< Ekisodho 36 >

1 “Saka Bhezareri, Ohoriabhu uye nomunhu wose wounyanzvi apiwa unyanzvi naJehovha uye kugona kuziva maitirwo ebasa rokuvaka imba tsvene ngavaite basa sezvakarayirwa naJehovha.”
So Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the other craftsmen with the necessary expertise and given the skill and ability by the Lord, are to work out how to accomplish all the work of constructing the sanctuary as commanded by the Lord.”
2 Ipapo Mozisi akadana Bhezareri naOhoriabhu uye nomunhu wose wounyanzvi uyo akapiwa kugona naJehovha uye akanga achida hake kuuya kuzoshanda basa.
Moses summoned Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the skilled people who had been given special abilities by the Lord, everyone willing to come and do the work.
3 Vakagamuchira kubva kuna Mozisi zvipo zvose zvakanga zvauya navaIsraeri kuti zvishandiswe pabasa rokuvaka imba tsvene. Uye vanhu vakaramba vachiuyisa zvipo zvokupa nokuzvisarudzira mangwanani oga oga.
Moses gave them everything the Israelites had contributed to carry out the work of constructing the sanctuary. In the meantime the people went on bringing freewill offerings every morning,
4 Saka varume vose voumhizha vakanga vachiita basa rose rapaimba tsvene vakasiya basa ravo
so much so that all the craftsmen who were working on the sanctuary stopped what they were doing
5 vakati kuna Mozisi, “Vanhu vari kuuya nezvakawandisa zvokuitisa basa rakarayirwa naJehovha kuti riitwe.”
and went and told Moses, “The people have already brought enough to complete the work the Lord has ordered us to do.”
6 Ipapo Mozisi akarayira uye vakatuma shoko iri pakati pomusasa wose vachiti, “Ngakurege kuva nomurume kana mukadzi achaitazve chimwe chinhu sechipo chenzvimbo tsvene.” Nokudaro vanhu vakadziviswa kuuyisa zvimwe,
Moses gave the order, and an announcement was made throughout the camp: “Men and women, don't bring anything more as an offering for the sanctuary.” So the people were stopped from bringing anything more,
7 nokuti zvavakanga vatova nazvo zvakanga zvatowandisa pane zvaidiwa kuita basa rose.
since there was already more than enough to do all the work necessary.
8 Varume vose vounyanzvi vakaita tabhenakeri nezvidzitiro gumi zvemicheka yakarukwa zvakaisvonaka newuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku, namakerubhi akasonerwa mazviri nemhizha ino unyanzvi.
The skilled craftsmen among the workers made the ten curtains for the Tabernacle. They were made of finely-spun linen together with blue, purple, and crimson thread, embroidered with cherubim.
9 Zvidzitiro zvose zvakanga zvakaenzana, zvakareba makubhiti makumi maviri namasere uye makubhiti mana paupamhi.
Each curtain was twenty-eight cubits long by four cubits wide, and they were all the same size.
10 Vakabatanidza zvimwe zvidzitiro zvishanu pamwe chete uye vakaita zvimwe chetezvo pane zvimwe zvishanu.
They joined together five of the curtains as one set, and the other five he joined as a second set.
11 Ipapo vakaita zvishwe zvomucheka webhuruu zvichitevedza mupendero wechidzitiro chokumucheto mumubatanidzwa mumwe chete, zvimwe chetezvo zvikaitwawo kune chimwe chidzitiro chokumucheto.
They used blue material to make loops on the edge of the last curtain of both sets.
12 Vakaitawo zvishwe makumi mashanu pachidzitiro chimwe chete uye zvishwe makumi mashanu pachidzitiro chokupedzisira chezvimwe zvakabatanidzwa nezvishwe zvakanga zvakatarisana.
They made fifty loops on one curtain and fifty loops on the last curtain of the second set, lining up the loops with each another.
13 Ipapo vakaita zvikorekedzo zvegoridhe makumi mashanu ndokuzvishandisa kusonanidza zvibatanidzwa zviviri zvezvidzitiro pamwe chete kuitira kuti tabhenakeri ive chinhu chimwe chete.
They also made fifty gold clips and joined the curtains together with the clips, so that the Tabernacle was a single structure.
14 Vakaita zvidzitiro zvemvere dzembudzi zvetende rapamusoro petabhenakeri, gumi nechimwe pamwe chete.
They made eleven curtains of goat hair as a tent to cover the Tabernacle.
15 Zvidzitiro zvose zviri gumi nechimwe zvakanga zvakaenzana, makubhiti makumi matatu pakureba uye makubhiti mana paupamhi.
Each of the eleven curtains was the same size—thirty cubits long by four cubits wide.
16 Vakabatanidza zvidzitiro zvishanu pamwe chete kuti zvive mubatanidzwa mumwe chete, uye zvimwe zvitanhatu kuti zvive pamwe chete.
They joined five of the curtains together as one set and the other six as another set.
17 Ipapo vakaita zvishwe makumi mashanu zvaitevedza mupendero wechidzitiro chokupedzisira muchibatanidzwa chimwe chete uyewo zvichitevedza mupendero wechidzitiro chokupedzisira muno mumwe mubatanidzwa.
They made fifty loops on the edge of the last curtain in the first set, and fifty loops along the edge of the last curtain in the second set.
18 Vakaita zvikorekedzo zvendarira makumi mashanu kuti zvisunganidze tende pamwe chete zvive sechinhu chimwe chete.
They made fifty bronze clips to join the tent together as a single cover.
19 Ipapo vakagadzirira tende chifukidzo chamatehwe amakondobwe akapendwa zvitsvuku, uye pamusoro pacho chifunhiro chamatehwe emombe dzomugungwa.
They made a covering for the goat hair tent from tanned ram skins, and placed an extra covering of fine leather over that.
20 Vakaita mapuranga akamiswa amatanda omuunga etabhenakeri.
They made an upright framework of acacia wood for the Tabernacle.
21 Puranga rimwe nerimwe rakanga rakareba makubhiti gumi uye kubhiti rimwe nehafu paupamhi,
Each frame was ten cubits long by one and a half cubits wide.
22 nembambo mbiri dzakamiswa dzakatarisana. Vakaita mapuranga ose etabhenakeri nenzira iyi.
Each frame had two pegs so the frames could be connected to each other. They made all the frames of the Tabernacle like this.
23 Vakaita mapuranga makumi maviri kurutivi rwezasi kwetabhenakeri
They made twenty frames for the south side of the Tabernacle.
24 uye vakaita makumi mana ezvigadziko zvesirivha kuti zviende pasi pazvo, zvigadziko zviviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe, chimwe chete pasi pembato imwe neimwe.
They made forty silver stands as supports for the twenty frames using two stands per frame, one under every frame peg.
25 Kuno rumwe rutivi, rutivi rwokumusoro kwetabhenakeri, vakaita mapuranga makumi maviri
Similarly for the north side of the Tabernacle, they made twenty frames
26 uye makumi mana ezvigadziko zvesirivha, zviviri zviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe.
and forty silver stands, two stands per frame.
27 Vakaita mapuranga matanhatu okumucheto cheto, iko kumavirira kwetabhenakeri,
They made six frames for the back (west side) of the Tabernacle,
28 uye mapuranga maviri akanga akagadzirirwa makona etabhenakeri nechokumucheto cheto.
along with two frames for its two back corners.
29 Pamakona maviri aya mapuranga aiva maviri kubva pasi kusvikira kumusoro uye akaiswa mumhete imwe chete; ose akanga akagadzirwa zvakafanana.
They joined these corner frames at the bottom and at the top near to the first ring. This is how they made the two corner frames.
30 Saka pakanga pana mapuranga masere uye zvigadziko gumi nezvitanhatu zvesirivha, zviviri zviri pasi pepuranga rimwe nerimwe.
In total there were eight frames and sixteen silver stands, two under each frame.
31 Vakaitawo mbariro dzomuti womuunga: shanu dzamapuranga aiva pano rumwe rutivi rwetabhenakeri,
They made five crossbars of acacia wood to hold together the frames on the south side of the Tabernacle,
32 shanu dzaaya aiva kuno rumwe rutivi, uye shanu dzamapuranga aiva kumavirira, pamucheto cheto kwetabhenakeri.
five for those on the north, and five for those at the back of the Tabernacle, to the west.
33 Vakaita mbariro yapakati kuitira kuti ichinjike kubva kumucheto kusvikira kumucheto pakati pamapuranga.
They made the central crossbar which was placed halfway up the frames and ran from one end to the other.
34 Vakafukidza mapuranga negoridhe uye vakaita mhete dzegoridhe kuti dzibate mbariro. Vakafukidzawo mbariro negoridhe.
They covered the frames with gold, and made gold rings to hold the crossbars in place. They covered the crossbars with gold too.
35 Vakaita zvidzitiro zvewuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku uye nomucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, namakerubhi akasonerwa pauri nemhizha ino unyanzvi.
They made a veil out of blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely-spun linen, embroidered with cherubim by someone who was skilled.
36 Vakaita matanda mana omuti womuunga vakaafukidza negoridhe. Vakaaitira zvikorekedzo zvegoridhe uye vakaumba zvigadziko zvawo zvina zvesirivha.
They made four posts of acacia wood for it and covered them with gold. They made gold hooks for the posts and cast their four silver stands.
37 Vakaita chidzitiro chomukova wokupinda mutende chewuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku uye mucheka wakarukwa zvakaisvonaka, basa romuruki;
They made a screen for the entrance to the tent using blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely-spun linen, and had it embroidered.
38 uye vakaita matanda mashanu nezvikorekedzo zvawo. Vakafukidza misoro yamatanda nehata dzawo negoridhe uye vakaita zvigadziko zvawo zvishanu zvendarira.
They also made five posts of acacia wood with hooks to hang the screen. They covered the tops of the posts and their bands with gold, and their five stands were made of bronze.

< Ekisodho 36 >