< Книга Иисуса Навина 10 >

1 Егда же услыша Адонивезек царь Иерусалимский, яко взя Иисус Гай и потреби его, якоже сотвори Иерихону и царю его, тако сотвори и Гаю и царю его, и яко сами вдашася живущии в Гаваоне ко Иисусу и ко Израилю, и быша в них,
Now when Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem, heard that Joshua had captured Ai and had completely destroyed it (just as he had done to Jericho and its king), he also heard how the people of Gibeon had made peace with Israel and were living among them.
2 и убояшася сами в себе зело: ведяху бо, яко град бяше велик Гаваон, яко един от великих градов, и вси мужие иже в нем крепцы.
The people of Jerusalem were very afraid because Gibeon was a large city, like one of the royal cities. It was larger than Ai, and all its men were mighty warriors.
3 И посла Адонивезек царь Иерусалимский к Еламу царю Хевронску и Фераану царю Иеримуфску, и ко Афию царю Лахисску, и к Давиру царю Одолламску, глаголя:
So Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem, sent a message to Hoham, king of Hebron, to Piram, king of Jarmuth, to Japhia, king of Lachish, and to Debir, king of Eglon:
4 приидите, взыдите ко мне и помозите ми, да повоюем Гаваона: вдашася бо сами ко Иисусу и к сыном Израилевым.
“Come up to me and help me. Let us attack Gibeon because they have made peace with Joshua and with the people of Israel.”
5 И собрашася и взыдоша пять царей Иевусейских: царь Иерусалимский и царь Хевронский, и царь Иеримуфский и царь Лахисский и царь Одолламский, сами и вси людие их, и обседоша Гаваона и воеваша на него.
The five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon came up, they and all their armies. They set up their positions against Gibeon, and they attacked it.
6 И послаша живущии в Гаваоне ко Иисусу в полк Израилев в Галгалы, глаголюще: не отрешай руки твоея от раб твоих: взыди к нам скоро и помози нам, и изми нас: яко собрани суть на ны вси царие Аморрейстии, живущии в горней.
The people of Gibeon sent a message to Joshua and to the army at Gilgal. They said, “Hurry! Do not withdraw your hands from your servants. Come up to us quickly and save us. Help us, for all the kings of the Amorites who live in the hill country have gathered together to attack us.”
7 И взыде Иисус от Галгал, сам и вси людие воинстии с ним, всяк сильный крепостию.
Joshua went up from Gilgal, he and all the men of war with him, and all the fighting men.
8 И рече Господь ко Иисусу: не убойся их, яко в руце твои предах я: не останет от них ни един пред вами.
Yahweh said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them. I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to stop your attack.”
9 И прииде на них Иисус внезапу: всю бо нощь иде от Галгал.
Joshua came upon them suddenly, having marched all night from Gilgal.
10 И ужаси я Господь от лица сынов Израилевых: и сокруши я Господь сокрушением великим в Гаваоне: и погнаша я путем восхода Вифоронска, и сечаху их даже до Азика и до Макида.
Yahweh confused the enemy before Israel, and Israel killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon and pursued them on the road going up to Beth Horon, and they killed them on the road to Azekah and Makkedah.
11 Внегда же бежати им от лица сынов Израилевых до восхода Вифоронска, и Господь верже на ня камение великое града с небесе даже до Азика, и бысть множае умерших от града каменна, неже убиенных от сынов Израилевых мечем на брани.
As they ran away from Israel, down the hill from Beth Horon, Yahweh threw large stones down from heaven upon them all the way to Azekah, and they died. There were more who died because of the hailstones than who were killed with the sword by the men of Israel.
12 Тогда глагола Иисус ко Господу, в оньже день предаде Господь Бог Аморреа под руку Израилеву, егда сокруши их в Гаваоне, и сокрушишася от лица Израилева: и рече Иисус: да станет солнце прямо Гаваону, и луна прямо дебри Елон.
Then Joshua spoke to Yahweh on the day Yahweh gave the men of Israel victory over the Amorites. This is what Joshua said to Yahweh before Israel, “Sun, be still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 И ста солнце и луна в стоянии, дондеже отмсти Бог врагом их. Не сие ли есть писано в книгах Праведнаго: и ста солнце посреде небесе и не идяше на запад в совершение дне единаго?
The sun stood still, and the moon stopped moving until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the middle of the sky; it did not go down for about a whole day.
14 И не бысть день таковый ниже прежде, ниже последи, еже послушати Богу тако гласа человеча, яко Господь споборствова Израилю.
There has been no other day like it before or after it, when Yahweh obeyed the voice of a human being. For Yahweh was waging war on behalf of Israel.
15 И возвратися Иисус и весь Израиль с ним в полк в Галгалы.
Joshua and all Israel with him returned to the camp at Gilgal.
16 И убегоша пять царие сии и скрышася в пещере яже в Макиде.
Now the five kings had escaped and hidden themselves in the cave at Makkedah.
17 И поведаша Иисусу, глаголюще: обретошася пять царие скрывшиися в пещере яже в Макиде.
It was told to Joshua, “They have been found!—the five kings hidden in the cave at Makkedah!”
18 И рече Иисус: привалите камение велие ко устию пещеры и приставите над ними мужы стрещи их:
Joshua said, “Roll large stones against the mouth of the cave and place soldiers there to guard them.
19 вы же не стойте зде, гоняще вслед врагов ваших, и постигните останок их, и не дадите внити им во грады их, предаде бо я Господь Бог наш в руце наши.
Do not stay yourselves. Pursue your enemies and attack them from the rear. Do not permit them to enter into their cities, because Yahweh your God has given them into your hand.”
20 И бысть егда преста Иисус и вси сынове Израилевы секуще их сечением великим зело даже до конца, и уцелевшии от них внидоша во грады тверды.
Joshua and the sons of Israel had finished slaughtering them with a very great slaughter, until they were almost completely destroyed; only a few survivors who escaped reached the fortified cities.
21 И возвратишася вси людие в полк ко Иисусу в Макиду здрави, и не возскомле никтоже от сынов Израилевых языком своим.
Then the whole army returned in peace to Joshua at the camp at Makkedah. No one dared to say one word against any of the people of Israel.
22 И рече Иисус: отверзите устие пещеры и изведите ко мне пять царей сих из пещеры.
Then Joshua said, “Open the mouth of the cave and out of the cave bring to me these five kings.”
23 И сотвориша тако, и изведоша к нему пять царей из пещеры: царя Иерусалимска и царя Хевронска, и царя Иеримуфска и царя Лахисска и царя Одолламска.
They did as he said. They brought to him these five kings from the cave—the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon.
24 И егда изведоша их ко Иисусу, и созва Иисус всего Израиля и началники воинския ходящыя с ним, глаголя к ним: приступите и наступите ногами вашими на выи царей сих. И приступивше наступиша ногами своими на выи их.
When they brought the kings to Joshua, he summoned every man of Israel. He said to the commanders of the soldiers who had gone into battle with him, “Put your feet on their necks.” So they came up and put their feet on their necks.
25 И рече к ним Иисус: не бойтеся их, ни ужасайтеся: мужайтеся и крепитеся, яко сице сотворит Господь всем врагом вашым, ихже вы повоюете.
Then he said to them, “Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Be strong and courageous. This is what Yahweh will do to all your enemies you are going to fight.”
26 И уби я Иисус, и повеси я на пяти древесех: и быша висяще на древах даже до вечера.
Then Joshua attacked and killed the kings. He hung them on five trees. They hung on the trees until evening.
27 И бысть при захождении солнца, повеле Иисус, и сняша я с древес, и ввергоша я в пещеру, в нюже вбегоша тамо: и завалиша камением великим пещеру до днешняго дне.
When it was sunset, Joshua gave orders, and they took them down from the trees and threw them into the cave where they had hidden themselves. They put large stones over the mouth of the cave. Those stones remain there to this very day.
28 Взяша же и Макиду в той день, и избиша ю острием меча и царя ея, и потребиша их и все дышущее еже бяше в ней: и не остася никтоже в ней цел и избегший. И сотвориша царю Макидску, якоже сотвориша царю Иерихонску.
In this way, Joshua captured Makkedah on that day and killed everyone there with the sword, including its king. He completely destroyed everyone in it. He left no survivor in it. He did to the king of Makkedah just as he had done to the king of Jericho.
29 И отиде Иисус и весь Израиль с ним от Макиды в Левну, и облеже Левну.
Joshua and all Israel passed on from Makkedah to Libnah. He went into battle against Libnah.
30 И предаде ю Господь в руце Израилю: и взяша ю и царя ея, и избиша ю острием меча, и все дышущее в ней: и не остася в ней ни един цел и избегший. И сотвориша царю ея, якоже сотвориша царю Иерихонску.
Yahweh also gave it into the hand of Israel—along with their king. Joshua struck it with the edge of the sword and every person in it. He left no survivor in it. He did to its king just as he had done to the king of Jericho.
31 И отиде Иисус и весь Израиль с ним от Левны в Лахис, и облеже его, и воеваше нань.
Then Joshua and all Israel with him passed on from Libnah to Lachish. He camped by it and waged war against it.
32 И предаде Господь Лахис в руце Израилевы: и взя его в день вторый, и избиша его острием меча (и все дышущее в нем), и потребиша его, якоже сотвориша Левне.
Yahweh gave Lachish into the hand of Israel. Joshua captured it on the second day and struck it with the edge of the sword, and every person in it, just as he had done to Libnah.
33 Тогда взыде Орам царь Газерск, помогаяй Лахису: и порази его Иисус острием меча, и люди его, дондеже не остася от них ни един цел и избегший.
Then Horam, king of Gezer, came up to help Lachish. Joshua attacked him and his army until there was not even one survivor left.
34 И отиде Иисус и весь Израиль с ним от Лахиса во Аглон, и облеже и, и воева на него.
Then Joshua and all Israel passed on from Lachish to Eglon. They camped by it and waged war against it,
35 И предаде и Господь в руце Израилю: и взя и в той день, и изби и острием меча, и все дышущее в нем уби, и сотвори ему якоже и Лахису.
and captured it that same day. They struck it with the edge of the sword and they completely destroyed everyone in it, as Joshua had done to Lachish.
36 И отиде Иисус и весь Израиль с ним в Хеврон, и обсяде и:
Then Joshua and all Israel passed on from Eglon to Hebron. They waged war against it.
37 и взя его, и порази его острием меча, и царя его, и вся веси его, и вся дышущая елика бяху в нем: не бе уцелевый: якоже сотвориша Аглону, потребиша и и все дышущее, елика в нем бяху.
They captured it and struck it with the edge of the sword, and its king and its villages, and everyone in it. They left no survivor it, as they had done to Eglon, they totally destroyed it and every person in it.
38 И обратися Иисус и весь Израиль с ним в Давир: и обседше и,
Then Joshua turned, and all the army of Israel with him, and they passed on to Debir and waged war against it.
39 взяша его и царя его и вся веси его, и поразиша и мечем, и потребиша и и все дышущее в нем, и не оставиша в нем ни единаго уцелевша: якоже сотвориша Хеврону и царю его, тако сотвориша Давиру и царю его, и якоже сотвориша Левне и царю ея.
They captured it, its king and all its nearby villages. They struck them with the edge of the sword and completely destroyed every person in it. They left no survivor. They did to Debir and its king as they had done to Libnah and its king and to Hebron.
40 И порази Иисус всю землю горную и Нагев, и равную и Асидоф, и вся цари его: не оставиша в нем ни единаго уцелевша: и все дышущее потребиша, якоже заповеда Господь Бог Израилю.
Joshua conquered all the land, the hill country, the Negev, the lowlands, and the foothills. Of all their kings he left not one survivor. He completely destroyed every living thing, just as Yahweh, the God of Israel, had commanded.
41 И изби их Иисус от Кадис-Варни даже до Газы, и всю землю Госом даже до Гаваона:
Joshua struck them from Kadesh Barnea to Gaza, and all the country of Goshen to Gibeon.
42 и вся цари сия и землю их взя Иисус единою: яко Господь Бог Израилев помогаше Израилю.
Joshua captured all these kings and their land at one time because Yahweh, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.
43 И возвратися Иисус и весь Израиль с ним в полк в Галгалы.
Then Joshua, and all Israel with him, returned to the camp at Gilgal.

< Книга Иисуса Навина 10 >