< Izlazak 11 >

1 A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: još æu jedno zlo pustiti na Faraona i na Misir, pa æe vas onda pustiti; pustiæe sasvijem, i još æe vas tjerati.
Then Yahweh said to Moses, “There is still one more plague that I will bring on Pharaoh and Egypt. After that, he will let you go from here. When he finally lets you go, he will drive you away completely.
2 A sada kaži narodu neka svaki èovjek ište u susjeda svojega i svaka žena u susjede svoje nakita srebrnijeh i nakita zlatnijeh.
Instruct the people that every man and woman is to ask of his or her neighbor for articles of silver and articles of gold.”
3 I Gospod uèini te narod naðe ljubav u Misiraca; i sam Mojsije bješe vrlo velik èovjek u zemlji Misirskoj kod sluga Faraonovijeh i kod naroda.
Now Yahweh had made the Egyptians eager to please the Israelites. Moreover, the man Moses was very impressive in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and the people of Egypt.
4 I reèe Mojsije: ovako veli Gospod: oko ponoæi proæi æu kroz Misir,
Moses said, “Yahweh says this: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt.
5 I pomrijeæe svi prvenci u zemlji Misirskoj, od prvenca Faraonova, koji šæaše sjedjeti na prijestolu njegovu, do prvenca sluškinje za žrvnjem, i od stoke što je god prvenac.
All the firstborn in the land of Egypt will die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sits on his throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl who is behind the handmill grinding it, and to all the firstborn of the cattle.
6 I biæe vika velika po svoj zemlji Misirskoj, kakve još nije bilo niti æe je kad biti.
Then there will be a great wailing throughout all the land of Egypt, such as has never been nor ever will be again.
7 A kod sinova Izrailjevijeh nigdje neæe ni pas jezikom svojim maæi ni meðu ljudima ni meðu stokom, da znate da je Gospod uèinio razliku izmeðu Izrailjaca i Misiraca.
But not even a dog will bark against any of the people of Israel, against either man or beast. In this way you will know that I am treating the Egyptians and the Israelites differently.'
8 I doæi æe sve te sluge tvoje k meni, i pokloniæe mi se govoreæi: idi, i ti i sav narod koji je pristao za tobom. I onda æu izaæi. I otide Mojsije od Faraona s velikim gnjevom.
All these servants of yours, Pharaoh, will come down to me and bow down to me. They will say, 'Go, you and all the people who follow you!' After that I will go out.” Then he went out from Pharaoh in great anger.
9 A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: neæe vas poslušati Faraon, da bih umnožio èudesa svoja u zemlji Misirskoj.
Yahweh said to Moses, “Pharaoh will not listen to you. This is so that I will do many amazing things in the land of Egypt.”
10 I Mojsije i Aron uèiniše sva ova èudesa pred Faraonom, a Gospod uèini te otvrdnu srce Faraonu, i ne pusti sinova Izrailjevijeh iz zemlje svoje.
Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh. But Yahweh hardened Pharaoh's heart, and Pharaoh did not let the people of Israel go out of his land.

< Izlazak 11 >