< Ruka 12 >

1 Zvichakadaro makumi ezvuru zvechaunga akati aungana, zvekuti vaitsikana, akatanga kutaura kuvadzidzi vake pakutanga achiti: Imwi chenjerai mbiriso yeVaFarisi, inova unyepedzeri.
While they were doing that, many thousands of people gathered [around Jesus]. There were so many that they were stepping on each other. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Beware of [becoming] hypocrites [like] the Pharisees. Their [evil influence] [MET] [spreads to others like] yeast [spreads its influence in dough].
2 Uye hakuna chinhu chakafukidzwa, chisingazopenengurwi, nechakavigwa, chisingazozikanwi.
People will not be able to continue concealing the things that [they or other] people try to conceal now. [God] will [some day] cause the things that are hidden now to be known {[everyone] to know the things that they hide now}.
3 Naizvozvo zvese zvamakataura murima zvichanzwikwa muchiedza; neizvo zvamakataura munzeve mudzimba dzemukati zvichaparidzwa pamusoro pematenga edzimba.
All the things that you say in the dark [secretly, some day] will be heard {people will hear them} in the daylight. The things you have whispered [SYN] privately among yourselves in your rooms will be proclaimed {[people] will proclaim them} publicly.”
4 Uye ndinoti kwamuri shamwari dzangu: Musatya vanouraya muviri, asi shure kweizvozvo vasingazogoni kuita chimwe chinhu.
“My friends, listen [carefully]. Do not be afraid of people who [are able to] kill you, but after they kill you, there is nothing more that they can do [to hurt you].
5 Asi ndichakuratidzai wamunofanira kutya: Ityai iye anoti shure kwekuuraya ane simba rekukanda mugehena; hongu, ndinoti kwamuri: Ityai iye. (Geenna g1067)
But I will warn you about the one that you should truly be afraid of. You should be afraid of [God], because he not only has [the power to] cause people to die, he has the power to throw them into hell afterward! Yes, he is truly the one that you should be afraid of! (Geenna g1067)
6 Ko tushiri tushanu hatutengeswi nemakobiri maviri here? Hakuna kamwe kadzo kanokanganikwa pamberi paMwari.
[Think about] the sparrows. [They are worth so little] that [you] can [RHQ] buy five of them for only two small coins. But not one of them is ever forgotten by God {God never forgets one of them}!
7 Asi kunyange nevhudzi remusoro wenyu rakaverengwa rese. Musatya naizvozvo, munopfuura tushiri tuzhinji.
You are worth more [to God] than many sparrows. So do not be afraid [of what people can do to you! God] even knows how many hairs there are on each of your heads, [so that if you(sg) lose one hair, he knows about it. So nothing bad can happen to you without his knowing it].
8 Ndinotiwo kwamuri: Umwe neumwe anondibvuma pamberi pevanhu, Mwanakomana wemunhu achamubvumawo pamberi pevatumwa vaMwari;
I want to tell you also that if people, [without being afraid, are willing to] tell others [that they are my disciples], [I], the one who came from heaven, will acknowledge before [God that they are my disciples]. [I will do that while] God’s angels listen.
9 asi anondiramba pamberi pevanhu, acharambwa pamberi pevatumwa vaMwari.
But if people [are] afraid to say in front of others that they are [my disciples], [I] will say, while God’s angels listen, that they are not [my disciples].
10 Uye umwe neumwe anoreva shoko achipikisa Mwanakomana wemunhu, achakanganwirwa; asi uyo anonyomba Mweya Mutsvene haazokanganwirwi.
[I will tell you] also that [God is willing to] forgive people who say bad things about me, the one who came from heaven, but [he] will not forgive anyone who says evil things about what the Holy Spirit [does].
11 Kana vachikuisai kumasinagoge nevatongi nevane simba, musafunganya kuti muchapindura sei kana chii, kana muchataurei;
[So] when people ask you in Jewish worship houses and in the presence of rulers and other authorities [about your trusting in me], do not worry about how you will answer them [when they accuse you]. Do not worry about what you should say,
12 nokuti Mweya Mutsvene achakudzidzisai neawa iro zvamunofanira kutaura.
because the Holy Spirit will tell you at that very time what you should say.”
13 Zvino umwe wechaunga wakati kwaari: Mudzidzisi, udzai mwanakomana wamai vangu agovane nhaka neni.
Then one of the people in the crowd said to [Jesus], “Teacher, tell my [older] brother to divide my father’s property and give me [the part that belongs] to me!”
14 Asi wakati kwaari: Iwe munhu, ndiani wakandigadza kuva mutongi kana mugoveri pamusoro penyu?
But Jesus replied to him, “Man, (no one appointed me in order that I would settle [matters when people are] disputing about property!/did anyone appoint me in order that I would settle [matters when people are] disputing about property?) [RHQ]”
15 Akati kwavari: Ngwarirai muchenjerere ruchiva, nokuti upenyu hwemunhu hahusi mukuwanda kwezvinhu zvaanazvo.
Then he said to the whole crowd, “Guard yourselves very carefully, in order that you do not desire other people’s things in any way! No one can make his life secure by [obtaining] many possessions.”
16 Akataura mufananidzo kwavari, achiti: Munda weumwe munhu mufumi wakabereka kwazvo;
Then Jesus told the people this illustration: “There was a certain rich man whose crops grew very well.
17 akafunga mukati make, achiti: Ndichaitei? Nokuti handina nzvimbo pandingaunganidzira zvibereko zvangu.
[So] he said [to himself], ‘I do not know what to do, because I do not have any place [big enough] to store all my crops!’
18 Ndokuti: Ndichaita izvi: Ndichaputsa matura angu, ndivake makuru, ndiunganidzire zvirimwa zvangu zvese ipapo, nenhumbi dzangu,
Then he thought to himself, ‘[I know] what I will do! I will tear down my grain bins and build larger ones! Then I will store all my wheat and other goods in [the big new bins].
19 ndigoti kumweya wangu: Mweya, une zvinhu zvakawanda zvakanaka, zvakachengeterwa makore mazhinji; zorora, idya, inwa, fara.
[Then] I will say to myself [SYN], “Now I have plenty of goods stored up. [They will last] for many years. [So now] I will take life easy. I will eat and drink [all that I want to] and be happy [for a long time]!”’
20 Asi Mwari akati kwaari: Dununu, usiku huno mweya wako uchadikanwa kubva kwauri; ko izvo zvawagadzirira, zvichava zvaani?
But God said to him, ‘You foolish [man]! Tonight you will die! (Then all [the goods] you have saved up [for yourself] will [belong to someone else, not to] you!/Do you think that you [will benefit from] all that you have stored up for yourself?) [RHQ]’”
21 Zvakadaro kune anozviunganidzira fuma, asi asina kufuma kuna Mwari.
[Then Jesus ended this illustration by saying], “That is what will happen to those who store up goods just for themselves, but who do not value the things [that] God [considers] valuable.”
22 Zvino wakati kuvadzidzi vake: Naizvozvo ndinoti kwamuri: Musafunganya pamusoro peupenyu hwenyu, kuti muchadyei; kana muviri, kuti muchapfekei.
Then [Jesus] said to his disciples, “So I want to tell you this: Do not worry about [things you need] in order to live. Do not worry about [whether you will have enough food] to eat or [enough clothes] to wear.
23 Upenyu hunopfuura kudya, nemuviri zvipfeko.
It is important to have sufficient food and clothing, but (the way you conduct your lives is more important./is not the way you conduct your lives more important?) [RHQ]
24 Fungai makunguvo, kuti haadzvari, kana kukohwa, haana tsapi kana dura; asi Mwari anoafunda. Imwi munokunda zvikuru sei shiri?
Think about the birds: They do not plant [seeds], and they do not harvest [crops]. They do not have rooms or buildings in which to store crops. But God provides food for them. [And] you are certainly much more valuable than birds. [So God will certainly provide what you need]!
25 Ndiani kwamuri nekufunganya angagona kuwedzera mbimbi imwe paurefu hwake?
(There is not a one of you who can add a little bit to how long he lives by worrying about it!/Is there any of you who can add a little bit to how long he lives by worrying about it?) [RHQ]
26 Naizvozvo kana musingagoni kuita chinhu chidikisa, munofunganyirei pamusoro pezvimwe?
Worrying is a small thing to do. So since you cannot add to your life, (you certainly should not worry about other things that [you need to have in order to live!]/why do you worry about other things that [you need to have in order to live]?) [RHQ]
27 Fungai midovatova, kuti inokura sei; haishingairi, hairuki; asi ndinoti kwamuri: NaSoromoni mukubwinya kwake kwese, haana kupfekedzwa seumwe wayo.
Think about the way that flowers grow [in the fields]. They do not work [to earn money], and they do not make their own clothes. But I tell you that [even though King] Solomon, [who lived long ago, wore very beautiful clothes], his clothes were not as beautiful as one of those [flowers].
28 Zvino kana Mwari achipfekedza saizvozvo uswa huri panyika nhasi, mangwana hwokandirwa muchoto, uchakupfekedzai nekupfuurisa sei, imwi verutendo rudiki?
God makes the flowers beautiful, but they grow in the fields for only a short time. Then [they are cut at the same time that the grass] is cut, and thrown into an oven [to be burned to make heat for baking] bread. [So they really are not worth very much. But you are very precious to] God, [and he] will [care for you] much more [than he cares for the grass by filling it with beautiful flowers]. So he will certainly provide clothes for you, who [live much longer than the grass. Why] [RHQ] [do you] trust him so little?
29 Zvino imwi musatsvaka zvamuchadya kana zvamuchamwa; uye musazvidya moyo.
Do not always be concerned about having enough to eat and drink, and do not be worrying about those things.
30 Nokuti zvinhu izvi zvese marudzi enyika anozvitsvaka; asi Baba venyu vanoziva kuti munoshaiwa izvozvi.
The people who do not know God are always worried about such things. But your Father [in heaven] knows that you need those things, [so you should not worry about them].
31 Asi tsvakai ushe hwaMwari, naizvozvi zvese zvichawedzerwa kwamuri.
Instead, be concerned about letting [God] completely direct [your life]. Then [he] will also give you enough of the things [you need].
32 Musatya boka diki; nokuti Baba venyu vanofara kukupai ushe.
[You who are my disciples are like a] small flock of sheep, [and I am like your shepherd]. So you should not be afraid. Your Father [in heaven] wants to let you rule with him [in heaven].
33 Tengesai izvo zvamunazvo mupe varombo zvipo. Muzviitire zvikwama zvisingashakari, fuma kumatenga isingaperi, pasina mbavha ingasvika kana zvifusi zvingaodza.
[So now] sell the things that you own. Give [the money that you get for those things] to poor people. [If you do that, it will be as though] you are providing for yourselves purses that will not wear out, and [God will give] you a treasure in heaven that will always be safe. There, no thief can come near [to steal it], and no termite can destroy it.
34 Nokuti pane fuma yenyu, ndipo pachavawo nemoyo wenyu.
Remember that [the things] that you [think are the most] valuable are [the things] that you will be constantly concerned about.”
35 Zviuno zvenyu ngazvigare zvakasungwa, nemwenje ichipfuta.
“Be always ready [for doing God’s work] [MET], like [people] who have put on their work clothes and are ready [during the day], with their lamps burning all night.
36 Nemwi muve sevanhu vakarindira ishe wavo, pakudzoka kwake kumuchato, kuti kana achisvika akagogodza, vangamuzarurira pakarepo.
Be [ready for me to return] [MET], like servants who are waiting for their master to return after being at a wedding feast [for several days]. They are [waiting to] open the door for him and [start working for him again] as soon as he arrives and knocks at the door.
37 Vakaropafadzwa varanda avo, vanoti kana ishe achisvika anovawana vakarindira; zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwamuri: Achazvisunga, akavagarisa pakudya, akaswedera akavashandira.
If those servants are awake when he returns, [he will] be very pleased with them. I will tell you this: He will put on [the kind of clothes] that servants wear and tell them to sit down, and he will serve them a meal.
38 Kana akasvika nenguva yekurindira yechipiri, kana kusvika nenguva yekurindira yechitatu, akawana vakadaro, vakaropafadzwa varanda ivavo.
[Even] if he comes between midnight and sunrise, if he finds that his servants are [awake and] ready [for him], he will be very pleased with them.
39 Asi muzive izvi, kuti dai mwene weimba aiziva nderipi awa mbavha rainouya, angadai akarinda, akasatendera imba yake kuti ipazwe.
But you must also remember this: If owners of a house knew what time a thief was coming, they [would stay awake and] would not allow their house to be broken into [and their goods to be stolen] {[the thief] to break into the house [and steal their goods]}.
40 Naizvozvo imwiwo ivai makazvigadzirira; nokuti neawa ramusingafungiri Mwanakomana wemunhu anouya.
Similarly, you must be ready [for me to return], because [I], the one who came from heaven, will come [again] at a time when you do not expect [me to come].”
41 Petro ndokuti kwaari: Ishe, munoutaura mufananidzo uyu kwatiri, kana kune vesewo?
Peter said, “Lord, are you [(sg)] speaking this illustration [only] for us or for everyone [else also]?”
42 Ishe ndokuti: Ko ndiani zvino mutariri wakatendeka uye wakachenjera, ishe waachagadza pamusoro pevaranda vake, kuti ape mugove wekudya nenguva yakafanira?
The Lord replied, “[I am saying it for you and for anyone else] [MET, RHQ] who is like a faithful and wise manager in his master’s house. His master appoints him to [supervise affairs in his house] and to give all the [other] servants their food at the proper time. [Then he leaves on a long trip].
43 Wakaropafadzwa muranda uyo, unoti kana ishe wake achisvika, amuwane achiita saizvozvo.
If the servant is doing that work when his master returns, [his master] will be very pleased with him.
44 Zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwamuri: Achamugadza pamusoro pezvese zvaanazvo.
I tell you this: His master will appoint him to supervise all of his affairs [permanently].
45 Asi kana muranda uyo akati mumoyo make: Ishe wangu wanonoka kuuya; akatanga kurova varandarume nevarandakadzi, nekudya, nekunwa, nekuraradza;
But that servant might think to himself, ‘My master [has been away] for a long time, [so he probably will] not return soon [and find out what I am doing].’ [Then he might] start to beat the [other] servants, both male and female ones. [He might also start] to eat [a lot of food] and get drunk.
46 ishe wemuranda uyo achasvika pazuva raasingatarisiri, uye paawa raasingazivi, akamugura nepakati, akagura mugove wake pamwe nevasakatendeka.
[If he does that, and if] his master returns on a day when the servant does not expect him, then his master will (cut him into two pieces/punish him severely) [HYP] and put him [in the place where he puts all] those who do not [serve him] faithfully.
47 Muranda uyo waiziva chido chaishe wake, akasagadzirira, kana kuita zvinoenderana nechido chake, acharohwa neshamhu zhinji.
Every servant who knows what his master wants him to do but who does not get himself ready and does not do what his master desires will be beaten severely {[The master] will beat severely every servant who knows what his master wants him to do but who does not get himself ready and does not do what his master desires}.
48 Asi wakange asingazivi, akaita zvakafanira kurohwa, acharohwa neshamhu shoma. Uye wese wakapiwa zvizhinji, zvizhinji zvichatsvakwa kwaari; neanobatiswa zvizhinji, vachareva zvinopfuurisa kwaari.
But every [servant] who did not know [what his master wanted] him to do, and who did things for which he deserved to be punished, will be beaten lightly {[the master] will beat lightly every [servant] who did not know [what his master wanted] him to do and did the things for which he deserved that [his master] would beat him}. [God will treat his people similarly, because he] expects a lot from those people whom [he] has allowed [to understand a lot]. People who entrust things [to others’ care] expect those people [to care for those things] very well. Similarly, [God] expects a lot from those people whom he has allowed [to understand a lot]. Furthermore, he expects the most from people to whom he has given the most [ability].”
49 Ndakauya kuzokanda moto panyika, zvino ndichadei kana watobatidzwa?
“I came to earth to cause [there to be trials] [MET], [which will purify you as] fire [purifies metal] (OR, to cause judgment/divisions among you). I wish that the time when [you] will be purified {when [God] will purify you} (OR, when divisions will be caused {to cause divisions among people}) had already begun.
50 Asi ndine rubhabhatidzo rwandichabhabhatidzwa narwo, zvino ndinomanikidzwa sei kusvikira rwuchipedziswa.
I must soon suffer [IDM] greatly. I am distressed, and I will continue to be distressed until my suffering is finished.
51 Munofunga kuti ndakauya kuzopa rugare panyika here? Kwete, ndinoti kwamuri, asi kutozopesanisa.
Do you think that as a result of my coming to earth people will live together peacefully? No! I must tell you, [that is not what will happen! Instead, people] will be divided.
52 Nokuti kubva zvino vashanu muimba imwe vachapesana, vatatu vachipikisana nevaviri, uye vaviri vachipikisana nevatatu,
Because some people in one house [will believe in me and some will not], they will be divided. [For example], three people in one house [who do not believe in me] will oppose two [who do believe], or two [who do not believe in me] will oppose three [who do believe].
53 vachapesana, baba vachipikisana nemwanakomana, nemwanakomana achipikisana nababa; mai vachipikisana nemukunda, nemukunda achipikisana namai; vamwene vachipikisana nemuroora wavo, nemuroora achipikisana navamwene vake.
A man will oppose his son, or a son will oppose his father. A woman will oppose her daughter, or a woman will oppose her mother. A woman will oppose her daughter-in-law, or a woman will oppose her mother-in-law.”
54 Akatiwo kuzvaunga: Kana muchiona gore richisimuka kubva kumavirira, pakarepo munoti: Mvura inouya; zvodaro.
He [also] said to the crowds, “[In this country], when you see a [dark] cloud forming in the west, you immediately say ‘It is going to rain!’ and that is what happens.
55 Uye kana muchiona mhepo yechamhembe ichivhuvhuta munoti: Kuchapisa; zvoitika.
[In this region], when the wind blows from the south, you say, ‘It is going to be a very hot day!’ and that is what happens.
56 Vanyepedzeri! Munoziva kuongorora zvimiro zvekudenga nezvenyika, asi hamuongorori sei nguva ino?
You hypocrites! By observing the clouds and the wind, you are able to discern what is happening regarding [the weather]. It is disgusting that you are not able to discern [what God is doing] at this present time [RHQ]!
57 Ko asi munoregerei nemwi kuzvitongera momene zvakarurama?
(Each of you ought to determine now what is the right thing for you to do, [while you still have time to do that]!/Why cannot each of you determine what is the right [thing for you to do now while you still have time to do that]?) [RHQ]
58 Nokuti kana uchienda kumutungamiriri nemudzivisi wako, ita zvakanaka kuti usunungurwe kubva kwaari muri munzira; kuti arege kukukwevera kumutongi, mutongi akukumikidze kumupurisa, mupurisa akukande mutirongo.
[If you do not do that, God will punish you] [MET]. [It will be like what happens when] someone takes one of you to court, saying that you [(sg)] have done something very bad. You should try to settle things with him while you are still on the way to the court. If he forces you to go to the judge, the judge will decide that you are guilty and put you into the hands of the court officer. Then that officer will put you in prison.
59 Ndinoti kwauri: Haungatongobudimo, kusvikira waripa kunyange kamari kekupedzisira.
I tell you that if you go to prison, you will never get out, [because you will never be able to] pay every bit [of what the judge says you owe] [MET]. [Similarly, you ought to settle accounts with God before you die, too].”

< Ruka 12 >