< Книга Ездры 3 >

1 Пришедшу же месяцу седмому, и бяху сынове Израилевы во градех своих, и собрашася людие аки человек един во Иерусалим.
And when the seventh month had come, and the children of Israel [were] in the cities, the people assembled themselves as one man at Jerusalem.
2 И воста Иисус сын Иоседеков и братия его священницы, и Зоровавель сын Салафиилев и братия его, и создаша олтарь Богу Израилеву, да принесут на нем всесожжения, якоже писано есть в законе Моисеа человека Божия.
Then stood up Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and built the altar of the God of Israel, to offer burnt-offerings on it as [it is] written in the law of Moses the man of God.
3 И уготоваша олтарь на основании его, понеже страх бе на них от людий земных, и вознесоша на том всесожжение Господеви утро и в вечер:
And they set the altar upon its bases; for fear [was] upon them because of the people of those countries: and they offered burnt-offerings on it to the LORD, [even] burnt-offerings morning and evening.
4 и сотвориша праздник кущей, якоже писано, и всесожжения на всяк день числом по повелению, дело дне в день свой:
They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as [it is] written, and [offered] the daily burnt-offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required;
5 и посем всесожжения непрестанная и в новомесячия и во вся праздники Господеви освященныя, и о всяцем добровольно приносящем со усердием Господеви.
And afterward [offered] the continual burnt-offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a free-will-offering to the LORD.
6 От перваго дне месяца седмаго начаша возносити всесожжения Господеви, дом же Господень не бе еще основан.
From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt-offerings to the LORD. But the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not [yet] laid.
7 И вдаша пенязи каменосечцем и древоделем, пищу же и питие и елей Сидоняном и Тиряном, да принесут древа кедрова от Ливана к морю Иоппийскому, якоже соизволи Кир царь Персский о них.
They gave money also to the masons, and to the carpenters; and provisions, and drink, and oil, to them of Zidon, and to them of Tyre, to bring cedar trees from Lebanon to the sea of Joppa, according to the grant that they had of Cyrus king of Persia.
8 И в лето второе, внегда приити им к дому Божию во Иерусалим, месяца втораго нача Зоровавель сын Салафиилев и Иисус сын Иоседеков, и прочии от братии их священницы и левити, и вси, иже приидоша от пленения во Иерусалим, и поставиша левитов от двадесяти лет и вышше над творящими дела во храме Господни.
Now in the second year of their coming to the house of God at Jerusalem, in the second month, began Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and the remnant of their brethren the priests and the Levites, and all they that had come out of the captivity to Jerusalem; and appointed the Levites, from twenty years old and upward, to set forward the work of the house of the LORD.
9 И ста Иисус и сынове его и братия его, Кадоил и сынове его, сынове Иудины, якоже муж един да единодушно настоят над творящими дела в дому Божии, сынове Инададовы, сынове их и братия их левити.
Then stood Jeshua [with] his sons and his brethren, Kadmiel and his sons, the sons of Judah, together, to set forward the workmen in the house of God: the sons of Henadad, [with] their sons and their brethren the Levites.
10 И основаша созидающе дом Господень: и сташа священницы во украшении своем со трубами, и левити сынове Асафовы, в кимвалех да хвалят Господа, по уставу Давида царя Израилева:
And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David king of Israel.
11 и вопияху в песнех и исповедании Господеви, яко благ, яко в век милость Его над Израилем: и вси людие возглашаху гласом великим хваление Господу при основании дому Господня.
And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks to the LORD; because [he is] good, for his mercy [endureth] for ever towards Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
12 И мнози от священников и левит, и князи отечеств и старейшины, иже видеша дом преждний на основании своем, и сей дом пред очесы своими, плакаху гласом велиим: и народ возглашающь, в веселии возвышаху:
But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers, old men, that had seen the first house, when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and many shouted aloud for joy:
13 и не можаху людие познати гласа восклицания веселящихся от гласов плача народнаго, понеже людие восклицаху гласом великим, и глас велик слышашеся издалеча.
So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of the joy from the noise of the weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off.

< Книга Ездры 3 >