< Книга Неемии 5 >

1 И бысть вопль людий и жен их велик на братию свою Иудеи.
And it was cry of distress of the people and wives their great against countrymen their the Jews.
2 И быша нецыи глаголюще: сынове наши и дщери нашя мнози суть нам, и да возмем (за цену) пшеницу и ядим и живи будем.
And there [were those] who [were] saying sons our and daughters our we [are] many and let us get grain so we may eat and we may live.
3 И быша нецыи глаголюще: села наша и винограды нашя и домы нашя мы да дадим в залог, и возмем пшеницу, и ясти будем.
And there [were those] who [were] saying fields our and vineyards our and houses our we [are] mortgaging and we will get grain in the famine.
4 И быша нецыи глаголюще: взаим взяхом сребро на дани царевы, дадим села наша и винограды нашя и домы нашя:
And there [were those] who [were] saying we have borrowed money for [the] tribute of the king fields our and vineyards our.
5 и ныне якоже плоть братий наших, плоть наша, якоже сынове их, сынове наши: и се, мы порабощаем сыны нашя и дщери нашя в рабы, и суть от дщерей наших порабощены, и несть силы в руках наших (откупити) и села наша и винограды нашя у вельмож.
And now [is] like [the] flesh of countrymen our flesh our [are] like children their children our and there! we [are] bringing into bondage sons our and daughters our to slaves and there [are] some of daughters our being brought into bondage and there not [is] to [the] power of hand our and fields our and vineyards our [belong] to others.
6 И оскорбех зело, егда услышах вопль их и словеса сия.
And it burned to me exceedingly when I heard outcry their and the words these.
7 И усоветова сердце мое во мне, и воспретих державным и началным и рекох им: лихвы ли кийждо от брата своего истяжет, юже вы истязуете? И собрах противу им собрание велико
And it considered heart my with me and I contended! with the nobles and with the officials and I said! to them usury each on brother his you ([are] lending *QK) and I made on them an assembly great.
8 и рекох им: мы искупихом братию нашу Иудеов, проданых языком, по силе нашей: вы же продасте братию вашу, и отдадутся нам? И умолчаша, и не обретоша что отвещати.
And I said! to them we we have bought countrymen our the Jews who sold themselves to the nations according to [the] sufficiency in us and also you you sold countrymen your and they were sold to us and they were silent and not they found a word.
9 И рекох: не добро дело, еже вы творите: тако не во страсе Бога нашего (ходяще) убежите ли от поношения языков врагов наших?
(And I said *QK) not [is] good the thing which you [are] doing ¿ not in [the] fear of God our are you walking from [the] reproach of the nations enemies our.
10 И аз и братия моя и знаемии мои взаим дахом им пенязи и пшеницу: оставим убо лихоимство сие:
And also I brothers my and servants my [are] lending to them money and grain let us abandon please the usury this.
11 возвратите же им днесь села их и винограды их и маслины их и домы их, и от сребра пшеницу и вино и елей отдадите им.
Return please to them as this day fields their vineyards their olive trees their and houses their and [the] hundred of the money and the grain the new wine and the fresh oil which you [are] lending to them.
12 И рекоша: отдадим и от них не взыщем, тако сотворим, якоже ты глаголеши. И призвах священников и заклях их сотворити по словеси сему.
And they said we will return [it] and from them not we will require [it] so we will do just as you [are] saying and I summoned the priests and I made swear an oath them to do according to the manner this.
13 И отрясох одежду мою и рекох: тако да истрясет Бог всякаго мужа, иже не исполнит слова сего, от дому его и от трудов его, и да будет тако оттрясен и тощь. И рече все множество: аминь. И восхвалиша Бога. И сотвориша людие по глаголу сему.
Also bosom my I shook out and I said! thus may he shake out God every person who not he will carry out the word this from house his and from property his and thus may he be shaken out and empty and they said all the assembly amen and they praised Yahweh and it did the people according to the manner this.
14 От дне того, в оньже повеле (царь) мне быти вождем их в земли Иудине, от лета двадесятаго и даже до лета тридесять втораго Артаксеркса царя, лет дванадесять, аз и братия моя оброку их не ядохом.
Also from [the] day - when someone appointed me to be governor their in [the] land of Judah from year twenty and until year thirty and two of Artaxerxes the king years two plus ten I and brothers my [the] food of the governor not I ate.
15 И оброков первых, имиже прежде мене отягчиша их, и прияша от них в хлебе и в вине, по сих сребра (на всяк день) дидрахм четыредесять: и служебницы их обладаша людьми. Аз же не сотворих тако ради страха Божия.
And the governors former who [were] before me they made heavy on the people and they took from them food and wine after silver shekels forty also servants their they domineered over the people and I not I did thus because of [the] fear of God.
16 И в деле стены сия созидах: и села не стяжах, и вси отроцы мои собрани бяху тамо на дело.
And also on [the] work of the wall this I kept hold and a field not we acquired and all servants my [were] assembled there on the work.
17 Иудей же и началников сто пятьдесят мужей, и приходящии к нам от язык, иже окрест нас, при трапезе Моей.
And the Jews and the officials one hundred and fifty person[s] and the [ones who] came to us from the nations which [were] around us [were] at table my.
18 И бе уготовано мне на всяк день: телец един и овец шесть избранных и козел быша мне (и птицы), и между десяти дний всем вина много: и с сими хлеба господству моему не взысках, зане тяжка работа на людех сих.
And [that] which it was made for a day one [was] an ox one sheep six chosen and poultry they were made for me and between ten days in all wine to abundance and beside this [the] food of the governor not I sought for it was heavy the service on the people this.
19 Помяни мя, Боже мой, во благо по всем, елика сотворих людем сим.
Remember! to me O God my for good all that I have done on the people this.

< Книга Неемии 5 >