< Второе послание к Коринфянам 8 >

1 Сказуем же вам, братие, благодать Божию, данную в церквах Македонских:
We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given to the churches of Macedonia.
2 яко во мнозем искушении скорбей избыток радости их, и яже во глубине нищета их избыточествова в богатство простоты их:
During a great test of affliction, the abundance of their joy and the extremity of their poverty have produced great riches of generosity.
3 яко по силе их, свидетельствую, и паче силы доброхотни,
For I bear witness that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond what they were able, and of their own free will,
4 со многим молением моляще нас, благодать и общение служения, еже ко святым, прияти нам:
they urgently pleaded with us for the privlege of sharing in this ministry to the believers.
5 и не якоже надеяхомся, но себе вдаша первее Господеви, и нам волею Божиею:
This did not happen as we had expected. Instead, they first gave themselves to the Lord. Then they gave themselves to us by the will of God.
6 во еже умолити нам Тита, да якоже прежде начат, такожде и скончает в вас и благодать сию.
So we urged Titus, who had already begun this task, to complete among you this act of grace.
7 Но якоже во всем избыточествуете, верою и словом, и разумом, и всяцем тщанием, и любовию, яже от вас к нам, да и в сей благодати избыточествуете.
But you abound in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all diligence, and in your love for us. So also make sure that you excel in this act of grace.
8 Не по повелению глаголю, но за иных тщание и вашея любве истинное искушая.
I say this not as a command. Instead, I say this in order to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it to the eagerness of other people.
9 Весте бо благодать Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, яко вас ради обнища богат сый, да вы нищетою Его обогатитеся.
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though he was rich, for your sakes he became poor, so that through his poverty you might become rich.
10 И совет даю о сем: се бо вам есть на пользу, иже не точию, еже творити, но и еже хотети, прежде начасте от прешедшаго лета.
In this matter I will give you advice that will help you. One year ago, you not only started to do something, but you desired to do it.
11 Ныне же и сие творити скончайте, да якоже бысть усердие хотети, тако будет и исполнити от сего, еже имате.
Now finish it. Just as there was an eagerness and desire to do it then, may you also bring it to completion, as much as you can.
12 Аще бо усердие предлежит, по елику аще кто имать, благоприятен есть, а не по елику не имать.
For if you are eager to do this deed, it is a good and acceptable thing. It must be based on what a person has, not on what he does not have.
13 Не бо да иным убо отрада, вам же скорбь: но по изравнению.
For this task is not in order that others may be relieved and you may be burdened. Instead, there should be fairness.
14 В нынешнее время ваше избыточествие во онех лишение, да и онех избыток будет в ваше лишение, яко да будет равенство,
Your abundance at the present time will supply what they need. This is also so that their abundance may supply your need, and so that there may be fairness.
15 якоже есть писано: иже многое, не преумножил есть: и иже малое, не умалил.
It is as it is written: “The one with much did not have anything left over, and the one who had little did not have any lack.”
16 Благодарение же Богови, давшему тожде тщание о вас в сердце Титово:
But thanks be to God, who put into Titus' heart the same earnest care that I have for you.
17 яко моление убо прият, тщаливейший же сый, своею волею изыде к вам.
For he not only accepted our appeal, but he was also very earnest about it. He came to you of his own free will.
18 Послахом же с ним и брата, егоже похвала во евангелии по всем церквам:
We have sent with him the brother who is praised among all of the churches for his work in proclaiming the gospel.
19 не точию же, но и освящен от церквей с нами ходити, со благодатию сею, служимою нами к Самого Господа славе и усердию вашему:
Not only this, but he also was selected by the churches to travel with us in our carrying out this act of grace. This is for the honor of the Lord himself and for our eagerness to help.
20 блюдущеся того, да не кто нас поречет во обилии сем служимем нами:
We are avoiding the possibility that anyone should complain about us concerning this generosity that we are carrying out.
21 промышляюще добрая не токмо пред Богом, но и пред человеки.
We take care to do what is honorable, not only before the Lord, but also before people.
22 Послахом же с ними и брата нашего, егоже искусихом во многих многащи встанлива суща, ныне же зело встанливейша, надеянием многим на вас.
We are also sending another brother with them. We have tested him in many ways and found him diligent for many tasks. He is even more eager now because of the great confidence he has in you.
23 Аще ли же о Тите, общник мне и к вам споспешник: аще ли братия наша, посланницы церквей, слава Христова.
As for Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker for you. As for our brothers, they are sent by the churches. They are an honor to Christ.
24 Показание убо любве вашея и нашего хваления о вас, к ним покажите, и в лице церквей.
So show them your love, and show to the churches the reason for our boasting about you.

< Второе послание к Коринфянам 8 >