< VaKorose 2 >

1 Ndinoda kuti muzive kuti ndiri kurwa sei pamusoro penyu nepaavo vari paRaodhikea, navose vasina kuonana neni pachangu.
I want you to know in how great a struggle I am engaged for you and for Christ’s people at Laodicea, and for all who have not yet seen me;
2 Vavariro yangu ndeyokuti vakurudzirwe mumwoyo uye vabatane murudo, kuitira kuti vave nepfuma izere yokunzwisisa kwakakwana, kuti vagoziva chakavanzika chaMwari, iye Kristu,
in the hope that they, being bound to one another by love, and keeping in view the full blessedness of a firm conviction, may be encouraged to strive for a perfect knowledge of God’s hidden truth,
3 maari ndimo makachengetwa pfuma yose youchenjeri nokuziva.
even Christ himself, in whom all treasures of wisdom and knowledge lie hidden.
4 Ndinokuudzai izvi kuitira kuti parege kuva nomunhu anokunyengerai namashoko anobata kumeso.
I say this to prevent anyone from deceiving you by plausible arguments.
5 Nokuti kunyange ndisipo pamuri panyama, mumweya ndinemi uye ndinofara ndichiona kuti mugere zvakanaka sei uye kuti makasimba sei mukutenda kwenyu muna Kristu.
It is true that I am not with you in person, but I am with you in spirit, and am glad to see the good order and the unbroken front resulting from your faith in Christ.
6 Saka zvino, sezvamakagamuchira Kristu Jesu saShe, rambai muchifamba maari,
Since, therefore, you have received Jesus, the Christ, as your Lord, live your lives in union with him –
7 mune midzi uye makavakwa maari, makasimbiswa mukutenda sezvamakadzidziswa, uye muzere nokuvonga.
rooted in him, building up your characters through union with him, growing stronger through your faith, as you were taught, overflowing with faith and thanksgiving.
8 Muone kuti parege kuva nomunhu anokutapai nokutaura kusina maturo kunonyengera, kunosendamira patsika dzavanhu nezvokuvamba kwenyika ino, asingateveri Kristu.
Take care that there is not someone who will carry you away by his ‘philosophy’ – a hollow sham! – following, as it does, mere human traditions, and dealing with puerile questions of this world, and not with Christ.
9 Nokuti muna Kristu kuzara kwouMwari kunogara maari pamuviri,
For in Christ the Godhead in all its fulness dwells incarnate;
10 nemiwo makapiwa kuzara uku muna Kristu, iye ari pamusoro poushe hwose nesimba.
and, by your union with him, you also are filled with it. He is the head of all archangels and powers of heaven.
11 Nemiwo makadzingiswa maari, mukubviswa kwomunhu wezvivi, kwete nokudzingiswa kunoitwa namaoko avanhu, asi nokudzingiswa kunoitwa naKristu,
By your union with him you received a circumcision that was not performed by human hands, when you threw off the tyranny of the earthly body, and received the circumcision of the Christ.
12 makavigwa pamwe chete mukubhabhatidzwa uye mukamutswa pamwe chete naye nokutenda kwenyu musimba raMwari, akamumutsa kubva kuvakafa.
For in baptism you were buried with Christ; and in baptism you were also raised to life with him, through your faith in the omnipotence of God, who raised him from the dead.
13 Pamakanga makafa muzvivi zvenyu uye nokusadzingiswa kwomunhu wenyu wekare, Mwari akakuitai vapenyu muna Kristu. Akatikanganwira zvivi zvedu zvose,
And to you, who once were dead, by reason of your sins and your uncircumcised nature – to you God gave life in giving life to Christ! He pardoned all our sins!
14 akadzima mutemo wakanyorwa, nezvirevo zvawo, uyo wakanga uchirwa nesu uye waimira uchipikisana nesu; akaubvisa, achiuroverera pamuchinjikwa.
He canceled the bond which stood against us – the bond that consisted of ordinances – and which was directly hostile to us! He has taken it out of our way by nailing it to the cross!
15 Uye akati abvisa ushe namasimba, akazvibudisa pachena, akazvikunda nomuchinjikwa.
He rid himself of all the powers of evil, and held them up to open contempt, when he celebrated his triumph over them on the cross!
16 Naizvozvo ngakurege kuva nomunhu anokutongai pamusoro pezvamunodya kana kunwa, kana nezvemitambo yechitendero, kupemberera Kugara kwoMwedzi kana zuva reSabata.
Do not, then, allow anyone to take you to task on questions of eating or drinking, or in the matter of annual or monthly or weekly festivals.
17 Izvi mumvuri wezvinhu zvaizouya, kunyange zvakadaro, chokwadi chinowanikwa muna Kristu.
These things are only the shadow of what is to come; the substance is in the Christ.
18 Musarega munhu upi zvake anofarira kuzvininipisa kwenhema uye kunamata vatumwa achikutorerai mubayiro wenyu. Munhu akadaro anorondedzera zvikuru pamusoro pezvaakaona, uye nokufunga kwake kwenyama anozvikudza pasina.
Do not let anyone defraud you of the reality by affecting delight in so-called ‘humility’ and angel-worship. Such a person busies themselves with their visions, and without reason are rendered conceited by their merely human intellect.
19 Akarasika kubva paMusoro, uyo kubva pauri muviri wose, wakasimbiswa uye wakabatanidzwa pamwe chete nemitezo yawo namarunda, unokura sezvinoda Mwari.
They fail to maintain union with the head, to whom it is due that the whole body, nourished and knit together by the contact and connexion of every part, grows with a divine growth.
20 Sezvo makafa pamwe chete naKristu kune mitemo yenyika ino, seiko muchiita kunge muchiri vayo, muchizviisa pasi pemitemo yayo inoti:
Since, with Christ, you became dead to the puerile teaching of this world, why do you submit, as if you still belonged to the world,
21 “Usabata! Usaravira! Usagunzva!”?
to such ordinances as ‘Do not handle, or taste, or touch’?
22 Izvi zvose zvichaparadzwa nokubata kwazvo, nokuti zvakavakwa pamirayiro yavanhu nokudzidzisa kwavanhu.
For all the things referred to in them cease to exist when used. You are following mere human directions and instructions.
23 Zvirokwazvo mitemo yakadai inoita seino uchenjeri, nokunamata kwavo kwokuzvipa, kuzvininipisa kwavo kwenhema uye nokurwadzisa kwavo muviri, asi zvisingagoni kudzivisa kuchiva kwomuviri.
Such prohibitions appear reasonable where there is a desire for self-imposed service, and so-called ‘humility,’ and harsh treatment of the body, but are of no real value against the indulgence of our earthly nature.

< VaKorose 2 >