< Visoka pesem 4 >

1 Glej lepotica si, moja ljubezen, glej, lepotica si. Znotraj svojih pramenov imaš oči golobice. Tvoji lasje so kakor trop koz, ki se pojavljajo z gore Gileád.
My darling, you are beautiful, you are very beautiful! Underneath your veil, your eyes are [as gentle as] [MET] doves. Your [long black] hair [moves from side to side] like [SIM] a flock of [black] goats moving down the slopes of Gilead Mountain.
2 Tvoji zobje so podobni tropu ovc, ki so gladko ostrižene, ki so prišle gor iz kopanja, od katerih vsaka rodi dvojčke in med njimi ni nobene jalove.
Your teeth are [very white] like [SIM] a flock of sheep [whose wool] has [just] been (shorn/cut off) and that have come up from being washed [in a stream]. You have all of your teeth; none of them is missing.
3 Tvoje ustnice so podobne škrlatnemu sukancu in tvoj govor je ljubek. Tvoja sènca so podobna koščku granatnega jabolka znotraj tvojih pramenov.
Your lips are like [SIM] a scarlet ribbon, and your mouth is lovely. Beneath your veil, your [round, rosy/red] cheeks are like [SIM] the halves of a pomegranate.
4 Tvoj vrat je podoben Davidovemu stolpu, zgrajenemu za orožarno, na katerem visi tisoč majhnih ščitov, vsi ščiti mogočnih ljudi.
Your [long] neck is [beautiful] like [SIM] the tower of [King] David that was built using layers/rows of stone. [The ornaments on your necklaces are like] 1,000 [HYP] shields that are hanging [on the walls of a tower]; each one belongs to a warrior.
5 Tvoji dve dojki sta podobni dvema mladima srnama, ki sta dvojčici, ki se paseta med lilijami.
Your breasts are [as beautiful] [SIM] as two (fawns/young gazelles) that eat [grass] among lilies.
6 Dokler se ne zdani in sence ne odletijo, se bom spravila do gore mire in k hribu kadila.
Until dawn [tomorrow morning] and the nighttime shadows/darkness disappear, I will [lie close to your breasts] that are [like] [MET] hills that are covered with incense [DOU].
7 Popolnoma si lepotica, moja ljubezen, madeža ni na tebi.
My darling, you are completely beautiful; your body is perfectly [formed]!
8 Pridi z menoj iz Libanona, moja nevesta, z menoj iz Libanona. Poglej iz vrha Amáne, iz vrha Senírja in Hermona, iz levjih brlogov, z gora leopardov.
My bride, [it is as though you are in] [MET] Lebanon [far away, where I cannot reach you]; come back to me. [It is as though you are inaccessible] [MET] on the top of Hermon Mountain or the nearby peaks. Come from where the lions have their dens and where the leopards live on the mountains.
9 Očarala si moje srce, moja sestra, moja nevesta; z enim izmed svojih očes si očarala moje srce, z eno verižico svojega vratu.
My bride [DOU], you who are dearer to me than my sister, you have captured my affection [IDM] by only once quickly looking at me, and by one [strand of] jewels in your necklace.
10 Kako poštena je tvoja ljubezen, moja sestra, moja nevesta! Kako mnogo boljša je tvoja ljubezen kakor vino! In vonj tvojih mazil kakor vse dišave.
My bride, your love for me is delightful! It more delightful than wine! And the fragrance of your perfume is more pleasing than any spice!
11 Tvoje ustnice, oh moja nevesta, kapljajo kakor satovje. Med in mleko sta pod tvojim jezikom in vonj tvojih oblek je podoben vonju Libanona.
Being kissed by you is [as enjoyable as eating] [MTY] honey; your kisses are as sweet as milk [mixed with] honey. The aroma of your clothes is like [SIM] the aroma of [cedar trees in] Lebanon.
12 Obdan vrt je moja sestra, moja nevesta, zaprt izvir, zapečaten studenec.
My bride, [you who are dearer to me than] [MET] my sister, you are [like] [MET] a garden that is locked [in order that other men cannot enter it]; [you are like] [MET] a spring or a fountain that is covered [in order that others may not drink from it].
13 Tvoje rastline so sadovnjak granatnih jabolk s prijetnimi sadovi; kana z nardo;
You are [like] [MET] an orchard of pomegranate trees full of delicious fruit, and plenty of [plants that produce] henna and nard [spices],
14 narda in žafran; kolmež in cimet, z vsemi kadilnimi drevesi; mira in aloja z vsemi vodilnimi dišavami;
and saffron and calamus and cinnamon and many other kinds of incense, and myrrh and aloes and many [other] fine spices.
15 vrtni studenec, vodnjak živih vodá in vodotoki iz Libanona.
[You are like] [MET] a fountain in a garden, [like] [MET] a spring of clear water that flows [down] from [the mountains of] Lebanon.
16 Zbudi se, oh severni veter in pridi jug. Pihaj na moj vrt, da bodo njegove dišave lahko iztekale. Naj moj ljubljeni pride v svoj vrt in jé svoje prijetno sadje.
[I want] the north wind and the south wind to come, and blow on my garden, [in order that] the fragrance [of the spices will] spread through the air. [Similarly], I want the one who loves me to come and enjoy [cuddling up to me] [like] [MET, EUP] someone comes into a garden and enjoys eating the fruit [that grows there].

< Visoka pesem 4 >