< Книга пророка Даниила 1 >

1 В лето третие царства Иоакима царя Иудина, прииде Навуходоносор царь Вавилонск на Иерусалим и воеваше нань.
In year three of [the] reign of Jehoiakim [the] king of Judah he came Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon Jerusalem and he laid siege on it.
2 И даде Господь в руце его Иоакима царя Иудина и от части сосудов храма Божия. И принесе я в землю Сеннаар в дом бога своего и сосуды внесе в дом сокровищный бога своего.
And he gave [the] Lord in hand his Jehoiakim [the] king of Judah and some of [the] end of [the] vessels of [the] house of God and he brought them [the] land of Shinar [the] house of god his and the vessels he brought [the] house of [the] treasury of god his.
3 И рече царь ко Асфанезу, старейшине евнухов своих, ввести от сынов плена Израилева и от племене царска и от князей
And he said the king to Ashpenaz [the] chief of officials his to bring some of [the] people of Israel and some of [the] offspring of royalty and some of the nobles.
4 юношы, на нихже несть порока, и добры зраком и смыслены во всяцей премудрости, и ведущыя умение и размышляющыя разум, и имже есть крепость в них, еже предстояти в дому пред царем и научити я книгам и языку Халдейску.
Youths whom not [was] in them any (blemish *Qk) and good of appearance and having insight in all wisdom and knowing knowledge and understanding knowledge and whom ability [was] in them to stand in [the] palace of the king and to teach them [the] writing and [the] tongue of [the] Chaldeans.
5 И повеле им (даяти) царь по вся дни от трапезы царевы и от вина пития своего и кормити их лета три, и потом стати пред царем.
And he assigned to them the king [the] matter of a day in day its some of [the] deli-caci[es] of the king and some of [the] wine of drink his and to bring up them years three and from [the] end their they will stand before the king.
6 И бысть в них от сынов Иудиных Даниил и Ананиа, и Азариа и Мисаил.
And he was among them from [the] people of Judah Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah.
7 И возложи им имена старейшина евнухов: Даниилу Валтасар, и Анании Седрах, и Мисаилу Мисах, Азарии же Авденаго.
And he assigned to them [the] chief of the officials names and he assigned to Daniel Belteshazzar and to Hananiah Shadrach and to Mishael Meshach and to Azariah Abed-nego.
8 И положи Даниил на сердцы своем, еже не осквернитися от трапезы царевы и от вина пития его, и моли старейшину евнухов, яко да не осквернится.
And he set Daniel on heart his that not he defiled himself with [the] delicaci[es] of the king and with [the] wine of drink his and he requested from [the] chief of the officials that not he will defile himself.
9 И вдаде Бог Даниила в милость и в щедроты пред старейшиною евнухов.
And he gave God Daniel favor and compassion before [the] chief of the officials.
10 И рече старейшина евнухов Даниилу: боюся аз господина моего царя, заповедавшаго о пищи вашей и питии вашем, да не когда увидит лица ваша уныла паче отроков сверстников ваших, и осудите главу мою царю.
And he said [the] chief of the officials to Daniel [am] fearing I master my the king who he has assigned food your and drink your that why? will he see faces your looking thin more than the youths who [are] about age your and you will endanger head my to the king.
11 И рече Даниил ко Амелсару, егоже пристави старейшина евнухов к Даниилу и Анании, и Азарии и Мисаилу:
And he said Daniel to the guardian whom he had assigned [the] chief of the officials over Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah.
12 искуси отроки твоя до десяти дний, и да дадят нам от семен земных, да ядим, и воду да пием:
Put to [the] test please servants your days ten so let people give to us some of the vegetables so we may eat and water so we may drink.
13 и да явятся пред тобою лица наша и лица отроков ядущих от трапезы царевы, и якоже узриши, сотвори со отроки твоими.
And they may appear before you appearance our and [the] appearance of the youths who are eating [the] delicaci[es] of the king and just as you will see deal with servants your.
14 И послуша их и искуси я до десяти дний.
And he listened to them to the thing this and he put to [the] test them days ten.
15 По скончании же десятих дний, явишася лица их блага и крепка плотию паче отроков ядущих от трапезы царевы.
And from [the] end of days ten it appeared appearance their good and fat of flesh more than all the youths who were eating [the] delicaci[es] of the king.
16 И бысть Амелсар отемля яди их и вино пития их и даяше им семена.
And he was the guardian taking away delicaci[es] their and [the] wine of drink their and giving to them vegetables.
17 И четырем отроком сим им даде им Бог смысл и мудрость во всяцей книжней премудрости: Даниил же разумен бысть во всяцем видении и сониих.
And the youths these [the] four of them he gave to them God knowledge and insight in all writing and wisdom and Daniel he understood every vision and dreams.
18 И по скончании тех дний, в няже рече царь привести я, введе я старейшина евнухов пред Навуходоносора.
And from [the] end of the days which he had said the king to bring them and he brought them [the] chief of the officials before Nebuchadnezzar.
19 И беседова с ними царь, и не обретошася от всех их подобни Даниилу и Анании, и Азарии и Мисаилу: и сташа пред царем.
And he spoke with them the king and not he was found any of all of them like Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah and they stood before the king.
20 И во всяцем глаголе премудрости и умения, о нихже вопрошаше от них царь, обрете я десятерицею паче всех обаятелей и волхвов сущих во всем царстве его.
And every matter of wisdom of understanding which he sought from them the king and he found them ten hands above all the soothsayer-priests the conjurers who [were] in all kingdom his.
21 И бысть Даниил даже до перваго лета Кира царя.
And he was Daniel until year one of Cyrus the king.

< Книга пророка Даниила 1 >