< Књига пророка Исаије 38 >

1 У то време разболе се Језекија на смрт; и дође к њему пророк Исаија син Амосов и рече му: Овако вели Господ: Нареди за кућу своју, јер ћеш умрети и нећеш остати жив.
About that time, Hezekiah became [very] ill and was close to dying. [So] I went to see him. And I gave him this message: “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You should tell the people in your palace what you want them to do after you die, because you will not recover from this illness. You are going to die’”
2 А Језекија се окрете лицем к зиду, и помоли се Господу,
Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed this:
3 И рече: Ох, Господе, опомени се да сам једнако ходио пред Тобом верно и с целим срцем, и творио шта је Теби угодно. И плака Језекија веома.
“Yahweh, do not forget that I have always served you very faithfully, and I have done things that pleased you!” Then Hezekiah [started to] cry loudly.
4 Тада дође реч Господња Исаији говорећи:
[I left his room, but] Yahweh gave me this message:
5 Иди и реци Језекији: Овако вели Господ Бог Давида оца твог: Чуо сам молитву твоју, и видео сам сузе твоје, ево додаћу ти веку петнаест година.
“Go [back] to Hezekiah and tell him that this is what I, the God to whom your ancestor King David belonged, say: ‘I have heard what you prayed, and I have seen you crying. So listen: I will enable you to live 15 years more.
6 И избавићу тебе и овај град из руку цара асирског, и бранићу овај град.
And, I will rescue you and this city from the power [MTY] of the King of Assyria. I will defend this city.
7 И ово нека ти буде знак од Господа да ће учинити Господ шта је рекао.
And this is what I will do to prove that I will do what I have just now promised. I will cause the shadow of the sun to move ten steps backward on the sundial that was built by King Ahaz.’”
8 Ево ја ћу вратити сен по коленцима по којима је сишао на сунчанику Ахазовом натраг за десет коленаца. И врати се сунце за десет коленаца по коленцима по којима беше сишло.
So the shadow of the sun on the sundial moved backward ten steps.
9 Ово написа Језекија цар Јудин кад се разболе, и оздрави од болести своје:
When King Hezekiah was almost well again, he wrote this:
10 Ја рекох, кад се пресекоше дани моји: Идем к вратима гробним, узе ми се остатак година мојих. (Sheol h7585)
I thought to myself, “Is it necessary for me to die and go to the place where the dead people are during this time of my life when I am still strong? Is Yahweh going to rob me of the remaining years that I [should live]?” (Sheol h7585)
11 Рекох: Нећу видети Господа Господа у земљи живих, нећу више видети човека међу онима који станују на свету.
I said, “I will not see Yahweh [again] in this world where people are alive. I will not see my friends again, or be with others who [now] are alive in this world.
12 Век мој прође и пренесе се од мене као шатор пастирски; пресекох живот свој као ткач, одсећи ће ме од оснутка; од јутра до вечера учинићеш ми крај.
[It is as if] my life has been taken away like [SIM] a tent [whose pegs] have been pulled up by a shepherd and taken away. My time to live has been cut short, like a piece of cloth that a weaver [cuts and] rolls up [after he has finished weaving a cloth].” Suddenly, [it seemed that] my life was ending.
13 Мишљах за јутра да ће као лав потрти све кости моје; од јутра до вечера учинићеш ми крај.
I waited patiently all during the night, but [my pain was as though] [MET] I was being torn apart by lions. [It seemed that] my life was finished.
14 Пиштах као ждрал и као ластавица, уках као голубица, очи ми ишчилеше гледајући горе: Господе, у невољи сам, олакшај ми.
[I was delirious, and] I chirped like a swift or a swallow, and moaned like a dove. My eyes became tired looking up [toward heaven] for help. I cried out, Lord, help me, [because] I am distressed!’
15 Шта да кажем? Он ми каза, и учини. Проживећу све године своје по јаду душе своје.
But there was really nothing [RHQ] that I could say and ask him to reply to me, because it was Yahweh who sent this illness. [So now] I will live humbly during my [remaining] years because I am very anguished.
16 Господе, о том се живи и у том је свему живот духа мог, исцелио си ме и сачувао у животу.
Yahweh, the sufferings (OR, the promises) that you give are good, [because] what you do and what you say bring [new] life and health to us. And you restore/heal me and allow me [to continue] to live!
17 Ево, на мир дође ми љут јад; али Теби би мило да извучеш душу моју из јаме погибли, јер си бацио за леђа своја све грехе моје.
Truly, my suffering was good for me; you loved me, and as a result you have rescued me from dying and have also forgiven all my sins.
18 Јер неће гроб Тебе славити, неће Те смрт хвалити, и који сиђу у гроб не надају се Твојој истини. (Sheol h7585)
Dead people [MTY] cannot praise you; they cannot sing to praise you. Those who have descended to their graves cannot confidently expect you to faithfully [do things for them]. (Sheol h7585)
19 Живи, живи, они ће Те славити као ја данас: отац ће синовима јављати истину Твоју.
Only people who are still alive, like I am, can praise you. Fathers tell their children how you are faithful, [and if I remain alive, I will do the same thing].
20 Господ ме спасе, зато ћемо певати песме моје у дому Господњем док смо год живи.
[I know that] Yahweh will fully heal me, [so] I will sing to praise him while others praise him playing musical instruments; I will do that every day of my life, in the temple of Yahweh.”
21 А Исаија беше рекао да узму груду сувих смокава и превију на оток, те ће оздравити.
I had [previously] said to Hezekiah’s servants, “Prepare an ointment from [mashed] figs, and spread it on his boil, and then he will recover.” [So they did that, and Hezekiah recovered].
22 И Језекија беше рекао: Шта ће бити знак да ћу отићи у дом Господњи?
And Hezekiah had [previously] asked, “What will Yahweh do to prove that I will [recover and be able to] go to his temple?”

< Књига пророка Исаије 38 >