< От Луки святое благовествование 14 >

1 И бысть егда внити Ему в дом некоего князя фарисейска в субботу хлеб ясти, и тии бяху назирающе Его:
One day--it was a Sabbath--He was taking a meal at the house of one of the Rulers of the Pharisee party, while they were closely watching Him.
2 и се, человек некий, имый водный труд, бе пред Ним.
In front of Him was a man suffering from dropsy.
3 И отвещав Иисус рече к законником и фарисеом, глаголя: аще достоит в субботу целити?
This led Jesus to ask the lawyers and Pharisees, "Is it allowable to cure people on the Sabbath?"
4 Они же умолчаша. И приемь изцели его, и отпусти.
They gave Him no answer; so He took hold of the man, cured him, and sent him away.
5 И отвещав к ним рече: котораго от вас осел или вол в студенец впадет, и не абие ли исторгнет его в день субботный?
Then He turned to them and said, "Which of you shall have a child or an ox fall into a well on the Sabbath day, and will not immediately lift him out?"
6 И не возмогоша отвещати Ему к сим.
To this they could make no reply.
7 Глаголаше же к званным притчу, обдержя, како председания избираху, глаголя к ним:
Then, when He noticed that the invited guests chose the best seats, He used this as an illustration and said to them,
8 егда зван будеши ким на брак, не сяди на преднем месте: еда кто честнее тебе будет званных,
"When any one invites you to a wedding banquet, do not take the best seat, lest perhaps some more honoured guest than you may have been asked,
9 и пришед иже тебе звавый и онаго, речет ти: даждь сему место: и тогда начнеши со студом последнее место держати.
and the man who invited you both will come and will say to you, 'Make room for this guest,' and then you, ashamed, will move to the lowest place.
10 Но егда зван будеши, шед сяди на последнем месте, да егда приидет звавый тя, речет ти: друже, посяди выше: тогда будет ти слава пред званными с тобою:
On the contrary, when you are invited go and take the lowest place, that when your host comes round he may say to you, 'My friend, come up higher.' This will be doing you honour in the presence of all the other guests.
11 яко всяк возносяйся смирится, и смиряяйся вознесется.
For whoever uplifts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be uplifted.
12 Глаголаше же и ко звавшему Его: егда сотвориши обед или вечерю, не зови другов твоих, ни братии твоея, ни сродник твоих, ни сосед богатых: еда когда и тии тя такожде воззовут, и будет ти воздаяние.
Also to His host, who had invited Him, He said, "When you give a breakfast or a dinner, do not invite your friends or brothers or relatives or rich neighbours, lest perhaps they should invite you in return and a requital be made you.
13 Но егда твориши пир, зови нищыя, маломощныя, хромыя, слепыя:
But when you entertain, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind;
14 и блажен будеши, яко не имут ти что воздати: воздаст же ти ся в воскрешение праведных.
and you will be blessed, because they have no means of requiting you, but there will be requital for you at the Resurrection of the righteous."
15 Слышав же некий от возлежащих с Ним сия, рече Ему: блажен, иже снесть обед в Царствии Божии.
After listening to this teaching, one of His fellow guests said to Him, "Blessed is he who shall feast in God's Kingdom."
16 Он же рече ему: человек некий сотвори вечерю велию и зва многи:
"A man once gave a great dinner," replied Jesus, "to which he invited a large number of guests.
17 и посла раба своего в год вечери рещи званным: грядите, яко уже готова суть вся.
At dinner-time he sent his servant to announce to those who had been invited, "'Come, for things are now ready.'
18 И начаша вкупе отрицатися вси. Первый рече ему: село купих и имам нужду изыти и видети е: молютися, имей мя отречена.
"But they all without exception began to excuse themselves. The first told him, "'I have purchased a piece of land, and must of necessity go and look at it. Pray hold me excused.'
19 И другий рече: супруг волов купих пять и гряду искусити их: молю тя, имей мя отречена.
"A second pleaded, "'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and am on my way to try them. Pray hold me excused.'
20 И другий рече: жену поях и сего ради не могу приити.
"Another said, "'I am just married. It is impossible for me to come.'
21 И пришед раб той поведа господину своему сия. Тогда разгневався дому владыка, рече рабу своему: изыди скоро на распутия и стогны града, и нищыя и бедныя и слепыя и хромыя введи семо.
"So the servant came and brought these answers to his master, and they stirred his anger. "'Go out quickly,' he said, 'into the streets of the city--the wide ones and the narrow. You will see poor men, and crippled, blind, lame: fetch them all in here.'
22 И рече раб: господи, бысть якоже повелел еси, и еще место есть.
"Soon the servant reported the result, saying, "'Sir, what you ordered is done, and there is room still.'
23 И рече господин к рабу: изыди на пути и халуги, и убеди внити, да наполнится дом мой:
"'Go out,' replied the master, 'to the high roads and hedge-rows, and compel the people to come in, so that my house may be filled.
24 глаголю бо вам, яко ни един мужей тех званных вкусит моея вечери: мнози бо суть звани, мало же избранных.
For I tell you that not one of those who were invited shall taste my dinner.'"
25 Идяху же с Ним народи мнози: и обращься рече к ним:
On His journey vast crowds attended Him, towards whom He turned and said,
26 аще кто грядет ко Мне, и не возненавидит отца своего и матерь, и жену и чад, и братию и сестр, еще же и душу свою, не может Мой быти ученик:
"If any one is coming to me who does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be a disciple of mine.
27 и иже не носит креста своего и вслед Мене грядет, не может Мой быти ученик.
No one who does not carry his own cross and come after me can be a disciple of mine.
28 Кто бо от вас, хотяй столп создати, не прежде ли сед разчтет имение, аще имать, еже есть на совершение?
"Which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not sit down first and calculate the cost, asking if he has the means to finish it? --
29 Да не, когда положит основание и не возможет совершити, вси видящии начнут ругатися ему,
lest perhaps, when he has laid the foundation and is unable to finish, all who see it shall begin to jeer at him,
30 глаголюще, яко сей человек начат здати и не може совершити?
saying, 'This man began to build, but could not finish.'
31 Или кий царь идый ко иному царю снитися с ним на брань, не сед ли прежде совещавает, аще силен есть срести с десятию тысящ грядущаго со двемадесятма тысящама нань?
Or what king, marching to encounter another king in war, does not first sit down and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand men to meet the one who is advancing against him with twenty thousand?
32 Аще ли же ни, еще далече ему сущу, моление послав молится о смирении.
If not, while the other is still a long way off, he sends messengers and sues for peace.
33 Тако убо всяк от вас, иже не отречется всего своего имения, не может быти Мой ученик.
Just as no one of you who does not detach himself from all that belongs to him can be a disciple of mine.
34 Добро есть соль: аще же соль обуяет, чим осолится?
"Salt is good: but if even the salt has become tasteless, what will you use to season it?
35 Ни в землю, ни в гной потребна есть: вон изсыплют ю. Имеяй ушы слышати, да слышит.
Neither for land nor dunghill is it of any use; they throw it away. Listen, every one who has ears to listen with!"

< От Луки святое благовествование 14 >