< Деяния святых апостолов 11 >

1 Слышаша же Апостоли и братия сущии во Иудеи, яко и языцы прияша слово Божие.
Now the apostles and the brothers who were in Judea heard that the Gentiles also received the word of God.
2 И егда взыде Петр во Иерусалим, препирахуся с ним иже от обрезания,
And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, the men of circumcision contended against him,
3 глаголюще, яко к мужем обрезания не имущым вшел еси и ял еси с ними.
saying, Thou went in to uncircumcised men, having also eaten with them.
4 Начен же Петр, сказоваше им поряду, глаголя:
But when Peter began, he expounded to them in order, saying,
5 аз бех во граде Июппийстем моляся и видех во ужасе видение, сходящь сосуд некий, яко плащаницу велию, от четырех краев низпущаему с небесе, и прииде даже до мене:
I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision, a certain container descending, as a great sheet being lowered from heaven by four corners, and it came as far as to me,
6 в нюже воззрев смотрях, и видех четвероногая земная и звери и гады и птицы небесныя.
having gazed at which, I was examining. And I saw the four footed things of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of the sky.
7 Слышах же глас глаголющь мне: востав, Петре, заколи и яждь.
And I heard a voice saying to me, Having risen, Peter, kill and eat.
8 Рех же: никакоже, Господи, яко всяко скверно или нечисто николиже вниде во уста моя.
But I said, Not so, Lord, because nothing profane or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.
9 Отвеща же ми глас вторицею с небесе глаголющь: яже Бог очистил есть, ты не скверни.
But a voice answered me for a second time out of heaven, What God has cleansed, thou shall not make profane.
10 Сие же бысть трижды: и паки взяшася вся на небо.
And this happened thrice, and all were drawn up again into heaven.
11 И се, абие трие мужие сташа пред храминою, в нейже бех, послани от Кесарии ко мне.
And behold, immediately three men stood at the house in which I was, who were sent from Caesarea to me.
12 Рече же ми Дух ити с ними, ничтоже разсуждая: приидоша же со мною и шесть братия сии, и внидохом в дом мужа.
And the Spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing. And these six brothers also went with me, and we entered into the man's house.
13 И возвести нам, како виде Ангела (свята) в дому своем, ставша и рекша ему: посли во Июппию мужы и призови Симона, нарицаемаго Петра,
And he informed us how he saw the agent in his house, who stood and said to him, Send forth men to Joppa, and summon Simon, the man surnamed Peter,
14 иже речет глаголы к тебе, в нихже спасешися ты и весь дом твой.
who will speak sayings to thee, by which thou will be saved, thou and all thy house.
15 Внегда же начах глаголати, нападе Дух Святый на них, якоже и на ны в начале.
And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them, just as also on us at the beginning.
16 Помянух же глаголгол Господень, якоже глаголаше: Иоанн убо крестил есть водою, вы же имате креститися Духом Святым.
And I remembered the saying of the Lord, how he said, John indeed immersed in water, but ye will be immersed in the Holy Spirit.
17 Аще убо равен дар даде им Бог, якоже и нам веровавшым в Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, аз же кто бех могий возбранити Бога?
If then God gave to them the identical gift as also to us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, but what power was I to hinder God?
18 Слышавше же сия умолкоша и славляху Бога, глаголюще: убо и языком Бог покаяние даде в живот.
And when they heard these things, they relaxed and glorified God, saying, Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.
19 Разсеявшиися убо от скорби, бывшия при Стефане, проидоша даже до Финикии и Кипра и Антиохии, ни единому же глаголюще слово, токмо Иудеем.
Indeed therefore those who were scattered abroad from the persecution that occurred against Stephen passed through as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none except Jews only.
20 Бяху же нецыи от них мужие Кипрстии и Киринейстии, иже, вшедше во Антиохию, глаголаху к Еллином, благовествующе Господа Иисуса.
And some of them were men, Cyprians and Cyrenians, who, having come to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, preaching good news, the Lord Jesus.
21 И бе рука Господня с ними: многое же число веровавше обратишася ко Господу.
And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed turned to the Lord.
22 Слышано же бысть слово о них во ушию церкве сущия во Иерусалиме, и послаша Варнаву преити даже до Антиохии:
And the word about them was heard in the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they dispatched Barnabas to pass through as far as Antioch,
23 иже пришед и видев благодать Божию, возрадовася и моляше всех изволением сердца терпети о Господе:
who, having arrived, and having seen the grace of God, rejoiced. And he encouraged all, with purpose of heart, to remain in the Lord.
24 яко бе муж благ и исполнь Духа Свята и веры. И приложися народ мног Господеви.
Because he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a considerable multitude was added to the Lord.
25 Изыде же Варнава в Тарс взыскати Савла, и обрет его, приведе его во Антиохию:
And Barnabas departed to Tarsus to seek Saul,
26 бысть же им лето цело собиратися в церкви и учити народ мног, нарещи же прежде во Антиохии ученики Христианы.
and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came to pass a whole year for them to be assembled in the congregation, and to teach a considerable multitude, and to call the disciples Christians, first at Antioch.
27 В тыя же дни снидоша от Иерусалима пророцы во Антиохию:
Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.
28 востав же един от них, именем Агав, назнаменаше Духом глад велик хотящь быти по всей вселенней, иже и бысть при Клавдии кесари:
And one of them named Agabus, after standing up, signified by the Spirit there was going be a great famine in the whole world, which also happened under Claudius Caesar.
29 от ученик же, по елику кто имеяше что, изволиша кийждо их на службу послати живущым во Иудеи братиям,
And the disciples, as any man prospered, determined, each of them regarding aid, to send to the brothers who dwell in Judea,
30 еже и сотвориша, пославше к старцем рукою Варнавлею и Савлею.
which also they did, having sent it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.

< Деяния святых апостолов 11 >