li jezil se večno? bode li gorela kakor ogenj gorečnost tvoja?
How long, Yahweh? Will you stay angry forever? How long will your jealous anger burn like fire?
6 Izlij srd svoj nad one narode, kateri te ne spoznavajo, in nad kraljestva, katera ne kličejo tvojega imena.
Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you and on the kingdoms that do not call upon your name.
7 Ker pojedli so Jakoba, in razdejali so prebivališče njegovo.
For they have devoured Jacob and destroyed his villages.
8 Ne spomínjaj se zoper nas krivic preteklih časov, hiti naj in prehití nas usmiljenje tvoje, ker obožali smo silno.
Do not hold the sins of our forefathers against us; may your merciful actions come to us, for we are very low.
9 Pomagaj nam, Bog, blaginje naše, zavoljo česti svojega imena, in reši nas ter prizanesi nam grehe naše zavoljo svojega imena.
Help us, God of our salvation, for the sake of the glory of your name; save us and forgive our sins for your name's sake.
10 Zakaj naj bi govorili oni narodi: "Kje je njih Bog?" Znano bodi med onimi narodi pred našimi očmi maščevanje krvi prelite hlapcev tvojih.
Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” May the blood of your servants that was shed be avenged on the nations before our eyes.
11 Pred obličje tvoje naj pride zdihovanje jetnika, po velikosti roke svoje stóri, da ostanejo, kateri se že izročajo smrti.
May the groans of the prisoners come before you; with the greatness of your power keep the children of death alive.
12 Povrni torej sosedom našim sedemkrat v njih naročje sramoto njih, katero so ti delali, Gospod.
Pay back into the laps of our neighboring countries seven times as much as the insults with which they have insulted you, Lord.
13 In mi ljudstvo tvoje, in čeda paše tvoje, bodemo slavili te večno; od roda do roda bodemo oznanjali hvalo tvojo.
So we your people and sheep of your pasture will give you thanks forever. We will tell your praises to all generations.

< Psalmi 79 >