< Книга пророка Наума 2 >

1 Взыде вдыхаяй в лице твое, отемляй от оскорбления: усмотри путь, укрепи чресла, возмужай крепостию зело:
A scatterer has come up to your face, Keep the bulwark, watch the way, Strengthen the loins, strengthen power mightily.
2 понеже отврати Господь укоризну Иаковлю, якоже укоризну Израилеву: зане отрясающии отрясоша я и лозы их растлиша.
For YHWH has turned back to the excellence of Jacob, As [to] the excellence of Israel, For emptiers have emptied them out, And they have marred their branches.
3 Оружия силы их от человек, мужы сильныя играющыя во огни: брозды колесниц их в день уготования его, и конницы возмятутся на путех,
The shield of his mighty ones has become red, Men of might [are in] scarlet, With fiery torches [is] the chariot in a day of his preparation, And the firs have been caused to tremble.
4 и смятутся колесницы и сплетутся на стогнах: вид их яко свещы огненны, и яко молния протекающая.
In out-places the chariots shine, They go to and fro in broad places, Their appearances [are] like torches, As lightnings they run.
5 И помянутся старейшины их, и побегнут в день, и изнемогут в пути своем, и потщатся на забрала его, и уготовят предния стражбы своя.
He remembers his majestic ones, They stumble in their goings, They hurry [to] its wall, And the covering is prepared.
6 Врата градная отверзошася, и царства падоша, и имение открыся.
Gates of the rivers have been opened, And the palace is dissolved.
7 Сия же восхождаше, и рабыни ея ведяхуся, яко голубицы воркующя в сердцах своих:
And it is established—she has removed, She has been brought up, And her handmaids are leading as the voice of doves, Tabering on their hearts.
8 и Ниневиа, аки купель водная воды ея, и тии бежаще не сташа, и не бе взирающаго.
And Nineveh [is] as a pool of waters, From of old it [is]—and they are fleeing! “Stand, stand”; and none is turning!
9 Расхищаху сребро, расхищаху злато, и не бяше конца имения ея: отяготишася паче всех сосудов вожделенная ея.
Seize silver, seize gold, And there is no end to the prepared things, [To] the abundance of all desirable vessels.
10 Истрясение и вострясение, и воскипение и сердца сокрушение, и разслабление колен и болезни по всем чреслом, и лице всех, аки опаление котла.
She is empty, indeed, emptiness and waste, And the heart has melted, And the knees have struck together, And great pain [is] in all loins, And the faces of all of them have gathered paleness.
11 Где есть виталище львов и пажить сущая львичищем? Камо иде лев, еже влезти тамо львичищу, и не бяше устрашающаго.
Where [is] the habitation of lionesses? And a feeding-place it [is] for young lions Where a lion has walked, an old lion, A lion’s whelp, and there is none troubling.
12 Лев восхити доволная львичищем своим и удави львицам своим, и наполни ловитвы гнездо свое и виталище свое похищения.
The lion is tearing parts [for] his whelps, And is strangling for his lionesses, And he fills his holes [with] prey, And his habitations [with] torn flesh.
13 Се, Аз на тя, глаголет Господь Вседержитель, и пожгу дымом множество твое, и львы твоя пояст оружие: и потреблю от земли ловитву твою, и не услышатся ктому дела твоя.
“Behold, I [am] against you,” A declaration of YHWH of Hosts, “And I have burned its chariot in smoke, And a sword consumes your young lions, And I have cut off your prey from the land, And the voice of your messengers is not heard anymore!”

< Книга пророка Наума 2 >