Aionian Verses

Genesis 37:35
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And all his sons and his daughters gathered themselves together, and came to comfort him; but he would not be comforted, saying, I will go down to my son mourning to Hades; and his father wept for him. (Sheol h7585)
Genesis 42:38
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But he said, My son shall not go down with you, because his brother is dead, and he only has been left; and [suppose] it shall come to pass that he is afflicted by the way by which ye go, then ye shall bring down my old age with sorrow to Hades. (Sheol h7585)
Genesis 44:29
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If then ye take this one also from my presence, and an affliction happen to him by the way, then shall ye bring down my old age with sorrow to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Genesis 44:31
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—it shall even come to pass, when he sees the boy is not with us, [that] he will die, and thy servants will bring down the old age of thy servant, and our father, with sorrow to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Numbers 16:30
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But if the Lord shall shew by a wonder, and the earth shall open her mouth and swallow them up, and their houses, and their tents, and all that belongs to them, and they shall go down alive into Hades, then ye shall know that these men have provoked the Lord. (Sheol h7585)
Numbers 16:33
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And they went down and all that they had, alive into Hades; and the ground covered them, and they perished from the midst of the congregation. (Sheol h7585)
Deuteronomy 32:22
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For a fire has been kindled out of my wrath, it shall burn to hell below; it shall devour the land, and the fruits of it; it shall set on fire the foundations of the mountains. (Sheol h7585)
1 Samuel 2:6 (Kings I 2:6)
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The Lord kills and makes alive; he brings down to the grave, and brings up. (Sheol h7585)
2 Samuel 22:6 (Kings II 22:6)
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the pangs of death surrounded me, the agonies of death prevented me. (Sheol h7585)
1 Kings 2:6 (Kings III 2:6)
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Therefore thou shalt deal [with him] according to thy wisdom, and thou shalt not bring down his grey hairs in peace to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
1 Kings 2:9 (Kings III 2:9)
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But thou shalt by no means hold him guiltless, for thou art a wise man, and wilt know what thou shalt do to him, and shalt bring down his grey hairs with blood to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Job 7:9
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[I am] as a cloud that is cleared away from the sky: for if a man go down to the grave, he shall not come up again: (Sheol h7585)
Job 11:8
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Heaven [is] high; and what wilt thou do? and there are deeper things than those in hell; what dost thou know? (Sheol h7585)
Job 14:13
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For oh that thou hadst kept me in the grave, and hadst hidden me until thy wrath should cease, and thou shouldest set me a time in which thou wouldest remember me! (Sheol h7585)
Job 17:13
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For if I remain, Hades is my habitation: and my bed has been made in darkness. (Sheol h7585)
Job 17:16
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Will they go down with me to Hades, or shall we go down together to the tomb? (Sheol h7585)
Job 21:13
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And they spend their days in wealth, and fall asleep in the rest of the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Job 24:19
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[Let them be] withered upon the earth; for they have plundered the sheaves of the fatherless. (Sheol h7585)
Job 26:6
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Hell is naked before him, and destruction has no covering. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 6:5
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For in death no man remembers thee: and who will give thee thanks in Hades? (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 9:17
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Let sinners be driven away into Hades, [even] all the nations that forget God. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 16:10
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because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 18:5
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The pangs of hell came round about me: the snares of death prevented me. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 30:3
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O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from Hades, thou hast delivered me from [among] them that go down to the pit. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 31:17
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O Lord, let me not be ashamed, for I have called upon thee: let the ungodly be ashamed, and brought down to Hades. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 49:14
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They have laid [them] as sheep in Hades; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning, and their help shall fail in Hades from their glory. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 49:15
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But God shall deliver my soul from the power of Hades, when he shall receive me. (Pause) (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 55:15
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Let death come upon them, and let them go down alive into Hades, for iniquity is in their dwellings, in the midst of them. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 86:13
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For thy mercy is great toward me; and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 88:3
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For my soul is filled with troubles, and my life has drawn nigh to Hades. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 89:48
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What man is there who shall live, and not see death? shall [any one] deliver his soul from the hand of Hades? (Pause) (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 116:3
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The pangs of death compassed me; the dangers of hell found me: I found affliction and sorrow. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 139:8
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If I should go up to heaven, thou art there: if I should go down to hell, thou art present. (Sheol h7585)
Psalms 141:7
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As a lump of earth is crushed upon the ground, our bones have been scattered by the [mouth of] the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 1:12
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and let us swallow him alive, as Hades [would], and remove the memorial of him from the earth: (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 5:5
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For the feet of folly lead those who deal with her down to the grave with death; and her steps are not established. (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 7:27
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Her house is the way of hell, leading down to the chambers of death. (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 9:18
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But he knows that mighty men die by her, and he falls in with a snare of hell. (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 15:11
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Hell and destruction are manifest to the Lord; how shall not also be the hearts of men? (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 15:24
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The thoughts of the wise are ways of life, that he may turn aside and escape from hell. (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 23:14
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For thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from death. (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 27:20
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Hell and destruction are not filled; so also are the eyes of men insatiable. [He that fixes his eye is an abomination to the Lord; and the uninstructed do not restrain their tongue.] (Sheol h7585)
Proverbs 30:16
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The grave, and the love of a woman, and the earth not filled with water; water also and fire will not say, It is enough. (Sheol h7585)
Ecclesiastes 9:10
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Whatsoever thine hand shall find to do, do with all thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Hades wither thou goest. (Sheol h7585)
Song of Solomon 8:6 (Song of Songs 8:6)
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Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm; for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave, her shafts are shafts of fire, [even] the flames thereof. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 5:14 (Esias 5:14)
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Therefore hell has enlarged its desire and opened its mouth without ceasing: and her glorious and great, and her rich and her pestilent men shall go down [into it]. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 7:11 (Esias 7:11)
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Ask for thyself a sign of the Lord thy God, in the depth or in the height. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 14:9 (Esias 14:9)
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Hell from beneath is provoked to meet thee: all the great ones that have ruled over the earth have risen up together against thee, they that have raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 14:11 (Esias 14:11)
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Thy glory has come down to Hades, and thy great mirth: under thee they shall spread corruption, and the worm shall be thy covering. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 14:15 (Esias 14:15)
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But now thou shalt go down to hell, even to the foundations of the earth. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 28:15 (Esias 28:15)
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Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with Hades, and agreements with death; if the rushing storm should pass, it shall not come upon us: we have made falsehood our hope, and by falsehood shall we be protected: (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 28:18 (Esias 28:18)
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except it also take away your covenant of death, and your trust in Hades shall by no means stand: if the rushing storm should come upon you, ye shall be beaten down by it. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 38:10 (Esias 38:10)
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I said in the end of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I shall part with the remainder of my years. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 38:18 (Esias 38:18)
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For they that are in the grave shall not praise thee, neither shall the dead bless thee, neither shall they that are in Hades hope for thy mercy. (Sheol h7585)
Isaiah 57:9 (Esias 57:9)
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and thou hast multiplied thy whoredom with them, and thou hast increased the number of them that are far from thee, and hast sent ambassadors beyond thy borders, and hast been debased even to hell. (Sheol h7585)
Ezekiel 31:15 (Jezekiel 31:15)
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Thus saith the Lord God; In the day wherein he went down to Hades, the deep mourned for him: and I stayed her floods, and restrained her abundance of water: and Libanus saddened for him, all the trees of the field fainted for him. (Sheol h7585)
Ezekiel 31:16 (Jezekiel 31:16)
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At the sound of his fall the nations quaked, when I brought him down to Hades with them that go down to the pit: and all the trees of Delight comforted him in the heart, and the choice of [plants] of Libanus, all that drink water. (Sheol h7585)
Ezekiel 31:17 (Jezekiel 31:17)
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For they went down to hell with him among the slain with the sword; and his seed, [even] they that dwelt under his shadow, perished in the midst of their life. (Sheol h7585)
Ezekiel 32:21 (Jezekiel 32:21)
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Be thou in the depth of the pit: to whom art thou superior? yea, go down, and lie with the uncircumcised, in the midst of them [that are] slain with the sword. (Sheol h7585)
Ezekiel 32:27 (Jezekiel 32:27)
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And they are laid with the giants that fell of old, who went down to Hades with [their] weapons of war: and they laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities were upon their bones, because they terrified all men during their life. (Sheol h7585)
Hosea 13:14 (Osee 13:14)
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I will deliver [them] out of the power of Hades, and will redeem them from death: where is thy penalty, O death? O Hades, where is thy sting? comfort is hidden from mine eyes. (Sheol h7585)
Amos 9:2
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Though they hid themselves in hell, thence shall my hand drag them forth; and though they go up to heaven, thence will I bring them down. (Sheol h7585)
Jonah 2:2 (Jonas 2:2)
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and said, I cried in my affliction to the Lord my God, and he hearkened to me, [even] to my cry out of the belly of hell: thou heardest my voice. (Sheol h7585)
Habakkuk 2:5 (Ambacum 2:5)
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But the arrogant man and the scorner, the boastful man, shall not finish anything; who has enlarged his desire as the grave, and like death he is never satisfied, and he will gather to himself all the nations, and will receive to himself all the peoples. (Sheol h7585)
ཀིནྟྭཧཾ ཡུཥྨཱན྄ ཝདཱམི, ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ ཀཱརཎཾ ཝིནཱ ནིཛབྷྲཱཏྲེ ཀུཔྱཏི, ས ཝིཙཱརསབྷཱཡཱཾ དཎྜཱརྷོ བྷཝིཥྱཏི; ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཙྩ སྭཱིཡསཧཛཾ ནིརྦྦོདྷཾ ཝདཏི, ས མཧཱསབྷཱཡཱཾ དཎྜཱརྷོ བྷཝིཥྱཏི; པུནཤྩ ཏྭཾ མཱུཌྷ ཨིཏི ཝཱཀྱཾ ཡདི ཀཤྩིཏ྄ སྭཱིཡབྷྲཱཏརཾ ཝཀྟི, ཏརྷི ནརཀཱགྣཽ ས དཎྜཱརྷོ བྷཝིཥྱཏི། (Geenna g1067)
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ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏཝ དཀྵིཎཾ ནེཏྲཾ ཡདི ཏྭཱཾ བཱདྷཏེ, ཏརྷི ཏནྣེཏྲམ྄ ཨུཏྤཱཊྱ དཱུརེ ནིཀྵིཔ, ཡསྨཱཏ྄ ཏཝ སཪྻྭཝཔུཥོ ནརཀེ ནིཀྵེཔཱཏ྄ ཏཝཻཀཱངྒསྱ ནཱཤོ ཝརཾ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཡདྭཱ ཏཝ དཀྵིཎཿ ཀརོ ཡདི ཏྭཱཾ བཱདྷཏེ, ཏརྷི ཏཾ ཀརཾ ཚིཏྟྭཱ དཱུརེ ནིཀྵིཔ, ཡཏཿ སཪྻྭཝཔུཥོ ནརཀེ ནིཀྵེཔཱཏ྄ ཨེཀཱངྒསྱ ནཱཤོ ཝརཾ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཡེ ཀཱཡཾ ཧནྟུཾ ཤཀྣུཝནྟི ནཱཏྨཱནཾ, ཏེབྷྱོ མཱ བྷཻཥྚ; ཡཿ ཀཱཡཱཏྨཱནཽ ནིརཡེ ནཱཤཡིཏུཾ, ཤཀྣོཏི, ཏཏོ བིབྷཱིཏ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཨཔརཉྩ བཏ ཀཕརྣཱཧཱུམ྄, ཏྭཾ སྭརྒཾ ཡཱཝདུནྣཏོསི, ཀིནྟུ ནརཀེ ནིཀྵེཔྶྱསེ, ཡསྨཱཏ྄ ཏྭཡི ཡཱནྱཱཤྩཪྻྱཱཎི ཀརྨྨཎྱཀཱརིཥཏ, ཡདི ཏཱནི སིདོམྣགར ཨཀཱརིཥྱནྟ, ཏརྷི ཏདདྱ ཡཱཝདསྠཱསྱཏ྄། (Hadēs g86)
(parallel missing)
ཡོ མནུཛསུཏསྱ ཝིརུདྡྷཱཾ ཀཐཱཾ ཀཐཡཏི, ཏསྱཱཔརཱདྷསྱ ཀྵམཱ བྷཝིཏུཾ ཤཀྣོཏི, ཀིནྟུ ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ པཝིཏྲསྱཱཏྨནོ ཝིརུདྡྷཱཾ ཀཐཱཾ ཀཐཡཏི ནེཧལོཀེ ན པྲེཏྱ ཏསྱཱཔརཱདྷསྱ ཀྵམཱ བྷཝིཏུཾ ཤཀྣོཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརཾ ཀཎྚཀཱནཱཾ མདྷྱེ བཱིཛཱནྱུཔྟཱནི ཏདརྠ ཨེཥཿ; ཀེནཙིཏ྄ ཀཐཱཡཱཾ ཤྲུཏཱཡཱཾ སཱཾསཱརིཀཙིནྟཱབྷི རྦྷྲཱནྟིབྷིཤྩ སཱ གྲསྱཏེ, ཏེན སཱ མཱ ཝིཕལཱ བྷཝཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཝནྱཡཝསཱནི པཱཔཱཏྨནཿ སནྟཱནཱཿ། ཡེན རིཔུཎཱ ཏཱནྱུཔྟཱནི ས ཤཡཏཱནཿ, ཀརྟྟནསམཡཤྩ ཛགཏཿ ཤེཥཿ, ཀརྟྟཀཱཿ སྭརྒཱིཡདཱུཏཱཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཡཐཱ ཝནྱཡཝསཱནི སཾགྲྀཧྱ དཱཧྱནྟེ, ཏཐཱ ཛགཏཿ ཤེཥེ བྷཝིཥྱཏི; (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
ཏཐཻཝ ཛགཏཿ ཤེཥེ བྷཝིཥྱཏི, ཕལཏཿ སྭརྒཱིཡདཱུཏཱ ཨཱགཏྱ པུཎྱཝཛྫནཱནཱཾ མདྷྱཱཏ྄ པཱཔིནཿ པྲྀཐཀ྄ ཀྲྀཏྭཱ ཝཧྣིཀུཎྜེ ནིཀྵེཔྶྱནྟི, (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
ཨཏོ྅ཧཾ ཏྭཱཾ ཝདཱམི, ཏྭཾ པིཏརཿ (པྲསྟརཿ) ཨཧཉྩ ཏསྱ པྲསྟརསྱོཔརི སྭམཎྜལཱིཾ ནིརྨྨཱསྱཱམི, ཏེན ནིརཡོ བལཱཏ྄ ཏཱཾ པརཱཛེཏུཾ ན ཤཀྵྱཏི། (Hadēs g86)
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ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏཝ ཀརཤྩརཎོ ཝཱ ཡདི ཏྭཱཾ བཱདྷཏེ, ཏརྷི ཏཾ ཚིཏྟྭཱ ནིཀྵིཔ, དྭིཀརསྱ དྭིཔདསྱ ཝཱ ཏཝཱནཔྟཝཧྣཽ ནིཀྵེཔཱཏ྄, ཁཉྫསྱ ཝཱ ཚིནྣཧསྟསྱ ཏཝ ཛཱིཝནེ པྲཝེཤོ ཝརཾ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཔརཾ ཏཝ ནེཏྲཾ ཡདི ཏྭཱཾ བཱདྷཏེ, ཏརྷི ཏདཔྱུཏྤཱཝྱ ནིཀྵིཔ, དྭིནེཏྲསྱ ནརཀཱགྣཽ ནིཀྵེཔཱཏ྄ ཀཱཎསྱ ཏཝ ཛཱིཝནེ པྲཝེཤོ ཝརཾ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཨཔརམ྄ ཨེཀ ཨཱགཏྱ ཏཾ པཔྲཙྪ, ཧེ པརམགུརོ, ཨནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྟུཾ མཡཱ ཀིཾ ཀིཾ སཏྐརྨྨ ཀརྟྟཝྱཾ? (aiōnios g166)
(parallel missing)
ཨནྱཙྩ ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ མམ ནཱམཀཱརཎཱཏ྄ གྲྀཧཾ ཝཱ བྷྲཱཏརཾ ཝཱ བྷགིནཱིཾ ཝཱ པིཏརཾ ཝཱ མཱཏརཾ ཝཱ ཛཱཡཱཾ ཝཱ བཱལཀཾ ཝཱ བྷཱུམིཾ པརིཏྱཛཏི, ས ཏེཥཱཾ ཤཏགུཎཾ ལཔྶྱཏེ, ཨནནྟཱཡུམོ྅དྷིཀཱརིཏྭཉྩ པྲཱཔྶྱཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏཏོ མཱརྒཔཱརྴྭ ཨུཌུམྦརཝྲྀཀྵམེཀཾ ཝིལོཀྱ ཏཏྶམཱིཔཾ གཏྭཱ པཏྲཱཎི ཝིནཱ ཀིམཔི ན པྲཱཔྱ ཏཾ པཱདཔཾ པྲོཝཱཙ, ཨདྱཱརབྷྱ ཀདཱཔི ཏྭཡི ཕལཾ ན བྷཝཏུ; ཏེན ཏཏྐྵཎཱཏ྄ ས ཨུཌུམྦརམཱཧཱིརུཧཿ ཤུཥྐཏཱཾ གཏཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཀཉྩན པྲཱཔྱ སྭཏོ དྭིགུཎནརཀབྷཱཛནཾ ཏཾ ཀུརུཐ། (Geenna g1067)
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རེ བྷུཛགཱཿ ཀྲྀཥྞབྷུཛགཝཾཤཱཿ, ཡཱུཡཾ ཀཐཾ ནརཀདཎྜཱད྄ རཀྵིཥྱདྷྭེ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཨནནྟརཾ ཏསྨིན྄ ཛཻཏུནཔཪྻྭཏོཔརི སམུཔཝིཥྚེ ཤིཥྱཱསྟསྱ སམཱིཔམཱགཏྱ གུཔྟཾ པཔྲཙྪུཿ, ཨེཏཱ གྷཊནཱཿ ཀདཱ བྷཝིཥྱནྟི? བྷཝཏ ཨཱགམནསྱ ཡུགཱནྟསྱ ཙ ཀིཾ ལཀྵྨ? ཏདསྨཱན྄ ཝདཏུ། (aiōn g165)
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པཤྩཱཏ྄ ས ཝཱམསྠིཏཱན྄ ཛནཱན྄ ཝདིཥྱཏི, རེ ཤཱཔགྲསྟཱཿ སཪྻྭེ, ཤཻཏཱནེ ཏསྱ དཱུཏེབྷྱཤྩ ཡོ྅ནནྟཝཧྣིརཱསཱདིཏ ཨཱསྟེ, ཡཱུཡཾ མདནྟིཀཱཏ྄ ཏམགྣིཾ གཙྪཏ། (aiōnios g166)
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པཤྩཱདམྱནནྟཤཱསྟིཾ ཀིནྟུ དྷཱརྨྨིཀཱ ཨནནྟཱཡུཥཾ བྷོཀྟུཾ ཡཱསྱནྟི། (aiōnios g166)
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པཤྱཏ, ཛགདནྟཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ སདཱཧཾ ཡུཥྨཱབྷིཿ སཱཀཾ ཏིཥྛཱམི། ཨིཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཀིནྟུ ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ པཝིཏྲམཱཏྨཱནཾ ནིནྡཏི ཏསྱཱཔརཱདྷསྱ ཀྵམཱ ཀདཱཔི ན བྷཝིཥྱཏི སོནནྟདཎྜསྱཱརྷོ བྷཝིཥྱཏི། (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
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ཡེ ཛནཱཿ ཀཐཱཾ ཤྲྀཎྭནྟི ཀིནྟུ སཱཾསཱརིཀཱི ཙིནྟཱ དྷནབྷྲཱནྟི ཪྻིཥཡལོབྷཤྩ ཨེཏེ སཪྻྭེ ཨུཔསྠཱཡ ཏཱཾ ཀཐཱཾ གྲསནྟི ཏཏཿ མཱ ཝིཕལཱ བྷཝཏི (aiōn g165)
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ཡསྨཱཏ྄ ཡཏྲ ཀཱིཊཱ ན མྲིཡནྟེ ཝཧྣིཤྩ ན ནིཪྻྭཱཏི, ཏསྨིན྄ ཨནིཪྻྭཱཎཱནལནརཀེ ཀརདྭཡཝསྟཝ གམནཱཏ྄ ཀརཧཱིནསྱ སྭརྒཔྲཝེཤསྟཝ ཀྵེམཾ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཡཏོ ཡཏྲ ཀཱིཊཱ ན མྲིཡནྟེ ཝཧྣིཤྩ ན ནིཪྻྭཱཏི, ཏསྨིན྄ ྅ནིཪྻྭཱཎཝཧྣཽ ནརཀེ དྭིཔཱདཝཏསྟཝ ནིཀྵེཔཱཏ྄ པཱདཧཱིནསྱ སྭརྒཔྲཝེཤསྟཝ ཀྵེམཾ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཏསྨིན ྅ནིཪྻྭཱཎཝཧྣཽ ནརཀེ དྭིནེཏྲསྱ ཏཝ ནིཀྵེཔཱད྄ ཨེཀནེཏྲཝཏ ཨཱིཤྭརརཱཛྱེ པྲཝེཤསྟཝ ཀྵེམཾ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཨཐ ས ཝརྟྨནཱ ཡཱཏི, ཨེཏརྷི ཛན ཨེཀོ དྷཱཝན྄ ཨཱགཏྱ ཏཏྶམྨུཁེ ཛཱནུནཱི པཱཏཡིཏྭཱ པྲྀཥྚཝཱན྄, བྷོཿ པརམགུརོ, ཨནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྟཡེ མཡཱ ཀིཾ ཀརྟྟཝྱཾ? (aiōnios g166)
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གྲྀཧབྷྲཱཏྲྀབྷགིནཱིཔིཏྲྀམཱཏྲྀཔཏྣཱིསནྟཱནབྷཱུམཱིནཱམིཧ ཤཏགུཎཱན྄ པྲེཏྱཱནནྟཱཡུཤྩ ན པྲཱཔྣོཏི ཏཱདྲྀཤཿ ཀོཔི ནཱསྟི། (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
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ཨདྱཱརབྷྱ ཀོཔི མཱནཝསྟྭཏྟཿ ཕལཾ ན བྷུཉྫཱིཏ; ཨིམཱཾ ཀཐཱཾ ཏསྱ ཤིཥྱཱཿ ཤུཤྲུཝུཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཐཱ ས ཡཱཀཱུབོ ཝཾཤོཔརི སཪྻྭདཱ རཱཛཏྭཾ ཀརིཥྱཏི, ཏསྱ རཱཛཏྭསྱཱནྟོ ན བྷཝིཥྱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨིབྲཱཧཱིམི ཙ ཏདྭཾཤེ ཡཱ དཡཱསྟི སདཻཝ ཏཱཾ། སྨྲྀཏྭཱ པུརཱ པིཏྲྀཎཱཾ ནོ ཡཐཱ སཱཀྵཱཏ྄ པྲཏིཤྲུཏཾ། (aiōn g165)
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སྲྀཥྚེཿ པྲཐམཏཿ སྭཱིཡཻཿ པཝིཏྲཻ རྦྷཱཝིཝཱདིབྷིཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཐ བྷཱུཏཱ ཝིནཡེན ཛགདུཿ, གབྷཱིརཾ གརྟྟཾ གནྟུཾ མཱཛྙཱཔཡཱསྨཱན྄། (Abyssos g12)
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ཧེ ཀཕརྣཱཧཱུམ྄, ཏྭཾ སྭརྒཾ ཡཱཝད྄ ཨུནྣཏཱ ཀིནྟུ ནརཀཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ ནྱགྦྷཝིཥྱསི། (Hadēs g86)
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ཨནནྟརམ྄ ཨེཀོ ཝྱཝསྠཱཔཀ ཨུཏྠཱཡ ཏཾ པརཱིཀྵིཏུཾ པཔྲཙྪ, ཧེ ཨུཔདེཤཀ ཨནནྟཱཡུཥཿ པྲཱཔྟཡེ མཡཱ ཀིཾ ཀརཎཱིཡཾ? (aiōnios g166)
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ཏརྷི ཀསྨཱད྄ བྷེཏཝྱམ྄ ཨིཏྱཧཾ ཝདཱམི, ཡཿ ཤརཱིརཾ ནཱཤཡིཏྭཱ ནརཀཾ ནིཀྵེཔྟུཾ ཤཀྣོཏི ཏསྨཱདེཝ བྷཡཾ ཀུརུཏ, པུནརཔི ཝདཱམི ཏསྨཱདེཝ བྷཡཾ ཀུརུཏ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཏེནཻཝ པྲབྷུསྟམཡཐཱརྠཀྲྀཏམ྄ ཨདྷཱིཤཾ ཏདྦུདྡྷིནཻཔུཎྱཱཏ྄ པྲཤཤཾས; ཨིཏྠཾ དཱིཔྟིརཱུཔསནྟཱནེབྷྱ ཨེཏཏྶཾསཱརསྱ སནྟཱནཱ ཝརྟྟམཱནཀཱལེ྅དྷིཀབུདྡྷིམནྟོ བྷཝནྟི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཏོ ཝདཱམི ཡཱུཡམཔྱཡཐཱརྠེན དྷནེན མིཏྲཱཎི ལབྷདྷྭཾ ཏཏོ ཡུཥྨཱསུ པདབྷྲཥྚེཥྭཔི ཏཱནི ཙིརཀཱལམ྄ ཨཱཤྲཡཾ དཱསྱནྟི། (aiōnios g166)
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པཤྩཱཏ྄ ས དྷནཝཱནཔི མམཱར, ཏཾ ཤྨཤཱནེ སྠཱཔཡཱམཱསུཤྩ; ཀིནྟུ པརལོཀེ ས ཝེདནཱཀུལཿ སན྄ ཨཱུརྡྡྷྭཱཾ ནིརཱིཀྵྱ བཧུདཱུརཱད྄ ཨིབྲཱཧཱིམཾ ཏཏྐྲོཌ ཨིལིཡཱསརཉྩ ཝིལོཀྱ རུཝནྣུཝཱཙ; (Hadēs g86)
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ཨཔརམ྄ ཨེཀོདྷིཔཏིསྟཾ པཔྲཙྪ, ཧེ པརམགུརོ, ཨནནྟཱཡུཥཿ པྲཱཔྟཡེ མཡཱ ཀིཾ ཀརྟྟཝྱཾ? (aiōnios g166)
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ཨིཧ ཀཱལེ ཏཏོ྅དྷིཀཾ པརཀཱལེ ྅ནནྟཱཡུཤྩ ན པྲཱཔྶྱཏི ལོཀ ཨཱིདྲྀཤཿ ཀོཔི ནཱསྟི། (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
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ཏདཱ ཡཱིཤུཿ པྲཏྱུཝཱཙ, ཨེཏསྱ ཛགཏོ ལོཀཱ ཝིཝཧནྟི ཝཱགྡཏྟཱཤྩ བྷཝནྟི (aiōn g165)
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ཀིནྟུ ཡེ ཏཛྫགཏྤྲཱཔྟིཡོགྱཏྭེན གཎིཏཱཾ བྷཝིཥྱནྟི ཤྨཤཱནཱཙྩོཏྠཱསྱནྟི ཏེ ན ཝིཝཧནྟི ཝཱགྡཏྟཱཤྩ ན བྷཝནྟི, (aiōn g165)
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ཏསྨཱད྄ ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ ཏསྨིན྄ ཝིཤྭསིཥྱཏི སོ྅ཝིནཱཤྱཿ སན྄ ཨནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྶྱཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཱིཤྭར ཨིཏྠཾ ཛགདདཡཏ ཡཏ྄ སྭམདྭིཏཱིཡཾ ཏནཡཾ པྲཱདདཱཏ྄ ཏཏོ ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ ཏསྨིན྄ ཝིཤྭསིཥྱཏི སོ྅ཝིནཱཤྱཿ སན྄ ཨནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྶྱཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ པུཏྲེ ཝིཤྭསིཏི ས ཨེཝཱནནྟམ྄ པརམཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྣོཏི ཀིནྟུ ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ པུཏྲེ ན ཝིཤྭསིཏི ས པརམཱཡུཥོ དརྴནཾ ན པྲཱཔྣོཏི ཀིནྟྭཱིཤྭརསྱ ཀོཔབྷཱཛནཾ བྷཱུཏྭཱ ཏིཥྛཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཀིནྟུ མཡཱ དཏྟཾ པཱནཱིཡཾ ཡཿ པིཝཏི ས པུནཿ ཀདཱཔི ཏྲྀཥཱརྟྟོ ན བྷཝིཥྱཏི། མཡཱ དཏྟམ྄ ཨིདཾ ཏོཡཾ ཏསྱཱནྟཿ པྲསྲཝཎརཱུཔཾ བྷཱུཏྭཱ ཨནནྟཱཡུཪྻཱཝཏ྄ སྲོཥྱཏི། (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
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ཡཤྪིནཏྟི ས ཝེཏནཾ ལབྷཏེ ཨནནྟཱཡུཿསྭརཱུཔཾ ཤསྱཾ ས གྲྀཧླཱཏི ཙ, ཏེནཻཝ ཝཔྟཱ ཚེཏྟཱ ཙ ཡུགཔད྄ ཨཱནནྡཏཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡུཥྨཱནཱཧཾ ཡཐཱརྠཏརཾ ཝདཱམི ཡོ ཛནོ མམ ཝཱཀྱཾ ཤྲུཏྭཱ མཏྤྲེརཀེ ཝིཤྭསིཏི སོནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྣོཏི ཀདཱཔི དཎྜབཱཛནཾ ན བྷཝཏི ནིདྷནཱདུཏྠཱཡ པརམཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྣོཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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དྷརྨྨཔུསྟཀཱནི ཡཱུཡམ྄ ཨཱལོཙཡདྷྭཾ ཏཻ ཪྻཱཀྱཻརནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྶྱཱམ ཨིཏི ཡཱུཡཾ བུདྷྱདྷྭེ ཏདྡྷརྨྨཔུསྟཀཱནི མདརྠེ པྲམཱཎཾ དདཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཀྵཡཎཱིཡབྷཀྵྱཱརྠཾ མཱ ཤྲཱམིཥྚ ཀིནྟྭནྟཱཡུརྦྷཀྵྱཱརྠཾ ཤྲཱམྱཏ, ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏཱདྲྀཤཾ བྷཀྵྱཾ མནུཛཔུཏྲོ ཡུཥྨཱབྷྱཾ དཱསྱཏི; ཏསྨིན྄ ཏཱཏ ཨཱིཤྭརཿ པྲམཱཎཾ པྲཱདཱཏ྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཿ ཀཤྩིན྄ མཱནཝསུཏཾ ཝིལོཀྱ ཝིཤྭསིཏི ས ཤེཥདིནེ མཡོཏྠཱཔིཏཿ སན྄ ཨནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྶྱཏི ཨིཏི མཏྤྲེརཀསྱཱབྷིམཏཾ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཧཾ ཡུཥྨཱན྄ ཡཐཱརྠཏརཾ ཝདཱམི ཡོ ཛནོ མཡི ཝིཤྭཱསཾ ཀརོཏི སོནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྣོཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཛྫཱིཝནབྷཀྵྱཾ སྭརྒཱདཱགཙྪཏ྄ སོཧམེཝ ཨིདཾ བྷཀྵྱཾ ཡོ ཛནོ བྷུངྐྟྟེ ས ནིཏྱཛཱིཝཱི བྷཝིཥྱཏི། པུནཤྩ ཛགཏོ ཛཱིཝནཱརྠམཧཾ ཡཏ྄ སྭཀཱིཡཔིཤིཏཾ དཱསྱཱམི ཏདེཝ མཡཱ ཝིཏརིཏཾ བྷཀྵྱམ྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཡོ མམཱམིཥཾ སྭཱདཏི མམ སུདྷིརཉྩ པིཝཏི སོནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྣོཏི ཏཏཿ ཤེཥེ྅ཧྣི ཏམཧམ྄ ཨུཏྠཱཔཡིཥྱཱམི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡདྦྷཀྵྱཾ སྭརྒཱདཱགཙྪཏ྄ ཏདིདཾ ཡནྨཱནྣཱཾ སྭཱདིཏྭཱ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ པིཏརོ྅མྲིཡནྟ ཏཱདྲྀཤམ྄ ཨིདཾ བྷཀྵྱཾ ན བྷཝཏི ཨིདཾ བྷཀྵྱཾ ཡོ བྷཀྵཏི ས ནིཏྱཾ ཛཱིཝིཥྱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏཿ ཤིམོན྄ པིཏརཿ པྲཏྱཝོཙཏ྄ ཧེ པྲབྷོ ཀསྱཱབྷྱརྞཾ གམིཥྱཱམཿ? (aiōnios g166)
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དཱསཤྩ ནིརནྟརཾ ནིཝེཤནེ ན ཏིཥྛཏི ཀིནྟུ པུཏྲོ ནིརནྟརཾ ཏིཥྛཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཧཾ ཡུཥྨབྷྱམ྄ ཨཏཱིཝ ཡཐཱརྠཾ ཀཐཡཱམི ཡོ ནརོ མདཱིཡཾ ཝཱཙཾ མནྱཏེ ས ཀདཱཙན ནིདྷནཾ ན དྲཀྵྱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཡིཧཱུདཱིཡཱསྟམཝདན྄ ཏྭཾ བྷཱུཏགྲསྟ ཨིཏཱིདཱནཱིམ྄ ཨཝཻཥྨ། ཨིབྲཱཧཱིམ྄ བྷཝིཥྱདྭཱདིནཉྩ སཪྻྭེ མྲྀཏཱཿ ཀིནྟུ ཏྭཾ བྷཱཥསེ ཡོ ནརོ མམ བྷཱརཏཱིཾ གྲྀཧླཱཏི ས ཛཱཏུ ནིདྷཱནཱསྭཱདཾ ན ལཔྶྱཏེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཀོཔི མནུཥྱོ ཛནྨཱནྡྷཱཡ ཙཀྵུཥཱི ཨདདཱཏ྄ ཛགདཱརམྦྷཱད྄ ཨེཏཱདྲྀཤཱིཾ ཀཐཱཾ ཀོཔི ཀདཱཔི ནཱཤྲྀཎོཏ྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཧཾ ཏེབྷྱོ྅ནནྟཱཡུ རྡདཱམི, ཏེ ཀདཱཔི ན ནཾཀྵྱནྟི ཀོཔི མམ ཀརཱཏ྄ ཏཱན྄ ཧརྟྟུཾ ན ཤཀྵྱཏི། (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
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ཡཿ ཀཤྩན ཙ ཛཱིཝན྄ མཡི ཝིཤྭསིཏི ས ཀདཱཔི ན མརིཥྱཏི, ཨསྱཱཾ ཀཐཱཡཱཾ ཀིཾ ཝིཤྭསིཥི? (aiōn g165)
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ཡོ ཛནེ ནིཛཔྲཱཎཱན྄ པྲིཡཱན྄ ཛཱནཱཏི ས ཏཱན྄ ཧཱརཡིཥྱཏི ཀིནྟུ ཡེ ཛན ཨིཧལོཀེ ནིཛཔྲཱཎཱན྄ ཨཔྲིཡཱན྄ ཛཱནཱཏི སེནནྟཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྟུཾ ཏཱན྄ རཀྵིཥྱཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏདཱ ལོཀཱ ཨཀཐཡན྄ སོབྷིཥིཀྟཿ སཪྻྭདཱ ཏིཥྛཏཱིཏི ཝྱཝསྠཱགྲནྠེ ཤྲུཏམ྄ ཨསྨཱབྷིཿ, ཏརྷི མནུཥྱཔུཏྲཿ པྲོཏྠཱཔིཏོ བྷཝིཥྱཏཱིཏི ཝཱཀྱཾ ཀཐཾ ཝདསི? མནུཥྱཔུཏྲོཡཾ ཀཿ? (aiōn g165)
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ཏསྱ སཱཛྙཱ ཨནནྟཱཡུརིཏྱཧཾ ཛཱནཱམི, ཨཏཨེཝཱཧཾ ཡཏ྄ ཀཐཡཱམི ཏཏ྄ པིཏཱ ཡཐཱཛྙཱཔཡཏ྄ ཏཐཻཝ ཀཐཡཱམྱཧམ྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏཏཿ པིཏརཿ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄ བྷཝཱན྄ ཀདཱཔི མམ པཱདཽ ན པྲཀྵཱལཡིཥྱཏི། ཡཱིཤུརཀཐཡད྄ ཡདི ཏྭཱཾ ན པྲཀྵཱལཡེ ཏརྷི མཡི ཏཝ ཀོཔྱཾཤོ ནཱསྟི། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏོ མཡཱ པིཏུཿ སམཱིཔེ པྲཱརྠིཏེ པིཏཱ ནིརནྟརཾ ཡུཥྨཱབྷིཿ སཱརྡྡྷཾ སྠཱཏུམ྄ ཨིཏརམེཀཾ སཧཱཡམ྄ ཨརྠཱཏ྄ སཏྱམཡམ྄ ཨཱཏྨཱནཾ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ ནིཀཊཾ པྲེཥཡིཥྱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཏྭཾ ཡོལློཀཱན྄ ཏསྱ ཧསྟེ སམརྤིཏཝཱན྄ ས ཡཐཱ ཏེབྷྱོ྅ནནྟཱཡུ རྡདཱཏི ཏདརྠཾ ཏྭཾ པྲཱཎིམཱཏྲཱཎཱམ྄ ཨདྷིཔཏིཏྭབྷཱརཾ ཏསྨཻ དཏྟཝཱན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡསྟྭམ྄ ཨདྭིཏཱིཡཿ སཏྱ ཨཱིཤྭརསྟྭཡཱ པྲེརིཏཤྩ ཡཱིཤུཿ ཁྲཱིཥྚ ཨེཏཡོརུབྷཡོཿ པརིཙཡེ པྲཱཔྟེ྅ནནྟཱཡུ རྦྷཝཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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པརལོཀེ ཡཏོ ཧེཏོསྟྭཾ མཱཾ ནཻཝ ཧི ཏྱཀྵྱསི། སྭཀཱིཡཾ པུཎྱཝནྟཾ ཏྭཾ ཀྵཡིཏུཾ ནཻཝ དཱསྱསི། ཨེཝཾ ཛཱིཝནམཱརྒཾ ཏྭཾ མཱམེཝ དརྴཡིཥྱསི། (Hadēs g86)
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ཨིཏི ཛྙཱཏྭཱ དཱཡཱུད྄ བྷཝིཥྱདྭཱདཱི སན྄ བྷཝིཥྱཏྐཱལཱིཡཛྙཱནེན ཁྲཱིཥྚོཏྠཱནེ ཀཐཱམིམཱཾ ཀཐཡཱམཱས ཡཐཱ ཏསྱཱཏྨཱ པརལོཀེ ན ཏྱཀྵྱཏེ ཏསྱ ཤརཱིརཉྩ ན ཀྵེཥྱཏི; (Hadēs g86)
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ཀིནྟུ ཛགཏཿ སྲྀཥྚིམཱརབྷྱ ཨཱིཤྭརོ ནིཛཔཝིཏྲབྷཝིཥྱདྭཱདིགཎོན ཡཐཱ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄ ཏདནུསཱརེཎ སཪྻྭེཥཱཾ ཀཱཪྻྱཱཎཱཾ སིདྡྷིཔཪྻྱནྟཾ ཏེན སྭརྒེ ཝཱསཿ ཀརྟྟཝྱཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏཿ པཽལབརྞབྦཱཝཀྵོབྷཽ ཀཐིཏཝནྟཽ པྲཐམཾ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ སནྣིདྷཱཝཱིཤྭརཱིཡཀཐཱཡཱཿ པྲཙཱརཎམ྄ ཨུཙིཏམཱསཱིཏ྄ ཀིནྟུཾ ཏདགྲཱཧྱཏྭཀརཎེན ཡཱུཡཾ སྭཱན྄ ཨནནྟཱཡུཥོ྅ཡོགྱཱན྄ དརྴཡཐ, ཨེཏཏྐཱརཎཱད྄ ཝཡམ྄ ཨནྱདེཤཱིཡལོཀཱནཱཾ སམཱིཔཾ གཙྪཱམཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏདཱ ཀཐཱམཱིདྲྀཤཱིཾ ཤྲུཏྭཱ བྷིནྣདེཤཱིཡཱ ཨཱཧླཱདིཏཱཿ སནྟཿ པྲབྷོཿ ཀཐཱཾ དྷནྱཱཾ དྷནྱཱམ྄ ཨཝདན྄, ཡཱཝནྟོ ལོཀཱཤྩ པརམཱཡུཿ པྲཱཔྟིནིམིཏྟཾ ནིརཱུཔིཏཱ ཨཱསན྄ ཏེ ཝྱཤྭསན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཱ པྲཐམཱད྄ ཨཱིཤྭརཿ སྭཱིཡཱནི སཪྻྭཀརྨྨཱཎི ཛཱནཱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཕལཏསྟསྱཱནནྟཤཀྟཱིཤྭརཏྭཱདཱིནྱདྲྀཤྱཱནྱཔི སྲྀཥྚིཀཱལམ྄ ཨཱརབྷྱ ཀརྨྨསུ པྲཀཱཤམཱནཱནི དྲྀཤྱནྟེ ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏེཥཱཾ དོཥཔྲཀྵཱལནསྱ པནྠཱ ནཱསྟི། (aïdios g126)
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ཨིཏྠཾ ཏ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ སཏྱཏཱཾ ཝིཧཱཡ མྲྀཥཱམཏམ྄ ཨཱཤྲིཏཝནྟཿ སཙྩིདཱནནྡཾ སྲྀཥྚིཀརྟྟཱརཾ ཏྱཀྟྭཱ སྲྀཥྚཝསྟུནཿ པཱུཛཱཾ སེཝཱཉྩ ཀྲྀཏཝནྟཿ; (aiōn g165)
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ཝསྟུཏསྟུ ཡེ ཛནཱ དྷཻཪྻྱཾ དྷྲྀཏྭཱ སཏྐརྨྨ ཀུཪྻྭནྟོ མཧིམཱ སཏྐཱརོ྅མརཏྭཉྩཻཏཱནི མྲྀགཡནྟེ ཏེབྷྱོ྅ནནྟཱཡུ རྡཱསྱཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏེན མྲྀཏྱུནཱ ཡདྭཏ྄ པཱཔསྱ རཱཛཏྭམ྄ ཨབྷཝཏ྄ ཏདྭད྄ ཨསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷུཡཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚདྭཱརཱནནྟཛཱིཝནདཱཡིཔུཎྱེནཱནུགྲཧསྱ རཱཛཏྭཾ བྷཝཏི། (aiōnios g166)
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ཀིནྟུ སཱམྤྲཏཾ ཡཱུཡཾ པཱཔསེཝཱཏོ མུཀྟཱཿ སནྟ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ བྷྲྀཏྱཱ྅བྷཝཏ ཏསྨཱད྄ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ པཝིཏྲཏྭརཱུཔཾ ལབྷྱམ྄ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནརཱུཔཉྩ ཕལམ྄ ཨཱསྟེ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཏཿ པཱཔསྱ ཝེཏནཾ མརཎཾ ཀིནྟྭསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷུཎཱ ཡཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚེནཱནནྟཛཱིཝནམ྄ ཨཱིཤྭརདཏྟཾ པཱརིཏོཥིཀམ྄ ཨཱསྟེ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏཏ྄ ཀེཝལཾ ནཧི ཀིནྟུ སཪྻྭཱདྷྱཀྵཿ སཪྻྭདཱ སཙྩིདཱནནྡ ཨཱིཤྭརོ ཡཿ ཁྲཱིཥྚཿ སོ྅པི ཤཱརཱིརིཀསམྦནྡྷེན ཏེཥཱཾ ཝཾཤསམྦྷཝཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཀོ ཝཱ པྲེཏལོཀམ྄ ཨཝརུཧྱ ཁྲཱིཥྚཾ མྲྀཏགཎམདྷྱཱད྄ ཨཱནེཥྱཏཱིཏི ཝཱཀ྄ མནསི ཏྭཡཱ ན གདིཏཝྱཱ། (Abyssos g12)
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ཨཱིཤྭརཿ སཪྻྭཱན྄ པྲཏི ཀྲྀཔཱཾ པྲཀཱཤཡིཏུཾ སཪྻྭཱན྄ ཨཝིཤྭཱསིཏྭེན གཎཡཏི། (eleēsē g1653)
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ཡཏོ ཝསྟུམཱཏྲམེཝ ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏེན ཏསྨཻ ཙཱབྷཝཏ྄ ཏདཱིཡོ མཧིམཱ སཪྻྭདཱ པྲཀཱཤིཏོ བྷཝཏུ། ཨིཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརཾ ཡཱུཡཾ སཱཾསཱརིཀཱ ཨིཝ མཱཙརཏ, ཀིནྟུ སྭཾ སྭཾ སྭབྷཱཝཾ པརཱཝརྟྱ ནཱུཏནཱཙཱརིཎོ བྷཝཏ, ཏཏ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ ནིདེཤཿ ཀཱིདྲྀག྄ ཨུཏྟམོ གྲཧཎཱིཡཿ སམྤཱུརྞཤྩེཏི ཡུཥྨཱབྷིརནུབྷཱཝིཥྱཏེ། (aiōn g165)
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པཱུཪྻྭཀཱལིཀཡུགེཥུ པྲཙྪནྣཱ ཡཱ མནྟྲཎཱདྷུནཱ པྲཀཱཤིཏཱ བྷཱུཏྭཱ བྷཝིཥྱདྭཱདིལིཁིཏགྲནྠགཎསྱ པྲམཱཎཱད྄ ཝིཤྭཱསེན གྲཧཎཱརྠཾ སདཱཏནསྱེཤྭརསྱཱཛྙཡཱ སཪྻྭདེཤཱིཡལོཀཱན྄ ཛྙཱཔྱཏེ, (aiōnios g166)
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ཏསྱཱ མནྟྲཎཱཡཱ ཛྙཱནཾ ལབྡྷྭཱ མཡཱ ཡཿ སུསཾཝཱདོ ཡཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚམདྷི པྲཙཱཪྻྱཏེ, ཏདནུསཱརཱད྄ ཡུཥྨཱན྄ དྷརྨྨེ སུསྠིརཱན྄ ཀརྟྟུཾ སམརྠོ ཡོ྅དྭིཏཱིཡཿ (aiōnios g166)
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སཪྻྭཛྙ ཨཱིཤྭརསྟསྱ དྷནྱཝཱདོ ཡཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚེན སནྟཏཾ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨིཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཛྙཱནཱི ཀུཏྲ? ཤཱསྟྲཱི ཝཱ ཀུཏྲ? ཨིཧལོཀསྱ ཝིཙཱརཏཏྤརོ ཝཱ ཀུཏྲ? ཨིཧལོཀསྱ ཛྙཱནཾ ཀིམཱིཤྭརེཎ མོཧཱིཀྲྀཏཾ ནཧི? (aiōn g165)
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ཝཡཾ ཛྙཱནཾ བྷཱཥཱམཧེ ཏཙྩ སིདྡྷལོཀཻ རྫྙཱནམིཝ མནྱཏེ, ཏདིཧལོཀསྱ ཛྙཱནཾ ནཧི, ཨིཧལོཀསྱ ནཤྭརཱཎཱམ྄ ཨདྷིཔཏཱིནཱཾ ཝཱ ཛྙཱནཾ ནཧི; (aiōn g165)
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ཀིནྟུ ཀཱལཱཝསྠཱཡཱཿ པཱུཪྻྭསྨཱད྄ ཡཏ྄ ཛྙཱནམ྄ ཨསྨཱཀཾ ཝིབྷཝཱརྠམ྄ ཨཱིཤྭརེཎ ནིཤྩིཏྱ པྲཙྪནྣཾ ཏནྣིགཱུཌྷམ྄ ཨཱིཤྭརཱིཡཛྙཱནཾ པྲབྷཱཥཱམཧེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨིཧལོཀསྱཱདྷིཔཏཱིནཱཾ ཀེནཱཔི ཏཏ྄ ཛྙཱནཾ ན ལབྡྷཾ, ལབྡྷེ སཏི ཏེ པྲབྷཱཝཝིཤིཥྚཾ པྲབྷུཾ ཀྲུཤེ ནཱཧནིཥྱན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཀོཔི སྭཾ ན ཝཉྩཡཏཱཾ། ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ ཀཤྩན ཙེདིཧལོཀསྱ ཛྙཱནེན ཛྙཱནཝཱནཧམིཏི བུདྷྱཏེ ཏརྷི ས ཡཏ྄ ཛྙཱནཱི བྷཝེཏ྄ ཏདརྠཾ མཱུཌྷོ བྷཝཏུ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཏོ ཧེཏོཿ པིཤིཏཱཤནཾ ཡདི མམ བྷྲཱཏུ ཪྻིགྷྣསྭརཱུཔཾ བྷཝེཏ྄ ཏརྷྱཧཾ ཡཏ྄ སྭབྷྲཱཏུ ཪྻིགྷྣཛནཀོ ན བྷཝེཡཾ ཏདརྠཾ ཡཱཝཛྫཱིཝནཾ པིཤིཏཾ ན བྷོཀྵྱེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཱན྄ པྲཏི ཡཱནྱེཏཱནི ཛགྷཊིརེ ཏཱནྱསྨཱཀཾ ནིདརྴནཱནི ཛགཏཿ ཤེཥཡུགེ ཝརྟྟམཱནཱནཱམ྄ ཨསྨཱཀཾ ཤིཀྵཱརྠཾ ལིཁིཏཱནི ཙ བབྷཱུཝུཿ། (aiōn g165)
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མྲྀཏྱོ ཏེ ཀཎྚཀཾ ཀུཏྲ པརལོཀ ཛཡཿ ཀྐ ཏེ༎ (Hadēs g86)
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ཡཏ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ པྲཏིམཱུརྟྟི ཪྻཿ ཁྲཱིཥྚསྟསྱ ཏེཛསཿ སུསཾཝཱདསྱ པྲབྷཱ ཡཏ྄ ཏཱན྄ ན དཱིཔཡེཏ྄ ཏདརྠམ྄ ཨིཧ ལོཀསྱ དེཝོ྅ཝིཤྭཱསིནཱཾ ཛྙཱནནཡནམ྄ ཨནྡྷཱིཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄ ཨེཏསྱོདཱཧརཎཾ ཏེ བྷཝནྟི། (aiōn g165)
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ཀྵཎམཱཏྲསྠཱཡི ཡདེཏཏ྄ ལགྷིཥྛཾ དུཿཁཾ ཏད྄ ཨཏིབཱཧུལྱེནཱསྨཱཀམ྄ ཨནནྟཀཱལསྠཱཡི གརིཥྛསུཁཾ སཱདྷཡཏི, (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཏོ ཝཡཾ པྲཏྱཀྵཱན྄ ཝིཥཡཱན྄ ཨནུདྡིཤྱཱཔྲཏྱཀྵཱན྄ ཨུདྡིཤཱམཿ། ཡཏོ ཧེཏོཿ པྲཏྱཀྵཝིཥཡཱཿ ཀྵཎམཱཏྲསྠཱཡིནཿ ཀིནྟྭཔྲཏྱཀྵཱ ཨནནྟཀཱལསྠཱཡིནཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཔརམ྄ ཨསྨཱཀམ྄ ཨེཏསྨིན྄ པཱརྠིཝེ དཱུཥྱརཱུཔེ ཝེཤྨནི ཛཱིརྞེ སཏཱིཤྭརེཎ ནིརྨྨིཏམ྄ ཨཀརཀྲྀཏམ྄ ཨསྨཱཀམ྄ ཨནནྟཀཱལསྠཱཡི ཝེཤྨཻཀཾ སྭརྒེ ཝིདྱཏ ཨིཏི ཝཡཾ ཛཱནཱིམཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨེཏསྨིན྄ ལིཁིཏམཱསྟེ, ཡཐཱ, ཝྱཡཏེ ས ཛནོ རཱཡཾ དུརྒཏེབྷྱོ དདཱཏི ཙ། ནིཏྱསྠཱཡཱི ཙ ཏདྡྷརྨྨཿ (aiōn g165)
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མཡཱ མྲྀཥཱཝཱཀྱཾ ན ཀཐྱཏ ཨིཏི ནིཏྱཾ པྲཤཾསནཱིཡོ྅སྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷོ ཪྻཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚསྱ ཏཱཏ ཨཱིཤྭརོ ཛཱནཱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨསྨཱཀཾ ཏཱཏེཤྭརེསྱེཙྪཱནུསཱརེཎ ཝརྟྟམཱནཱཏ྄ ཀུཏྶིཏསཾསཱརཱད྄ ཨསྨཱན྄ ནིསྟཱརཡིཏུཾ ཡོ (aiōn g165)
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ཡཱིཤུརསྨཱཀཾ པཱཔཧེཏོརཱཏྨོཏྶརྒཾ ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄ ས སཪྻྭདཱ དྷནྱོ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཏཐཱསྟུ། (aiōn g165)
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སྭཤརཱིརཱརྠཾ ཡེན བཱིཛམ྄ ཨུཔྱཏེ ཏེན ཤརཱིརཱད྄ ཝིནཱཤརཱུཔཾ ཤསྱཾ ལཔྶྱཏེ ཀིནྟྭཱཏྨནཿ ཀྲྀཏེ ཡེན བཱིཛམ྄ ཨུཔྱཏེ ཏེནཱཏྨཏོ྅ནནྟཛཱིཝིཏརཱུཔཾ ཤསྱཾ ལཔྶྱཏེ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨདྷིཔཏིཏྭཔདཾ ཤཱསནཔདཾ པརཱཀྲམོ རཱཛཏྭཉྩེཏིནཱམཱནི ཡཱཝནྟི པདཱནཱིཧ ལོཀེ པརལོཀེ ཙ ཝིདྱནྟེ ཏེཥཱཾ སཪྻྭེཥཱམ྄ ཨཱུརྡྡྷྭེ སྭརྒེ ནིཛདཀྵིཎཔཱརྴྭེ ཏམ྄ ཨུཔཝེཤིཏཝཱན྄, (aiōn g165)
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པུརཱ ཡཱུཡམ྄ ཨཔརཱདྷཻཿ པཱཔཻཤྩ མྲྀཏཱཿ སནྟསྟཱནྱཱཙརནྟ ཨིཧལོཀསྱ སཾསཱརཱནུསཱརེཎཱཀཱཤརཱཛྱསྱཱདྷིཔཏིམ྄ (aiōn g165)
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ཨིཏྠཾ ས ཁྲཱིཥྚེན ཡཱིཤུནཱསྨཱན྄ པྲཏི སྭཧིཏཻཥིཏཡཱ བྷཱཝིཡུགེཥུ སྭཀཱིཡཱནུགྲཧསྱཱནུཔམཾ ནིདྷིཾ པྲཀཱཤཡིཏུམ྄ ཨིཙྪཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཀཱལཱཝསྠཱཏཿ པཱུཪྻྭསྨཱཙྩ ཡོ ནིགཱུཌྷབྷཱཝ ཨཱིཤྭརེ གུཔྟ ཨཱསཱིཏ྄ ཏདཱིཡནིཡམཾ སཪྻྭཱན྄ ཛྙཱཔཡཱམི། (aiōn g165)
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པྲཱཔྟཝནྟསྟམསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷུཾ ཡཱིཤུཾ ཁྲཱིཥྚམདྷི ས ཀཱལཱཝསྠཱཡཱཿ པཱུཪྻྭཾ ཏཾ མནོརཐཾ ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཁྲཱིཥྚཡཱིཤུནཱ སམིཏེ རྨདྷྱེ སཪྻྭེཥུ ཡུགེཥུ ཏསྱ དྷནྱཝཱདོ བྷཝཏུ། ཨིཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཡཏཿ ཀེཝལཾ རཀྟམཱཾསཱབྷྱཱམ྄ ཨིཏི ནཧི ཀིནྟུ ཀརྟྲྀཏྭཔརཱཀྲམཡུཀྟཻསྟིམིརརཱཛྱསྱེཧལོཀསྱཱདྷིཔཏིབྷིཿ སྭརྒོདྦྷཝཻ རྡུཥྚཱཏྨབྷིརེཝ སཱརྡྡྷམ྄ ཨསྨཱབྷི ཪྻུདྡྷཾ ཀྲིཡཏེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨསྨཱཀཾ པིཏུརཱིཤྭརསྱ དྷནྱཝཱདོ྅ནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ བྷཝཏུ། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏ྄ ནིགཱུཌྷཾ ཝཱཀྱཾ པཱུཪྻྭཡུགེཥུ པཱུཪྻྭཔུརུཥེབྷྱཿ པྲཙྪནྣམ྄ ཨཱསཱིཏ྄ ཀིནྟྭིདཱནཱིཾ ཏསྱ པཝིཏྲལོཀཱནཱཾ སནྣིདྷཽ ཏེན པྲཱཀཱཤྱཏ། (aiōn g165)
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ཏེ ཙ པྲབྷོ ཪྻདནཱཏ྄ པརཱཀྲམཡུཀྟཝིབྷཝཱཙྩ སདཱཏནཝིནཱཤརཱུཔཾ དཎྜཾ ལཔྶྱནྟེ, (aiōnios g166)
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ཨསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷུ ཪྻཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚསྟཱཏ ཨཱིཤྭརཤྩཱརྠཏོ ཡོ ཡུཥྨཱསུ པྲེམ ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄ ནིཏྱཱཉྩ སཱནྟྭནཱམ྄ ཨནུགྲཧེཎོཏྟམཔྲཏྱཱཤཱཉྩ ཡུཥྨབྷྱཾ དཏྟཝཱན྄ (aiōnios g166)
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ཏེཥཱཾ པཱཔིནཱཾ མདྷྱེ྅ཧཾ པྲཐམ ཨཱསཾ ཀིནྟུ ཡེ མཱནཝཱ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནཔྲཱཔྟྱརྠཾ ཏསྨིན྄ ཝིཤྭསིཥྱནྟི ཏེཥཱཾ དྲྀཥྚཱནྟེ མཡི པྲཐམེ ཡཱིཤུནཱ ཁྲཱིཥྚེན སྭཀཱིཡཱ ཀྲྀཏྶྣཱ ཙིརསཧིཥྞུཏཱ ཡཏ྄ པྲཀཱཤྱཏེ ཏདརྠམེཝཱཧམ྄ ཨནུཀམྤཱཾ པྲཱཔྟཝཱན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨནཱདིརཀྵཡོ྅དྲྀཤྱོ རཱཛཱ ཡོ྅དྭིཏཱིཡཿ སཪྻྭཛྙ ཨཱིཤྭརསྟསྱ གཽརཝཾ མཧིམཱ ཙཱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཝིཤྭཱསརཱུཔམ྄ ཨུཏྟམཡུདྡྷཾ ཀུརུ, ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནམ྄ ཨཱལམྦསྭ ཡཏསྟདརྠཾ ཏྭམ྄ ཨཱཧཱུཏོ ྅བྷཝཿ, བཧུསཱཀྵིཎཱཾ སམཀྵཉྩོཏྟམཱཾ པྲཏིཛྙཱཾ སྭཱིཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨམརཏཱཡཱ ཨདྭིཏཱིཡ ཨཱཀརཿ, ཨགམྱཏེཛོནིཝཱསཱི, མརྟྟྱཱནཱཾ ཀེནཱཔི ན དྲྀཥྚཿ ཀེནཱཔི ན དྲྀཤྱཤྩ། ཏསྱ གཽརཝཔརཱཀྲམཽ སདཱཏནཽ བྷཱུཡཱསྟཱཾ། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨིཧལོཀེ ཡེ དྷནིནསྟེ ཙིཏྟསམུནྣཏིཾ ཙཔལེ དྷནེ ཝིཤྭཱསཉྩ ན ཀུཪྻྭཏཱཾ ཀིནྟུ བྷོགཱརྠམ྄ ཨསྨབྷྱཾ པྲཙུརཏྭེན སཪྻྭདཱཏཱ (aiōn g165)
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སོ྅སྨཱན྄ པརིཏྲཱཎཔཱཏྲཱཎི ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄ པཝིཏྲེཎཱཧྭཱནེནཱཧཱུཏཝཱཾཤྩ; ཨསྨཏྐརྨྨཧེཏུནེཏི ནཧི སྭཱིཡནིརཱུཔཱཎསྱ པྲསཱདསྱ ཙ ཀྲྀཏེ ཏཏ྄ ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄། ས པྲསཱདཿ སྲྀཥྚེཿ པཱུཪྻྭཀཱལེ ཁྲཱིཥྚེན ཡཱིཤུནཱསྨབྷྱམ྄ ཨདཱཡི, (aiōnios g166)
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ཁྲཱིཥྚེན ཡཱིཤུནཱ ཡད྄ ཨནནྟགཽརཝསཧིཏཾ པརིཏྲཱཎཾ ཛཱཡཏེ ཏདབྷིརུཙིཏཻ རློཀཻརཔི ཡཏ྄ ལབྷྱེཏ ཏདརྠམཧཾ ཏེཥཱཾ ནིམིཏྟཾ སཪྻྭཱཎྱེཏཱནི སཧེ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཏོ དཱིམཱ ཨཻཧིཀསཾསཱརམ྄ ཨཱིཧམཱནོ མཱཾ པརིཏྱཛྱ ཐིཥལནཱིཀཱིཾ གཏཝཱན྄ ཏཐཱ ཀྲཱིཥྐི རྒཱལཱཏིཡཱཾ གཏཝཱན྄ ཏཱིཏཤྩ དཱལྨཱཏིཡཱཾ གཏཝཱན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརཾ སཪྻྭསྨཱད྄ དུཥྐརྨྨཏཿ པྲབྷུ རྨཱམ྄ ཨུདྡྷརིཥྱཏི ནིཛསྭརྒཱིཡརཱཛྱཾ ནེཏུཾ མཱཾ ཏཱརཡིཥྱཏི ཙ། ཏསྱ དྷནྱཝཱདཿ སདཱཀཱལཾ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནསྱཱཤཱཏོ ཛཱཏཱཡཱ ཨཱིཤྭརབྷཀྟེ ཪྻོགྱསྱ སཏྱམཏསྱ ཡཏ྄ ཏཏྭཛྙཱནཾ ཡཤྩ ཝིཤྭཱས ཨཱིཤྭརསྱཱབྷིརུཙིཏལོཀཻ རླབྷྱཏེ ཏདརྠཾ (aiōnios g166)
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ས ཙཱསྨཱན྄ ཨིདཾ ཤིཀྵྱཏི ཡད྄ ཝཡམ྄ ཨདྷརྨྨཾ སཱཾསཱརིཀཱབྷིལཱཥཱཾཤྩཱནངྒཱིཀྲྀཏྱ ཝིནཱིཏཏྭེན ནྱཱཡེནེཤྭརབྷཀྟྱཱ ཙེཧལོཀེ ཨཱཡུ ཪྻཱཔཡཱམཿ, (aiōn g165)
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ཨིཏྠཾ ཝཡཾ ཏསྱཱནུགྲཧེཎ སཔུཎྱཱིབྷཱུཡ པྲཏྱཱཤཡཱནནྟཛཱིཝནསྱཱདྷིཀཱརིཎོ ཛཱཏཱཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཀོ ཛཱནཱཏི ཀྵཎཀཱལཱརྠཾ ཏྭཏྟསྟསྱ ཝིཙྪེདོ྅བྷཝད྄ ཨེཏསྱཱཡམ྄ ཨབྷིཔྲཱཡོ ཡཏ྄ ཏྭམ྄ ཨནནྟཀཱལཱརྠཾ ཏཾ ལཔྶྱསེ (aiōnios g166)
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ས ཨེཏསྨིན྄ ཤེཥཀཱལེ ནིཛཔུཏྲེཎཱསྨབྷྱཾ ཀཐིཏཝཱན྄། ས ཏཾ པུཏྲཾ སཪྻྭཱདྷིཀཱརིཎཾ ཀྲྀཏཝཱན྄ ཏེནཻཝ ཙ སཪྻྭཛགནྟི སྲྀཥྚཝཱན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཀིནྟུ པུཏྲམུདྡིཤྱ ཏེནོཀྟཾ, ཡཐཱ, "ཧེ ཨཱིཤྭར སདཱ སྠཱཡི ཏཝ སིཾཧཱསནཾ བྷཝེཏ྄། ཡཱཐཱརྠྱསྱ བྷཝེདྡཎྜོ རཱཛདཎྜསྟྭདཱིཡཀཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཏདྭད྄ ཨནྱགཱིཏེ྅པཱིདམུཀྟཾ, ཏྭཾ མལྐཱིཥེདཀཿ ཤྲེཎྱཱཾ ཡཱཛཀོ྅སི སདཱཏནཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨིཏྠཾ སིདྡྷཱིབྷཱུཡ ནིཛཱཛྙཱགྲཱཧིཎཱཾ སཪྻྭེཥཱམ྄ ཨནནྟཔརིཏྲཱཎསྱ ཀཱརཎསྭརཱུཔོ ྅བྷཝཏ྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨནནྟཀཱལསྠཱཡིཝིཙཱརཱཛྙཱ ཙཻཏཻཿ པུནརྦྷིཏྟིམཱུལཾ ན སྠཱཔཡནྟཿ ཁྲཱིཥྚཝིཥཡཀཾ པྲཐམོཔདེཤཾ པཤྩཱཏྐྲྀཏྱ སིདྡྷིཾ ཡཱཝད྄ ཨགྲསརཱ བྷཝཱམ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ སུཝཱཀྱཾ བྷཱཝིཀཱལསྱ ཤཀྟིཉྩཱསྭདིཏཝནྟཤྩ ཏེ བྷྲཥྚྭཱ ཡདི (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏྲཻཝཱསྨཱཀམ྄ ཨགྲསརོ ཡཱིཤུཿ པྲཝིཤྱ མལྐཱིཥེདཀཿ ཤྲེཎྱཱཾ ནིཏྱསྠཱཡཱི ཡཱཛཀོ྅བྷཝཏ྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཡཏ ཨཱིཤྭར ཨིདཾ སཱཀྵྱཾ དཏྟཝཱན྄, ཡཐཱ, "ཏྭཾ མཀླཱིཥེདཀཿ ཤྲེཎྱཱཾ ཡཱཛཀོ྅སི སདཱཏནཿ། " (aiōn g165)
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"པརམེཤ ཨིདཾ ཤེཔེ ན ཙ ཏསྨཱནྣིཝརྟྶྱཏེ། ཏྭཾ མལྐཱིཥེདཀཿ ཤྲེཎྱཱཾ ཡཱཛཀོ྅སི སདཱཏནཿ། " (aiōn g165)
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ཀིནྟྭསཱཝནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ ཏིཥྛཏི ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏསྱ ཡཱཛཀཏྭཾ ན པརིཝརྟྟནཱིཡཾ། (aiōn g165)
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ཡཏོ ཝྱཝསྠཡཱ ཡེ མཧཱཡཱཛཀཱ ནིརཱུཔྱནྟེ ཏེ དཽརྦྦལྱཡུཀྟཱ མཱནཝཱཿ ཀིནྟུ ཝྱཝསྠཱཏཿ པརཾ ཤཔཐཡུཀྟེན ཝཱཀྱེན ཡོ མཧཱཡཱཛཀོ ནིརཱུཔིཏཿ སོ ྅ནནྟཀཱལཱརྠཾ སིདྡྷཿ པུཏྲ ཨེཝ། (aiōn g165)
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ཚཱགཱནཱཾ གོཝཏྶཱནཱཾ ཝཱ རུདྷིརམ྄ ཨནཱདཱཡ སྭཱིཡརུདྷིརམ྄ ཨཱདཱཡཻཀཀྲྀཏྭ ཨེཝ མཧཱཔཝིཏྲསྠཱནཾ པྲཝིཤྱཱནནྟཀཱལིཀཱཾ མུཀྟིཾ པྲཱཔྟཝཱན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏརྷི ཀིཾ མནྱདྷྭེ ཡཿ སདཱཏནེནཱཏྨནཱ ནིཥྐལངྐབལིམིཝ སྭམེཝེཤྭརཱཡ དཏྟཝཱན྄, ཏསྱ ཁྲཱིཥྚསྱ རུདྷིརེཎ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ མནཱཾསྱམརེཤྭརསྱ སེཝཱཡཻ ཀིཾ མྲྀཏྱུཛནཀེབྷྱཿ ཀརྨྨབྷྱོ ན པཝིཏྲཱིཀཱརིཥྱནྟེ? (aiōnios g166)
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ས ནཱུཏནནིཡམསྱ མདྷྱསྠོ྅བྷཝཏ྄ ཏསྱཱབྷིཔྲཱཡོ྅ཡཾ ཡཏ྄ པྲཐམནིཡམལངྒྷནརཱུཔཔཱཔེབྷྱོ མྲྀཏྱུནཱ མུཀྟཽ ཛཱཏཱཡཱམ྄ ཨཱཧཱུཏལོཀཱ ཨནནྟཀཱལཱིཡསམྤདཿ པྲཏིཛྙཱཕལཾ ལབྷེརན྄། (aiōnios g166)
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ཀརྟྟཝྱེ སཏི ཛགཏཿ སྲྀཥྚིཀཱལམཱརབྷྱ བཧུཝཱརཾ ཏསྱ མྲྀཏྱུབྷོག ཨཱཝཤྱཀོ྅བྷཝཏ྄; ཀིནྟྭིདཱནཱིཾ ས ཨཱཏྨོཏྶརྒེཎ པཱཔནཱཤཱརྠམ྄ ཨེཀཀྲྀཏྭོ ཛགཏཿ ཤེཥཀཱལེ པྲཙཀཱཤེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརམ྄ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ ཝཱཀྱེན ཛགནྟྱསྲྀཛྱནྟ, དྲྀཥྚཝསྟཱུནི ཙ པྲཏྱཀྵཝསྟུབྷྱོ ནོདཔདྱནྟཻཏད྄ ཝཡཾ ཝིཤྭཱསེན བུདྷྱཱམཧེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཡཱིཤུཿ ཁྲཱིཥྚཿ ཤྭོ྅དྱ སདཱ ཙ ས ཨེཝཱསྟེ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨནནྟནིཡམསྱ རུདྷིརེཎ ཝིཤིཥྚོ མཧཱན྄ མེཥཔཱལཀོ ཡེན མྲྀཏགཎམདྷྱཱཏ྄ པུནརཱནཱཡི ས ཤཱནྟིདཱཡཀ ཨཱིཤྭརོ (aiōnios g166)
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ནིཛཱབྷིམཏསཱདྷནཱཡ སཪྻྭསྨིན྄ སཏྐརྨྨཎི ཡུཥྨཱན྄ སིདྡྷཱན྄ ཀརོཏུ, ཏསྱ དྲྀཥྚཽ ཙ ཡདྱཏ྄ ཏུཥྚིཛནཀཾ ཏདེཝ ཡུཥྨཱཀཾ མདྷྱེ ཡཱིཤུནཱ ཁྲཱིཥྚེན སཱདྷཡཏུ། ཏསྨཻ མཧིམཱ སཪྻྭདཱ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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རསནཱཔི བྷཝེད྄ ཝཧྣིརདྷརྨྨརཱུཔཔིཥྚཔེ། ཨསྨདངྒེཥུ རསནཱ ཏཱདྲྀཤཾ སནྟིཥྛཏི སཱ ཀྲྀཏྶྣཾ དེཧཾ ཀལངྐཡཏི སྲྀཥྚིརཐསྱ ཙཀྲཾ པྲཛྭལཡཏི ནརཀཱནལེན ཛྭལཏི ཙ། (Geenna g1067)
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ཡསྨཱད྄ ཡཱུཡཾ ཀྵཡཎཱིཡཝཱིཪྻྱཱཏ྄ ནཧི ཀིནྟྭཀྵཡཎཱིཡཝཱིཪྻྱཱད྄ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ ཛཱིཝནདཱཡཀེན ནིཏྱསྠཱཡིནཱ ཝཱཀྱེན པུནརྫནྨ གྲྀཧཱིཏཝནྟཿ། (aiōn g165)
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ཀིནྟུ ཝཱཀྱཾ པརེཤསྱཱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཝིཏིཥྛཏེ། ཏདེཝ ཙ ཝཱཀྱཾ སུསཾཝཱདེན ཡུཥྨཱཀམ྄ ཨནྟིཀེ པྲཀཱཤིཏཾ། (aiōn g165)
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ཡོ ཝཱཀྱཾ ཀཐཡཏི ས ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ ཝཱཀྱམིཝ ཀཐཡཏུ ཡཤྩ པརམ྄ ཨུཔཀརོཏི ས ཨཱིཤྭརདཏྟསཱམརྠྱཱདིཝོཔཀརོཏུ། སཪྻྭཝིཥཡེ ཡཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚེནེཤྭརསྱ གཽརཝཾ པྲཀཱཤྱཏཱཾ ཏསྱཻཝ གཽརཝཾ པརཱཀྲམཤྩ སཪྻྭདཱ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན། (aiōn g165)
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ཀྵཎིཀདུཿཁབྷོགཱཏ྄ པརམ྄ ཨསྨབྷྱཾ ཁྲཱིཥྚེན ཡཱིཤུནཱ སྭཀཱིཡཱནནྟགཽརཝདཱནཱརྠཾ ཡོ྅སྨཱན྄ ཨཱཧཱུཏཝཱན྄ ས སཪྻྭཱནུགྲཱཧཱིཤྭརཿ སྭཡཾ ཡུཥྨཱན྄ སིདྡྷཱན྄ སྠིརཱན྄ སབལཱན྄ ནིཤྩལཱཾཤྩ ཀརོཏུ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏསྱ གཽརཝཾ པརཱཀྲམཤྩཱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཡཏོ ྅ནེན པྲཀཱརེཎཱསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷོསྟྲཱཏྲྀ ཪྻཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚསྱཱནནྟརཱཛྱསྱ པྲཝེཤེན ཡཱུཡཾ སུཀལེན ཡོཛཡིཥྱདྷྭེ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཱིཤྭརཿ ཀྲྀཏཔཱཔཱན྄ དཱུཏཱན྄ ན ཀྵམིཏྭཱ ཏིམིརཤྲྀངྑལཻཿ པཱཏཱལེ རུདྡྷྭཱ ཝིཙཱརཱརྠཾ སམརྤིཏཝཱན྄། (Tartaroō g5020)
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ཀིནྟྭསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷོསྟྲཱཏུ ཪྻཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚསྱཱནུགྲཧེ ཛྙཱནེ ཙ ཝརྡྡྷདྷྭཾ། ཏསྱ གཽརཝམ྄ ཨིདཱནཱིཾ སདཱཀཱལཉྩ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ས ཛཱིཝནསྭརཱུཔཿ པྲཀཱཤཏ ཝཡཉྩ ཏཾ དྲྀཥྚཝནྟསྟམདྷི སཱཀྵྱཾ དདྨཤྩ, ཡཤྩ པིཏུཿ སནྣིདྷཱཝཝརྟྟཏཱསྨཱཀཾ སམཱིཔེ པྲཀཱཤཏ ཙ ཏམ྄ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནསྭརཱུཔཾ ཝཡཾ ཡུཥྨཱན྄ ཛྙཱཔཡཱམཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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སཾསཱརསྟདཱིཡཱབྷིལཱཥཤྩ ཝྱཏྱེཏི ཀིནྟུ ཡ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱེཥྚཾ ཀརོཏི སོ ྅ནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ ཏིཥྛཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ས ཙ པྲཏིཛྙཡཱསྨབྷྱཾ ཡཏ྄ པྲཏིཛྙཱཏཝཱན྄ ཏད྄ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནཾ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡཿ ཀཤྩིཏ྄ སྭབྷྲཱཏརཾ དྭེཥྚི སཾ ནརགྷཱཏཱི ཀིཉྩཱནནྟཛཱིཝནཾ ནརགྷཱཏིནཿ ཀསྱཱཔྱནྟརེ ནཱཝཏིཥྛཏེ ཏད྄ ཡཱུཡཾ ཛཱནཱིཐ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏཙྩ སཱཀྵྱམིདཾ ཡད྄ ཨཱིཤྭརོ ྅སྨབྷྱམ྄ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནཾ དཏྟཝཱན྄ ཏཙྩ ཛཱིཝནཾ ཏསྱ པུཏྲེ ཝིདྱཏེ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཱིཤྭརཔུཏྲསྱ ནཱམྣི ཡུཥྨཱན྄ པྲཏྱེཏཱནི མཡཱ ལིཁིཏཱནི ཏསྱཱབྷིཔྲཱཡོ ྅ཡཾ ཡད྄ ཡཱུཡམ྄ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནཔྲཱཔྟཱ ཨིཏི ཛཱནཱིཡཱཏ ཏསྱེཤྭརཔུཏྲསྱ ནཱམྣི ཝིཤྭསེཏ ཙ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཨཔརམ྄ ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ པུཏྲ ཨཱགཏཝཱན྄ ཝཡཉྩ ཡཡཱ ཏསྱ སཏྱམཡསྱ ཛྙཱནཾ པྲཱཔྣུཡཱམསྟཱདྲྀཤཱིཾ དྷིཡམ྄ ཨསྨབྷྱཾ དཏྟཝཱན྄ ཨིཏི ཛཱནཱིམསྟསྨིན྄ སཏྱམཡེ ྅རྠཏསྟསྱ པུཏྲེ ཡཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚེ ཏིཥྛཱམཤྩ; ས ཨེཝ སཏྱམཡ ཨཱིཤྭརོ ྅ནནྟཛཱིཝནསྭརཱུཔཤྩཱསྟི། (aiōnios g166)
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སཏྱམཏཱད྄ ཡུཥྨཱསུ མམ པྲེམཱསྟི ཀེཝལཾ མམ ནཧི ཀིནྟུ སཏྱམཏཛྙཱནཱཾ སཪྻྭེཥཱམེཝ། ཡཏཿ སཏྱམཏམ྄ ཨསྨཱསུ ཏིཥྛཏྱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝཙྩཱསྨཱསུ སྠཱསྱཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཡེ ཙ སྭརྒདཱུཏཱཿ སྭཱིཡཀརྟྲྀཏྭཔདེ ན སྠིཏྭཱ སྭཝཱསསྠཱནཾ པརིཏྱཀྟཝནྟསྟཱན྄ ས མཧཱདིནསྱ ཝིཙཱརཱརྠམ྄ ཨནྡྷཀཱརམཡེ ྅དྷཿསྠཱནེ སདཱསྠཱཡིབྷི རྦནྡྷནཻརབདྷྣཱཏ྄། (aïdios g126)
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ཨཔརཾ སིདོམམ྄ ཨམོརཱ ཏནྣིཀཊསྠནགརཱཎི ཙཻཏེཥཱཾ ནིཝཱསིནསྟཏྶམརཱུཔཾ ཝྱབྷིཙཱརཾ ཀྲྀཏཝནྟོ ཝིཥམམཻཐུནསྱ ཙེཥྚཡཱ ཝིཔཐཾ གཏཝནྟཤྩ ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཏཱནྱཔི དྲྀཥྚཱནྟསྭརཱུཔཱཎི བྷཱུཏྭཱ སདཱཏནཝཧྣིནཱ དཎྜཾ བྷུཉྫཏེ། (aiōnios g166)
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སྭཀཱིཡལཛྫཱཕེཎོདྭམཀཱཿ པྲཙཎྜཱཿ སཱམུདྲཏརངྒཱཿ སདཱཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ གྷོརཏིམིརབྷཱགཱིནི བྷྲམཎཀཱརཱིཎི ནཀྵཏྲཱཎི ཙ བྷཝནྟི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཱིཤྭརསྱ པྲེམྣཱ སྭཱན྄ རཀྵཏ, ཨནནྟཛཱིཝནཱཡ ཙཱསྨཱཀཾ པྲབྷོ ཪྻཱིཤུཁྲཱིཥྚསྱ ཀྲྀཔཱཾ པྲཏཱིཀྵདྷྭཾ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཡོ ྅སྨཱཀམ྄ ཨདྭིཏཱིཡསྟྲཱཎཀརྟྟཱ སཪྻྭཛྙ ཨཱིཤྭརསྟསྱ གཽརཝཾ མཧིམཱ པརཱཀྲམཿ ཀརྟྲྀཏྭཉྩེདཱནཱིམ྄ ཨནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ བྷཱུཡཱཏ྄། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཡོ ྅སྨཱསུ པྲཱིཏཝཱན྄ སྭརུདྷིརེཎཱསྨཱན྄ སྭཔཱཔེབྷྱཿ པྲཀྵཱལིཏཝཱན྄ ཏསྱ པིཏུརཱིཤྭརསྱ ཡཱཛཀཱན྄ ཀྲྀཏྭཱསྨཱན྄ རཱཛཝརྒེ ནིཡུཀྟཝཱཾཤྩ ཏསྨིན྄ མཧིམཱ པརཱཀྲམཤྩཱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ ཝརྟྟཏཱཾ། ཨཱམེན྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཧམ྄ ཨམརསྟཐཱཔི མྲྀཏཝཱན྄ ཀིནྟུ པཤྱཱཧམ྄ ཨནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ ཛཱིཝཱམི། ཨཱམེན྄། མྲྀཏྱོཿ པརལོཀསྱ ཙ ཀུཉྫིཀཱ མམ ཧསྟགཏཱཿ། (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
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ཨིཏྠཾ ཏཻཿ པྲཱཎིབྷིསྟསྱཱནནྟཛཱིཝིནཿ སིཾཧཱསནོཔཝིཥྚསྱ ཛནསྱ པྲབྷཱཝེ གཽརཝེ དྷནྱཝཱདེ ཙ པྲཀཱིརྟྟིཏེ (aiōn g165)
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ཏེ ཙཏུཪྻིཾཤཏིཔྲཱཙཱིནཱ ཨཔི ཏསྱ སིཾཧཱསནོཔཝིཥྚསྱཱནྟིཀེ པྲཎིནཏྱ ཏམ྄ ཨནནྟཛཱིཝིནཾ པྲཎམནྟི སྭཱིཡཀིརཱིཊཱཾཤྩ སིཾཧཱསནསྱཱནྟིཀེ ནིཀྵིཔྱ ཝདནྟི, (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརཾ སྭརྒམརྟྟྱཔཱཏཱལསཱགརེཥུ ཡཱནི ཝིདྱནྟེ ཏེཥཱཾ སཪྻྭེཥཱཾ སྲྀཥྚཝསྟཱུནཱཾ ཝཱགིཡཾ མཡཱ ཤྲུཏཱ, པྲཤཾསཱཾ གཽརཝཾ ཤཽཪྻྱམ྄ ཨཱདྷིཔཏྱཾ སནཱཏནཾ། སིཾཧསནོཔཝིཥྚཤྩ མེཥཝཏྶཤྩ གཙྪཏཱཾ། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏཿ པཱཎྜུརཝརྞ ཨེཀོ ྅ཤྭོ མཡཱ དྲྀཥྚཿ, ཏདཱརོཧིཎོ ནཱམ མྲྀཏྱུརིཏི པརལོཀཤྩ ཏམ྄ ཨནུཙརཏི ཁངྒེན དུརྦྷིཀྵེཎ མཧཱམཱཪྻྱཱ ཝནྱཔཤུབྷིཤྩ ལོཀཱནཱཾ བདྷཱཡ པྲྀཐིཝྱཱཤྩཏུརྠཱཾཤསྱཱདྷིཔཏྱཾ ཏསྨཱ ཨདཱཡི། (Hadēs g86)
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ཏཐཱསྟུ དྷནྱཝཱདཤྩ ཏེཛོ ཛྙཱནཾ པྲཤཾསནཾ། ཤཽཪྻྱཾ པརཱཀྲམཤྩཱཔི ཤཀྟིཤྩ སཪྻྭམེཝ ཏཏ྄། ཝརྟྟཏཱམཱིཤྭརེ྅སྨཱཀཾ ནིཏྱཾ ནིཏྱཾ ཏཐཱསྟྭིཏི། (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏཿ པརཾ སཔྟམདཱུཏེན ཏཱུཪྻྱཱཾ ཝཱདིཏཱཡཱཾ གགནཱཏ྄ པྲྀཐིཝྱཱཾ ནིཔཏིཏ ཨེཀསྟཱརཀོ མཡཱ དྲྀཥྚཿ, ཏསྨཻ རསཱཏལཀཱུཔསྱ ཀུཉྫིཀཱདཱཡི། (Abyssos g12)
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ཏེན རསཱཏལཀཱུཔེ མུཀྟེ མཧཱགྣིཀུཎྜསྱ དྷཱུམ ཨིཝ དྷཱུམསྟསྨཱཏ྄ ཀཱུཔཱད྄ ཨུདྒཏཿ། ཏསྨཱཏ྄ ཀཱུཔདྷཱུམཱཏ྄ སཱུཪྻྱཱཀཱཤཽ ཏིམིརཱཝྲྀཏཽ། (Abyssos g12)
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ཏེཥཱཾ རཱཛཱ ཙ རསཱཏལསྱ དཱུཏསྟསྱ ནཱམ ཨིབྲཱིཡབྷཱཥཡཱ ཨབདྡོན྄ ཡཱུནཱནཱིཡབྷཱཥཡཱ ཙ ཨཔལླུཡོན྄ ཨརྠཏོ ཝིནཱཤཀ ཨིཏི། (Abyssos g12)
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ཨཔརཾ སྭརྒཱད྄ ཡསྱ རཝོ མཡཱཤྲཱཝི ས པུན རྨཱཾ སམྦྷཱཝྱཱཝདཏ྄ ཏྭཾ གཏྭཱ སམུདྲམེདིནྱོསྟིཥྛཏོ དཱུཏསྱ ཀརཱཏ྄ ཏཾ ཝིསྟཱིརྞ ཀྵུདྲགྲནྠཾ གྲྀཧཱཎ, ཏེན མཡཱ དཱུཏསམཱིཔཾ གཏྭཱ ཀཐིཏཾ གྲནྠོ ྅སཽ དཱིཡཏཱཾ། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརཾ ཏཡོཿ སཱཀྵྱེ སམཱཔྟེ སཏི རསཱཏལཱད྄ ཡེནོཏྠིཏཝྱཾ ས པཤུསྟཱབྷྱཱཾ སཧ ཡུདྡྷྭཱ ཏཽ ཛེཥྱཏི ཧནིཥྱཏི ཙ། (Abyssos g12)
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ཨནནྟརཾ སཔྟདཱུཏེན ཏཱུཪྻྱཱཾ ཝཱདིཏཱཡཱཾ སྭརྒ ཨུཙྩཻཿ སྭརཻཪྻཱགིཡཾ ཀཱིརྟྟིཏཱ, རཱཛཏྭཾ ཛགཏོ ཡདྱད྄ རཱཛྱཾ ཏདདྷུནཱབྷཝཏ྄། ཨསྨཏྤྲབྷོསྟདཱིཡཱབྷིཥིཀྟསྱ ཏཱརཀསྱ ཙ། ཏེན ཙཱནནྟཀཱལཱིཡཾ རཱཛཏྭཾ པྲཀརིཥྱཏེ༎ (aiōn g165)
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ཨནནྟརམ྄ ཨཱཀཱཤམདྷྱེནོཌྜཱིཡམཱནོ ྅པར ཨེཀོ དཱུཏོ མཡཱ དྲྀཥྚཿ སོ ྅ནནྟཀཱལཱིཡཾ སུསཾཝཱདཾ དྷཱརཡཏི ས ཙ སུསཾཝཱདཿ སཪྻྭཛཱཏཱིཡཱན྄ སཪྻྭཝཾཤཱིཡཱན྄ སཪྻྭབྷཱཥཱཝཱདིནཿ སཪྻྭདེཤཱིཡཱཾཤྩ པྲྀཐིཝཱིནིཝཱསིནཿ པྲཏི ཏེན གྷོཥིཏཝྱཿ། (aiōnios g166)
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ཏེཥཱཾ ཡཱཏནཱཡཱ དྷཱུམོ ྅ནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ ཨུདྒམིཥྱཏི ཡེ ཙ པཤུཾ ཏསྱ པྲཏིམཱཉྩ པཱུཛཡནྟི ཏསྱ ནཱམྣོ ྅ངྐཾ ཝཱ གྲྀཧླནྟི ཏེ དིཝཱནིཤཾ ཀཉྩན ཝིརཱམཾ ན པྲཱཔྶྱནྟི། (aiōn g165)
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ཨཔརཾ ཙཏུརྞཱཾ པྲཱཎིནཱམ྄ ཨེཀསྟེབྷྱཿ སཔྟདཱུཏེབྷྱཿ སཔྟསུཝརྞཀཾསཱན྄ ཨདདཱཏ྄། (aiōn g165)
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ཏྭཡཱ དྲྀཥྚོ ྅སཽ པཤུརཱསཱིཏ྄ ནེདཱནཱིཾ ཝརྟྟཏེ ཀིནྟུ རསཱཏལཱཏ྄ ཏེནོདེཏཝྱཾ ཝིནཱཤཤྩ གནྟཝྱཿ། ཏཏོ ཡེཥཱཾ ནཱམཱནི ཛགཏཿ སྲྀཥྚིཀཱལམ྄ ཨཱརབྷྱ ཛཱིཝནཔུསྟཀེ ལིཁིཏཱནི ན ཝིདྱནྟེ ཏེ པྲྀཐིཝཱིནིཝཱསིནོ བྷཱུཏམ྄ ཨཝརྟྟམཱནམུཔསྠཱསྱནྟཉྩ ཏཾ པཤུཾ དྲྀཥྚྭཱཤྩཪྻྱཾ མཾསྱནྟེ། (Abyssos g12)
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པུནརཔི ཏཻརིདམུཀྟཾ ཡཐཱ, བྲཱུཏ པརེཤྭརཾ དྷནྱཾ ཡནྣིཏྱཾ ནིཏྱམེཝ ཙ། ཏསྱཱ དཱཧསྱ དྷཱུམོ ྅སཽ དིཤམཱུརྡྡྷྭམུདེཥྱཏི༎ (aiōn g165)
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ཏཏཿ ས པཤུ རྡྷྲྀཏོ ཡཤྩ མིཐྱཱབྷཝིཥྱདྭཀྟཱ ཏསྱཱནྟིཀེ ཙིཏྲཀརྨྨཱཎི ཀུཪྻྭན྄ ཏཻརེཝ པཤྭངྐདྷཱརིཎསྟཏྤྲཏིམཱཔཱུཛཀཱཾཤྩ བྷྲམིཏཝཱན྄ སོ ྅པི ཏེན སཱརྡྡྷཾ དྷྲྀཏཿ། ཏཽ ཙ ཝཧྣིགནྡྷཀཛྭལིཏཧྲདེ ཛཱིཝནྟཽ ནིཀྵིཔྟཽ། (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
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ཏཏཿ པརཾ སྭརྒཱད྄ ཨཝརོཧན྄ ཨེཀོ དཱུཏོ མཡཱ དྲྀཥྚསྟསྱ ཀརེ རམཱཏལསྱ ཀུཉྫིཀཱ མཧཱཤྲྀངྑལཉྩཻཀཾ ཏིཥྛཏཿ། (Abyssos g12)
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ཨཔརཾ རསཱཏལེ ཏཾ ནིཀྵིཔྱ ཏདུཔརི དྭཱརཾ རུདྡྷྭཱ མུདྲཱངྐིཏཝཱན྄ ཡསྨཱཏ྄ ཏད྄ ཝརྵསཧསྲཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ སམྤཱུརྞཾ ན བྷཝེཏ྄ ཏཱཝད྄ བྷིནྣཛཱཏཱིཡཱསྟེན པུན རྣ བྷྲམིཏཝྱཱཿ། ཏཏཿ པརམ྄ ཨལྤཀཱལཱརྠཾ ཏསྱ མོཙནེན བྷཝིཏཝྱཾ། (Abyssos g12)
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ཏེཥཱཾ བྷྲམཡིཏཱ ཙ ཤཡཏཱནོ ཝཧྣིགནྡྷཀཡོ རྷྲདེ ྅རྠཏཿ པཤུ རྨིཐྱཱབྷཝིཥྱདྭཱདཱི ཙ ཡཏྲ ཏིཥྛཏསྟཏྲཻཝ ནིཀྵིཔྟཿ, ཏཏྲཱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝཏ྄ ཏེ དིཝཱནིཤཾ ཡཱཏནཱཾ བྷོཀྵྱནྟེ། (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
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ཏདཱནཱིཾ སམུདྲེཎ སྭཱནྟརསྠཱ མྲྀཏཛནཱཿ སམརྤིཏཱཿ, མྲྀཏྱུཔརལོཀཱབྷྱཱམཔི སྭཱནྟརསྠཱ མྲྀཏཛནཱཿ སརྨིཔཏཱཿ, ཏེཥཱཉྩཻཀཻཀསྱ སྭཀྲིཡཱནུཡཱཡཱི ཝིཙཱརཿ ཀྲྀཏཿ། (Hadēs g86)
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ཨཔརཾ མྲྀཏྱུཔརལོཀཽ ཝཧྣིཧྲདེ ནིཀྵིཔྟཽ, ཨེཥ ཨེཝ དྭིཏཱིཡོ མྲྀཏྱུཿ། (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
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ཡསྱ ཀསྱཙིཏ྄ ནཱམ ཛཱིཝནཔུསྟཀེ ལིཁིཏཾ ནཱཝིདྱཏ ས ཨེཝ ཏསྨིན྄ ཝཧྣིཧྲདེ ནྱཀྵིཔྱཏ། (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
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ཀིནྟུ བྷཱིཏཱནཱམ྄ ཨཝིཤྭཱསིནཱཾ གྷྲྀཎྱཱནཱཾ ནརཧནྟྲྀཎཱཾ ཝེཤྱཱགཱམིནཱཾ མོཧཀཱནཱཾ དེཝཔཱུཛཀཱནཱཾ སཪྻྭེཥཱམ྄ ཨནྲྀཏཝཱདིནཱཉྩཱཾཤོ ཝཧྣིགནྡྷཀཛྭལིཏཧྲདེ བྷཝིཥྱཏི, ཨེཥ ཨེཝ དྭིཏཱིཡོ མྲྀཏྱུཿ། (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
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ཏདཱནཱིཾ རཱཏྲིཿ པུན རྣ བྷཝིཥྱཏི ཡཏཿ པྲབྷུཿ པརམེཤྭརསྟཱན྄ དཱིཔཡིཥྱཏི ཏེ ཙཱནནྟཀཱལཾ ཡཱཝད྄ རཱཛཏྭཾ ཀརིཥྱནྟེ། (aiōn g165)
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Questioned verse translations do not contain Aionian Glossary words, but may wrongly imply eternal or Hell
ཨིམེ ནིརྫལཱནི པྲསྲཝཎཱནི པྲཙཎྜཝཱཡུནཱ ཙཱལིཏཱ མེགྷཱཤྩ ཏེཥཱཾ ཀྲྀཏེ ནིཏྱསྠཱཡཱི གྷོརཏརཱནྡྷཀཱརཿ སཉྩིཏོ ྅སྟི། (questioned)

STI > Aionian Verses: 200, Questioned: 1
EXB > Aionian Verses: 64