< Jov 19 >

1 A Jov odgovori i reèe:
Then Job answered and said,
2 Dokle æete muèiti dušu moju i satirati me rijeèima?
How long will ye vex my soul, and destroy me with words? only know that the Lord has dealt with me thus.
3 Veæ ste me deset puta naružili; nije vas stid što tako navaljujete na me?
Ye speak against me; ye do not feel for me, but bear hard upon me.
4 Ali ako sam doista pogriješio, pogrješka æe moja ostati kod mene.
Yea verily, I have erred in truth, (but the error abides with myself) in having spoken words which it was not right [to speak]; and my words err, and are unreasonable.
5 Ako li se još hoæete da dižete na me i da me korite mojom sramotom,
But alas! for ye magnify yourselves against me, and insult me with reproach.
6 Onda znajte da me je Bog oborio i mrežu svoju razapeo oko mene.
Know then that it is the Lord that has troubled [me], and has raised his bulwark against me.
7 Eto, vièem na nepravdu, ali se ne slušam; vapijem, ali nema suda.
Behold, I laugh at reproach; I will not speak: [or] I will cry out, but [there is] nowhere judgment.
8 Zagradio je put moj da ne mogu proæi; na staze moje metnuo je mrak.
I am fenced round about, and can by no means escape: he has set darkness before my face.
9 Svukao je s mene slavu moju i skinuo vijenac s glave moje.
And he has stripped me of my glory, and has taken the crown from my head.
10 Porušio me je otsvuda, da me nema; i kao drvo išèupao je nadanje moje.
He has torn me around about, and I am gone: and he has cut off my hope like a tree.
11 Raspalio se na me gnjev njegov, i uzeo me je meðu neprijatelje svoje.
And he has dreadfully handled me in anger, and has counted me for an enemy.
12 Vojske njegove doðoše sve zajedno i nasuše sebi put k meni, i stadoše u oko okolo šatora mojega.
His troops also came upon me with one accord, liars in wait compassed my ways.
13 Braæu moju udaljio je od mene, i znanci moji tuðe se od mene.
My brethren have stood aloof from me; they have recognized strangers [rather] than me: and my friends have become pitiless.
14 Bližnji moji ostaviše me, i znanci moji zaboraviše me.
My nearest of kin have not acknowledged me, and they that knew my name, have forgotten me.
15 Domašnji moji i moje sluškinje gledaju me kao tuðina; stranac sam u oèima njihovijem.
[As for] my household, and my maid-servants, I was a stranger before them.
16 Zovem slugu svojega, a on se ne odziva, a molim ga ustima svojim.
I called my servant, and he hearkened not; and my mouth intreated [him].
17 Dah je moj mrzak ženi mojoj, a preklinjem je sinovima utrobe svoje.
And I besought my wife, and earnestly intreated the sons of my concubines.
18 Ni djeca ne haju za me; kad ustanem, ruže me.
But they rejected me for ever; whenever I rise up, they speak against me.
19 Mrzak sam svjema najvjernijim svojim, i koje ljubljah postaše mi protivnici.
They that saw me abhorred me: the very persons whom I had loved, rose up against me.
20 Za kožu moju kao za meso moje prionuše kosti moje; jedva osta koža oko zuba mojih.
My flesh is corrupt under my skin, and my bones are held in [my] teeth.
21 Smilujte se na me, smilujte se na me, prijatelji moji, jer se ruka Božija dotakla mene.
Pity me, pity me, O friends; for it is the hand of the Lord that has touched me.
22 Zašto me gonite kao Bog, i mesa mojega ne možete da se nasitite?
Wherefore do ye persecute me as also the Lord [does], and are not satisfied with my flesh?
23 O kad bi se napisale rijeèi moje! kad bi se stavile u knjigu!
For oh that my words were written, and that they were recorded in a book forever,
24 Pisaljkom gvozdenom i olovom na kamenu za vjeèni spomen kad bi se urezale!
with an iron pen and lead, or graven in the rocks!
25 Ali znam da je živ moj iskupitelj, i na pošljedak da æe stati nad prahom.
For I know that he is eternal who is about to deliver me,
26 I ako se ova koža moja i rašèini, opet æu u tijelu svom vidjeti Boga.
[and] to raise up upon the earth my skin that endures these [sufferings]: for these things have been accomplished to me of the Lord;
27 Ja isti vidjeæu ga, i oèi moje gledaæe ga, a ne drugi. A bubrega mojih nestaje u meni.
which I am conscious of in myself, which mine eye has seen, and not another, but all have been fulfilled to me in [my] bosom.
28 Nego bi trebalo da reèete: zašto ga gonimo? kad je korijen besjede u meni.
But if ye shall also say, What shall we say before him, and [so] find the root of the matter in him?
29 Bojte se maèa; jer je maè osveta za bezakonje; i znajte da ima sud.
Do ye also beware of deceit: for wrath will come upon transgressors; and then shall they know where their substance is.

< Jov 19 >