< Книга пророка Исаии 48 >

1 Услышите сия, доме Иаковль, прозваннии именем Израилевым и изшедшии из Иуды, кленущиися именем Господа Бога Израилева, поминающии не со истиною, ниже со правдою,
Listen to this, descendants of Jacob, called by the name of Israel, and who come from the lineage of Judah. Listen, you people who swear by the name of the Lord, or who invoke the God of Israel, but not truly or sincerely.
2 и придержащиися имени града святаго, и о Бозе Израилеве подтверждающиися: Господь Саваоф имя Ему.
You say you're from the “Holy City,” and claim you're trusting in the God of Israel, whose name is the Lord Almighty.
3 Преждняя еще возвестих, и из уст Моих изыдоша, и слышано бысть: внезапу сотворих, и найде.
I predicted long ago what was going to happen—I said it and let people know. Then suddenly I decided to act, and it all came true.
4 Вем, яко жесток еси, и жила железна выя твоя, и чело твое медяно.
I know how stubborn you are, with necks as unbending as iron and foreheads as hard as bronze.
5 И возвестих ти, яже древле, прежде неже приити на тя: слышана тебе сотворих, да не когда речеши, яко идоли мне сия сотвориша, и не рцы, яко изваянная и слиянная заповедаша мне.
I predicted these things to you long ago, before they happened. I explained them to you so that you couldn't say “My idol did this,” or “My image and my metal god ordered this to happen.”
6 Слышасте вся, и вы не разуместе: но и слышана тебе сотворих новая отныне, яже имут быти:
You've heard all I predicted, and seen it happen. Won't you admit it? Now I'm going to tell you new things, secrets you don't know anything about.
7 и не рекл еси: ныне бывают, а не прежде, и не в преждния дни слышал еси сия: не рцы: ей, вем сия.
These are brand-new, not something from the past. Before today you won't have heard anything about them, so you can't say, “Oh yes, I know about that.”
8 Не ведел еси, ниже разумел еси, ниже исперва отверзох ушеса твоя: ведех бо, яко отвергая отринеши и беззаконник еще от чрева прозовешися.
No, you've never heard that, and you've never known that! Nobody's told you about that before! I know how deviously you operate—you're called “rebels from birth”!
9 Имене Моего ради покажу ти ярость Мою, и славная Моя наведу на тя, да не потреблю тебе.
But because of my nature I am delaying my punishment; and because of my reputation, I'm not going to destroy you.
10 Се, продах тя не сребра ради: изях же тя из пещи убожества.
Look how I've refined you, but not like silver—I chose you in the furnace of trouble.
11 Мене ради сотворю ти, яко Мое имя оскверняется, и славы Моея иному не дам.
The reason I'm doing this is because of who I am, yes, because of my very nature. I won't let my reputation be damaged—I won't let anyone else have it.
12 Послушай Мене, Иакове и Израилю, егоже Аз призываю: Аз есмь первый и Аз есмь во век.
Listen to me, Jacon, and Israel, the one I called. Only I am God. I am the first, and I am the last.
13 И рука Моя основа землю, и десница Моя утверди небо: призову я, и станут вкупе,
I laid the foundations of the earth with my own hands; I personally spread out the heavens. When I call the stars, they all take their positions.
14 и соберутся вси и услышат: кто им возвести сия? Любя тя сотворих волю твою над Вавилоном, еже отяти племя Халдейско.
Everyone gather round and listen. Which of your “gods” told you anything like this? The one the Lord loves will carry out the Lord's wishes against Babylon—he will attack the Babylonians.
15 Аз глаголах, Аз призвах, приведох и, и благопоспешит путь его.
I myself have spoken. I have called him to do this, and he will be successful in what he does.
16 Приступите ко Мне и слышите сия, исперва не отай глаголах: егда бываху, тамо бех, и ныне Господь Господь посла Мя и Дух Его.
Come close to me, and listen to this. From the very beginning I haven't spoken in secret; I am always there right when it happens. Now the Lord God and his Spirit has sent me to tell you this:
17 Тако глаголет Господь, Избавивый тя, Святый Израилев: Аз есмь Господь Бог твой, научих тя, еже обрести тебе путь, по немуже пойдеши.
This is what the Lord says, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am the Lord your God. I am the one who teaches you what is good for you, who leads you along the way you should go.
18 И аще бы еси послушал заповедий Моих, то был бы убо аки река мир твой, и правда твоя яко волна морская,
If you had only listened carefully to what I told you! Then your blessings would have flowed like a river, and goodness would have washed over you like the waves of the sea.
19 и было бы яко песок семя твое, и изчадия чрева твоего яко персть земли: ниже ныне потребишися, ниже погибнет имя твое предо Мною.
Your children, your descendants, would have been like all those grains of sand. They wouldn't have had to be destroyed, wiped out before me.
20 Изыди от Вавилона, бежай от Халдеев: глас радости возвестите, и да слышано будет сие, возвестите даже до последних земли, глаголите: избави Господь раба Своего Иакова.
Leave Babylon! Run away from Babylonia with happy shouts! Let everyone know, telling the whole earth, “The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob!”
21 И аще вжаждут, пустынею проведет их и воду из камене изведет им: разсядется камень, и потечет вода, и испиют людие Мои.
They weren't thirsty when he led them through the desert—he made water come out of the rock for them. He split the rock open and water poured out.
22 Несть радоватися нечестивым, глаголет Господь.
The wicked have no peace, says the Lord.

< Книга пророка Исаии 48 >