< Luki 7 >

1 A kad svrši sve rijeèi svoje pred narodom, doðe u Kapernaum.
When Jesus had brought to a conclusion all that he had then had to say to the people, he entered Capernaum.
2 U kapetana pak jednoga bijaše sluga bolestan na umoru koji mu bješe mio.
A centurion in the Roman army had a slave whom he valued, and who was seriously ill – almost at the point of death.
3 A kad èu za Isusa, posla k njemu starješine Judejske moleæi ga da bi došao da mu iscijeli slugu.
And, hearing about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him, with the request that he would come and save his slave’s life.
4 A oni došavši k Isusu moljahu ga lijepo govoreæi: dostojan je da mu to uèiniš;
When they found Jesus, they earnestly implored him to do so. “He deserves the favor from you,” they said,
5 Jer ljubi narod naš, i naèini nam zbornicu.
“For he is devoted to our nation, and himself built our synagogue for us.”
6 A Isus iðaše s njima. I kad veæ bijahu blizu kuæe, posla kapetan k njemu prijatelje govoreæi mu: Gospode! ne trudi se, jer nijesam dostojan da uðeš pod moju strehu;
So Jesus went with them. But, when he was no great distance from the house, the centurion sent some friends with the message – “Do not trouble yourself, Sir; for I am unworthy to receive you under my roof.
7 Zato i ne držah sebe dostojna da ti doðem, nego samo reci rijeè, i ozdraviæe sluga moj.
That was why I did not even venture to come to you myself; but speak, and let my manservant be cured.
8 Jer i ja sam èovjek pod vlasti, i imam pod sobom vojnike, pa reèem jednome: idi, i ide; i drugome: doði, i doðe; i sluzi svojemu: uèini to, i uèini.
For I myself am a man under the orders of others, with soldiers under me; and if I say to one of them ‘Go,’ he goes, and to another ‘Come,’ he comes, and to my slave ‘Do this,’ he does it.”
9 A kad to èu Isus, zaèudi mu se, i okrenuvši se narodu koji iðaše za njim reèe: kažem vam: ni u Izrailju tolike vjere ne naðoh.
Jesus was surprised to hear these words from him; and, turning to the crowd which was following him, he said, “I tell you, nowhere in Israel have I met with such faith as this!”
10 I vrativši se poslani naðoše bolesnoga slugu zdrava.
And, when the messengers returned to the house, they found the slave recovered.
11 I potom iðaše u grad koji se zove Nain, i s njim iðahu mnogi uèenici njegovi i mnoštvo naroda.
Shortly after, Jesus went to a town called Nain, his disciples and a great crowd going with him.
12 Kad se približiše k vratima gradskijem, i gle, iznošahu mrtvaca, jedinca sina matere njegove, i ona bješe udovica i naroda iz grada mnogo iðaše s njom.
Just as he approached the gate of the town, there was a dead man being carried out for burial – an only son, and his mother was a widow. A large number of the people of the town were with her.
13 I vidjevši je Gospod sažali mu se za njom, i reèe joj: ne plaèi.
When he saw her, the Master was moved with compassion for her, and he said to her, “Do not weep.”
14 I pristupivši prihvati za sanduk; a nosioci stadoše, i reèe: momèe! tebi govorim, ustani.
Then he went up and touched the bier, and the bearers stopped; and Jesus said, “Young man, I am speaking to you – Rise!”
15 I sjede mrtvac i stade govoriti; i dade ga materi njegovoj.
The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus restored him to his mother.
16 A strah obuze sve, i hvaljahu Boga govoreæi: veliki prorok iziðe meðu nama, i Bog pohodi narod svoj.
Everyone was awe-struck and began praising God. “A great prophet has arisen among us,” they said. “God has visited his people.”
17 I otide glas ovaj o njemu po svoj Judeji i po svoj okolini.
And this story about Jesus spread all through Judea, and in the neighboring countries as well.
18 I javiše Jovanu uèenici njegovi za sve ovo.
All these events were reported to John by his disciples.
19 I dozvavši Jovan dva od uèenika svojijeh posla ih k Isusu govoreæi: jesi li ti onaj što æe doæi, ili drugoga da èekamo?
So he summoned two of them, and sent them to the Master to ask – “Are you ‘the coming one,’ or are we to look for someone else?”
20 Došavši pak ljudi k njemu rekoše: Jovan krstitelj posla nas k tebi govoreæi: jesi li ti onaj što æe doæi, ili drugoga da èekamo?
When these men found Jesus, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask – Are you ‘the coming one,’ or are we to look for somebody else?”
21 A u taj èas iscijeli mnoge od bolesti i od muka i od zlijeh duhova, i mnogima slijepijem darova vid.
At that very time Jesus had cured many people of diseases, afflictions, and wicked spirits, and had given many blind people their sight.
22 I odgovarajuæi Isus reèe im: idite i kažite Jovanu što vidjeste i èuste: slijepi progledaju, hromi hode, gubavi èiste se, gluhi èuju, mrtvi ustaju, siromašnima propovijeda se jevanðelje.
So his answer to the question was, “Go and report to John what you have witnessed and heard – the blind recover their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are made clean, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the good news is told to the poor.
23 I blago onome koji se ne sablazni o mene.
And blessed is the person who finds no hindrance in me.”
24 A kad otidoše uèenici Jovanovi, poèe narodu govoriti za Jovana: šta ste izišli u pustinji da vidite? Trsku, koju ljulja vjetar?
When John’s messengers had left, Jesus, speaking to the crowds, began to say with reference to John,
25 Šta ste dakle izišli da vidite? Èovjeka u meke haljine obuèena? Eto, koji gospodske haljine nose i u slastima žive po carskijem su dvorovima.
“What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed waving in the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in rich clothing? Why, those who are accustomed to fine clothes and luxury live in royal palaces.
26 Šta ste dakle izišli da vidite? Proroka? Da, ja vam kažem, i više od proroka;
What then did you go to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet.
27 Jer je ovo onaj za koga je pisano: eto ja šaljem anðela svojega pred licem tvojijem koji æe pripraviti put tvoj pred tobom.
This is the man of whom scripture says – ‘I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way before you.’
28 Jer vam kažem: nijedan izmeðu roðenijeh od žena nije veæi prorok od Jovana krstitelja; a najmanji u carstvu Božijemu veæi je od njega.
There is, I tell you, no one born of a woman who is greater than John; and yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”
29 I svi ljudi koji slušahu i carinici opravdaše Boga, i krstiše se krštenjem Jovanovijem;
(All the people, when they heard this, and even the tax collectors, having accepted John’s baptism, acknowledged the justice of God.
30 A fariseji i književnici odbaciše svjet Božij za njih, i ne htješe da ih on krsti.
But the Pharisees and the students of the Law, having rejected John’s baptism, frustrated God’s purpose in regard to them.)
31 A Gospod reèe: kakvi æu kazati da su ljudi ovoga roda? I kakvi su?
“To what then,” Jesus continued, “should I compare the people of the present generation? What are they like?
32 Oni su kao djeca koja sjede po ulicama i dozivaju jedno drugo i govore: svirasmo vam, i ne igraste, žalismo vam se, i ne plakaste.
They are like some little children who are sitting in the marketplace and calling out to one another – ‘We have played the flute for you, but you have not danced; We have wailed, but you have not wept!’
33 Jer doðe Jovan krstitelj koji ni jede hljeba ni pije vina, a vi kažete: ðavo je u njemu;
For now that John the Baptist has come, not eating bread or drinking wine, you are saying ‘He has a demon in him’;
34 Doðe sin èovjeèij koji i jede i pije, a vi kažete: gle èovjeka izjelice i pijanice, druga carinicima i grješnicima.
and now that the Son of Man has come, eating and drinking, you are saying ‘Here is a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and outcasts.’
35 I opravdaše premudrost sva djeca njezina.
And yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children.”
36 Moljaše ga pak jedan od fariseja da bi objedovao u njega; i ušavši u kuæu farisejevu sjede za trpezu.
One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to dine with him, so Jesus went to his house and took his place at the table.
37 I gle, žena u gradu koja bješe grješnica doznavši da je Isus za trpezom u kuæi farisejevoj, donese sklenicu mira;
Just then a woman, who was an outcast in the town, having heard that Jesus was eating in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster jar of perfume,
38 I stavši sastrag kod nogu njegovijeh plakaše, i stade prati noge njegove suzama, i kosom od svoje glave otiraše, i cjelivaše noge njegove, i mazaše mirom.
and placed herself behind Jesus, near his feet, weeping. Then she began to make his feet wet with her tears, and she dried them with the hair of her head, repeatedly kissing his feet and anointing them with the perfume.
39 A kad vidje farisej koji ga je dozvao, reèe u sebi govoreæi: da je on prorok, znao bi ko i kakva ga se žena dotièe: jer je grješnica.
When the Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this, he said to himself, “Had this man been ‘the prophet,’ he would have known who, and what sort of woman, this is who is touching him, and that she is an outcast.”
40 I odgovarajuæi Isus reèe mu: Simone! imam ti nešto kazati. A on reèe: uèitelju! kaži.
But, addressing him, Jesus said, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Pray do so, teacher,” Simon answered; and Jesus began,
41 A Isus reèe: dvojica bijahu dužni jednome dužniku, jedan bješe dužan pet stotina dinara a drugi pedeset.
“There were two people who were in debt to a moneylender; one owed five hundred silver coins, and the other fifty.
42 A kad oni ne imadoše da mu vrate, pokloni obojici. Kaži koji æe ga od njih dvojice veæma ljubiti.
As they were unable to pay, he forgave them both. Which of them, do you think, will love him the more?”
43 A Simon odgovarajuæi reèe: mislim onaj kome najviše pokloni. A on mu reèe: pravo si sudio.
“I suppose,” answered Simon, “it will be the man to whom he forgave the greater debt.” “You are right,” said Jesus,
44 I okrenuvši se k ženi reèe Simonu: vidiš li ovu ženu? Ja uðoh u tvoju kuæu, ni vode mi na noge nijesi dao; a ona suzama obli mi noge, i kosom od glave svoje otr.
and then, turning to the woman, he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house – you gave me no water for my feet, but she has made my feet wet with her tears and dried them with her hair.
45 Cjeliva mi nijesi dao; a ona otkako uðoh ne presta cjelivati mi nogu.
You did not give me one kiss, but she, from the moment I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet.
46 Uljem nijesi pomazao glave moje; a ona mirom pomaza mi noge.
You did not anoint even my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume.
47 Zato kažem ti: opraštaju joj se grijesi mnogi, jer je veliku ljubav imala; a kome se malo oprašta ima malu ljubav.
So I tell you, her great love shows that her sins, many as they are, have been pardoned. One who is pardoned little loves little.”
48 A njoj reèe: opraštaju ti se grijesi.
Then he said to the woman, “Your sins have been pardoned.”
49 I stadoše u sebi govoriti oni što sjeðahu s njim za trpezom: ko je ovaj što i grijehe oprašta?
The other guests began to say to one another, “Who is this man who even pardons sins?”
50 A ženi reèe: vjera tvoja pomože ti; idi s mirom.
But Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has delivered you; go, and peace be with you.”

< Luki 7 >