< 1 VaKorinde 16 >

1 Zvino maererano nezvakaunganidzirwa vatsvene, sezvandakaraira makereke eGaratia, imwiwo itai saizvozvo.
Now [I will reply to another question that you asked. You asked] about the [money you are] collecting [to send] to God’s people [in Jerusalem]. Do what I told the congregations in Galatia to do.
2 Nemusi wekutanga wega-wega wevhiki, umwe neumwe wenyu ngaazvichengetere parutivi pakubudirira kwaakaita, kuti zvino kurege kuva nekuunganidza kana ndichisvika.
Every Sunday each of you should set aside [at home] some funds [EUP] [for this purpose], in proportion to how much [God] has prospered you. Then you should save it up, so that when I arrive there, you will not need to collect [any more money. Choose some men whom you approve of, to take] this money to Jerusalem.
3 Uye pandinosvikira, chero vamunotenda, netsamba, ivo ndichavatuma, vagondoisa zvipo zvenyu kuJerusarema.
Then, when I arrive, I will write letters stating that you have authorized these men to take the funds there.
4 Kana zvakafanira kuti ini ndiendewo, vachaenda neni.
And if [you] (OR, [I]) think that it is appropriate, I will go with them.
5 Zvino ndichauya kwamuri, kana ndagura neMakedhonia; nokuti ndinogura neMakedhonia;
Now I plan to travel through Macedonia [province]. I [plan to] come to visit you, but I want to go through Macedonia first.
6 uye zvimwe ndichagara nemwi, kanawo kupedza chando, kuti imwi mugondiperekedza pese pandinoenda.
Perhaps I will stay with you for a short while, or I may stay with you for the whole winter, in order that you yourselves can provide some of the things [that I will need] [EUP] for my next trip.
7 Nokuti handishuvi kukuonai ikozvino ndichipfuura; asi ndinovimba kugara imwe nguva nemwi, kana Ishe achitendera.
I do not want to see you just for a short time and then continue my trip. I am hoping to stay with you for a while, if the Lord [Jesus] allows me to do that.
8 Asi ndichagara paEfeso kusvikira paPendekosita.
But I will stay [here] in Ephesus [city] until [after] the Pentecost [festival].
9 Nokuti ndazarurirwa mukova mukuru uye unesimba; nevanopikisa vazhinji varipo.
[I want to do that] because [God] has given me a great opportunity [MET] [to proclaim his good message here]. [As a result of my work here, God is producing] great results. I also want to stay here because there are many people here who oppose [my work, and I need to refute them].
10 Zvino kana Timotio achisvika, onai kuti anemwi asingatyi; nokuti anobata basa raIshe seniwo.
When Timothy arrives [there in Corinth], treat him respectfully [LIT], because he is working for the Lord just as I am.
11 Naizvozvo ngakurege kuva neanomuzvidza. Asi mumuperekedze murugare, kuti auye kwandiri; nokuti ndakamutarisira pamwe nehama.
Do not let anyone despise him. And when he leaves there, give him some of the things that he needs [for his trip] [EUP] [here], and also [ask God to] bless him. I am waiting for him to come, along with the other fellow believers [who have been traveling with him].
12 Zvino maererano naAporo hama, ndakamukumbira zvikuru kuti auye kwamuri pamwe nehama; asi zvirokwazvo chishuwo chake chakange chisiri chekuuya ikozvino, asi achauya kana awana nguva yakafanira.
[You also asked] about our fellow believer, Apollos. I urged him strongly that he should go back to you with the three fellow believers [who came here from Corinth]. He was not at all willing to go [now], but he will go later, when he has an opportunity.
13 Rindai, mumire makasimba murutendo, itai sevarume, musimbe.
Be on guard [against anything that would hinder you spiritually]. You have believed [the true message]; continue believing it firmly. Be courageous. Keep strong [in your relationship with God].
14 Zvinhu zvenyu zvese ngazviitwe nerudo.
Act in a loving [way] in everything that [you do].
15 Ndinokukumbirisai hama, munoziva imba yaStefana, kuti ndicho chibereko chekutanga cheAkaya, uye vakazvipira kushandira vatsvene;
You know that Stephanas and his family were the first ones [there] in Achaia [province to believe in Christ] [IDM]. They have devoted themselves to helping God’s people.
16 kuti nemwi muzviise pasi pevakadaro, nekune vese vanobata pamwe nesu, uye vachishingaira.
My fellow believers, I urge you to submit yourselves to them and to people like them who do [God’s] work and who work hard.
17 Ndinofarawo nekuuya kwaStefana naForichunato naAkaiako, nokuti ivo vakazadzisa kutaira kwenyu.
I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus arrived here [from Corinth], because [they did things for] me that you were not able to do [because you were not with me].
18 Nokuti vakavandudza mweya wangu newenyu. Naizvozvo rangarirai vakadaro.
They comforted and encouraged me [SYN], and [I expect that this news from me] will do the same for you. You should honor [them, and you should also honor] others like them.
19 Makereke epaAsia anokukwazisai. Akwira naPrisira vanokukwazisai zvikuru muna Ishe, pamwe nekereke iri mumba mavo.
The congregations [here] in Asia [province] (send their greetings to/say that they are thinking fondly of) you. Aquila and [his wife] Priscilla and the congregation that meets in their house (send their warm greetings to/say that they are thinking fondly of) you because both they and you belong to the Lord.
20 Hama dzese dzinokukwazisai. Kwazisanai nekutsvoda kutsvene.
All your fellow believers [here] (send their greetings to/say that they are thinking of) you. Greet each other affectionately, as fellow believers [should].
21 Kwaziso neruoko rwangu rwaPauro.
Now I, Paul, having taken the pen from the hand of my secretary, write with my own hand to say that I am thinking fondly of you/to give you my greetings. I do this to show you that this letter really comes from me.
22 Kana munhu asingadi Ishe Jesu Kristu, ngaave chakatukwa. Uyai Ishe!
(I pray that God will/May God) curse/cause bad things to happen to (anyone who does not love the Lord Jesus. I pray that our Lord will come soon/May our Lord come soon)!
23 Nyasha dzaIshe Jesu Kristu ngadzive nemwi.
I pray that our Lord Jesus will/May our Lord Jesus (continue to act toward you all kindly/in ways that you do not deserve.)
24 Rudo rwangu ngaruve nemwi mese muna Kristu Jesu. Ameni.
I love all of you who have a close relationship with Christ Jesus.

< 1 VaKorinde 16 >