< От Иоанна святое благовествование 7 >

1 И хождаше Иисус по сих в Галилеи: не хотяше бо во Иудеи ходити, яко искаху Его Иудее убити.
After these things Jesus traveled about in Galilee, for he did not want to go into Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill him.
2 Бе же близ праздник Иудейский, потчение сени.
Now the Jewish Festival of Shelters was near.
3 Реша убо к Нему братия Его: прейди отсюду, и иди во Иудею, да и ученицы Твои видят дела Твоя, яже твориши:
His brothers therefore said to him, “Leave this place and go to Judea, so that your disciples also may see the works that you do.
4 никтоже бо в тайне творит что, и ищет сам яве быти: аще сия твориши, яви Себе мирови.
No one does anything in secret if he himself wants to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.”
5 Ни братия бо Его вероваху в Него.
For even his brothers did not believe in him.
6 Глагола убо им Иисус: время Мое не у прииде: время же ваше всегда готово есть:
Jesus therefore said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.
7 не может мир ненавидети вас, Мене же ненавидит, яко Аз свидетелствую о нем, яко дела Его зла суть:
The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil.
8 вы взыдите в праздник сей, Аз не взыду в праздник сей, яко время Мое не у исполнися.
You go up to the festival; I am not going to this festival because my time has not yet been fulfilled.”
9 Сия рек им, оста в Галилеи.
After he said these things to them, he stayed in Galilee.
10 Егда же взыдоша братия Его в праздник, тогда и Сам взыде, не яве, но яко тай.
But when his brothers had gone up to the festival, then he also went up, not publicly but in secret.
11 Жидове же искаху Его в праздник и глаголаху: где есть Он?
The Jews were looking for him at the festival and said, “Where is he?”
12 И ропот мног бе о Нем в народех: овии глаголаху, яко благ есть: инии же глаголаху: ни, но льстит народы.
There was much discussion among the crowds about him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others said, “No, he leads the crowds astray.”
13 Никтоже убо яве глаголаше о Нем, страха ради Иудейскаго.
Yet no one spoke openly about him for fear of the Jews.
14 Абие же в преполовение праздника взыде Иисус во церковь и учаше.
When the festival was already half over, Jesus went up into the temple and began to teach.
15 И дивляхуся Иудее, глаголюще: како Сей книги весть не учився?
Then the Jews marveled, saying, “How does this man know so much? He has never been educated.”
16 Отвеща (убо) им Иисус и рече: Мое учение несть Мое, но Пославшаго Мя:
Jesus answered them and said, “My teaching is not mine, but is of him who sent me.
17 аще кто хощет волю Его творити, разумеет о учении, кое от Бога есть, или Аз от Себе глаголю:
If anyone wishes to do his will, he will know about this teaching, whether it comes from God, or whether I speak from myself.
18 глаголяй от себе славы своея ищет: а Ищяй славы Пославшаго Его, Сей истинен есть, и несть неправды в Нем.
Whoever speaks from himself seeks his own glory, but whoever seeks the glory of him who sent him, that person is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
19 Не Моисей ли даде вам закон? И никтоже от вас творит закона. Что Мене ищете убити?
Did not Moses give you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law. Why do you seek to kill me?”
20 Отвеща народ и рече: беса ли имаши? Кто Тебе ищет убити?
The crowd answered, “You have a demon. Who seeks to kill you?”
21 Отвеща Иисус и рече им: едино дело сотворих, и вси дивитеся:
Jesus answered and said to them, “I did one work, and you all marvel because of it.
22 сего ради Моисей даде вам обрезание, не яко от Моисеа есть, но от отец: и в субботу обрезаете человека:
Moses gave you circumcision (not that it is from Moses, but from the ancestors), and on the Sabbath you circumcise a man.
23 аще обрезание приемлет человек в субботу, да не разорится закон Моисеов, на Мя ли гневаетеся, яко всего человека здрава сотворих в субботу?
If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses is not broken, why are you angry with me because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?
24 Не судите на лица, но праведный суд судите.
Do not judge according to appearance, but judge righteously.”
25 Глаголаху убо нецыи от Иерусалимлян: не Сей ли есть, Егоже ищут убити?
Some of them from Jerusalem said, “Is not this the one they seek to kill?
26 И се, не обинуяся глаголет, и ничесоже Ему не глаголют: еда како разумеша князи, яко Сей есть Христос?
See, he speaks openly, and they say nothing to him. It cannot be that the rulers indeed know that this is the Christ, can it?
27 Но Сего вемы, откуду есть: Христос же егда приидет, никтоже весть, откуду будет.
Yet we know where this one is from. But when the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from.”
28 Воззва убо в церкви учя Иисус и глаголя: и Мене весте, и весте, откуду есмь: и о Себе не приидох, но есть истинен Пославый Мя, Егоже вы не весте:
Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, “You both know me and know where I come from. I have not come of myself, but he who sent me is true, and you do not know him.
29 Аз вем Его, яко от Него есмь, и Той Мя посла.
I know him because I come from him and he sent me.”
30 Искаху убо, да имут Его: и никтоже возложи Нань руки, яко не у бе пришел час Его.
They were trying to arrest him, but no one laid a hand on him because his hour had not yet come.
31 Мнози же от народа вероваша в Него и глаголаху, яко Христос, егда приидет, еда болша знамения сотворит, яже Сей творит?
But many in the crowd believed in him, and they said, “When the Christ comes, will he do more signs than what this one has done?”
32 Слышаша фарисее народ ропщущь о Нем сия, и послаша фарисее и архиерее слуги, да имут Его.
The Pharisees heard the crowds whispering these things about Jesus, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to arrest him.
33 Рече убо Иисус: еще мало время с вами есмь, и иду к Пославшему Мя:
Jesus then said, “I am still with you for a short amount of time, and then I go to him who sent me.
34 взыщете Мене и не обрящете: и идеже есмь Аз, вы не можете приити.
You will seek me but you will not find me; where I go, you will not be able to come.”
35 Реша же Иудее к себе: камо Сей хощет ити, яко мы не обрящем Его? Еда в разсеяние Еллинское хощет ити и учити Еллины?
The Jews therefore said among themselves, “Where will this man go that we will not be able to find him? Will he go to the dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?
36 Что есть сие слово, еже рече: взыщете Мене и не обрящете: и идеже есмь Аз, вы не можете приити?
What is this word that he said, 'You will seek me but will not find me; where I go, you will not be able to come'?”
37 В последний же день великий праздника стояше Иисус и зваше, глаголя: аще кто жаждет, да приидет ко Мне и пиет:
Now on the last, great day of the festival, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.
38 веруяй в Мя, якоже рече Писание, реки от чрева его истекут воды живы.
He who believes in me, just as the scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his stomach.”
39 Сие же рече о Дусе, Егоже хотяху приимати верующии во имя Его: не у бо бе Дух Святый, яко Иисус не у бе прославлен.
But he said this about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him would receive; the Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus was not yet glorified.
40 Мнози же от народа слышавше слово, глаголаху: Сей есть воистинну пророк.
Some of the crowd, when they heard these words, said, “This is indeed the prophet.”
41 Друзии глаголаху: Сей есть Христос. Овии же глаголаху: еда от Галилеи Христос приходит?
Others said, “This is the Christ.” But some said, “Does the Christ come from Galilee?
42 Не Писание ли рече, яко от семене Давидова и от Вифлеемския веси, идеже бе Давид, Христос приидет?
Have the scriptures not said that the Christ will come from the descendants of David and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?”
43 Распря убо бысть в народе Его ради.
So there arose a division in the crowds because of him.
44 Нецыи же от них хотяху яти Его: но никтоже возложи Нань руце.
Some of them would have arrested him, but no one laid hands on him.
45 Приидоша же слуги ко архиереом и фарисеом: и реша им тии: почто не приведосте Его?
Then the officers came back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why did you not bring him?”
46 Отвещаша слуги: николиже тако есть глаголал человек, яко Сей Человек.
The officers answered, “Never has anyone spoken like this.”
47 Отвещаша убо им фарисее: еда и вы прельщени бысте?
So the Pharisees answered them, “Have you also been deceived?
48 Еда кто от князь верова в Онь, или от фарисей?
Have any of the rulers believed in him, or any of the Pharisees?
49 Но народ сей, иже не весть закона, прокляти суть.
But this crowd that does not know the law, they are cursed.”
50 Глагола Никодим к ним, иже пришедый к Нему нощию, един сый от них:
Nicodemus (one of the Pharisees, who came to him earlier) said to them,
51 еда закон наш судит человеку, аще не слышит от него прежде и разумеет, что творит?
“Does our law judge a man before hearing from him and knowing what he does?”
52 Отвещаша и рекоша ему: еда и ты от Галилеи еси? Испытай и виждь, яко пророк от Галилеи не приходит.
They answered and said to him, “Are you also from Galilee? Search and see that no prophet comes from Galilee.”
53 И иде кийждо в дом свой.
[Then everyone went to his own house.

< От Иоанна святое благовествование 7 >