< Luka 20 >

1 In zgodí se enega tistih dnî, ko je učil ljudstvo v tempeljnu in je oznanjeval evangelj, pridejo véliki duhovni in pismarji s starešinami,
And on one of those days, as he was teaching the people in the temple, and preaching, the chief priests and Scribes, with the Elders, came upon him,
2 In rekó mu, govoreč: Povej nam, s kakošno oblastjo to delaš, ali kdo ti je dal to oblast?
and said to him: Tell us, by what authority thou doest these things? And who is it, that gave thee this authority?
3 Odgovarjajoč pa, reče jim: Vprašal bom tudi jaz vas eno besedo, in povejte mi:
Jesus answered, and said to them: I also will ask you a word, and tell ye me.
4 Krst Janezov je li bil z neba, ali od ljudî?
The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or from men?
5 A oni so pomišljevali v sebi govoreč: Če rečemo: Z neba, poreče: Za kaj mu torej niste verovali?
And they reasoned with themselves, and said: If we say, From heaven; he will say to us, And why did ye not believe him?
6 Če pa rečemo: Od ljudî, vse ljudstvo nas bo kamenjalo: kajti prepričano je, da je bil Janez prerok.
But if we say, From men; all the people will stone us; for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.
7 Ter odgovoré, da ne vedó, odkod.
And they said to him: We do not know, whence it was.
8 Pa jim Jezus reče: Tudi jaz ne bom povedal vam, s kakošno oblastjo to delam.
Jesus said to them: Neither do I tell you, by what authority I do these things.
9 A ljudstvu začne praviti tole priliko: Neki človek je zasadil vinograd, in dal ga je vinogradnikom v najem, in odpotoval je na veliko časa.
And he began to utter this similitude to the people: A certain man planted a vineyard, and leased it to cultivators, and went abroad for a long time.
10 In o svojem času pošlje k vinogradnikom hlapca, naj mu dadó od sadú vinogradovega; a vinogradniki ga pretepó, in odpošljejo praznega.
And in time, he sent his servant to the cultivators, that they might give him of the fruits of the vineyard. But the cultivators beat him, and sent him away empty.
11 In zopet pošlje drugega hlapca; a oni tudi tega pretepó, in zasramoté, in odpošljejo praznega.
And again he sent another servant; and him also they beat, and treated with rudeness, and sent empty away.
12 In zopet pošlje tretjega: in oni tudi tega ranijo, in izženó.
And again he sent the third. And they wounded him, and cast him out.
13 Tedaj reče gospodar vinograda: Kaj bom storil? Poslal bom sina svojega ljubljenega; ko bodo tega videli, ne mara, da se bodo bali.
The lord of the vineyard said: What shall I do? I will send my dear son. Perhaps they will look upon him, and be ashamed.
14 Ko ga pa vinogradniki ugledajo, posvetovali so se med seboj, govoreč: Ta je dedič; pridite, ubijmo ga, da bo dedovina naša.
But when the cultivators saw him, they reasoned with themselves, and said: This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.
15 In vržejo ga ven iz vinograda, in ubijejo. Kaj jim bo torej gospodar vinograda storil?
And they cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do to them?
16 Prišel bo, in pogubil bo vinogradnike té, in dal bo vinograd drugim. Ko so pa to slišali, rekó: Bog ne daj!
He will come, and destroy those cultivators, and will lease the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said: This shall not be.
17 On pa pogledavši na-nje, reče: Kaj je torej to, kar je pisano: "Kamen, kterega so zidarji zavrgli, on je postal glava oglu?"
And he looked upon them, and said: What is that which is written, The stone, which the builders rejected, is become the chief corner stone?
18 Vsak, kdor pade na ta kamen, razbil se bo; na kogar pa on pade, razdrobil ga bo.
And whoever shall fall upon this stone, will be broken; and on whomsoever it shall fall, it will crush him in pieces.
19 In iskali so véliki duhovni in pismarji, da bi položili na-nj roke v ta čas; ali zbojé se ljudstva: kajti spoznali so, da je za-nje povedal to priliko.
And the chief priests and Scribes sought to lay hands on him, at that time; but they were afraid of the people; for they knew, that he spoke this similitude against them.
20 In pazeč na-nj, pošljejo prežuhe, kteri naj bi se hlinili pravične, da bi ga vjeli v besedi in ga po tem izročili gosposki in oblasti poglavarjevej.
And they sent to him spies, who feigned themselves righteous men, that they might insnare him in discourse, and deliver him up to a court, and to the authority of the president.
21 In vprašajo ga, govoreč: Učenik, vémo, da prav govoriš in učiš, in ne gledaš na lice, nego v resnici pot Božjo učiš:
And they questioned him, and said to him: Teacher, we know that thou speakest and teachest correctly, and hast no respect of persons, but teachest the way of God in truth.
22 Smemo li cesarju davek dajati, ali ne?
Is it lawful for us to pay head-money to Caesar, or not?
23 Spoznavši pa njih zvijačo, reče jim: Kaj me izkušate?
But he perceived their craftiness, and said: Why tempt ye me?
24 Pokažite denar. Čegavo podobo ima in napis? Odgovarjajoč pa rekó: Cesarjevo.
Show me a denarius. Whose is this image and superscription upon it? They said to him, Caesar's.
25 A on jim reče: Dajte tedaj, kar je cesarjevega, cesarju, a kar je Božjega, Bogu.
Jesus said to them: Then, give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.
26 In niso mogli besede njegove zavreči pred ljudstvom; in začudijo se odgovoru njegovemu, in umolknejo.
And they could not catch from him a word of accusation before the people: and they were surprised at his answers, and were silent.
27 Pristopivši pa nekteri od Saducejev, kteri pravijo, da ni vstajanja, vprašajo ga,
And some of the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came and questioned him,
28 Govoreč: Učenik! Mojzes nam je napisal, da če komu umrè brat, kteri ima ženo, in on brez otrók umrè, naj vzeme brat njegov ženo, in vzbudí seme bratu svojemu.
and said to him: Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother die, who had a wife without children, his surviving brother shall take his wife, and raise up seed to his deceased brother.
29 Bilo je pa sedem bratov. In prvi je vzel ženo, in umrl je brez otrók;
Now, there were seven brothers; and the first took a wife, and died without children.
30 In vzel je ženo drugi, in tudi ta je umrl brez otrók.
And the second took her to wife; and he died without children.
31 In vzel jo je tretji; in tako tudi vseh sedem: in niso pustili otrók, in pomrli so.
And again, the third took her, and in like manner also all the seven; and they died, and left no children.
32 A naposled za vsemi umrla je tudi žena.
At last, the woman likewise died.
33 O vstajanji torej, čegava od njih bo žena! kajti sedem jo jih je imelo za ženo.
In the resurrection, therefore, of which of them will she be the wife, for the seven took her?
34 In odgovarjajoč, reče jim Jezus: Sinovi tega sveta se ženijo in možé; (aiōn g165)
Jesus said to them: The children of this world take wives, and wives are given to husbands. (aiōn g165)
35 Ali ti, kteri bodo vredni, da zadobé drugi svet, in da vstanejo od mrtvih, ne bodo se ženili ne možile, (aiōn g165)
But they who are worthy of that world, and of the resurrection from the dead, do not take wives, nor are wives given to husbands. (aiōn g165)
36 Ker tudi umreti ne morejo več: enaki so namreč angeljem, in sinovi so Božji, ko so sinovi vstajanja.
Neither can they die any more; for they are as the angels, and are the children of God, because they are children of the resurrection.
37 Da pa mrtvi vstajajo, pokazal je tudi Mojzes pri grmu, ko imenuje Gospoda "Boga Abrahamovega in Boga Izakovega in Boga Jakobovega."
But that the dead will arise, even Moses showed; for, at the bush, he maketh mention, while he saith: The Lord, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
38 Bog pa ni Bog mrtvih, nego živih; kajti njemu so vsi živi.
Now God is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for they all live to him.
39 Odgovarjajoč pa nekterí od pismarjev, rekó: Učenik, dobro si povedal.
And some of the Scribes answered, and said to him: Teacher, thou hast spoken well.
40 In nič več ga niso smeli vpraševati.
And they did not again venture to question him, on any matter.
41 Reče jim pa: Kako pravijo, da je Kristus sin Davidov?
And he said also to them: How do the Scribes say of Messiah, that he is the son of David?
42 In sam David pravi v bukvah psalmov: "Rekel je Gospod gospodu mojemu: Sédi meni na desno,
And David himself said, in the book of Psalms: The Lord said to my Lord, seat thyself at my right hand,
43 Dokler ne položim sovražnikov tvojih nogam tvojim za podnožje."
until I shall place thy foes under thy feet.
44 David ga torej imenuje Gospoda, in kako je sin njegov?
If David, therefore, called him, My Lord; how is he his son?
45 A ko ga je vse ljudstvo poslušalo, reče učencem svojim:
And while all the people heard, he said to his disciples:
46 Varujte se pismarjev, kteri hočejo v dolgih oblačilih hoditi, in ljubijo pozdrave po ulicah, in prve stole po shajališčih, in prve prostore na gostijah.
Beware of the Scribes, who choose to walk in long robes, and love a salutation in the streets, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the chief couches at suppers:
47 Kteri požirajo hiše vdovam, in na videz dolgo molijo: ti bodo prejeli ostrejo sodbo.
who eat up the houses of widows, under pretence that they prolong their prayers. They will receive a greater condemnation.

< Luka 20 >