< Книга пророка Исаии 52 >

1 Востани, востани, Сионе, облецыся во крепость твою, Сионе, и ты облецыся во славу твою, Иерусалиме, граде святый, ктому не приложит проити сквозе тя необрезанный и нечистый.
Awake, awake, put on your strength, Zion; put on your beautiful garments, Jerusalem, holy city; for never again will the uncircumcised or the unclean enter you.
2 Истряси прах и востани, сяди, Иерусалиме, совлецы узу выи твоея, плененая дщи Сионя.
Shake yourself off from the dust; arise and sit, Jerusalem; take off the chain from your neck, captive, daughter of Zion.
3 Яко сия глаголет Господь: туне продани бысте, и не сребром избавитеся.
For this is what Yahweh says, “You were sold for nothing, and you will be redeemed without money.”
4 Тако глаголет Господь: во Египет снидоша людие Мои прежде, еже пришелцем быти тамо, и во Ассирию нуждею отведошася.
For this is what the Lord Yahweh says, “In the beginning my people went down to live temporarily in Egypt; and Assyria has oppressed them for no good reason.
5 И ныне что зде есте? Сия глаголет Господь: яко взяшася людие Мои туне, чудитеся и плачитеся. Тако глаголет Господь: вас ради присно имя Мое хулится во языцех.
Now what do I have here—this is Yahweh's declaration—seeing that my people are taken away for nothing? Those who rule over them mock—this is Yahweh's declaration—and my name is blasphemed continually all day long.
6 Сего ради познают людие Мои имя Мое в той день, яко Аз есмь Сам глаголяй, ту есмь.
Therefore my people will know my name; they will know in that day that I am the one who says, “Yes, it is I!”
7 Коль красны на горах ноги благовествующих мир, благовествующих благая, яко слышано сотворю спасение твое, глаголя: Сионе, воцарится Бог твой.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, who announces peace, who bears good tidings, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
8 Яко глас хранящих тя вознесеся, и гласом вкупе возрадуются: яко очи ко очесем воззрят, егда помилует Господь Сиона.
Listen, your watchmen raise their voices, together they shout for joy, for they will see, every eye of theirs, Yahweh's return to Zion.
9 Да отрыгнут веселие вкупе пустыни Иерусалимския, яко помилова Господь людий Своих и избави Иерусалима:
Break out into joyful singing together, you ruins of Jerusalem; for Yahweh has comforted his people; he has redeemed Jerusalem.
10 и открыет Господь мышцу Свою святую пред всеми языки, и узрят вси концы земли спасение, еже от Бога нашего.
Yahweh has bared his holy arm in the sight of all the nations; all the earth will see the salvation of our God.
11 Отступите, отступите, изыдите отсюду и нечистоте не прикасайтеся, изыдите от среды его, отлучитеся, носящии сосуды Господни:
Leave, leave, go out from there; touch nothing unclean; leave from her midst; purify yourselves, you who carry the vessels of Yahweh.
12 яко не с мятежем изыдете, ниже убежанием пойдете: пойдет бо пред вами Господь, и собираяй вы Господь Бог Израилев.
For you will not go out in a rush, nor will you leave in a panic; for Yahweh will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rearguard.
13 Се, уразумеет отрок Мой и вознесется и прославится зело.
Look, my servant will act wisely; he will be high and lifted up, and he will be exalted.
14 Якоже ужаснутся о Тебе мнози, тако обезславится от человек вид Твой, и слава Твоя от сынов человеческих.
As many were horrified at you— his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man, and his form no longer looked like anything human.
15 Тако удивятся языцы мнози о Нем, и заградят царие уста своя: яко, имже не возвестися о Нем, узрят, и иже не слышаша, уразумеют.
Even so, my servant will sprinkle many nations and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For that which they had not been told, they will see, and that which they had not heard, they will understand.

< Книга пророка Исаии 52 >