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1 ibrAhImaH santAnO dAyUd tasya santAnO yIzukhrISTastasya pUrvvapuruSavaMzazrENI|
A record of the genealogy of Yeshua Meshikha, the son of Dawid, the son of Avraham.
2 ibrAhImaH putra ishAk tasya putrO yAkUb tasya putrO yihUdAstasya bhrAtarazca|
Avraham was the father of Iskhaq, and Iskhaq the father of Yaquv, and Yaquv the father of Yehudah and his brothers,
3 tasmAd yihUdAtastAmarO garbhE pErassErahau jajnjAtE, tasya pErasaH putrO hiSrON tasya putrO 'rAm|
and Yehudah was the father of Partz and Zarakh by Taymar, and Partz was the father of Khesrun, and Khesrun the father of Aram,
4 tasya putrO 'mmInAdab tasya putrO nahazOn tasya putraH salmOn|
and Aram the father of Aminadav, and Aminadav the father of Nakhshun, and Nakhshun the father of Salmun,
5 tasmAd rAhabO garbhE bOyam jajnjE, tasmAd rUtO garbhE ObEd jajnjE, tasya putrO yizayaH|
and Salmun the father of Baaz by Rakhav, and Baaz was the father of Euvid by Reuth, and Euvid was the father of Ishai,
6 tasya putrO dAyUd rAjaH tasmAd mRtOriyasya jAyAyAM sulEmAn jajnjE|
and Ishai the father of Dawid the king. And Dawid was the father of Shelemun by her who had been the wife of Auriya;
7 tasya putrO rihabiyAm, tasya putrO'biyaH, tasya putra AsA: |
and Shelemun was the father of Rekhavam, and Rekhavam the father of Aviya, and Aviya the father of Aysa;
8 tasya sutO yihOzAphaT tasya sutO yihOrAma tasya suta uSiyaH|
and Aysa the father of Yahushaphat, and Yahushaphat the father of Yuram, and Yuram the father of Euziya,
9 tasya sutO yOtham tasya suta Aham tasya sutO hiSkiyaH|
and Euziya the father of Yutham, and Yutham the father of Akhaz, and Akhaz the father of Khizaqiya;
10 tasya sutO minaziH, tasya suta AmOn tasya sutO yOziyaH|
and Khizaqiya the father of Menashe, and Menashe the father of Ahmun, and Ahmun the father of Yushiya,
11 bAbilnagarE pravasanAt pUrvvaM sa yOziyO yikhaniyaM tasya bhrAtRMzca janayAmAsa|
and Yushiya the father of Yukanya and his brothers, at the time of the exile to Babylon.
12 tatO bAbili pravasanakAlE yikhaniyaH zaltIyElaM janayAmAsa, tasya sutaH sirubbAvil|
And after the exile to Babylon, Yukanya was the father of Shelatheil, and Shelatheil the father of Zurbabel,
13 tasya sutO 'bOhud tasya suta ilIyAkIm tasya sutO'sOr|
and Zurbabel the father of Aviud, and Aviud the father of Eliyaqim, and Eliyaqim the father of Ahzur,
14 asOraH sutaH sAdOk tasya suta AkhIm tasya suta ilIhUd|
and Ahzur the father of Zaduq, and Zaduq the father of Akin, and Akin the father of Eliyud,
15 tasya suta iliyAsar tasya sutO mattan|
and Eliyud the father of Eliazar, and Eliazar the father of Mathan, and Mathan the father of Yaquv,
16 tasya sutO yAkUb tasya sutO yUSaph tasya jAyA mariyam; tasya garbhE yIzurajani, tamEva khrISTam (arthAd abhiSiktaM) vadanti|
and Yaquv the father of Yauseph, the husband of Maryam, from whom was born Yeshua, who is called the Meshikha.
17 ittham ibrAhImO dAyUdaM yAvat sAkalyEna caturdazapuruSAH; A dAyUdaH kAlAd bAbili pravasanakAlaM yAvat caturdazapuruSA bhavanti| bAbili pravAsanakAlAt khrISTasya kAlaM yAvat caturdazapuruSA bhavanti|
So all the generations from Avraham to Dawid are fourteen generations; and from Dawid to the exile to Babylon fourteen generations; and from the exile to Babylon to the Meshikha, fourteen generations.
18 yIzukhrISTasya janma kaththatE| mariyam nAmikA kanyA yUSaphE vAgdattAsIt, tadA tayOH saggamAt prAk sA kanyA pavitrENAtmanA garbhavatI babhUva|
Now the birth of Yeshua Meshikha happened like this. His mother Maryam had been engaged to Yauseph, and before they came together, she was found to be with child from the Rukha d'Qudsha.
19 tatra tasyAH pati ryUSaph saujanyAt tasyAH kalaggaM prakAzayitum anicchan gOpanEnE tAM pArityaktuM manazcakrE|
And Yauseph, her husband, being a righteous man, and not willing to make her a public example, intended to put her away secretly.
20 sa tathaiva bhAvayati, tadAnIM paramEzvarasya dUtaH svapnE taM darzanaM dattvA vyAjahAra, hE dAyUdaH santAna yUSaph tvaM nijAM jAyAM mariyamam AdAtuM mA bhaiSIH|
But when he thought about these things, look, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Yauseph, son of Dawid, do not be afraid to take to yourself Maryam, your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Rukha d'Qudsha.
21 yatastasyA garbhaH pavitrAdAtmanO'bhavat, sA ca putraM prasaviSyatE, tadA tvaM tasya nAma yIzum (arthAt trAtAraM) karISyasE, yasmAt sa nijamanujAn tESAM kaluSEbhya uddhariSyati|
And she will bring forth a son, and you are to name him Yeshua, for he will save his people from their sins."
22 itthaM sati, pazya garbhavatI kanyA tanayaM prasaviSyatE| immAnUyEl tadIyanjca nAmadhEyaM bhaviSyati|| immAnUyEl asmAkaM saggIzvaraityarthaH|
Now all this has happened, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,
23 iti yad vacanaM purvvaM bhaviSyadvaktrA IzvaraH kathAyAmAsa, tat tadAnIM siddhamabhavat|
"Look, the virgin will conceive and bear a son, and they will call his name Amanuil;" which is translated, "God with us."
24 anantaraM yUSaph nidrAtO jAgarita utthAya paramEzvarIyadUtasya nidEzAnusArENa nijAM jAyAM jagrAha,
And Yauseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took his wife to himself;
25 kintu yAvat sA nijaM prathamasutaM a suSuvE, tAvat tAM nOpAgacchat, tataH sutasya nAma yIzuM cakrE|
and had no marital relations with her until she had brought forth a son; and he named him Yeshua.

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