< Книга пророка Иезекииля 36 >

1 И ты, сыне человечь, прорцы на горы Израилевы и рцы:
“And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say: Mountains of Israel, listen to this message from the Lord.
2 горы Израилевы, слышите слово Господне, сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: понеже рече враг на вы: благоже, пустыня вечная во одержание нам бысть:
This is what the Lord God says: The enemy said about you, ‘Aha! These old high places now belong to us,’
3 того ради прорцы и рцы: тако глаголет Адонаи Господь: зане быти вам погубленым и безчестным и возненавиденым от язык окрестных вам, еже быти вам во одержание прочым языком, и взыдосте и бысте в поношение устен и во укоризну странам:
so you must prophesy and announce that this is what the Lord God says: They have turned you into a wasteland, attacking you from every direction, so that you became the property of other nations and people gossiped about you and slandered you.
4 сего ради, горы Израилевы, слышите слово Господне, сия глаголет Адонаи Господь горам и холмом, и потоком и дебрем, и полянам и опустошеным, и разореным и градом оставленым, иже быша в пленение и в попрание оставшым языком окрестным.
So now, mountains of Israel, listen to the message from the Lord God. This is what the Lord God says to the mountains and hills, to the ravines and valleys, to the deserted ruins and abandoned towns, that the other nations around you have looted and mocked.
5 Того ради сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: аще не во огни рвения Моего глаголах на прочыя языки и на Идумею всю, яко даша землю Мою себе во одержание со веселием (от всего сердца), обезчестивше душы, еже потребити повоеванием:
Yes, this is what the Lord God says: I have spoken passionately against these other nations, and against all the Edomites, who took over my country and made it theirs, happily celebrating as they looted the land and treated me with complete contempt.
6 того ради прорцы на землю Израилеву и рцы горам и холмом, и полянам и дебрем: сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: се, Аз во рвении Моем и в ярости Моей глаголах, за укоризну, юже приясте от язык.
So prophesy concerning the country of Israel and tell the mountains and hills, the ravines and valleys, that this is what the Lord God says: Just watch, for I have spoken passionately about this because you have had to put up with this mockery from other nations.
7 Того ради сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: се, Аз воздвигну руку Мою на языки, иже окрест вас, тии безчестие свое приимут.
This is what the Lord God says: I hold up my hand and swear that the other nations around you will suffer their own shame.
8 Ваше же гроздие и плод ваш, горы Израилевы, поядят людие Мои, яко надеются приити.
But you, mountains of Israel, will grow trees that will produce fruit for my people Israel, for soon they'll be coming home.
9 Яко се, Аз к вам, и призрю на вы, и возделаете и насеете:
Look, I am for you and I will help you. Your land will be ploughed, and crops will be sown.
10 и умножу в вас человеки, весь дом Израилев до конца, и населятся гради, и пустыни оградятся:
You will support the people of Israel as they return and grow in number. People will live in the towns again and rebuild the ruins.
11 и умножу вас людьми и скотом, и умножатся и возрастут, и вселю вас якоже прежде, и благо сотворю вам якоже бывшым прежде вас, и уразумеете, яко Аз есмь Господь:
The number of your people will grow— they will have many children. The animals too will have many young. I will make sure that you're inhabited just as you used to be, and I will make you more prosperous that you were before. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
12 и нарожду в вас человеки люди Моя Израиля, и наследят вас, и будете им во одержание, и не приложите ктому безчадни быти от них.
I will have my people Israel walk on you mountains. You will be theirs; you will belong to them, and you will no longer rob your nation of their children.
13 Сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: понеже глаголаша тебе: земля поядающая человеки ты еси, и безчадная от языка твоего была еси:
This is what the Lord God says: Because people say to you, ‘You eat people, and rob your nation of their children,’
14 того ради человеков ктому не пояси и языка твоего не обезчадиши ктому, глаголет Адонаи Господь.
from now on you won't eat people or rob your nation of their children, declares the Lord God.
15 И не услышится в вас ктому безчестие языков, и укоризны людий не приимете ктому, и язык твой не будет без чад ктому, глаголет Адонаи Господь.
I'm going to stop these nations insulting you, and you won't have to put up with their taunts any more, or make the nation fall, declares the Lord God.”
16 И бысть слово Господне ко мне глаголя:
Another message from Lord came to me, saying,
17 сыне человечь, дом Израилев вселися на земли своей, и оскверниша ю путем своим и кумирми своими и нечистотами своими, и по нечистоте месячная имущия бысть путь их пред лицем Моим:
“Son of man, when the people of Israel were living in their country, they made it unclean by the way they behaved, by what they did. The way they were behaving in my presence was like the ceremonial uncleanness of a woman's period.
18 и излиях ярость Мою на ня, крови ради, юже пролияша на землю, и кумирми своими оскверниша ю,
So I became angry with them because of murders they committed in the country, and because they made it unclean by worshiping idols.
19 и разсыпах я во языки и развеях я во страны: по пути их и по начинанию их судих им.
I scattered them among the different nations and countries. I judged them according to the way they had behaved and what they did.
20 И внидоша во языки, в няже внидоша тамо, и оскверниша имя Мое святое, внегда глаголатися им: людие Господни сии и от земли своея изыдоша.
But wherever they went among the nations, they ruined my reputation, because people said about them, ‘These are the Lord's people, but they had to leave his country.’
21 И пощадих я имене ради Моего святаго еже оскверниша дом Израилев во языцех, аможе внидоша.
So I had to take care of my reputation for holiness which the people of Israel had ruined among the nations where they'd gone.
22 Того ради рцы дому Израилеву: сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: не вам Аз творю, доме Израилев, но имене Моего ради святаго, еже осквернисте во языцех, тамо аможе внидосте.
Tell the people of Israel that this is what the Lord God says: I'm not doing this for you, people of Israel, but for my reputation for holiness, which you ruined among the nations where you went.
23 И освящу имя Мое великое, оскверненное во языцех, еже осквернисте среде их, и уразумеют языцы, яко Аз есмь Господь, глаголет Адонаи Господь, внегда освящуся в вас пред очима их.
I will reveal the holy nature and importance of my reputation, which has been ruined among the nations, the reputation you have ruined among them. Then the nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the Lord God, when I reveal my holiness through you as they watch.
24 И возму вы от язык и соберу вы от всех земель, и введу вы в землю вашу,
For I will bring you back from among the nations, gathering you from all the different countries, and I will lead you back into your own country.
25 и воскроплю на вы воду чисту, и очиститеся от всех нечистот ваших и от всех кумиров ваших, и очищу вас.
I will also pour pure water over you, and you will be clean. I will wash you clean from all your uncleanness and from all your idols.
26 И дам вам сердце ново и дух нов дам вам, и отиму сердце каменное от плоти вашея и дам вам сердце плотяно, и дух Мой дам в вас:
I will give you a new mind and I will put a new spirit inside you. I will take away your stubborn mind and I will give you a loving mind.
27 и сотворю, да в заповедех Моих ходите, и суды Моя сохраните и сотворите я.
I will put my Spirit inside you so you will follow my laws and remember to do what I tell you.
28 И вселитеся на земли, юже дах отцем вашым, и будете Ми в люди, Аз же буду вам в Бога.
Then you will live in the country I gave to your forefathers. You will be my people, and I will be your God.
29 И спасу вы от всех нечистот ваших (и очищу вы от грех ваших всех), и призову пшеницу и умножу ю, и не дам на вы глада:
I will save you from everything that makes you unclean. I will make sure you have plenty of grain. I won't send you any famines.
30 и распложу плод древесный и плоды селныя, яко да не приимете ктому гладныя укоризны во языцех.
I will also make sure you have good harvests from your orchards and fields, so that you won't be mocked by other nations anymore because of famine.
31 И помянете пути своя злыя и начинания ваша не благая, и вознегодуете пред лицем их о беззакониих ваших и о мерзостех ваших.
Then you will remember your evil ways and terrible things you've done, and you'll hate yourselves for your sins and disgusting actions.
32 Не вас ради Аз творю, доме Израилев, глаголет Адонаи Господь, вестно да будет вам, (доме Израилев: ) постыдитеся и усрамитеся от путий ваших, доме Израилев.
You need to realize that I'm not doing this for your sake, declares the Lord God. You should be ashamed and embarrassed for what you've done, people of Israel!
33 Сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: во оньже день очищу вы от всех беззаконий ваших и населю грады, и соградятся пустыни,
This is what the Lord God says: On the day I make you clean from all your sins, I will have you live in your towns again and make sure the ruins are rebuilt.
34 и земля погибшая возделается вместо того, яко погублена бысть пред очима всякаго мимоходящаго:
The land that was deserted will be cultivated again instead of looking abandoned to everyone passing by.
35 и рекут: земля оная погибшая бысть яко вертоград Сладости, и гради опустевшии и разореннии и раскопаннии, забралы утвержденни сташа:
Then they will say, ‘This deserted land is now like the garden of Eden. The towns that were demolished, abandoned, and destroyed have been restored and strengthened, and people are living in them.’
36 и уразумеют языцы, елицы останутся окрест вас, яко Аз Господь возградих разоренныя и насадих погубленныя: Аз Господь глаголах и сотворю.
Then those nations around you that are left will acknowledge that I, the Lord, have rebuilt what was demolished, and that I have replanted what was destroyed. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will carry it out.
37 Сия глаголет Адонаи Господь: се, еще обрящуся дому Израилеву, еже сотворити им: умножу их яко овцы, человеки яко овцы святыя,
This is what the Lord God says: I will once again answer the prayers of the people of Israel. This is what I will do for them: I will have them increase in number like a flock.
38 яко овцы Иерусалимли во праздниках его, тако будут гради опустевшии полни стад человеческих: и уразумеют, яко Аз Господь.
Just like all the many flocks that are brought to Jerusalem to be sacrificed during the religious festivals, so the towns that were once demolished will be full of flocks of people. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

< Книга пророка Иезекииля 36 >