< 2 Kraljevima 18 >

1 A treæe godine carovanja Osije sina Ilina nad Izrailjem zacari se Jezekija sin Ahazov nad Judom.
And it came to pass in the third year of Osee son of Ela king of Israel [that] Ezekias son of Achaz king of Juda began to reign.
2 Bijaše mu dvadeset i pet godina kad poèe carovati, i carova dvadeset i devet godina u Jerusalimu. Materi mu bješe ime Avija, kæi Zaharijina.
Five and twenty years old was he when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Abu, daughter of Zacharias.
3 I èinjaše što je pravo pred Gospodom sasvijem kao što je èinio David otac njegov.
And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father David did.
4 On obori visine, i izlomi likove i isjeèe lugove, i razbi zmiju od mjedi, koju bješe naèinio Mojsije, jer joj do tada kaðahu sinovi Izrailjevi; i prozva je Neustan.
He removed the high places, and broke in pieces the pillars, and utterly destroyed the groves, and the brazen serpent which Moses made: because until those days the children of Israel burnt incense to it: and he called it Neesthan.
5 Uzdaše se u Gospoda Boga Izrailjeva, i ne bi takoga izmeðu svijeh careva Judinijeh poslije njega ni prije njega.
He trusted in the Lord God of Israel; and after him there was not any like him among the kings of Juda, nor among those that were before him.
6 Jer prionu za Gospoda, ne otstupi od njega, nego drža zapovijesti koje zapovjedi Gospod Mojsiju.
And he clave to the Lord, he departed not from following him; and he kept his commandments, as many as he commanded Moses.
7 I Gospod bijaše s njim; kuda god iðaše napredovaše; i odmetnu se od cara Asirskoga, te mu ne bi sluga.
And the Lord was with him; and he was wise in all that he undertook: and he revolted from the king of the Assyrians, and served him not.
8 On pobi Filisteje do Gaze i meðe njezine, od kule stražarske do grada ozidana.
He smote the Philistines [even] to Gaza, and to the border of it, from the tower of the watchmen even to the strong city.
9 A èetvrte godine carovanja Jezekijina, a to je sedma godina carovanja Osije sina Ilina nad Izrailjem, podiže se Salmanasar car Asirski na Samariju, i opkoli je.
And it came to pass in the fourth year of King Ezekias (this is the seventh year of Osee son of Ela king of Israel, ) [that] Salamanassar king of the Assyrians came up against Samaria, and besieged it.
10 I poslije tri godine uze je; šeste godine carovanja Jezekijina, a devete godine carovanja Osijina nad Izrailjem, bi uzeta Samarija.
And he took it at the end of three years, in the sixth year of Ezekias, (this [is] the ninth year of Osee king of Israel, when Samaria was taken.)
11 I odvede car Asirski Izrailjce u Asiriju, i naseli ih u Alaju i u Avoru na vodi Gozanu i po gradovima Midskim.
And the king of the Assyrians carried away the Samaritans to Assyria, and put them in Alae and in Abor, [by] the river Gozan, and [in] the mountains of the Medes;
12 Jer ne slušaše glasa Gospoda Boga svojega i prestupaše zavjet njegov, sve što im je zapovjedio Mojsije sluga Gospodnji, ne slušaše niti tvoriše.
because they hearkened not to the voice of the Lord their God, and transgressed his covenant, [even] in all things that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded, and hearkened not [to them], nor did [them].
13 A èetrnaeste godine carovanja Jezekijina podiže se Senahirim car Asirski na sve tvrde gradove Judine, i uze ih.
And in the fourteenth year of king Ezekias came up Sennacherim king of the Assyrians against the strong cities of Juda, and took them.
14 Tada Jezekija car Judin posla u Lahis k caru Asirskom i poruèi mu: zgriješio sam; vrati se od mene, što god nametneš na me nosiæu. A car Asirski nametnu na Jezekiju cara Judina trista talanata srebra i trideset talanata zlata.
And Ezekias king of Juda sent messengers to the king of the Assyrians to Lachis, saying, I have offended; depart from me: whatsoever thou shalt lay upon me, I will bear. And the king of Assyria laid upon Ezekias king of Juda [a tribute of] three hundred talents of silver, and thirty talents of gold.
15 I dade car Jezekija sve srebro što se naðe u domu Gospodnjem i u riznicama carskoga dvora.
And Ezekias gave all the silver that was found in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the king's house.
16 U to vrijeme car Jezekija raskopa vrata na crkvi Gospodnjoj i pragove koje sam bješe okovao, i dade caru Asirskom.
At that time Ezekias cut off [the gold from] the doors of the temple, and [from] the pillars which Ezekias king of Juda [had] overlaid with gold, and gave it to the king of the Assyrians.
17 Ali car Asirski posla Tartana i Ravsarisa i Ravsaka iz Lahisa k caru Jezekiji u Jerusalim s velikom vojskom; i oni se podigoše i doðoše u Jerusalim; i podigavši se i došavši stadoše kod jaza gornjega jezera, koji je pokraj puta u polju bjeljarevu.
And the king of the Assyrians sent Tharthan and Raphis and Rapsakes from Lachis to king Ezekias with a strong force against Jerusalem. And they went up and came to Jerusalem, and stood by the aqueduct of the upper pool, which is by the way of the fuller's field.
18 I stadoše vikati cara. Tada doðe k njima Elijakim sin Helkijin, koji bijaše nad dvorom, i Somna pisar i Joah sin Asafov pametar.
And they cried to Ezekias: and there came to him Heliakim the son of Chelcias the steward, and Somnas the scribe, and Joas the son of Saphat the recorder.
19 I reèe im Ravsak: kažite caru Jezekiji: ovako kaže veliki car, car Asirski: kakva je to uzdanica, u koju se uzdaš?
And Rapsakes said to them, Say now to Ezekias, Thus says the king, the great king of the Assyrians, What [is] this confidence wherein thou trustest?
20 Ti veliš, ali su prazne rijeèi, da imaš svjeta i sile za rat. U što se dakle uzdaš, te si se odmetnuo od mene?
Thou hast said, (but [they are] mere words, ) [I have] counsel and strength for war. Now then in whom dost thou trust, that thou hast revolted from me?
21 Gle, uzdaš se u Misir, u štap od trske slomljene, na koji ako se ko nasloni, uæi æe mu u ruku i probošæe je; taki je Faraon car Misirski svima koji se uzdaju u nj.
See now, art thou trusting for thyself on this broken staff of reed, [even] upon Egypt? whosoever shall stay himself upon it, it shall even go into his hand, and pierce it: so [is] Pharao king of Egypt to all that trust on him.
22 Ako li mi reèete: uzdamo se u Gospoda Boga svojega; nije li to onaj èije je visine i oltare oborio Jezekija i zapovjedio Judi i Jerusalimu: pred ovijem oltarom klanjajte se u Jerusalimu.
And whereas thou hast said to me, We trust on the Lord God: [is] not this he, whose high places and altars Ezekias has removed, and has said to Juda and Jerusalem, Ye shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem?
23 Hajde, zateci se mojemu gospodaru caru Asirskom; i daæu ti dvije tisuæe konja, ako možeš dobaviti koji æe jahati na njima.
And now, I pray you, make and agreement with my lord the king of the Assyrians, and I will give thee two thousand horses, if thou shalt be able on thy part to set riders upon them.
24 Kako æeš dakle odbiti i jednoga vojvodu izmeðu najmanjih sluga gospodara mojega? Ali se ti uzdaš u Misir za kola i konjike.
How then wilt thou turn away the face of one petty governor, from among the least of my lord's servants? whereas thou trustest for thyself on Egypt for chariots and horsemen.
25 Svrh toga, eda li sam ja bez Gospoda došao na ovo mjesto da ga zatrem? Gospod mi je rekao: idi na tu zemlju, i zatri je.
And now have we come up without the Lord against this place to destroy it? The Lord said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.
26 Tada Elijakim sin Helkijin i Somna i Joah rekoše Ravsaku: govori slugama svojim Sirski, jer razumijemo, a nemoj nam govoriti Judejski da sluša narod na zidu.
And Heliakim the son of Chelkias, and Somnas, and Joas, said to Rapsakes, Speak now to thy servants in the Syrian language, for we understand it; and speak not with us in the Jewish language: and why dost thou speak in the ears of the people that are on the wall?
27 A Ravsak im reèe: eda li me je gospodar moj poslao ka gospodaru tvojemu ili k tebi da kažem ove rijeèi? nije li k tijem ljudima, što sjede na zidu, da jedu svoju neèist i da piju svoju mokraæu s vama?
And Rapsakes said to them, Has my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? [has he] not [sent me] to the men who sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own water together with you.
28 Tada stade Ravsak i povika iza glasa Judejski, i reèe govoreæi: èujte rijeè velikoga cara, cara Asirskoga.
And Rapsakes stood, and cried with a loud voice in the Jewish language, and spoke, and said, Hear the words of the great king of the Assyrians:
29 Ovako kaže car: nemojte da vas vara Jezekija; jer vas ne može izbaviti iz moje ruke.
thus says the king, Let not Ezekias encourage you with words: for he shall not be able to deliver you out of his hand.
30 Nemojte da vas nagovori Jezekija da se pouzdate u Gospoda, govoreæi: Gospod æe nas izbaviti, i ovaj se grad neæe dati u ruke caru Asirskom.
And let not Ezekias cause you to trust on the Lord, saying, The Lord will certainly deliver us; this city shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of the Assyrians: hearken not to Ezekias:
31 Ne slušajte Jezekije; jer ovako kaže car Asirski: uèinite mir sa mnom, i hodite k meni, pa jedite svaki sa svoga èokota i svaki sa svoje smokve, i pijte svaki iz svojega studenca.
for thus says the king of the Assyrians, Gain my favour, and come forth to me, and every man shall drink [of the wine] of his own vine, and every man shall eat of his own fig-tree, and shall drink water out of his own cistern;
32 Dokle ne doðem i odnesem vas u zemlju kao što je vaša, u zemlju obilnu žitom i vinom, u zemlju obilnu hljebom i vinogradima, u zemlju obilnu maslinom i uljem i medom, pa æete živjeti i neæete izginuti. Ne slušajte Jezekije, jer vas vara govoreæi: Gospod æe nas izbaviti.
until I come and remove you to a land like your own land, a land of corn and wine, and bread and vineyards, a land of olive oil, and honey, and ye shall live and not die: and do not ye hearken to Ezekias, for he deceives you, saying, The Lord shall deliver you.
33 Je li koji izmeðu bogova drugih naroda izbavio svoju zemlju iz ruke cara Asirskoga?
Have the Gods of the nations at all delivered each their own land out of the hand of the king of the Assyrians?
34 Gdje su bogovi Ematski i Arfadski? gdje su bogovi Sefarvimski, Enski i Avski? jesu li izbavili Samariju iz mojih ruku?
Where is the god of Haemath, and of Arphad? where is the god of Seppharvaim, Ana, and Aba? for have they delivered Samaria out of my hand?
35 Koji su izmeðu svijeh bogova ovijeh zemalja izbavili zemlju svoju iz moje ruke? a Gospod æe izbaviti Jerusalim iz moje ruke?
Who [is there] among all the gods of the countries, who have delivered their countries out of my hand, that the Lord should deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?
36 Ali narod muèaše, i ne odgovoriše mu ni rijeèi, jer car bješe zapovjedio i rekao: ne odgovarajte mu.
But [the men] were silent, and answered him not a word: for [there was] a commandment of the king, saying, Ye shall not answer him.
37 Tada Elijakim sin Helkijin, koji bijaše nad dvorom, i Somna pisar i Joah sin Asafov, pametar, doðoše k Jezekiji razdrvši haljine, i kazaše mu rijeèi Ravsakove.
And Heliakim the son of Chelcias, the steward, and Somnas the scribe, and Joas the son of Saphat the recorder came in to Ezekias, having rent their garments; and they reported to him the words of Rapsakes.

< 2 Kraljevima 18 >