< Бытие 26 >

1 Бысть же глад на земли, кроме глада бывшаго прежде во время Авраамле. Отиде же Исаак ко Авимелеху царю Филистимску в Герар:
There was a famine in the country—not the one that happened before in Abraham's time, but a later one. So Isaac moved to Gerar in the territory of Abimelech, king of the Philistines.
2 явися же ему Господь и рече: не ходи во Египет, вселися же в земли, в нейже ти реку,
The Lord appeared to Isaac and told him, “Don't go to Egypt—live in the country that I tell you to.
3 и обитай в земли той, и буду с тобою, и благословлю тя: тебе бо и семени твоему дам всю землю сию и поставлю клятву Мою, еюже кляхся Аврааму отцу твоему:
Stay here in this country. I will be with you and I will bless you, because I'm going to give you and your descendants all these lands. I will keep the solemn promise that I swore to Abraham your father.
4 и умножу семя твое, яко звезды небесныя, и дам семени твоему всю землю сию: и благословятся о семени твоем вси языцы земнии:
I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven and I will give them all these lands. All the nations of the earth will be blessed by your descendants,
5 понеже послуша отец твой Авраам Моего гласа и соблюде заповеди Моя и повеления Моя, и оправдания Моя и законы Моя.
because Abraham did what I told him, and kept my requirements, my commands, my regulations, and my laws.”
6 Вселися же Исаак в Герарех.
So Isaac stayed in Gerar.
7 Вопросиша же мужие места того о Ревекце жене его, и рече: сестра ми есть. Убояся бо рещи, яко жена ми есть, да не когда убиют его мужие места того Ревекки ради, понеже бе доброзрачна.
When the men there asked him about his wife, he told them, “She's my sister,” because he was afraid. He said to himself, “If I say she's my wife, the men here will kill me to get Rebekah, because she's so beautiful.”
8 Бысть же много время тамо: и приникнув Авимелех царь Герарский окном, виде Исаака играюща с Ревеккою женою своею.
But later on, after he'd been there a while, Abimelech, king of the Philistines, happened to look out the window and saw Isaac lovingly fondling his wife Rebekah.
9 Призва же Авимелех Исаака и рече ему: убо жена твоя есть? Почто рекл еси, яко сестра ми есть? Рече же ему Исаак: рех бо, да не умру ея ради.
Abimelech sent for Isaac and complained. “From what I saw she's clearly your wife!” he said. “Why on earth did you say, ‘She's my sister’?” “Because I thought I'd be killed because of her,” Isaac replied.
10 Рече же ему Авимелех: что сие сотворил еси нам? Вмале не бысть некто от рода моего с женою твоею, и навел бы еси на ны неведение.
“Why would you do this to us?” Abimelech asked. “One of the men here might have slept with your wife, and you would have made us all guilty!”
11 Заповеда же Авимелех всем людем своим, глаголя: всяк, иже прикоснется мужу сему, или жене его, смерти повинен будет.
Abimelech issued orders to all the people, warning them, “Anyone who touches this man or his wife will be executed.”
12 Сея же Исаак в земли той, и приобрете в то лето стократный плод ячменя: благослови же его Господь.
Isaac sowed grain that year, and the Lord blessed him with a harvest that was a hundred times what he planted.
13 И возвысися человек, и преуспевая болший бываше, дондеже велик бысть зело.
He became a rich man, and his wealth steadily increased until he was very rich.
14 Быша же ему скоти овец и скоти волов и земледелия многа. Позавидеша же ему Филистимляне:
He owned many flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, as well as many slaves. He had so much that the Philistines became jealous of him.
15 и вся кладязи, яже ископаша раби отца его, во время отца его, заградиша я Филистимляне и наполниша тыя землею.
So the Philistines used dirt to block up all the wells his father Abraham's servants had dug.
16 Рече же Авимелех ко Исааку: отиди от нас, яко силнейший сотворился еси от нас зело.
Then Abimelech told Isaac, “You have to leave our country, because you've become much too powerful for us.”
17 И отиде оттуду Исаак и обита в дебри Герарстей, и вселися тамо.
So Isaac moved away and set up his tents in the Gerar Valley where he settled down.
18 И паки Исаак ископа кладязи водныя, яже ископаша раби Авраама отца его, и заградиша тыя Филистимляне, по умертвии Авраама отца его: и прозва им имена, по именам, имиже прозва Авраам отец его.
He unblocked the wells that had been dug in his father Abraham's time—the ones the Philistines had blocked after the death of Abraham. He gave them the same names his father had.
19 И ископаша раби Исааковы в дебри Герарстей, и обретоша тамо кладязь воды живы.
Isaac's servants also dug a new well in the valley and found spring water.
20 И пряхуся пастырие Герарстии с пастырми Исааковыми, глаголюще: наша есть вода. И прозва имя кладязю тому Обида: обидяху бо его.
But the herdsmen from Gerar argued with Isaac's herdsmen, claiming, “That's our water!” So Isaac named the well, “Argument,” because they argued with him.
21 Отшед же оттуду Исаак, ископа кладязь другий. Пряхуся же и о том: и прозва имя ему Вражда.
He had another well dug, and they argued over that one too. He named the well, “Opposition.”
22 Отшед же оттуду, ископа кладязь другий. И не пряхуся о том, и прозва имя ему Пространство, глаголя: яко ныне распространи Господь нам и возрасти нас на земли.
So they moved on from there and he had another well dug. This time there was no argument so he named the well, “Freedom,” saying, “Now the Lord has given us freedom to expand and be successful in this land.”
23 Взыде же оттуду ко кладязю Клятвенному:
From there he moved on to Beersheba.
24 и явися ему Господь в ту нощь и рече: Аз есмь Бог Авраама отца твоего, не бойся, с тобою бо есмь: и благословлю тя, и умножу семя твое Авраама ради отца твоего.
That night the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am the God of Abraham your father. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. I will bless you and give you many descendants for the sake of my servant Abraham.”
25 И созда тамо жертвенник, и призва имя Господне: и постави тамо скинию свою: ископаша же тамо раби Исааковы кладязь в дебри Герарстей.
Isaac built an altar and worshiped the Lord. He also set up his tent, and his servants dug a well there.
26 И Авимелех прииде к нему от Герар, и Охозаф невестоводитель его, и Фихол воевода сил его.
Sometime later Abimelech came from Gerar to see Isaac, along with Ahuzzath his advisor, and Phicol the commander of his army.
27 И рече им Исаак: вскую приидосте ко мне? Вы же возненавидесте мене и отсласте мя от себе.
“Why have you come to see me?” Isaac asked them. “Previously you hated me and told me to leave!”
28 Они же реша: видевше узрехом, яко бе Господь с тобою, и рехом: буди клятва между нами и между тобою, и завещаим с тобою завет,
“Now we realize that the Lord is with you,” they replied. “So we agreed that we should make a sworn agreement with you.
29 да не сотвориши с нами зла, якоже не возгнушахомся тобою мы, и якоже сотворихом тебе добро, и отпустихом тя с миром: и ныне благословен ты от Господа.
You'll promise not to harm us in the same way we've never hurt you. You'll agree that we've always treated you well, and when we asked you to leave we did so kindly. Now look at how the Lord is blessing you!”
30 И сотвори им пир, и ядоша и пиша.
So Isaac had a special meal prepared to celebrate the agreement. They ate and drank,
31 И воставше заутра, клятся кийждо ближнему: и отпусти я Исаак, и отидоша от него здравы.
and got up early in the morning and they each swore oaths to one other. Then Isaac sent them on their way, and they left in peace.
32 Бысть же в той день, и пришедше раби Исааковы поведаша ему о кладязе, егоже ископаша, и рекоша: не обретохом воды.
It was that very day when Isaac's servants who'd been digging a well came and told him, “We've found water!”
33 И прозва его Клятва. Сего ради прозва имя граду оному кладязь Клятвенный, даже до днешняго дне.
So Isaac named the well, “Oath,” and that's why the name of the town is “Well of the Oath” (Beersheba) to this day.
34 Бяше же Исав лет четыредесяти: и поя жену Иудифу, дщерь Веоха Хеттеина, и Васемафу, дщерь Елона Хеттеина.
When Esau was 40, he married Judith, daughter of Beeri the Hittite, as well as Basemath, daughter of Elon the Hittite.
35 И быша противящеся Исаакови и Ревекце.
They caused Isaac and Rebekah a great deal of grief.

< Бытие 26 >