< 1 Солуњанима 3 >

1 Зато не могући више трпети наумисмо сами остати у Атини,
So when we couldn't bear it any longer, we decided it would be best for us to stay behind in Athens,
2 И посласмо Тимотија, брата свог и слугу Божијег, и помагача свог у јеванђељу Христовом, да вас утврди и утеши у вери вашој;
and send Timothy on to you. He is our brother and God's co-worker in spreading the good news of Christ. We sent him to strengthen and encourage you in your trust in God
3 Да се нико не смете у овим невољама; јер сами знате да смо на то одређени.
so that none of you would be upset by your troubles—for you know we should expect such things.
4 Јер кад бејасмо код вас казасмо вам напред да ћемо падати у невоље, које и би, и знате.
Even while we were with you we kept on warning you that we would suffer persecution soon— and as you well know that is exactly what has happened.
5 Тога ради и ја не могући више трпети послах да познам веру вашу, да вас како не искуша кушач, и да узалуд не буде труд наш.
This is why, when I couldn't stand it anymore, I sent to find out whether you were still trusting in God. I was concerned that the Devil had successfully tempted you and that all our work had been for nothing!
6 А сад кад дође Тимотије к нама од вас и јави нам вашу веру и љубав, и да имате добар спомен о нама свагда, желећи нас видети, као и ми вас,
Now Timothy has just returned from visiting you and he has brought us good news of your trust in God and the love you have. He's told us that you still have fond memories of us, longing to see us just as we long to see you.
7 Зато се утешисмо, браћо, вама у свакој жалости и невољи својој вашом вером;
This news really encouraged us while we were suffering troubles ourselves, brothers and sisters, knowing that you continue to hold on to your trust in God.
8 Јер смо ми сад живи кад ви стојите у Господу.
For us life is worth living now because you're standing firm in the Lord!
9 Јер какву хвалу можемо дати Богу за вас, за сваку радост којом се радујемо вас ради пред Богом својим?
As we go into the presence of our God, how can we ever thank God enough for you because of all the joy you bring to us?
10 Дан и ноћ молимо се Богу преизобилно да видимо лице ваше, и да испунимо недостатак вере ваше.
Night and day we pray for you as earnestly as possible, hoping to see you again face to face, and to help you continue developing your trust in God.
11 А сам Бог и Отац наш и Господ наш Исус Христос да управи пут наш к вама.
May God our Father and our Lord Jesus make it possible for us to come to see you soon.
12 А вас Господ да умножи, и да имате изобилну љубав један к другом и к свима, као и ми к вама.
May the Lord increase your love so it overflows to one another, and to everyone, just as we love you.
13 Да би се утврдила срца ваша без кривице у светињи пред Богом и Оцем нашим, за долазак Господа нашег Исуса Христа са свима светима Његовим. Амин.
In this way may the Lord strengthen you so you may stand with minds that are holy and blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones.

< 1 Солуњанима 3 >