< Psalmi 35 >

1 Gospode! budi suparnik suparnicima mojim; udri one koji udaraju na me.
to/for David to contend [emph?] LORD with opponent my to fight with to fight me
2 Uzmi oružje i štit, i digni se meni u pomoæ.
to strengthen: hold shield and shield and to arise: rise [emph?] in/on/with help my
3 Potegni koplje, i presijeci put onima koji me gone, reci duši mojoj: ja sam spasenje tvoje.
and to empty spear and to shut to/for to encounter: toward to pursue me to say to/for soul my salvation your I
4 Neka se postide i posrame koji traže dušu moju; neka se odbiju natrag i postide koji mi zlo hoæe.
be ashamed and be humiliated to seek soul: life my to turn back and be ashamed to devise: devise distress: evil my
5 Neka budu kao prah pred vjetrom, i anðeo Gospodnji neka ih progoni.
to be like/as chaff to/for face: before spirit: breath and messenger: angel LORD to thrust
6 Neka bude put njihov taman i klizav, i anðeo Gospodnji neka ih tjera.
to be way: conduct their darkness and smoothness and messenger: angel LORD to pursue them
7 Jer ni za što zastriješe mrežom jamu za mene, ni za što iskopaše jamu duši mojoj.
for for nothing to hide to/for me pit: grave net their for nothing to search to/for soul: life my
8 Neka doðe na njega pogibao nenadna, i mreža koju je namjestio neka ulovi njega, neka on u nju padne na pogibao.
to come (in): come him devastation not to know and net his which to hide to capture him in/on/with devastation to fall: fall in/on/with her
9 A duša æe se moja radovati o Gospodu, i veseliæe se za pomoæ njegovu.
and soul my to rejoice in/on/with LORD to rejoice in/on/with salvation his
10 Sve æe kosti moje reæi: Gospode! ko je kao ti, koji izbavljaš stradalca od onoga koji mu dosaðuje, i ništega i ubogoga od onoga koji ga upropašæuje?
all bone my to say LORD who? like you to rescue afflicted from strong from him and afflicted and needy from to plunder him
11 Ustaše na me lažni svjedoci; što ne znam, za ono me pitaju.
to arise: rise [emph?] witness violence which not to know to ask me
12 Plaæaju mi zlo za dobro, i sirotovanje duši mojoj.
to complete me distress: evil underneath: instead welfare bereavement to/for soul my
13 Ja se u bolesti njihovoj oblaèih u vreæu, muèih postom dušu svoju, i molitva se moja vraæaše u prsima mojima.
and I in/on/with be weak: ill they clothing my sackcloth to afflict in/on/with fast soul: myself my and prayer my upon bosom: embrace my to return: return
14 Kao prijatelj, kao brat postupah; bijah sjetan i s oborenom glavom kao onaj koji za materom žali.
like/as neighbor like/as brother: male-sibling to/for me to go: walk like/as mourning mother be dark to bow
15 A oni se raduju kad se ja spotaknem, i kupe se, kupe se na me, zadaju rane, ne znam zašto, èupaju i ne prestaju.
and in/on/with stumbling my to rejoice and to gather to gather upon me smitten and not to know to tear and not to silence: stationary
16 S nevaljalijem i podrugljivijem besposlièarima škrguæu na me zubima svojima.
in/on/with profane mocking bun to grind upon me tooth their
17 Gospode! hoæeš li dugo gledati? Otmi dušu moju od napadanja njihova, od ovijeh lavova jedinicu moju.
Lord like/as what? to see: see to return: rescue [emph?] soul: myself my from ravage their from lion only my
18 Priznavaæu te u saboru velikom, usred mnogoga naroda hvaliæu te:
to give thanks you in/on/with assembly many in/on/with people mighty to boast: praise you
19 Da mi se ne bi svetili koji mi zlobe nepravedno, i namigivali oèima koji mrze na me ni za što.
not to rejoice to/for me enemy my deception to hate me for nothing to wink eye
20 Jer oni ne govore o miru, nego na mirne na zemlji izmišljaju lažne stvari.
for not peace to speak: speak and upon restful land: country/planet word deceit to devise: design [emph?]
21 Razvaljuju na me usta svoja, i govore: dobro! dobro! vidi oko naše.
and to enlarge upon me lip their to say Aha! Aha! to see: see eye our
22 Vidiš, Gospode! nemoj muèati; Gospode! nemoj otstupiti od mene.
to see: see LORD not be quiet Lord not to remove from me
23 Probudi se, ustani na sud moj, Bože moj i Gospode, i na parnicu moju.
to rouse [emph?] and to awake [emph?] to/for justice: judgement my God my and Lord to/for strife my
24 Sudi mi po pravdi svojoj, Gospode, Bože moj, da mi se ne svete.
to judge me like/as righteousness your LORD God my and not to rejoice to/for me
25 Ne daj da govore u srcu svojem: dobro! to smo htjeli! Ne daj da govore: proždrijesmo ga.
not to say in/on/with heart their Aha! soul our not to say to swallow up him
26 Nek se postide i posrame svi koji se raduju zlu mojemu, nek se obuku u stid i u sram koji se razmeæu nada mnom.
be ashamed and be ashamed together glad distress: harm my to clothe shame and shame [the] to magnify upon me
27 Neka se raduju i vesele koji mi žele pravdu, i govore jednako: velik Gospod, koji želi mira sluzi svojemu!
to sing and to rejoice delighting righteousness my and to say continually to magnify LORD [the] delighting peace: well-being servant/slave his
28 I moj æe jezik kazivati pravdu tvoju, i hvalu tebi svaki dan.
and tongue my to mutter righteousness your all [the] day praise your

< Psalmi 35 >