< 2 Књига Самуилова 13 >

1 А потом се догоди: Авесалом син Давидов имаше лепу сестру по имену Тамару, и замилова је Амнон, син Давидов.
And it happened after this that Abessalom the son of David had a very beautiful sister, and her name [was] Themar; and Amnon the son of David loved her.
2 И тужаше Амнон тако да се разболе ради Тамаре сестре своје; јер беше девојка, те се Амнону чињаше тешко да јој учини шта.
And Amnon was distressed even to sickness, because of Themar his sister; for she was a virgin, and it seemed very difficult for Amnon to do anything to her.
3 А имаше Амнон пријатеља, коме име беше Јонадав син Саме брата Давидовог; и Јонадав беше врло домишљат.
And Amnon had a friend, and his name [was] Jonadab, the son of Samaa the brother of David: and Jonadab [was] a very cunning man.
4 И рече му: Што се тако сушиш, царев сине, од дана на дан? Не би ли ми казао? А Амнон му рече: Љубим Тамару сестру Авесалома брата свог.
And he said to him, What ails thee that thou art thus weak? O son of the king, morning by morning? wilt thou not tell me? and Ammon said, I love Themar the sister of my brother Abessalom.
5 Тада му рече Јонадав: Лези у постељу своју, и учини се болестан; па кад дође отац твој да те види, ти му реци: Нека дође Тамара сестра моја да ме нахрани, и да зготови пред мојим очима јело да гледам, и из њене руке да једем.
And Jonadab said to him, Lie upon thy bed, and make thyself sick, and thy father shall come in to see thee; and thou shalt say to him, Let, I pray thee, Themar my sister come, and feed me with morsels, and let her prepare food before my eyes, that I may see and eat at her hands.
6 И Амнон леже и учини се болестан; и кад дође цар да га види, рече Амнон цару: Нека дође Тамара сестра моја и зготови преда мном два јелца да једем из њене руке.
So Ammon lay down, and made himself sick; and the king came in to see him: and Amnon said to the king, Let, I pray thee, my sister Themar come to me, and make a couple of cakes in my sight, and I will eat them at her hand.
7 Тада Давид посла к Тамари кући, и поручи јој: Иди у кућу брата свог Амнона и зготови му јело.
And David sent to Themar to the house, saying, Go now to thy brother's house, and dress him food.
8 И Тамара отиде у кућу брата свог Амнона, и он лежаше; и узе брашна и замеси и зготови јело пред њим и скува.
And Themar went to the house of her brother Amnon, and he [was] lying down: and she took the dough and kneaded it, and made cakes in his sight, and baked the cakes.
9 Потом узе тавицу и изручи преда њ; али Амнон не хте јести, него рече: Кажите нека изиђу сви који су код мене. И изиђоше сви.
And she took the frying pan and poured them out before him, but he would not eat. And Amnon said, Send out every man from about me. And they removed every man from about him.
10 Тада рече Амнон Тамари: Донеси то јело у клет да једем из твоје руке. И Тамара узе јело што беше зготовила, и донесе Амнону брату свом у клет.
And Amnon said to Themar, Bring in the food into the closet, and I will eat of thy hand. And Themar took the cakes which she had made, and brought them to her brother Amnon into the chamber.
11 А кад му пружи да једе, он је ухвати и рече јој: Ходи, лези са мном, сестро моја!
And she brought [them] to him to eat, and he caught hold of her, and said to her, Come, lie with me, my sister.
12 А она му рече: Не, брате, немој ме осрамотити, јер се тако не ради у Израиљу, не чини то безумље.
And she said to him, Nay, my brother, do not humble me, for it ought not to be so done in Israel; do not this folly.
13 Куда бих ја са срамотом својом? А ти би био као који од најгорих људи у Израиљу. Него говори цару; он ме неће теби одрећи.
And I, whither shall I remove my reproach? and thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel. And now, speak, I pray thee, to the king, for surely he will not keep me from thee.
14 Али је он не хте послушати, него савладавши је осрамоти је и облежа је.
But Amnon would not hearken to her voice; and he prevailed against her, and humbled her, and lay with her.
15 А после омрзе на њу Амнон веома, те мржња којом мржаше на њу беше већа од љубави којом је пре љубљаше. И рече јој Амнон: Устани, одлази.
Then Amnon hated her with very great hatred; for the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her, for the last wickedness was greater than the first: and Amnon said to her, Rise, and be gone.
16 А она му рече: То ће бити веће зло од оног које си ми учинио што ме тераш. Али је он не хте послушати.
And Themar spoke to him concerning this great mischief, greater, [said she], than the other that thou didst me, to send me away: but Amnon would not hearken to her voice.
17 Него викну момка који га служаше, и рече му: Води ову од мене напоље, и закључај врата за њом.
And he called his servant who had charge of the house, and said to him, Put now this [woman] out from me, and shut the door after her.
18 А она имаше на себи шарену хаљину, јер такве хаљине ношаху царске кћери док су девојке. И слуга његов изведе је напоље, и закључа за њом врата.
And she had on her a variegated robe, for so were the king's daughters that were virgins attired in their apparel: and his servant led her forth, and shut the door after her.
19 Тада Тамара посу се пепелом по глави и раздре шарену хаљину коју имаше на себи, и метну руку своју на главу, и отиде вичући.
And Themar took ashes, and put them on her head; and she rent the variegated garment that was upon her: and she laid her hands on her head, and went crying continually.
20 А брат њен Авесалом, рече јој: Да није Амнон брат твој био с тобом? Али, сестро моја, ћути, брат ти је, не мисли о том. И тако оста Тамара осамљена у кући брата свог Авесалома.
And Abessalom her brother said to her, Has thy brother Amnon been with thee? now then, my sister, be silent, for he is thy brother: be not careful to mention this matter. So Themar dwelt as a widow in the house of her brother Abessalom.
21 И цар Давид чувши све ово разгневи се врло.
And king David heard of all these things, and was very angry; but he did not grieve the spirit of his son Amnon, because be loved him, for he was his first-born.
22 Авесалом пак не говораше с Амноном ни ружно ни лепо; јер Авесалом мржаше на Амнона што му осрамоти сестру Тамару.
And Abessalom spoke not to Amnon, good or bad, because Abessalom hated Amnon, on account of his humbling his sister Themar.
23 А после две године кад се стрижаху овце Авесаломове у Вал-Асору, који је код Јефрема, он позва све синове цареве.
And it came to pass at the end of two whole years, that they were shearing [sheep] for Abessalom in Belasor near Ephraim: and Abessalom invited all the king's sons.
24 И дође Авесалом к цару и рече му: Ево, сад се стрижу овце слузи твом; нека пође цар и слуге његове са слугом својим.
And Abessalom came to the king, and said, Behold, thy servant has a sheep-shearing; let now the king and his servants go with thy servant.
25 Али цар рече Авесалому: Немој, сине, немој да идемо сви, да ти не будемо на теготу. И премда наваљиваше, опет не хте ићи, него га благослови.
And the king said to Abessalom, Nay, my son, let us not all go, and let us not be burdensome to thee. And he pressed him; but he would not go, but blessed him.
26 А Авесалом рече: Кад ти нећеш, а оно нека иде с нама Амнон брат мој. А цар му рече: Што да иде с тобом?
And Abessalom said to him, And if not, let I pray thee, my brother Amnon go with us. And the king said to him, Why should he go with thee?
27 Али навали Авесалом на њ, те пусти с њим Амнона и све синове царске.
And Abessalom pressed him, and he sent with him Amnon and all the king's sons; and Abessalom made a banquet like the banquet of the king.
28 Тада Авесалом заповеди момцима својим говорећи: Пазите, кад се срце Амнону развесели од вина, и ја вам кажем: Убијте Амнона; тада га убијте; не бојте се, јер вам ја заповедам, будите слободни и храбри.
And Abessalom charged his servants, saying, Mark when the heart of Amnon shall be merry with wine, and I shall say to you, Smite Amnon, and slay him: fear not; for is it not I that command you? Be courageous, and be valiant.
29 И учинише с Амноном слуге Авесаломове како им заповеди Авесалом. Тада усташе сви синови цареви и појахаше свак своју мазгу и побегоше.
And the servants of Abessalom did to Amnon as Abessalom commanded them: and all the sons of the king rose up, and they mounted every man his mule, and fled.
30 А докле још беху на путу, дође глас Давиду да је Авесалом побио све синове цареве, да није остао од њих ни један.
And it came to pass, when they were in the way, that a report came to David, saying, Abessalom has slain all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.
31 Тада уставши цар раздре хаљине своје, и леже на земљу, и све слуге његове које стајаху око њега раздреше хаљине своје.
Then the king arose, and rent his garments, and lay upon the ground: and all his servants that were standing round him rent their garments.
32 А Јонадав син Саме брата Давидовог проговори и рече: Нека не говори господар мој да су побили сву децу, цареве синове; погинуо је само Амнон, јер Авесалом беше тако наумио од оног дана кад Амнон осрамоти Тамару сестру његову.
And Jonadab the son of Samaa brother of David, answered and said, Let not my Lord the king say that he has slain all the young men the sons of the king, for Amnon only of them all is dead; for he was appointed [to death] by the mouth of Abessalom from the day that he humbled his sister Themar.
33 Нека дакле цар господар мој не мисли о том у срцу свом говорећи: Сви синови цареви погибоше; јер је само Амнон погинуо.
And now let not my lord the king take the matter to heart, saying, All the king's sons are dead: for Amnon only of them is dead.
34 А Авесалом побеже. А момак на стражи подиже очи своје и угледа, а то многи народ иде к њему покрај горе.
And Abessalom escaped: and the young man the watchman, lifted up his eyes, and looked; and, behold, much people went in the way behind him from the side of the mountain in the descent: and the watchman came and told the king, and said, I have seen men by the way of Oronen, by the side of the mountain.
35 И Јонадав рече цару: Ево иду синови цареви; као што је казао слуга твој, тако је било.
And Jonadab said to the king, Behold, the king's sons are present: according to the word of thy servant, so has it happened.
36 И кад изрече, а то синови цареви дођоше, и подигавши глас свој плакаше; а и цар и све слуге његове плакаше врло.
And it came to pass when he had finished speaking, that, behold, the king's sons came, and lifted up their voices and wept: and the king also and all his servants wept with a very great weeping.
37 Авесалом пак побеже и отиде к Талмају сину Амијудовом цару гесурском. А Давид плакаше за сином својим сваки дан.
But Abessalom fled, and went to Tholmi son of Emiud the king of Gedsur to the land of Chamaachad: and king David mourned for his son continually.
38 А кад Авесалом утече и дође у Гесур, оста онде три године.
So Abessalom fled, and departed to Gedsur, and was there three years.
39 Потом зажеле цар Давид отићи к Авесалому, јер се утеши за Амноном што погибе.
And king David ceased to go out after Abessalom, for he was comforted concerning Amnon, touching his death.

< 2 Књига Самуилова 13 >