< Sofonija 1 >

1 Rijeè Gospodnja koja doðe Sofoniji sinu Husija sina Godolije sina Amarije sina Jezekijina, za vremena Josije sina Amonova, cara Judina.
The word of Yahweh which came unto Zephaniah, son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, —in the days of Josiah son of Amon, king of Judah.
2 Sve æu uzeti sa zemlje, govori Gospod;
I will take clean away everything from off the face of the ground, Declareth Yahweh.
3 Uzeæu ljude i stoku, uzeæu ptice nebeske i ribe morske i sablazni s bezbožnicima, i istrijebiæu ljude sa zemlje, govori Gospod.
I will take away man and beast, I will take away the bird of the heavens and the fishes of the sea, and the stumblingblocks, even them who are lawless, —and will cut off mankind, from off the face of the ground, Declareth Yahweh.
4 Jer æu mahnuti rukom svojom na Judu i na sve stanovnike Jerusalimske, i istrijebiæu iz mjesta ovoga ostatak Valov i ime sveštenika idolskih s drugim sveštenicima,
And I will stretch out my hand—over Judah, and over all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, —and will cut off out of this place, the name of Baal, the name of the priestlings, with the priests;
5 I one koji se klanjaju na krovovima vojsci nebeskoj i koji se klanjaju i kunu se Gospodom i koji se kunu Melhomom.
And them who bow down upon the housetops to the host of the heavens, —and them who bow down—who swear to Yahweh, and swear by Milcom;
6 I one koji se odvraæaju od Gospoda i koji ne traže Gospoda niti pitaju za nj.
And them who turn away from following Yahweh, —and have neither sought Yahweh, nor enquired for him.
7 Muèi pred Gospodom Gospodom, jer je blizu dan Gospodnji, jer je Gospod prigotovio žrtvu i pozvao svoje zvanice.
Hush! at the presence of My Lord, Yahweh, —for, near, is the day of Yahweh, for Yahweh hath prepared his sacrifice, hath hallowed his guests.
8 I u dan žrtve Gospodnje pohodiæu knezove i carske sinove i sve koji nose tuðinsko odijelo.
And it shall come to pass, in the day of Yahweh’s sacrifice, that I will punish the rulers, and the sons of the king, —and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel;
9 I pohodiæu u taj dan sve koji skaèu preko praga, koji pune kuæu gospodara svojih grabežem i prijevarom.
And I will punish every one who leapeth over the threshold, in that day, —those who fill the house of their lords with violence and deceit.
10 I u taj æe dan, veli Gospod, biti vika od ribljih vrata, i jauk s druge strane, i polom velik s humova.
And there shall come to be, in that day, declareth Yahweh, The noise of an outcry from the fish-gate, and of a howling out of the new city, —and of a great crashing, from the hills.
11 Ridajte koji živite u Maktesu, jer izgibe sav narod trgovaèki, istrijebiše se svi koji nose srebro.
Howl, ye inhabitants of the lower city, —because destroyed are all the people of traffic, cut off are all they who were laden with silver.
12 I u to æu vrijeme razgledati Jerusalim sa žišcima, i pohodiæu ljude koji leže na svojoj droždini, koji govore u srcu svom: Gospod ne èini ni dobro ni zlo.
And it shall come to pass, at that time, that I will search through Jerusalem, with lamps, —and will punish the men who are thickened upon their lees, who are saying in their heart, Yahweh, will not give blessing, neither will he bring calamity.
13 I blago æe se njihovo razgrabiti i kuæe njihove opustošiti; grade kuæe, ali neæe sjedjeti u njima; i sade vinograde, ali neæe piti vina iz njih.
Therefore shall their goods become a booty, and their houses, a desolation, —and they shall build houses, but not inhabit them, and plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.
14 Blizu je veliki dan Gospodnji, blizu je i ide vrlo brzo; glas æe biti dana Gospodnjega, gorko æe tada vikati junak.
Near is the great day of Yahweh, near, and very speedy, —The noise of the day of Yahweh, a strong man—there!—bitterly crying out!
15 Taj je dan dan, kada æe biti gnjev, dan, kada æe biti tuga i muka, dan, kada æe biti pustošenje i zatiranje, dan, kada æe biti mrak i tama, dan, kada æe biti oblak i magla,
A day of indignation, —that day! day of danger and distress, day of rush, and of crash, day of obscurity, and deep gloom, day of cloud, and thick darkness;
16 Dan, kada æe biti trubljenje i pokliè na tvrde gradove i na visoke uglove.
day of horn, and war-shout, —against the fortified cities, and against the high towers.
17 I pritijesniæu ljude, te æe iæi kao slijepi, jer zgriješiše Gospodu; i krv æe se njihova prosuti kao prah i tjelesa njihova kao gnoj.
And I will bring distress to mankind, and they shall walk like them who are blind, because, against Yahweh, have they sinned, —and their blood, shall be poured out, as dust, and their bowels like dung.
18 Ni srebro njihovo ni zlato njihovo neæe ih moæi izbaviti u dan gnjeva Gospodnjega; i svu æe zemlju proždrijeti oganj revnosti njegove; jer æe brzo uèiniti kraj svjema stanovnicima zemaljskim.
Neither their silver nor yet their gold, shall be able to deliver them, in the day of the indignation of Yahweh, but, in the fire of his jealousy, shall the whole earth be consumed; For, a destruction, surely a terrible one, will he make, with all them who dwell in the earth.

< Sofonija 1 >